

2 posters
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
Djodie stood outside the door for minutes. Contemplating if she should do this.
A small bag with all the gifts the woman had given her was neatly wrapped inside her purse. With the chain from the woman's clothing, and whatever not she had left at Djodie's place.
The question was - was she really going to leave that bag here and walk out, or would she cower and melt in front of Kaye. As she had done many times before.

She had to admit that she did went a little overboard. The redhead was dressed in a fiery red dress, a black coat and black high heels. Altough, despite the looks, she felt like there was a rope around her
throat trying to choke her. With a final sigh, she pushed the door of the Golden Eye open to walk in. Knowing that she would catch her attention the minute she set foot inside. Her red hear was
impossible to miss.

The little redhead noticed the woman sitting in that same corner as the first time. Djodie tried to push her nerves away, ordered a cocktail at the bar and walked over to Kaye.
She was about half an hour late.
The redhead sat down across from her.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Alcohol was truly a wondrous substance. It could take the edge off during the most unforgiving of nights. Unfortunately for Kaye, it could not help her much when she found herself alone in her apartment and had drifted off to sleep without taking her pills. Images she’d rather forget had flashed behind her eyes for the entire night, until she had woken up sweating, heart pounding and feeling like she was going to be sick.

She had thrown up shortly thereafter.

Dazed, she stood at the kitchen counter, Isolith perched on her shoulder and unseeing eyes staring at the scrambled eggs on the stove. The hangover hung over her like a heavy blanket. Smothering her as regret coursed through her. Regret. Always. Except she’d do it again the very next night.

Work now was somewhat manageable. She went out of her way to avoid Kavya, only approaching the bookkeeper if the Syndicate needed it. Walking through the boring steps of attending meetings and pretending the twin haired woman didn’t exist to her outside of it. It was an arrangement she liked plenty. When Kavya had texted her on her birthday, she had had enough. Deleting her number to buy her some time for the inevitable moment Kavya got a hold of her new number. Which meant four days at most. One or two if Kavya felt really motivated, but she’d wager that her former paramour was already occupying herself with other matters.

Kavya’s feelings were fleeting, after all, and she’d get bored of the game in no time. Running along to find her food someplace else, as Kaye did each night from then on out.

A few weeks after the incident Djodie had texted her. Not long before Kaye deleted her old number to cut off the unwanted people still in her contact list. Another three weeks later Kaye found herself seated at her usual spot in The Golden Eye. The perfect place from which she could see the entrance, the backdoor and the bar so nothing went by unnoticed. It wasn’t packed at this hour, allowing for some respite from the Syndicate members who usually hung out here in the later hours. Her gloves rested on the table so her burned hand could get some air. It had been a bitch and a half to have to work with her non dominant hand ever since her Salamanece had burned her dominant one. The back of her left hand adorned with an ugly burn scar running all the way up her arm a few centimeters under her elbow.

Thank fuck for painkillers.

Kaye had already downed one scotch by the time Djodie finally graced her with her presence. Dressed in a fiery red dress that contrasted nicely with her hair. She had come. Of course she had. Kaye lit a cigarette as Djodie approached, the strong tobacco encompassing her before her eyes met the familiar blue ones of Djodie. ”I thought I had scared you away for good, but here you are.” she observed cooly. Holding the cigarette between her non injured fingers. “Why?” she asked slowly, cold eyes resting on the redhead in front of her. A whiff of her flowery perfume breaking through the heavy cloud of cigarette smoke that hung above and around them, surrounding them like rats in a trap. Reminding her of those nights they had spent together. Hmm .. delicious.

Outfit inspi (maar de blouse is wit met opgerolde mouwen)

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
She was melting already. Djodie could have just saved herself the trouble of collecting all the little gifts and whatnot that Kaye had given her - did Djodie really think she was strong enough to just hand it back over to Kaye? To end it all and walk away?
Who was she fooling besides herself?

As she sat down across from the woman, Djodie's eyes glazed over Kaye's body, as her gaze was rested on the burn on the woman's left hand. What had happened to her? Djodie furrowed her brows shortly before looking back to the woman's eyes.
'I thought I had scared you away for good, but here you are.' Djodie inhaled slowly as she casted her eyes down. 'Why?' The redhead took a moment to collect her thoughts.

"Would you have preferred I had not come?" Djodie said quietly, her eyes glazing back up to Kaye's face. She exhaled.
"You texted me to come. So I came." Djodie leaned back against the backrest of the booth as she took a sip from her drink, her eyes set on Kaye's, yet there was a small voice in the back of her head, scared of getting yelled at again. The girl felt on edge, ready to run out of this would go south.
[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The somber woman didn't respond immediately. Instead, she observed Djodie in silence, the smoke from her cigarette curling into the air. Her piercing gaze lingered on Djodie's form, briefly straying before returning to her own glass. The amber liquid within seemed to mock her, a constant reminder of the futility of their reunion.

Her eyes lifted once more, meeting Djodie's gaze squarely. Djodie's presence here, despite everything, didn't surprise her. It was almost as if Djodie were playing a role, obediently appearing at her beck and call. Like a good, little pet. "Curious," she remarked evenly, her voice betraying none of the turmoil beneath the surface. This level of callousness toward Djodie was new to her, but she felt it necessary given the circumstances. "You seemed quite convinced you were finished with me the last time we spoke."

Maintaining her composed demeanor, she awaited Djodie's response, though she doubted Djodie would escalate the situation as she had before. The memory of Djodie's unexpected slap threatened to elicit a smile, but she suppressed it. This was a serious affair. "So, what's changed? Please, enlighten me," she continued, her fingers idly toying with the rim of her scotch glass. Despite her bored tone, her interest in Djodie's explanation was anything but superficial.

Outfit inspi (maar de blouse is wit met opgerolde mouwen)

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
Fuck, shit. Djodie noticed the composed demeanot of the woman. She missed the guiding approach Kaye normally carried. It made her feel like a young animal, trying to stand for the first time. And she hated it. 'Curious,' Djodie felt herself shrinking at the woman's words, cold and lacking of ease.

Nervously, the girl picked up the glass from the table again to twist it around in her hands. She felt trapped in a glass box with Kaye just outside, unreachable for her. The box would change size, but instead of shrinking, it felt like it only grew larger. Which freaked her out even more as she lacked the calmth, the certainty of clear and set boundaries for herself to move between.

Djodie wanted a time machine to get herself back to that valentines event. She should have just walked on, forget she had seen Kaye there. It hadn't really been a fair move of hers, had it? Knowing she had been with Ying, yet lashed out at Kaye for sleeping with Kavya. It hadn't been fair. "I - I guess I wasn't really thinking straight, I... I was - I am just so afraid to lose you..." Djodie muttered, occasionally looking up at Kaye shortly, before casting her eyes down to her glass again.

'So, what's changed?' Djodie swallowed as she continued to twist the glass in her hand, her body getting smaller each second. "I - nothing changed. I was not finished - I could never be finished with you... I was just scared and I acted from that and I am truely sorry, you didn't deserve that... I should have just walked on that day and - I don't know, maybe have asked about it later if it had still bothered me. I wasn't thinking. I'm really sorry..." Djodie's voice died down, as she didn't really knew what else to say. Carefully, slowly, like a scolded dog, she looked up at Kaye with her big, bright blue eyes.

"I just missed you so bad... I am truely, really sorry for what I did..."

[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye's expression remained impassive as she listened to Djodie's apology. Observing how the girl squirmed under her gaze. She could almost feel the anxiety that radiated off her. Despite the sincerity in Djodie's words, Kaye couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal that lingered within her. Djodie's actions had angered her greatly, and she wasn't about to let her off the hook so easily.

Though an argument could be made that she might not have responded as harshly if Kavya hadn’t soured her mood to begin with.

"Djodie," Kaye's voice was cool, her tone devoid of the warmth that Djodie might have hoped for. "You should have known better than to lash out at me the way you did," Kaye continued, her voice laced with disappointment. "You let your fear control you, and in doing so, you hurt both of us."

She watched Djodie fumble with her glass, a sense of detachment settling over her. Kaye's gaze bore into Djodie's, holding her accountable for her actions. "I can't help but wonder if this apology is genuine or if it's just another attempt to manipulate me into forgiving you. After all, you've shown a pattern of selfishness and disregard for others' emotions."

There was a steely edge to Kaye's words, a silent warning that she wouldn't easily forget Djodie's transgressions. "I appreciate your apology, but forgiveness isn't something that can be given lightly, Djodie. You'll have to prove that you're worthy of it through your actions, not just your words." Kaye downed her scotch in one swift motion, the amber liquid burning a fiery path down her throat. With a sharp snap of her fingers, she summoned the nearest waiter, who hurriedly refilled her glass without a word, sensing her urgency.

The cool facade she maintained cracked slightly as she took another sip, the taste of alcohol doing little to soothe the turmoil within her. She welcomed the burning sensation, a distraction from the tumultuous emotions swirling beneath the surface.

Outfit inspi (maar de blouse is wit met opgerolde mouwen)

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
A hint of desperation, of pure panic, was claiming more and more territory inside her with every passing second. When her name came out of the woman’s mouth, Djodie’s courage dropped to the floor. No, no, please… The redhead looked up at the woman, fear unmistakably present in her eyes.
”I - I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you…” she stammered. She was caught offguard by the disappointment in Kaye’s voice, causing tears to swell up in her eyes.

Djodie trembled as Kaye’s gaze bore in hers, locking her down. ’another attempt to manipulate me -’ A tear fell down her cheek as she physically leaned back at the words. Quickly she wiped it away. ’You’ve shown a pattern of selfishness -’ Djodie swallowed as she tore her eyes away and casted her gaze down once more. Selfishness? Did she? Sure, she hadn’t made exactly the right choices upto now, but Djodie meant no harm. Surely Kaye knew that, right?
”I… was not aware that I did -” Djodie muttered, her voice growing more quiet with each word spoken.

’I appreciate your apology.’ Something in her heart lit up before it was crushed down again by the next words. Before she could answer, she shot up straight by the sharp snap of Kaye’s fingers, and a bartender came running towards them to fill Kaye’s glass. The man noticed Djodie’s empty glass, and quickly muttered if she would have another. Djodie agreed and within 5 seconds there was a new glass placed in front of her.

Djodie took a sip in an attempt to calm herself, push away the tears, the panic, before she would try and create words. ”I - I understand….” she started with a sigh, no longer able to look at the woman. ”But I will! If you still want me to prove - I mean. I will do whatever it takes to make you see!” Panic slowly gained more and more territory inside her mind.
Please, let me prove myself…”

[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
She watched as Djodie trembled under her gaze, the fear evident in her eyes. A pang of guilt tugged at Kaye's conscience, but she pushed it aside, refusing to let Djodie's emotions sway her.

"I appreciate your apology," Kaye continued, her voice betraying none of the turmoil within her. "But apologies alone won't fix what you've broken."

Taking a sip of her freshly poured drink, Kaye listened as Djodie pleaded for a chance to prove herself. She felt a flicker of doubt tug at her resolve, but she quickly brushed it aside, refusing to let Djodie's desperation sway her.

A deep sigh escaped her then, pinching the bridge of her nose as tiredness overcame her. Hesitating slightly before taking another sip of her scotch, her gaze never leaving Djodie's form. How long would she leave Djodie in the doghouse? Would she even need to? All she had wanted was a quick fuck, not look where they had ended up a few months later. She should have listened to Kavya back then. Girls like her had no idea they were part of the game, let alone the role they played in it.

Kaye downed the scotch, summoning the waiter once more and downing that one as well. Her pale blue eyes found Djodie's again and she let out a second deep sigh. Seeing the panic reflected in her eyes, audible to her ears. “Very well.” The alcohol rolled in her stomach, making her head light, the decision to go down this road suddenly felt so futile. She made a dismissive hand motion, eyes boring into her companion’s eyes. “If you truly mean it. Very well.” She repeated the words, though they felt hollow, devoid of the conviction she once possessed.

Outfit inspi (maar de blouse is wit met opgerolde mouwen)

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron

Her fear was radiating off her, sensible through the air. Djodie trembled as Kaye started talking, the woman's eyes fixed on her, but they felt cold, meaningless.

The words slowly entered Djodie's mind, but there was something inside her that had set up a wall. In an attempt to protect herself. 'I appreciate your apology,' there was a but. There was always a but. Djodie's eyes lingered to the table, trying to make sense of the turmoil in her own mind. The woman's earlier words floated through her mind, repeatedly screaming for her attention.
'You've shown a pattern of selfishness,' Djodie swallowed as she slowly detached from the present, 'if this is another attempt to manipulate me.' Absentmindedly the girl dug her nails into the palm of her hand, as the memory of the valentines event entered the party in her mind. 'I have you right where I want you to and I didn’t even have to make an effort.'


She suddenly looked up as the woman spoke words that Djodie didn't register. It flew right by her side, as she realised what had happened and, worse, what she had to do. But the sight of Kaye, tired, drowning herself in alcohol. The sort of approval she had just given. Couldn't Djodie just, ignore this? Just forget it all happened. If it meant she could have Kaye's love?

The redhead closed her eyes shortly, drew in a breath and looked at Kaye again, tears burning in her eyes. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "This - you - I can't do this. I love you - I really do - I'm sorry." With that, tears rolled over her cheeks, as she grabbed the plastic bag that contained the gifts Kaye had sent her, and placed it on the table. Then, without looking at the woman, she stood up and left.

[I want you, I need you, oh God]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
As Djodie's tearful eyes met hers, Kaye couldn't help but feel a surge of triumph course through her veins. She had won, hadn't she? Djodie's vulnerability laid bare before her, a testament to her own power. It was almost too easy, too perfect. She had Djodie right where she wanted her, at her mercy.

A smug smile played at the corners of Kaye's lips as she relished in her victory. She wanted Djodie, needed her, more than ever before. The thought of finally having her, of claiming what was rightfully hers, fueled her desire. That was what it was all about . The chase. The hunt. To the victim the spoils.

But as Kaye's mind raced with possibilities, her triumph was swiftly cut short by the sight of Djodie rising from her seat, tears streaming down her cheeks. The plastic bag containing the gifts Kaye had sent lay abandoned on the table, a stark reminder of what could have been. Kaye stared briefly at the bag as the words sunk in and her eyes shot up again, pure confusion washing over her face. That one word echoing in her mind. Love? What a disgusting word. The word reverberated in her mind like a discordant melody. Love was a weakness, a sentiment she had long ago discarded in favor of strength and power. It reminded her of a time she preferred to forget, a time when she had allowed herself to be vulnerable, only to pay the price with blood and betrayal.

Love. Something she was no longer capable of ever since she had shot a bullet through that man’s skull and watched him bleed out in front of her feet. The day she had decided that if she was going to make it she had to be strong. Stronger than everyone else. Powerful, even. Powerful enough to never be made to feel so small again as she had done then. Powerful enough to make others feel small. Such was the natural order of things.

Kaye sat, dumbfounded, unable to process what had just transpired as she watched Djodie turn her back and leave. She had expected resistance, perhaps a struggle, but Djodie's abrupt departure left her reeling. Her own power at once ripped away.

The grim reality formed slowly in silence, the reality of Djodie slipping through her fingers. The bitter taste of defeat lingering on her tongue.

Despite her best efforts to remain composed, a flicker of vulnerability flashed in Kaye's eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the void left in Djodie's absence. But she quickly pushed it aside, burying it beneath layers of stoicism and resolve. After all, in the world Kaye inhabited, vulnerability was a luxury she could ill afford.

And so she waved towards the waiter and tore her eyes away to settle on the first of many drinks she would down that night as the man poured the golden poison inside her glass.


Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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