

2 posters
Ren Itzhu
Messages : 87
IC Posts : 83
Ren ItzhuEnhanced Affinity

She was growing hungry, and thirsty. She wanted to ask someone, anyone to help her, but her instincts told her not to. The wary and sometimes straight up horrified looks she was getting due to the sharp horns at the top of her head made her decide against it. Earlier that day, she'd tried walking into a building and simply take a piece of garment labelled a scarf. When the apparent 'owner' noticed, she was scolded and told to 'pay'. That was something Ren couldn't do, and the 'cops' had nearly been called on her. Whatever those were, she had no desire in facing them. They appeared to be some kind of controlling factor, a way to enforce the rules she was still struggling to figure out. The whole encounter had made her grown even more wary and mistrusting of the people around her.

She needed to think. To make a plan of action. Ren pulled herself together, forcing herself to ignore the cold and hunger that made thinking straight difficult. Keeping to the shadows of the city, she made herself over to a quiet square with a water fountain in the middle. First, she needed to get a different outfit and something to hide the bloodred horns, then she needed to either steal or 'buy' food and water. When she'd gotten that settled, she'd have to sit and observe. Maybe it would help her figure out a way to get a reliable source for all her basic needs, and a warm place to sleep. Once she'd figured out not to die, she could focus on her main task - finding who had done this to her, and retrieve her memories.

Ren dipped her hands in the ice-cold water of the fountain, and washed the ash from her face and limbs. Though it numbed her fingers even more, she felt better than before, now that she was armed with at least somewhat of a plan.


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Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Tramp
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The weather had been fairly nice that day. Good enough that Míngzé decided to leave his apartment and go for a walk in the park. These days he rather stays at home, for an entirely different reason than before. At least when he was there, he knew exactly what was going on. For that reason he’d decided to let his Ninetales stay at home. She would be strong enough to play guarddog if necessary. Besides, she did not like going out anyway, so it was fine.

When they arrived at the park, Míngzé found a nearby bench and sat down. Dai had brought his favorite toy with him, an old tennis ball that was only a ball of plastic. The fabric around it had been chewed off completely. As he sat there on his bench, all he had to do was throw away the ball each time and Dai would bring it back in an instant.

“Will you ever get tired?” Míngzé asked when the tennis ball ended up on his lap once more. By now it felt like they’d been at this for ages, even though it probably was only a few minutes. Instead of throwing it in the same direction once more, Míngzé decided to spice it up. He threw it to the side, while Dai ran in the same direction as before. Unknowingly the ball flew towards the fountain and the person that stood there. All Míngzé could hear was the splash of water once the ball fell in it.  

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ren Itzhu
Messages : 87
IC Posts : 83
Ren ItzhuEnhanced Affinity
Slowly, rhythmically, Ren breathed in and out. Armed with some vague outlined of a plan, she felt a little calmer. Still, the prospect of having to do all this, having nothing but the clothes on her body and the picture in her pocket, it seemed... Hard, and that was an understatement.  She wouldn't let that discourage her, though, wouldn't give the world that satisfaction. She'd win in the end. For now, she just needed to survive, and not freeze, starve or dehydrate to death.

The girl cupped her hands and caught the water, drinking it with a sour face. It tasted foul, like some kind of chemicals were put in it, but at the very least it lessened her thirst. It was then that she saw something dark flicker in the water, distorted by the ripples of movement. The girl froze, feeling sick to her stomach. Ren stared at herself in the reflection, thoroughly uneasy. She didn't recognize the person that stared back at her. With hands still dripping, she reached for the horns on top of her head, and shuddered.

She'd been so caught up in the strange, horrifying sensation of not recognizing your own reflection, that she hadn't noticed someone else had come here, until something splashed right in front of her. Immediately, Ren got on her feet, her eyes scanning the place for a quick escape. It was only then that she saw the round object floating in the clear water. Curiously, the girl looked around. She saw the man sitting close on a bench and a creature that came bounding her way. Ren jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding a vicious attack... Or so she thought. The creature barked at her and put his tiny feet on the edge of the fountain, whining at the ball. Ren threw another glance at the man, but carefully reached for the ball. The creature seemed excited, but Ren wasn't sure what to do. In the end, she decided to throw the ball towards the man, just like he'd done to her. Perhaps it was a way of communicating. With a piercing gaze, she stared back at the stranger - wondering if he'd have the same reaction to her as others had had.


Character sheet
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Tramp
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The moment Míngzé heard the ball hit water, he knew Dai would refuse to get it. No surprise there as he was a fire type. Already he could hear his soft cries. Míngzé first had to grab his cane before he stood up. In the meanwhile, Dai’s cries had changed into barks of excitement. With a raised eyebrow he looked into the direction of where it came from. There was a silhouette of a person there, but that was all he could gather.

Míngzé took a step forward and it was then that something round hit his chest, leaving a wet spot on his shirt. He jumped visibly at the sudden ‘attack’. Soon after he noticed how Dai ran past him, going after his ball. His hand was against his chest and wet fabric. The person must have thrown the ball back it seems.

“Thanks,” he said with a small smile, assuming she simply had wanted to return the ball to him. “Believe it or not, but he hates water,” Míngzé added. Dai ran towards the person again, dropping the ball at their feet before starting to bark loudly. The smile disappeared from his face and an uncomfortable feeling washed over him. “Dai!” His voice was stern but that did not seem to really impress the pokémon. “Here, now.” Another command that got ignored.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ren Itzhu
Messages : 87
IC Posts : 83
Ren ItzhuEnhanced Affinity
she saw the ball hit his chest, leaving a round, wet spot. Ren frowned, as she could only imagine that would be quite an unpleasant experience. Still, like she'd guessed, the stranger replied kindly. Though she'd thought it unlikely at first, perhaps it really was a way people started conversations, as he started talking to her. At first, she wasn't quite sure as to who the 'he' the stranger was referring to, was. After all, to her knowledge, the only two people close by were she and himself. It was only then that she realized he was referring to the dog-like creature, who she had merely assumed an 'it'. Dai Hm. "No problem," she replied, creeping a little closer and into his field of vision. The strange creature came bounding back, and dropped the ball right in front of her feet again. What on earth was the purpose of this all? Was it a way of exercising? Or was this creature bothering the man? Ren was left with more questions than answered, especially when she looked back at the man and saw him stare blankly ahead.

An order sounded over the small plaza, but was ignored by the creature. Ren stared upon it. She hadn't failed to notice the sharp rows of teeth in its mouth. That might come in handy. "Do you need me to throw the ball back to you again?" she tried, keeping her voice soft and as nonthreatening as she could. She had seen his smile falter, and noticed the slight sternness in his voice. He seemed worried, and Ren guessed it was because of her appearance.

Character sheet
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Tramp
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

“Dai, one last time, here.” There was a soft growl to his own voice, caused by his rising anger. While the pokémon had yet to do something wrong, it frustrated him when they did not listen to him. It was a sign he was not in control. Another bark sounded and Míngzé clenched his jaw because Dai was still not listening.

Fetch was something everyone knew, so when the girl asked her question he couldn’t help but be slightly confused. Maybe if she would throw it, Dai would finally listen. “That is usually how it goes, yes,” Míngzé answered with a raised eyebrow. He did not realize that she was talking directly to him and not to the eagerly waiting Houndour.

Dai thought it had taken her long enough and lost his patience. Using the strength in his back legs to jump up multiple times, snapping his teeth at the ball to urge her to throw it. It is easy, human, all you have to do is throw. It was not rocket science.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ren Itzhu
Messages : 87
IC Posts : 83
Ren ItzhuEnhanced Affinity
Ah, so, this really was a common occurrence. By now, Ren had found out that people often responded like he did when they considered her question to be common knowledge. And, not surprisingly, there was a lot of common knowledge, none of which she seemed to remember. It made navigating this world and its strange rules and structures frustratingly difficult. Ren was flexible, thankfully, and a quick learner. "Ah, yes, of course," it seemed greatly uncomfortable to have round objects thrown at one, but it at this point, it didn't surprise her much anymore. People went to great lengths to conform to these strange norms and rules, even if they often seemed completely illogical.

By now, the pokémon was growing agitated. It jumped and bared its teeth, suddenly seeming a lot less friendly. From her previous encounters with some rattata and raticate, Ren had learned a thing or two. She made herself appear larger and let out a low growl, baring her teeth in order to intimidate the pokémon. When she was sure he wouldn't harm her, she bent over and grasped the ball, before making a calculated throw again. She aimed for his body, hoping to hit him in a similar spot. "Does the pokémon belong to you?" if it did, why didn't it listen?

Character sheet
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Tramp
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

What happened next was nothing Míngzé had ever experienced before. A growl sounded, but not one that sounded like it belonged to a pokémon. No, it was too human-like. Had he heard that right? Or were his ears betraying him? Dai too stopped jumping and stared at the other person. Míngzé’s brow was knitted together as he opened his mouth. “Did you just—” Again something hit his chest, a bit lower this time. He rubbed the spot where it had hit him. It was once more the tennis ball. Míngzé stood there dumbstruck. The question thrown his way flew over his head.

Dai did not care. The pokémon was happy she threw the ball away and ran towards it, using his front paws to come to a halt. He grabbed the ball between his teeth before running back to the stranger, dropping it at her feet. A bark sounded once more, urging her to throw again.

Míngzé opened his mouth, and then closed it again before repeating the same process. “Are you trying to hit me?” he heard himself say, a hint of annoyance in the tone of his voice. It was fine if it happened once, but he did not appreciate that she did it again. He might not be able to see it coming his way, but that did not give her the right to use it against him for her own amusement.

The houndour did not care, he was wagging his small tail, waiting to go after the ball once more.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ren Itzhu
Messages : 87
IC Posts : 83
Ren ItzhuEnhanced Affinity
Just like it had done before, it worked. The dog-like creature seemed a little confused to be spoken to in its own language, but ultimately did stop jumping and snapping its jaws at her. Satisfied, Ren reached for the ball and threw it again - only to be met by utter disbelief and confusion. A confusion the two of them now shared. She threw the ball like he'd asked, so why did he appear offended? With a hint of annoyance at herself, she realized it must have been the growling. She'd never seen anyone else do it, so likely that was what had troubled him. Then again, wasn't it the easiest way to communicate with these creatures? It was all too confusing.

"Yes?" she answered, feeling a little uncertain. Was it the ball, after all? Or a mixture of the two? It only left her more confused. "You told me to throw it back, I did as you asked," beneath his confusion she sensed a hint of... Anger? In any other circumstance, she'd have felt annoyed at his confusing behavior. Though, by now, Ren had learned that often the problem lay within her and her absolute lack of knowledge, not the people around her. It was a nuisance to no end. "I don't understand, do you need me to stop? Then why does the creature keep returning it?"

Character sheet
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Tramp
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Naturally Míngzé did not appreciate her behavior. It was irritating him tremendously that she once again hit him with the tennis ball. Dai did not seem to notice his frustration and simply went for the ball to bring it back to the girl. “Dai, come here,” he said in an attempt to keep the same thing form repeating itself again. Of course, his pokémon did not listen. The ball once more ended up at the girl’s feet. Míngzé only gritted his teeth.

“Yes, but not at me.” His voice was layered with irritation as he spoke. After rubbing his chest a few more times he lowered his hand. A bark sounded once more because Dai was growing impatient. Each time he brought her the ball, he had to wait too long. It did not help that she was not paying him any attention either. “Dai, just get here, now,” Míngzé snapped and for a moment it seemed to work. The pokémon turned around and took a few steps towards him, only to halt and look from the ball to the girl.

“Because he’s obsessed with playing fetch. Just stop throwing it at me, it’s not funny.” Once Dai started playing fetch, he did not want to stop.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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