

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It was a nice sunny day when Míngzé decided to take a walk through the park, accompanied by Dai. This was one of those days where he finally got the feeling the winter was almost over. Until it would rain again the next day. That day he decided to enjoy the sun as he took the bus towards the park. A bit of fresh eir was never a bad idea.

As always, Dai was running somewhere in front of him. By now Míngzé trusted him well enough that he would not wander off too far. With his cane in hand, he calmly walked over the path. In his other hand he held his phone. Every now and then a female voice sounded as it described what was around him. It was mostly trees, which was to be expected. Not that it mattered, simply knowing what was around him was a nice change. He actually really enjoyed it.


Míngzé stopped in his tracks and raised an eyebrow. This was the first time he had said this, which piqued his curiosity. Again he tried it. ”Unidentifiable.” He took a few steps forward towards whatever this was. There was a vague shadow, but with the trees not clear enough to guess what it was.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Echo Wolf
Messages : 63
IC Posts : 58

Echo WolfEnhanced Affinity
The fact that this day was exceptionally sunny, made it even harder for him to stay hidden. He yearned to be able to walk in the sun, soak it all up, but the humans in the park would scream and call bigger threats to his location. So, still hiding in the leafage of the trees, he kept his eyes out for anything interesting. The past few days he had been thinking about how he could be accepted in society. Or no, how he could come over as more human than he actually was right now. Maybe an oversized sweater, so that he could hide the tails around his belly. That was one of the few options he had come up with right now.

It was a robotic voice that had piqued his interest and he followed the man, where the voice was coming from, with his eyes. It seemed that the voice came out of the device that the man was holding. A phone, that was the one thing that he also needed. If he wanted to have more information, an endless supply of it on a phone was the way to get it. While he was contemplating about just stealing the one that the man was holding, he climbed down the tree. Standing against the trunk of the tree, he raised an eyebrow when the voice said ”Unidentifiable”. Confused, he let the voice speak again. The same word. ”What is it trying to identify?” He asked cautiously. If he had learned anything from his previous run in with a human, was that they did not trust him and some even thought him to be a pokémon. He had to be careful.
+ Míngzé Xǔ

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Occupation: Farm hand
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Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Ever since Mingze received the gift, he had been using it to get a better understanding about it all. It was new and needed a bit more understanding before he would be able to use its full potential. So far, it has helped him. Now it only had to become second nature and that was only possible by using it and trying it out.

This was however the first time it said this, which only confused him. So far it has been able to give him information about everything, but not about this. There was a soft frown on his forehead as he tried to imagine what it could be. Perhaps maybe a pokémon? One the device was unfamiliar with? Enough new species have been discovered that are only to be found here in Cerynia. Could that be it?

A voice sounded after his phone once more told him the same line. Míngzé’s eyes shot up and he gazed out in front of him. “Not sure,” he said with a hint of confusion in his voice. “Is there anything out of the ordinary that you can see?” Míngzé had his phone pointed towards the stranger, so it should be something close. Or perhaps it could be a bug? “It should be able to tell me what is in front of me if I point my phone at it,” he quickly explained.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Echo Wolf
Messages : 63
IC Posts : 58
Echo WolfEnhanced Affinity
It was a devious plan that popped in his head, when the man asked him if he saw something out of the ordinary. He could give himself away, wondering what the device could tell him if it would scan him properly. But on the hand, he could also make use of a very gullible looking person. A blind one, for that matter. Careful bout his surroundings, he stepped to the side. He wasn't sure how blind the man was, or that he just saw him as one blurry blob or that he was actually completely blind. The latter would be much better for him, but it was the first he could also work around that. He just had to do more work for it. "Maybe the device is outdated and doesn't recognize the tree?" He spoke to the man, hoping that with just one of his tails in front of the tree it would scan it yet again as unidentified.

He should probably feel bad, to make a plan to misuse a blind person, but strangely he did not. Society had been nothing but cruel to him since he woke up in that house, so why would he be nice to society. He stepped to the side of the man, letting his tail linger in front of the tree, while quickly glancing over the mans phone. "How does it work exactly?" He asked, slowly wrapping his other tail to the other side of the man.
+ Míngzé Xǔ

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Occupation: Farm hand
Sexuality: -
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

According to the stranger, there was nothing out of the ordinary to be seen. Only a tree. Míngzé huffed softly and shook his head. “I sure hope not, it is brand new.” Unless Vince had given him some secondhand thing he found on the streets or something. He remembered how to turn it on and off, so he gave that a chance.

There was something. Míngzé couldn't quite pinpoint what exactly it was. It was more like the feeling as if something closed in on him. He looked over his shoulder for a second, listening if there was anything that would catch his attention, but nothing. There was a frown on his head, but he tried to shake off the uncomfortable feeling. “It is easy, all you have to do is point at something, and it will tell you what it is,” Míngzé explained as he was turning the device around in his hand. “That is of course, if it works.” A small smile flashed over his lips. Maybe it was indeed some sort of software issue. Míngzé didn't have enough knowledge about that kind of thing to be certain. He lifted his phone again, pointing it once more towards the tree, but the same word sounded once more. Great, he had already broken it somehow.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Echo Wolf
Messages : 63
IC Posts : 58

Echo WolfEnhanced Affinity
If he could redirect the attention of the blind for long enough, he might be able to see if he had any money on him. Or something better that could help him in these times. He nodded only when the man explained how the device worked. His technological knowledge was not that high, he had heard bits and pieces from other people here in the park and was able to echo their words. But that was the best of his understanding. So if they lingered too long on the subject, his plan would fall through.

As he watched the man turn the device in his hand, he removed his tail from the picture. "Try again, maybe?" He spoke casually, wanting to grab the device from the others' hand to see for himself how it worked. Meanwhile his tail was slowly trying to get into the pocket of the man, maybe hoping to find something like a wallet to start the day with.
+ Míngzé Xǔ

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Nickname: -
Age: -
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Occupation: Farm hand
Sexuality: -
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

While this device was nice to have, Míngzé could do without it. He had survived this long, so it would not change much. That did not change the fact that he had taken a liking to the thing. Given more time he would’ve learned how to properly work with it and it would’ve made his life easier. Too bad it was already malfunctioning.

It seemed like it was no use at all. No matter how often he tried it, the result stayed the same. A deep sigh escaped as the stranger offered to try it once more. Míngzé doubted it would make much of a difference, but there was no harm in trying. Again he raised his phone, only now it felt like it was tumbling out of his hands. He let partially go, quickly reaching for his phone as he did not want it to fall to the ground. However, he felt the other’s hand now under his. “What do you think you’re doing?” he said with a hint of anger in his voice. Had he just tried to pull it right out of his hands? Míngzé shot the man an angry glare.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Echo Wolf
Messages : 63
IC Posts : 58
Echo WolfEnhanced Affinity
His plans got foiled, the man noticed what he was doing and instantly got an angry replay. Stepping back, he hid his tails behind his back, not wanting to cause more commotion. ”Sorry. I just wanted to take a look at the device, see if there was something I could do to fix it.” It was eerie how easily he could lie, how easily the words rolled over his tongue. He clicked with his tongue, cracked the joints of his fingers and held his hands up. ”Just wanting to help, you didn’t seem to be that sure of yourself.” He shrugged. ”All cool, if you don’t want to. But tell me, where did you get a device like that?” Hoping that a chance in conversation would let the man drop the accusation.
+ Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: -
Age: -
Birthday: -
Occupation: Farm hand
Sexuality: -
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It had caught him by surprise. The moment his phone was nearly ripped out of his hands, he was on high alert. Nothing had happened, but he gripped his phone more tightly. With slightly narrowed eyes, he gazed towards the man who apologized. A sigh rolled over his lips as he visibly relaxed a little again. “No, it’s fine, I simply did not expect it,” he explained. It was mostly that it had come completely unexpected.

Míngzé stared down at the phone in his hands and fiddled it between his fingers. There might be the possibility that he was the one doing something wrong. It would not surprise him. “Bought it at VoltByte Electronics a while ago.” The phone was a bit dated, but it still worked, which was all he needed really.

“If you want to, you can give it a go. I might be doing something wrong,” Míngzé said a bit reluctantly as he handed over his phone.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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