
Wrong day at the wrong time

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A while ago when Míngzé had gone to the Silver Kettle for tea and in the hope to find something that could help him with everything else. Later he came back to visit someone entirely different. So far neither of them knew of ways that could help him that did not involve immediate danger. Yet, the shop owner had promised she would look into it.

Míngzé decided today was as good as any day to visit her again. There was only one problem. His hand was still on the doorknob, but the door would not open. With a defeated sigh he lowered his hand again. Of course, the day he decided to come back, the shop was closed. Míngzé should’ve called beforehand. He simply assumed she would be here as it was an odd day and time to close a shop.

It didn't matter. He had nothing else to do anyway. Next time he would call before taking the bus here, to make sure this did not happen again. Míngzé let his cane lean against his shoulder before grabbing his phone. If he was here, he might as well see if there was some place he could go and grab a snack.

“Snackbar near my location,” Míngzé spoke and his phone immediately responded. Now all he had to do was find one that piqued his interest.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
He had gone out to buy some groceries as he wanted to try some of the dishes from home. He was starting to feel rather homesick and so he had collected as many ingredients that came close to what he had back home. He couldn't find everything and he hoped that with the spices he had, he could achieve the same level of spiciness.

As he walked back home he checked his phone, but there was nothing really interesting happening or no-one that seemed to have texted him, so he put it back away. The giant bird flew over him as he went on ahead and landed on top of the building where he had been staying at for the past few weeks. He looked up at the creature and slowly his gaze dropped down, only to see a man trying to open up the shop. It was closed today, so he had no success.

At first Zenji just wanted to walk past him and go to the back alley so he could back to his own place and do his thing, but as he walked by he noticed the cane and how the other spoke instructions into his phone, as if he wasn't able to type anything. It didn't take long for the tall man to put two and two together and he stopped.

"Are you here for the shop?" Zen asked quite directly as he turned towards the stranger. The other seemed rather small in stature, as if a simple gust of wind could take him out. "Or are you here for the owner?" Maybe he had a meeting or something. If that was the case, he could maybe see if Simura was home by going in the back.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Luck was not on his side that day, but it did not matter. He would grab a coffee somewhere and then he would head back home. It was not like he had anything else to do during the day, so he could not exactly call this a waste of time. If anything it was better, otherwise he might’ve stayed inside the whole day.

A voice sounded and he turned his head towards it. While he would have trouble recognizing the shop owner’s voice, he knew it was not a low male voice. “Both?” he said with a tilted eyebrow. There would be no shop without a shop owner. But that was not what they meant. “For the shop, actually,” Míngzé replied as he turned toward the person who spoke up. The question made him think that perhaps this person knew her, perhaps even worked here too. “Do you perhaps know when the shop opens?” he inquired. It would be even better if this man also worked at this shop. Although, there was the back portion of this place. It might be he was part of that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
He honestly wasn't too interested in this odd twink. Why did he keep crossing paths with people that had limitations? He could hardly remember a time where he had seen so many people like that in one place. And to see them out and about, no protection, no guidance. Really made you wonder what the government was even doing. Look at this poor man, he couldn't even tell the store was closed. Or maybe he did, after coming all this way.

The other said he was here for both, but he didn't sound quite convincing, so Zen raised a brow. Well, looked like someone that wasn't quite set on what he wanted. He must have quite the joyful persona most likely. And then he said the shop. It made the tall man frown deeper. Alright. That was it. No. If he wasn't sure and then leaned into the shop, that meant that was a no. A question followed about when it would open and he cleared his throat. "I think tomorrow at 10am or something. The opening times seem variable so I'm not sure," he said truthfully.

He waited for a few seconds, before his eyes slowly went to the back alley. A humming noise left the back of his throat. "Are you here for a tarot reading? A cleansing? Or some other sort of ritual or knowledge?" he asked quite directly. He held his tongue as the good person he was, or remained for the time being. He didn't like where this was going. Especially since it involved one of the only people that had been nice to him ever since he had gotten here.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

It was too bad the shop was closed and that he’d come all this way for nothing, but he would not let that bother him. For a moment he had hoped that perhaps this man could be of help, but if Simura was not available right now, so be it.

He hummed softly as the man gave him an opening time. “Alright thanks, let’s hope she’ll be here tomorrow then.” It was not like he had anything else to do. He could come back, but perhaps it was best to give her a call first. If he wasn't mistaken, he had visited her on this same day the last time as well. However, she had been there then. It was always possible that she had to close her doors for some reason.

Míngzé raised an eyebrow when the man was very direct with the questions that followed. They felt personal and it made him wonder why he would even ask them in the first place. “Don't take this the wrong way, but why I’m here is none of your business.” There were the things he had discussed with Simura last time and she had offered possible solutions. He did not feel the need to talk about those things with a random stranger he met on the streets.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
He was sceptical of this strange man. Why did he need to know these things about Simura? And why didn't he know when the shop was open? If he sought her out and it was something coming from both sides, both parties should be informed. But that clearly wasn't the case as this man was neither informed nor had he an appointment with the owner here. If it turned out this was some kind of creep that was stalking her he would have no problem removing him from the area. But he waited, looking down on him, hopefully he had at least a valid answer for his question.

None of his business? "Okay," Zenji said calmly, almost instantly as a reply on what he said. He straightened his back a bit, which made him look even more imposing than he already was. "Then be on your way," he didn't sound very friendly, but wasn't trying to be completely aggressive either. He didn't like this figure being here, mostly because the creep decided to play all mysterious and keep his cards close to his chest. As if Zen cared. If it came down to it he could easily knock all his teeth out. Physically, this shrimp was nothing.

The tall man kept his eyes on the dark haired man, simply to make sure he'd be on his way. Tomorrow, he would make sure he had an eye on the shop. If he even but heard a wrong sound coming from the shop in front, he wouldn't hesitate to interfere. Not because he felt a need to overprotect, but because this guy was just anything but trustworthy in his eyes. Something was just off.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
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