

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The voice of his phone sounded. Five more minutes had passed as he’d stood there waiting. Normally this was not something he did alone, as it was not really possible to do this alone. One of the employees had promised him she would help him, after she’d taken care of a few things. This ended with Míngzé waiting for her return, which she never did. It was frustrating, really.

Rather than waiting idly like a fool, Míngzé took it upon himself to go through the shop. He completely disregarded every bright color. According to him, those colors simply didn't suit him at all. It was rather impossible to find anything like this, but he could pretend. Gentlyhis fingers trailed over the clothes, trying to find something of which he liked the texture.

Míngzé ended up somewhere in the back of the store where a mannequin had drawn his attention. As far as he could see —which was barely anything— the colors were dark. He grabbed the sleeve between his fingers. It was some kind of hoodie and the texture was rather soft to the touch. His hand trailed from the arm to the front and over the chest to know if there were any buttons or a zipper.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
Wúyǐng harboured a profound aversion to shopping for clothes. Fashion sense was a foreign concept to him, and he'd cherished the days when Mi-do took the reins, her selections always spot-on. Despite the jests from his peers about his readiness to heed a petite girl's advice, Wúyǐng shrugged off their laughter. Mi-do had an impeccable taste that made him look effortlessly chic— why question a winning formula?

Now, bereft of his muse, Wúyǐng found himself adrift in a sea of indistinguishable hoodies, each one blurring into the next. He wrinkled his nose in distaste, the idea of resorting to ‘eeny, meeny, miny, moe’ to make his selection tempting him. Lost in this contemplation, he was startled by the sudden warmth of a hand on his arm.

Turning just his head, he encountered the gaze of a strikingly attractive man who was now delicately examining the fabric of his hoodie. The gesture was intimate, unexpected. Wúyǐng's eyes narrowed, a mix of curiosity and intrigue flashing through him as the stranger's fingers daringly ventured to caress his chest. Surrendering to the bold touch for a fleeting moment, Wúyǐng then seized the man's wrist, anchoring his hand firmly against his chest.

If undressing me is your wish, all you have to do is ask,” he murmured, a playful yet seductive grin dancing on his lips, his voice a sultry whisper.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The fabric was nice, which was all that really mattered to him. Comfort above all else, which was evident in all the clothes he chose to wear. Their colors were always rather plain and uninteresting. Even now he was dressed in simple dark blue jeans with a black long sleeve shirt and jacket. A new hoodie was always good to have, especially after he gave Lucina some of his clothes.

Míngzé was about to inspect the hoodie further, when fingers closed around his wrist. His first reaction was to pull away, which did not work as planned. A not very manly sound escaped his throat as his hand was pulled towards the mannequin. His eyes were wide open from surprise. He lost his grip around his cane, but the cord around his wrist prevented it from falling to the ground. Míngzé placed his other hand against the shoulder of this mannequin.

Only it was no mannequin at all.

A voice sounded in his ears, something Míngzé had not expected. He desperately wanted to take a step back, but couldn’t. “I— eh— I—” he stumbled very intelligently over his words. Fuck. What the fuck did you do in a situation like this? Was it even real? “Oh my god I’m so— wait that— that’s not—” Only now he realized what the ‘mannequin’ had said and with everything that happened before he could feel his face heating up, mostly out of shame.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
Wúyǐng observed the man before him, a mix of amusement and a twinge of guilt weaving through his consciousness. The man's feeble attempts to reclaim his arm were futile against Wúyǐng's superior strength, his scrawny limb trapped in a gentle yet unyielding grip. The avoidance in the man's gaze, coupled with his reliance on a cane, painted a picture that Wúyǐng couldn't ignore. For a fleeting moment, he teetered on the edge of remorse for cornering someone so clearly at a disadvantage.

The man's words faltered, a tangled mess of syllables that failed to form a coherent thought, only serving to widen Wúyǐng's smirk. “Sorry, I’m afraid I didn’t catch that,” he said, his tone dripping with feigned concern. His grip on the man's wrist remained firm.

Can you repeat that?” Wúyǐng asked, the question hanging between them like a challenge.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

All that was on his mind was to get away from here, something impossible as his wrist was firmly locked in place. Míngzé was too aware of the other’s hand. Now that he no longer needed the support he pulled back his other hand and took a step back. Part of him hoped it would be enough for this stranger to let him go, but that is not what happened.

Míngzé could almost hear his heart beating like crazy, trying to escape his chest, much like he wanted to escape. A fleeting smile that did not reach his eyes crossed his face. “What I meant is— I’m sorry, alright?” Again there was that awkward smile as the words quickly left his lips. What a mess.

His free hand moved to the stranger’s hand with which he held his wrist. From what he’d felt earlier —which was still a total accident— the other did not lack anything in the muscle department. “I thought you were a mannequin, which is very stupid of me,” Míngzé said, punctuated by a nervous chuckle. Explaining this to the stranger caused his face to heat up further. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
Wúyǐng's gaze lingered on the man before him, dissecting his every move with a meticulous eye. The man's complexion was a telltale blend of embarrassment and alarm, his smile forced, laughter tinged with unease, as he offered a clumsy apology for mistaking Wúyǐng for a mere mannequin. Such a comparison was not only absurd but also slightly offensive. Wúyǐng, reduced to an inanimate object? The thought was laughable.

With a deliberate lean forward, Wúyǐng maintained his grip on the man's wrist, an unspoken assertion of control even as the man attempted to assert some of his own by placing his hand atop Wúyǐng's. “You thought me a doll? I can’t decide if I'm insulted or merely intrigued,” Wúyǐng mused, his voice laced with an amused curiosity. The edge of a smirk played at his lips as he added, “It's alright. Go ahead, feel for yourself.

Then, with a chuckle that seemed to carry both amusement and a hint of bemusement at the bizarre encounter, Wúyǐng released the other’s hand.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The initial shock was slowly ebbing away, yet that did not make any of this less awkward. His hand was still stuck for whatever reason. For a moment the idea slipped through his mind that it was because he’d maybe angered the other, but that did not fit the tone in his voice at all.

Míngzé noticed how the stranger came closer and he fought the instinct to lean back. “I can assure you I meant no disrespect at all,” Míngzé explained, trying to keep his voice to remain calm. Which was a challenge, given the situation. To the best of his abilities he tried to keep eye contact.

What came next caught him by complete surprise, no matter the fact that the other started with something similar. The moment his hand got released, Míngzé took a stumbling pace back. “Excuse me?” he asked, his voice carrying an edge with it. Now that he was over the initial scare of it all, he fully realized what the other said. “Whatever you do, keep dreaming.” Míngzé gave him another quick smile that once again did not reach his eyes. It did not sound like the other had any ill intentions and was only jesting at the situation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
The man's dismissive words were met with Wúyǐng's undaunted spirit, his response a blend of amusement and defiance. A sly, confident smirk played across his lips as he retorted, “I’m not the one touching strangers, sweetheart.” Far from being desperate, he was secure in the knowledge that his own ventures in Cerynia had been both fortunate and free from desperation. The city had treated him well, sparing him from the plight of seeking desperate connections.

With an eye roll that conveyed his indifference to the man's words, Wúyǐng shifted his attention back to the task at hand. He casually took a hoodie from the assortment he had been perusing, the fabric slipping through his fingers with ease. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the garment towards the man, his voice laced with a playful taunt, “Is this what you were after?

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé still could not phantom how this even happened. Worst part of all, out of everyone, this had to happen with some asshole. He could not help but roll his eyes at his next comment. “Don’t flatter yourself too much.” It was an accident, a very awkward one, but nothing more. “It was an accident, nothing more.” And if he’d known this guy would be acting like this, he would’ve made a run for it instantly.

When he heard the man move and saw his silhouette do the same, Míngzé thought it was over. He turned to leave, only for something to hit him against his chest, one sleeve tossed over his hand. Quickly he reached for it with his free hand, cradling it against his chest. It was a hoodie. Míngzé felt the fabric between his fingers and while it was just a normal hoodie, he huffed. “No, it’s not.” With those words he tossed it back in the direction he thought the stranger was standing. Sometimes, he was too stubborn for his own good.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
Wúyǐng tossed the hoodie towards the man, questioning if it was the item he'd been searching for. The response was a swift denial, the hoodie flung back in Wúyǐng's direction. With minimal effort, Wúyǐng caught it, a curious tilt to his eyebrow as he leaned forward.

So, if it’s not this hoodie you wanted, what had you touching me so intently?” His voice was laced with intrigue as he closed the gap between them. “It’s clear you weren’t shopping for jeans. Or have you had a change of heart?” The smile that played on his lips suggested amusement, hinting at the more compromising scenario the man might have found himself in.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The best thing Míngzé could do right now, was walk away from this whole situation, push it to the back of his mind, and pretend it never happened. Don’t think about it, don’t talk about it and then it would eventually leave his mind forever. Until he set foot in a store again and then it would all come back.

“Unless it’s the exact same one you are wearing now, it’s not what I was looking for.” No matter what had happened after, Míngzé had liked the fabric. Perhaps it had been not that different at all, but he simply did not want or need this man’s help. So whatever he gave him, would not be good enough.

Míngzé rolled his eyes at the inquiry about jeans. “Rest assured, that’s not going to happen.” As he noticed the other had taken a step forward, he took one back. “Tell me, what is it you are trying to accomplish here?” Míngzé asked, tilting a brow.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
The moment the other stated that the hoodie Wúyǐng was wearing was the one he wanted, Wúyǐng couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

At the inquiry regarding Wúyǐng's intentions, he couldn’t resist the opportunity to inject a dose of flirtatious banter into the conversation. “Well, I was aiming for you to touch me again, to be honest,” he admitted with a sly, flirtatious undertone, effortlessly blending sincerity with seduction.

But if it’s my hoodie you’re after…” he trailed off, seamlessly transitioning into action by peeling the hoodie off in one fluid motion and tossing it towards the other man with deliberate nonchalance. “Consider it yours,” he finished.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé did not know what he expected to get for an answer, but this probably came close. The other retained the same tone of voice, the flirtatious hint unmistakable. He must confess that this man was a smooth talker and he came across as perhaps even overly confident. A huff escaped his lips. “If that’s what you’re after, you’re chasing the impossible dream. It happened once, sure not gonna happen a second time.” There was a quick smile, one that did not quite reach his eyes.

And the other was not yet ready. Míngzé tilted one eyebrow. “What no—” before he could even finish his sentence, something soft hit his chest once more. Automatically he grabbed whatever it was, keeping it from falling to the ground. Míngzé was flabbergasted. This was not one of the hoodies from the store, but the one this person had been wearing. “Do you know no shame?” he breathed, his tone edged with insult but most of all he was stunned.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
The blind man's fiery retort sparked a certain appreciation within Wúyǐng. His declaration, asserting that Wúyǐng was pursuing an unattainable dream, and dismissing any possibility of a repeat encounter, was met with a scoff, a sly smirk accompanying his playful observation. “That's unfortunate. I was rather looking forward to discovering the talents of your hands,” he said, his voice carrying a flirtatious edge, suggesting a curiosity beyond mere conversation.

Wúyǐng's offering fell short of expectations, leading to an accusation of lacking shame, only amusing him further. He scoffed lightly. “Shame? An interesting concept, but hardly useful,” he countered smoothly. “After all, shame has never gotten me into bed with a handsome stranger,” he added in bold flirtation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was done being all flustered, not wanting to amuse this man any longer that way. His back straightened ever so slightly and he tried to wear a face of indifference. Which was harder than he wanted to admit as the words of the other still impacted him. His fingers curled tighter around his cane, a sign of discomfort. “A shame, really, that you will never find out.” He flashed the other a quick grin. Míngzé knew quite well how to use these hands of his.

The only right thing to do was turn around and leave. Don’t react to anything he says and everything would be over. It was as easy as that and still there he was. Míngzé tilted a questioning eyebrow and huffed at his words. He could not deny that being called handsome felt in a way good. It was why his face had a slightly healthier tone than the usual extremely pale one. “But your words have?” Míngzé wanted to think people were smarter than that, but he also knew some people were simple creatures, easily won over by pretty words. “Probably best if you try and find an easier target, you are overestimating your skills.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
The man's remark about the untapped potential of his hands drew a contemplative hum from Wúyǐng, a low sound that buzzed in his chest. “Indeed, a real pity,” he concurred with a playful lilt, “though, always leave room for the unexpected.

Noticing the blush that dusted the man's cheeks—a clear sign of the impact of his words—Wúyǐng sensed an opening. The man's challenge, suggesting Wúyǐng might find it easier to pursue someone less resistant, only fueled his interest further. Closing the gap between them with a confident step, Wúyǐng's proximity was calculated, his lean in deliberate.

Why settle for anything less when someone so captivating has caught my eye?” he posed, his voice a blend of inquiry and assertion. “I'm all ears, eager for insight. How exactly does one captivate a difficult target like yourself?

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé had no intention of giving in to the other man’s words. Not one bit. The other could try all he wanted, so far success was far out of his reach. “You're quite confident in yourself,” he remarked calmly.

Again Míngzé noticed how the other came closer, only now he resisted the urge to immediately take a step back. The clenching of his jaw however was unavoidable, just like the frown. Slightly he tapped his cane with one finger.

Now the other wanted him to simply tell him. Míngzé shook his head, not able to resist rolling his eyes. Perhaps easy targets were what the other wanted after all. “Now then, wouldn’t that make it too easy?” Slowly he shook his head. “Perhaps you’re overestimating your own skills,” Míngzé hummed thoughtfully.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
Wúyǐng's response to the observation of his confidence was smooth and untroubled, “My confidence has been nurtured by my success.

The banter escalated as the stranger mentioned that telling would make it too easy— and that perhaps, Wúyǐng was overestimating his own skills. To Wúyǐng, this confirmed the other was into it. After all, wasn’t he now challenging him to put in more effort?

Wúyǐng, ever adaptive and quick on his feet, offered a playful rebuttal, “Well, sadly I cannot win you over with my charming smile and abs,” he mused, before adding, “unless you want to try feeling me up again.” Which meant his most common weapons were rendered useless against this man.

So I wonder… whether you’d like to hear just how handsome you are, or if you’d like to hear just what I’d like to do with a man like yourself.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A charming smile, he did not doubt the man indeed had one and that it was effective on some. “Your abs were not that impressive that I want to experience them again so soon.” Míngzé tried his best to sound as unimpressed as he meant words to come across. It helped a great deal that he did not have to look this man in the eye as he spoke.

Míngzé thought he was doing well. The other’s comment did not get to him too much and he was able to throw remarks back. Even if the other managed to go a step further each time. His eyes widened momentarily. Heat quickly spread all over his face. “You—” Míngzé started but the words died out on his tongue. His fingers dug deep into the hoodie he held in his hand.

No. Míngzé glared in the direction of the other, his eyes narrowed. ”Absolutely not.” He shook his head as he partially turned away from him. “What a waste of time.” Wanting nothing to do with the man anymore, he turned to leave, which was easier said than done. His elbow bumped into something, sending an electric shock through his arm. Not that it stopped him in any way. The stranger did not even deserve a goodbye.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Wúyǐng Niè
Messages : 350
IC Posts : 278

Wúyǐng Niè
Guess you just need a closer feel to really appreciate them,” Wúyǐng shot back with a grin, his comment a playful jab at the scepticism regarding his physique. Sure, he wasn't a muscle-bound gym fanatic, but he was confident in the appeal of his toned form—enough to suggest a more... intimate exploration. With hands, or other body parts. He wasn’t picky.

The reaction to his flirtatious remark was immediate and unmistakable. The other guy's retreat was marked by a deepening blush that Wúyǐng found both amusing and oddly satisfying. It wasn't every day he got to see someone turn fifty shades of flustered at a proposition. Yet, as the guy clumsily made his exit, bumping into things in his haste, Wúyǐng couldn't help but let out a low, entertained chuckle.

No shame in admitting what you want,” Wúyǐng called out after him, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and a touch of challenge. The sight of the guy literally running off with his hoodie was the cherry on top of an already memorable encounter. Shrugging off the loss of his garment, Wúyǐng realised he’d have to buy one more hoodie.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ying, Cāngyíng-jūn
Age: 29
Birthday: 01 / 03
Occupation: 'computers'
Sexuality: Bisexual
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