
Rainy night

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Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
In a desperate attempt to not get soaked, Simmy had put her backpack over her head. Hastily, she made her way down the street, the familiar sight of her door like a beacon of hope. It were these moments that made her curse her stupid prosthetic for not allowing her to go faster. She knew that if she’d try, she’d topple over right in a puddle or two. Simmy sighed, still rushing down the street. She’d been on her way back from uni when the sky suddenly broke open, showering the world in downpour. It had taken her completely by surprise, and even despite her best efforts, she and her little companion pokémon Rune were completely soaked.

Once she reached her door, Simmy fumbled with her keys. The rain had made them slick and slippery, causing her to drop it a few ties before finally securing it in the lock. With a sigh of relief, Simura entered her shop. Here, her amigou looked up from the chair he was perched in, yawning lazily before going back to sleep. “Hello to you too, Sinby,” she muttered with a sigh, before trying to shake some of the rain off her soaked clothes. At the sight of her zorua, Simura couldn’t help but laugh - she looked like a soaked cat. Gods, what a weather they’d been having. The girl shivered, and could barely wait to get into some dry clothes and enjoy a hot cup of tea.


Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The weather had been horrible that day. Rain was pouring out of the sky, drenching everything immediately. With this weather, all someone could really do was stay inside and watch some tv. Anything other than going outside. Not that Míngzé had many options. He would’ve preferred to stay inside the whole day, but he could not keep delaying this purchase. A new phone was necessary. The friendly old woman down the hall had called him a cab and they brought him straight to the front door of the shop.

All Míngzé had to do was pick up the phone. It was already paid for. With a smile and a polite thank you he accepted his package before leaving the shop again. His driver should be waiting there for him. A few steps toward the street and his cane should pick up the edge of the car, but nothing.

“Of course,” he sighed. He’d pulled his hoodie over his head, but it did little to protect him against the heavy rainfall. For a moment Míngzé stood there, contemplating on what to do next. His newest companion, a Ninetales he still had to name, sat next to him. Her silver coat was also completely drenched. “There should be a shop nearby smelling of all kinds of herbs. Can you find it?” Míngzé asked the pokémon. This was yet something else he’d been delaying for far too long.

Last time he came here, the shop had been closed, but now he was glad to find the door unlocked. Relief washed over him as soon as he was no longer standing in the rain. He removed the hoodie and rubbed the rain from his face. He was glad to be inside again. The ninetales too shook her coat, not caring how her many tails nearly hit some things in the process.

“Anyone here?” This was easier than trying to find them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
The previous days of sunlight had abruptly come to an end, it seemed. Simmy let out an exasperated sigh, grateful to be back within the comforting embrace of her home. The shop lay dormant in her absence, her amigou its sole protector. Well, and Toadstool, of course, but the Venusaur did little more than sleep on her balcony upstairs. And rightfully so.

Shedding her coat and wiping her shoes, she draped her sodden clothing over a nearby chair. Still shivering, she waddled over to her fireplace and busied herself with awakening a fire. There was central heating, but the shopkeeper much preferred the cozy heat of a crackling fire. With her hands still cold and damp from outside, it was a bit of a struggle, but in the end she'd managed to let a gentle fire flicker to life. Simura settled close, allowing the soothing heat to thaw her chilled bones, until the chime of her doorbell interrupted her.

Curious, the girl rose to her feet. The rain usually kept customers from coming. Most preferred to stay in their warm, sheltered homes on days as these. Simura couldn't blame them. "Here!" she chimed in response. It was only when he took the hood off of his head, that she recognized the figure. "Oh! It's you! You came back," the surprise was evident in her voice. After their last encounter and his noticeable skepticism, she hadn't expected him to return. "Gods look at you, you're both soaked. Let me dry your coat at the fireplace for you," she offered. He looked like a wet skitty. "How have you been?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Walking in here felt in a way like breaking some kind of rule. Sāng’s words rang in his ears, mostly his warnings, and yet here he was. The warmth of the shop was a welcoming change compared to the cold rain from outside. Standing there he felt a sliver of regret that he hadn't just stayed home. A loud noise sounded from outside, one that reminded him of thunder. It might be best to wait here for now until the weather has calmed down.

A voice rang through the store after his question, one he recognized as the one from the shop owner. Míngzé clenched his jaw. After everything his doubt has lessened. Perhaps there was more truth to this place than he initially thought. Carefully he made his way towards the counter, this time without breaking anything. “Yeah, I also passed by a while ago, but the shop was closed at that time.”

Like last time, she did not sit still and immediately offered to help. Míngzé placed his cane against a shelf before undoing himself of his coat. “Thanks, the weather is especially awful today.” And as if it was listening, the sky rumbled once more. Míngzé came closer to the fire, extending his coat while his Ninetales was sniffing on everything. A low hum rolled over his lips at her question, a frown painting his forehead. “Better, I think.” It was weird, given all the backlash, he still felt calmer than before. Which should probably even worry him even more.

Shaking the thought, Míngzé turned his attention back to Simura. “How about you? Things going alright with you and the shop?” A bit of small talk before asking some different questions.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
"Ah, sorry about that. I'm also a student, and university sometimes gets the best of me," she explained with a sheepish smile. Carefully, her guest navigated his way to the counter. Sim smiled at him, oblivious to the fact he couldn't see her facial expressions."I cleaned up a little. Your visit last time was a bit of an eye-opener when it comes to accessibility," Sim busied herself with taking his coat, but stopped in her tracks as a realization hit her. "Wait I didn't mean-... Sorry, that was an unintended but unfortunate pun," she apologized, feeling a little guilty. The last thing she intended to do was make fun of his disability.

Meanwhile, his imposing ninetales was starting to explore the place. Her own zorua had likely perched on one of the higher shelves, likely a little intimidated by a pokémon of such size. Her amigou, however, was a little braver and approached the stranger's pokémon with a playful yip. "Be gentle, Sinby," she whispered to the small creature with a sigh. Though she'd grown very fond of the new addition to her team, the strange pokémon was rather rambunctious and, consequently, destructive. A large variety of breakable good had found their ends at her paws. A little wary, Sim gave the duo a last look, before reaching for the coat that he extended to her. She winced at the cold, wet feeling of the fabric. "Ugh, tell me about it. I got soaked!" she complained as she draped his coat over an empty chair, which she moved closer to the fireplace. She inquired about how he was, but his answer told her very little.

"You... Think?" she probed carefully, not willing to overstep his boundaries, but very curious nonetheless. Something about him did seem a little different, but Simmy wasn't sure if that was just his soaked state or something else."I'm... Okay," she thought about everything that had happened since seeing him for the last time. The affinity, Sang, Viktor... It was... A lot. But she had mostly managed to find her footing again. "Thanks for asking," the smile she offered him was genuine, but there was a certain tension in the air. She was waiting for him to tell her what he came in for. After all, Sim doubted he was only here for her, unfortunately.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé waved her apology away, shaking his head as he did so. “No worries. I should’ve checked if the shop was open beforehand.” It would’ve been much worse if the weather had been as bad it was now. To his surprise, his cane barely hit anything laying on the ground, making it easier for him. An explanation soon followed, together with a reminder how things had started back then. Míngzé cleared his throat, feeling the need to apologize again. “About that—” he started but for some reason she apologized first. He cocked one eyebrow, before realizing what she’d said. “Oh, no, that’s fine, I didn’t even notice.” There was a smile on his face, although it was a bit strained. Having people apologize for this kind of thing was worse than them making jokes. As if they felt the need to be careful with what they said around him.

The moment Jiǔ noticed another pokémon, she raised her lip, showing rows of sharp teeth. A simple warning to the other pokémon that they should not come too close. Míngzé for his part, had no idea she did so. “Sinby?” he asked. It was always nice to know what pokémon were near him.

It was good to finally be rid of his soaked coat. The warmth of the fireplace also helped, but it made it harder to leave when the time came. A silence fell over him for a moment as she repeated his words. “Things are quieter,” Míngzé decided to explain. It was true, ever since this ghost affinity was gone, his mind had been calmer, more at ease. It was replaced by a certain coldness, but that he could live with.

He couldn’t help but raise a questioning eyebrow as her own answer was just as convincing as his own had been. “Okay is good.” It was not his place to pry any further. Besides, he got the idea she was the kind of person that would tell him if she wanted to talk about it.

“I was wondering if you still had any of the tea left you sold me last time.” While Míngzé was not sure if they actually worked, he did like them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
The warning snarl did little to deter her own pokémon. With a look of concern, Sim watched her amigou approach anyway, yipping happily and snapping at the ninetales' paws. At that point, Sim decided to step in. She bent down and gently lifted the amigou in her arms, who immediately tried to break free from her grasp. "Oh, this, ah! Sinby!" she exclaimed mid-sentence as the pokémon scratched her in her excitement. "One moment, sorry," she went over to the next room and put her pokémon down with a sigh, redirecting the bashful creature to her favourite toy. When she eventually returned to Ming, she was rubbing her painful underarm. "Sorry again, that's Sinby, my amigou. She's a bit.. Rambunctious still. No worries, I put her in the other room so she wouldn't bother your ninetales anymore, which is gorgeous, by the way," She dropped to her knees and extended a hand for the ninetales to sniff.

As their conversation continued, a ghost of a smile settled on her face. They were mirror each other by evading the questions, offering only vague answers. "And I guess quieter is good, too?" she tried, her voice still friendly and a little careful. It was none of her business, she knew that. This boy was barely more than a stranger to her, but she couldn't help to worry, and be a little noisy. When he inquired about her tea, she nodded happily. "Of course I do! Did you like it?" she got back up on her feet. "Did you find it helped any?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé raised a questioning eyebrow as he was asked to wait. He could hear her walking, her pokémon in her arms. “Okay?” It did not take long before she returned, this time without a pokémon. Underneath his touch he could feel his own pokémon relax. “No worries, it’s fine. Did you get her form the Harmony Festival?” He could still remember the one that had stalked him. Jiǔ stared at Simura, completely ignoring the hand that is reaching out towards her. She kept her head held high, showing only grace. “It’s best to be careful around her. She does not really like others from what I’ve gathered,” Míngzé said as a warning. So far the Ninetales had done no harm to others, but he preferred not to take any risks. “Not that she has attacked anyone, but you never know.” There were enough scars on her body to tell him she had been through a lot. Luckily most were covered by her fur.

“It is,” he said with a small smile. While he might not be out of the water yet, each day was more peaceful than they’d been in a while.

When asked if he liked the tea, he hummed. “It was very good,” he answered honestly. The taste was something he did quite like. If it helped— he did not know. “Yeah, sure,” Míngzé said only to immediately realize he did sound anything but convincing. Seeing no way to make it sound better, he cleared his throat. “I was also wondering if I could use your phone? It’s to call a taxi.” In this weather he did not want to wait for a bus, especially since the stop he needed had no shelter at all.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
She loved Sinby, she truly did, but despite her very sweet nature she was just... A little hard to handle, sometimes. The worst part was that she truly did not mean any harm, but in her excitement she often destroyed things unwillingly. Sim sighed, and nodded. "I did actually! She was a gift from someone important to me," she explained. Viktor had bought the bear for her which came with the little creature. Sinby had long destroyed the plushie to the point that it was hardly recognizable anymore, but the amigou still held onto it. "Oh, thanks for the headsup. I'll make sure Rune and Sinby leave her be, she can wonder where she likes," Simmy had always strifed to make her shop a safe space for pokémon. Though Rune and Sinby did not always understand or respect that notion, she still tried.

Simmy shifted the conversation back to him, carefully probing about the issues he had mentioned earlier. All te got out of him was a small smile, and some conformation. Sim crossed her arms and bit her lips. She wondered if it was worth pushing him further, or if she was better of just leaving him be. Gods, she really wanted to rub in that the spell jars probably had worked, though. "What wonders tea and a spelljar can do," she said with a shrug, carefully inspecting his expression as she went and retrieved the tea for him. "So, I'm assuming you no longer want to know about getting rid of an affinity..?" she had done some research for him, but it was probably for the best if he'd let go of that idea entirely.

At his question for a taxi, Sim immediately agreed. "Of course, no problem. You're always welcome to have a drink here and wait out the storm if you want, though. But otherwise, just name your address, I'll fix you one!"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé brought a smile to his lips, one that did not fully reach his eyes. “That is nice,” he said, happy that she soon continued. It was better than to dwell on other things. While Jiu had the approval of moving around the shop, she still stayed close, never going too far from his side. “Yeah, I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen.” It was not something he wanted on his consciousness. While he did not know how strong she was exactly, he did not want to find out by having her attack someone innocent.

The spell jar. “Right,” Míngzé said as a crease was forming between his eyes and a smile on his lips. “It’s still there. I kinda forgot I put it under my bed.” He had done what she had said, then left it there, things happened, and now it was still there. If it worked he did not know.

For a second his eyes widened, caught off guard by her question. As if on command the coldness inside him grew momentarily stronger. A reminder of the affinity still lurking under his skin. “I—” he started but the words did not come. His expression softened a bit as he stared at the flames dancing in front of him. Míngzé stretched his hands out towards the fire to warm his hands. “No.” What he had now was nothing more than a necessary evil. Míngzé drew a long and deep breath. “I still need it out.” No longer was it tormenting him like there was no tomorrow. No longer could he feel his own mind slipping into madness. An improvement, yes, but an affinity nonetheless.

Rain was pouring down from the sky still, above the crackling noise of the fire he could hear the drops breaking on the windows. “Let’s wait it out for a bit.” For now, something kept him here. He gave it a few seconds, letting the rain and fire draw out the silence. “What do you think of our Gods?” he could hear himself ask Simura.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
The tall, slender man still didn't seem too convinced about the magical properties of the little jar she'd made him. Sim dared playfully rolling her eyes at him, if only because she knew he wouldn't be able to see it. His disrespect for her practice was quite a bit of an annoyance, but it was alright, She knew she was right, and that was the important part. He didn't have to confirm it for her, though a little bit of gratitude certainly wouldn't hurt, either.

Sim draped herself over the couch, enjoying the cozy fire just as much as her guest was. Rune had now hurried over towards her and instantly settled on her lap, making satisfied noises as the girl stroked her. Curious, Sim inquired about his affinity. He seemed calmer, and certainly didn't press the subject quite as much as he had done before. So, to hear him say the situation hadn't changed all that much, certainly came as a surprise. Sim frowned at him. "...Oh," was all she said, thinking deeply about what she'd found online and in speaking to her friend about it. "I, erm, I did look into it for you, you know. But, and I hope I'm not probing too much, I just can't stop wondering, why do you want to get rid of it?" she asked carefully, genuinely curious to his answer. The girl sighed and twiddled with the small spoon in her cup of tea. "I have an affinity myself, you know. I get that it's sometimes... Uncomfortable, or hurtful, even, but it also a gift bestowed upon us," she let those words simmer for a while, though when he spoke again, it was Sim herself who was caught off guard.

"..Gods?" she asked, clearly a little confused. "Well, I have a whole lot of thoughts about them, but the ones I answer to are different from the ones they worship here in Cerynia," she answered. "I'm more than willing to tell you about them if you want to know, though! But, why the sudden interest in deities?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé could still feel it crawling inside him, tainting every part of his body. It felt nothing like the ghost affinity. This one was way colder and in a way felt more dangerous. If it had been anything else besides an affinity, he wouldn’t have minded.

Simura’s voice overshadowed the storm outside. As she talked, he took the chance to sit down too. The warmth radiating off the fire was comfortable and soothing. Jiu lay down at his feet from where she kept looking around, always on guard. She talked about having an affinity of her own and how it was a gift. “How did you acquire it?” Míngzé asked her instead of answering the question she asked him. This subject always felt like he was treading thin ice. It all depended on what she would say, what his response would be.

The fire in front of them served as a beacon of light. Colors of red danced before his eyes, creating an almost hypnotizing sight combined with the falling rain in the background. His question had caught her off guard, but as expected she knew more about them. Although hers were different, he still believed she knew more than him. “Who says it's a sudden interest?” Míngzé calmly countered, fully aware that he has never given the impression he was ever interested at all. “What is their tale? Is it also a battle between good and evil?” Míngzé kept his eyes on the fire as he gave her a chance to respond.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Outside, thunder must have struck somewhere. Even if the rumble that followed appeared to be far away, Sim nervously shifted in her seat. The zorua on her lap nuzzled closer, making her feel safe. She tried to focus her attention on her guest, repeatedly telling herself that the bad weather couldn't hurt her here. Not again.

Sim swallowed, calming herself by taking another sip of her tea and focussing on his question. With a sigh, she relented. "Well, it's a bit of a long story. I helped someone and allowed the ghost of a pokémon to use me as a vessel temporarily. I didn't realize it would mark me like this," she fiddled with the seam of her sleeve. "I'm not judging you, by the way. Half of the time, I don't like my affinity all that much either. But, you know, some things happen for a reason, don't they? It's still a gift... But, having said that, I'm still willing to help you. As far as I can, that is," it felt wrong to decline something gifted to you by the gods. But besides her love for the deities, Sim also firmly believed in people's agency and autonomy. It was his life; his choice. If he wanted to get rid off it, so be it. Even if it was against her personal beliefs.

To her surprise, though, he did bring up the topic of gods. Clearly curious, she stared at him, but Míngzé's gaze was fixated on the embers that danced and glowed in her hearth. Sim bit her lip, contemplating her answer.  "Well, it kind of came out of nowhere, and unfortunately my magic abilities don't let me read your mind," she said dryly, slowly starting to take a little offense to his way of demanding answers. Sim shifted in her seat and reminded herself that patience was a virtue (even if it was one she didn't always possess in equal amounts). "But to answer your question, not exactly," she followed his gaze unto the fire, the storm outside long forgotten now that he'd asked about a topic so dear to her. "The gods-, my gods are not so directly linked to a moral compass. It's not exactly the 'good' and the 'bad', it's more about balance, and believing that everything that happens, influences the world differently. They're not really... People, or pokémon. They're more like a power, sentient in a way that we can't really comprehend. Or at least that's what I believe." Sim took another sip of her tea.

“You need to know that where I come from, religion is more of a vague concept. Some people believe our gods are more like metaphors, others believe all the stories are real to a tee. But, well, generally, we believe that there are gods linked to every type of pokémon there is. These gods do not neccesarily have a… Let’s say, physical form. Sometimes they can manifest as such, or extend their powers to control certain pokémon that may represent them, like legendaries. But in general, they live in a sacred realm that kind of exists in between our own world. Each of these gods represents not only their type, but also certain aspects of the world. So, let’s say, the god of water, they rule over all water type pokémon, but also may control the sea, and is linked to emotions and the moon. So people might bring offers to certain altars, asking for safe passage over the sea.” She stopped for a while. All those gods had names, but their names were written in their ancient language, and rarely spoken out of respect. Often they were simply called ‘the god of water’.

“Certain pokémon you might consider legendary are extensions of this god. Not really their servants, more like… Users of their power. Like Suicune, or Kyogre.” her eyes drifted towards the fire once more. ”And by extension, sometimes people are blessed with a sliver of the power of these gods. Here, I believe, that’s what affinities are. In my country, that manifests in the form of witchcraft. It’s a bit more complex than just straightforward being linked to an element or type for us. As in, you don’t get power over one certain type like an affinity would, it’s more like.. You become a beacon, a way to channel the powers the gods share, and use it through spells and curses.” she shook her head and dismissed the thought, knowing he likely just wanted to hear about gods, and not her magic.  

“Again, these gods care little for good or bad, but the legendary pokémon have minds of their own. Sometimes, they try to take matters into their own hands and may start wars amongst themselves. That’s kind of the backstory of Cerynia, isn’t it? A battle between Xerneas and Yveltal,” curious, she met his gaze. “In my religion, that could be explained as that they’re both sort of… Manifestations of gods. Very powerful, and with their own agency. They likely both believed their god, or their power, type, whatever you like to call it, had more right to rule. But from what I’ve understood, they’ve both been dormant for years, haven’t they?”

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

For a second it was almost like his heart skipped a beat. Míngzé clenched his teeth as he tried not to react too much to this revelation. Of course it had to be ghost, and how she described it gave him the impression she had no choice in the matter. “That is not how I saw it.” There was a certain recognition in his voice as he knew very well what he was talking about, since he’d carried the same affinity with him for months. “Fairy might be a gift, perhaps even grass, but not ghost.”

Míngzé turned his head towards her when she offered her help. Words lay on the tip of his tongue, ready to spill the information he had. For now however, he decided against it.

During her story Míngzé remained quiet. He gave her the time to explain everything while he looked at the dancing flames. In a way they were extremely calming. When he’d initially asked her that question, he never expected to get such a detailed explanation, but there was no stopping her.

He mostly remembered how different the tales were, making him wonder if both stories could be real. There was a deep frown on his face. “It is strange how those stories differ so much,” Míngzé mused when he saw an opportunity to say something. Here in Cerynia those Gods were real. Perhaps a bit too real. “Do these entities ever talk to people?” While he had an idea what being had talked to him, it was still a possibility that it was something else. But what other being could cure a life threatening wound?

“Becoming a beacon—” Míngzé muttered, clear disgust written over his face. Putting it like that sounded like the Gods were using them for their own purposes.

She shifted her story back to Xerneas and Yveltal. “Something like that, yeah. I don’t exactly know all the details.” Until now it had never interested him in any way. The world was like this because of them, so he did not exactly like either of them. “People say Xerneas was their savior, but I don’t think it’s that easy.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Even if he was blind, it was awfully easy to read his expressions. Or, perhaps, it was precisely because he was blind. Maybe he didn't know, and Sim wondered if it'd be a kindness to point it out to him, but decided against it in the end. For now, it was cute useful to tell what the silent and seemingly bitter man was thinking. To her surprise, he admitted to having the ghost affinity as well, though something seemed... Off. "Why's that?" she prodded carefully. A frown settled on her face when she realized exactly what felt weird about it. "And why do you talk about it in past tense?"

After his response, she accepted his invitation to talk about her own religion. Or, well, more like took the invitation with both hands and sank her teeth into it too, for good measure. Patiently but passionately, she explained it to him. Getting lost in her own story as well. When she finished, her eyes sparked with joy and some kind of hope. Though she did so a little differently than most people from her country, she loved the gods very dearly, and having an opportunity to talk about them always made her happy. "Hmm, not that I know of. They don't really have a language like we do and rarely if ever communicate with us people directly, usually it's through a legendary pokémon. Or for my people, by sending signs and vision we can try to interpret with our gift," she explained, before continuing on about her witches' heritage. In other circumstances, she'd been a bit more wary to talk about it so openly, as she wasn't too eager to reveal herself as the crown Princess of Aestryske. But she was far too lost in her story to remember those reservations.

When she finished, and he repeated her words at her, Sim frowned. "Don't say it like that," she said, a little hurt at his clear disgust over her profession. "It's a gift. At least, for us it is," she reiterated, trying to calm herself. It was one of her core principles that people should be allowed to believe what they wanted to, even if it clashed with her own convictions. After all, she'd often been shunned for thinking differently about their gods by her parents, it'd make her a hypocrite if she did the same. Still, she was starting to like Míngzé less and less, not because of his ideas (she told herself), but more because of the way he said them. He just seemed a little... Rude. And mean.

Sim tried to shake it off. Perhaps he had his reasons. She opened her mouth to explain more after his last statement, but ultimately decided against it. She was starting to sense that there was something hiding below the surface with this guy. "Why not?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Should he have been more careful? Perhaps. It was too late now. One wrong word and she’d noticed. “The haunted feeling, the voices—” Míngzé clenched his jaw as he momentarily closed his eyes. Even now he could hear the words they had spoken to him, haunting him to the end of days. He would never stop proving them wrong. “The story is too long, but it was driving me mad.” Telling her would reveal too much.

So her so-called Gods were even more vague than the ones clearly living here in Cerynia. It made him wonder if there was also a higher power controlling them. A low hum escaped. He bit his tongue, holding back the words that wanted to escape. How nice of them to send cryptic messages that might easily be misinterpreted.

Míngzé kept his eyes firmly locked on the fire before them, the only thing he could see in that room. With the storm outside still running havoc, it was darker than usual. Again she called it a gift. “To me it sounds more like you're—” a lump formed instantly in his throat, one that did not want to leave him. “A tool. For them to use.” Míngzé really tried to keep his emotions in check as he spoke, but failed miserably.

He placed a hand against his chest. The cold feeling was always present. Was that what he was too? Just a tool for this Deity to use however he pleased.

A nauseating feeling settled in his abdomen, one he tried to ignore. He leaned deeper in his seat. “Is it ever?” Míngzé calmly asked back. “It’s never as easy as good or bad, right or wrong, dark or light.” While it was the dark he carried with him, he was fighting for a better and safer world.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Well, that told her next to nothing. Lost in thought, Sim regarded him. He carefully evaded all of her questions by claiming it was a 'long story'. A real easy way out, but she wouldn't pressure him... Even if she really wanted to. Truth was, she oftentimes felt haunted, too. When she was alone on her bad days, the shadows swirled and laughed, whispering in a language she couldn't quite understand. If he knew a way to...

Sim bit her lip. No. Her instincts told her that if he'd truly found a way to... Deal with his affinity, it was likely with a method she wouldn't like herself. The girl shook her head and forced herself to let it go, continuing on about her gods. Only for the dark-haired stranger to make her out for a tool. "I'm not a tool," she snapped back, a little more violently than she had intended. "Sorry, maybe I'm not doing a good job in explaining it. It's like- okay, hear me out here - like you're given a pair of glasses that allow you to see signs and visions you weren't able to see before. It's still up to you to interpret and use them how you deem right," she leaned back deeper in her chair and crossed her legs, her green gaze ever lingering on Míngzé.

Something about him was off. The way he reached for his lower half with near trembling hands, his knuckles pale from whatever emotion he felt. More and more, Sim was starting to get the feeling that he knew more than he let on. That he was interwoven in something she had yet to unravel herself. For the first time, the girl found herself wondering if someone so reluctant to acknowledge the existence of magic, might dabble in the black arts himself.

In the end, she shook her head. "No, it's not." she agreed, but the silence that lingered after was filled with unspoken questions. "But you knew that already," her hands reached for Rune again, stroking her dark fur. He'd started all this by asking about a battle between bad and good, but in the end, he appeared to have formed his own answers a long time ago. "So, why would you ask? Or- Why ask me?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A tool. He was definitely being used. No one could change his mind on that one. He was not given these ‘powers’ for his own amusement, they were gifted after sealing a deal. Míngzé knew he was doing the dirty work for some Deity, but never had he thought of it this way. Had it been the same when he still had the Ghost affinity?

There was a serious expression painted on his face. Simura was quick to counter that she was no tool and Míngzé pressed his lips into a thin line. There was no point in arguing over it. He wanted to stay quiet and let it be, but then she had to explain it some more. “Yet they can probably still show you what they want you to see.” And by choosing what exactly they show, they can make you think in a certain way. Míngzé could only be glad he did not have those visions people with the psychic ability got.

As she asked him why he came to her with it he shrugged. “Who else? I thought you knew a lot about this and I was right. You have a clear opinion and know what you are talking about. I don’t think this conversation would have gone the same if I asked a drunk man at a bar.” A small smile made its way to his lips.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Simura considered his words for a moment, pursing her lips. "I suppose so, but our gods are often very, very vague. In the end, it's still up to you to decide what you do with it," the implications of what he'd said lingered for a little while longer, though. The prophecies and powers gifted to the people of her country weren't so straight forward. Often they came in the shape of an odd rhyme, a strange discoloration of an autumn leaf, or even the formation of tea remnants at the bottle of your cup. But she'd heard about it being different in other places. Stories about Giratina, Arceus... Other entities people took for Gods, some were more... Explicit than others. Would Xerneas and Yveltal be like that, too?

When she asked him why he'd come to her, his answer was much simpler than she'd expected. Sim regarded the pale man, the reflection of the fire dancing in his strangely yellow eyes. A soft laugh rolled over her lips. "Are you sure? They have some crazy stories sometimes," She joked, a bit more lightheartedly now. "It just took me a little off guard, your questions. The last time you came here you seemed a little... Dismissive of magic and the like," for her, magic and the entire topic of Gods and affinities were closely related.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé raised his eyebrow, giving Simura a questioning look. They were vague, but he could only believe they were so for a reason. “Which only proves my point,” he said calmly. Vague visions that told you barely anything, making you create your own crazy story. There was always a hint in them if you asked him if they were even real. They were sent by those Gods, so created and formed by them as well.

The mood seemed to at least lighten up a little bit. “Crazy is not what I need,” he said with a hint of a smile. His life was already crazy enough without stories to fuel it. It was bad enough that he knew people would not believe him when he would tell them. Which was fine. He did not need them to.

A sigh rolled over his lips. “I still am, that has not changed.” If anything it has gotten worse.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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