
Hi guys- Welcome to my grocery haul

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Sun-Hi Seong
Messages : 46
IC Posts : 33

Sun-Hi Seong
Cold air wrapped around the bare skin of her face as she brushed past the wind on her evening walk home. She'd already forgotten what it felt like before it bothered her as much as it did ever since her affinity had been awakened. Now each tug of wind felt as though tine knives bit at her skin, even now in the upcoming spring. Though at least these days she had a favourable outlook for the next week since by the days temperatures seemed to be rising higher and higher.  It would not be long before she and Bailey could enjoy their days in the garden again, snoozing in a bright warm sun. But until then- she'd push up the colour of her pinkish coat.

Though she had planned on heading home immediately after work, she found herself unable to stop walking when coming across the tiny shop. It was still open- a plus side of living in the city where some shops seemed to just never close. And the thought of getting some snacks maybe was compelling enough to her for her to head in. Uncle would like some too she assured herself as she greeted the shopkeeper who did not seem too interested in her given the fact he did not look up from his screen. She paid it no mind, instead walking over to the isle with the goodies. Tracing her eyes over the many options in front of her until they met the stranger on the other side. " Oh good evening sir" she greeted him kindly- almost instinctively. "Late shopping as well?" 

+ Míngzé

Character sheet
Nickname: Sunny
Age: 20
Birthday: 17th of August
Occupation: Police trainee
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Where had they moved it to now? Míngzé knew it used to be in his isle, yet now he ended up with what he assumed was some bottle of perhaps shampoo. Not what he needed, unless his pokémon liked eating shampoo all of the sudden. A soft sigh escaped as he placed the bottle back. It would take ages to look for it himself, so there was only one option left and that was to find someone. Unless it was still somewhere around here.

His fingers traced alongside the items on the shelf, trying to find the pokéfood he needed. A voice sounded and a question was asked, but Míngzé did not immediately reply. Only when no answer came, did he look up. “Sorry, were you speaking to me?” It did not seem like anyone else was around. At this time of the day, most people were already at home.

“Do you by any chance know where they moved the pokémon food to? It used to be here.” As they were already in a conversation, he might as well immediately ask for the help he needed instead of searching for someone else.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Sun-Hi Seong
Messages : 46
IC Posts : 33

Sun-Hi Seong
At first, she had been frozen to the ground upon hearing his response. To whom else would she be speaking? No one else was here, was she not allowed to speak with him? It could not be, she didn't detect any tone within the words she was told. It had seemed genuine, not mean-spirited at all. A bit confused she looked at the stranger- though don't much later her understanding of him changed completely as she was his glazed-over eyes. resulting in her heart falling down a couple of stairs- god she was a terrible person was she not? For assuming the worst when in fact he was just blind.

With an attempt to swallow away the guilt that stuck to her throat, she nodded her head, a smile on her face "Oh i am sorry, yes i was" she repeated kindly. After which he asked her for help that she would in no way or shape deny ofcourse. "Oh uh- honestly this is the first time I'm in here aswell. But-" her eyes fell upon the pokemon beside her "I need to get some as well, c'mon why don't we search together" she smiled warmly, feeling the guilt fade away as her eyes remained on the man in front of her "I am guessing you are from around here then? Since it is not your first time here."

Character sheet
Nickname: Sunny
Age: 20
Birthday: 17th of August
Occupation: Police trainee
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

A short silence fell wherein Míngzé feared that perhaps she had not been talking to him at all. Which would be fine. For all he knew he was talking to nothing more than air. Míngzé held back a sigh, radjusting his grip around his cane.

The girl spoke up once more, immediately apologizing. “It’s fine,” he said as he brought a small smile to his face. If he received money every time someone apologized to him, he would not be poor right now. Softly he hummed as she told him she did not know either. Again he wanted to tell her it was fine, that he would ask someone else, but she suggested looking for it together. “Only if it is no trouble, I can always ask one of the cashiers.” Míngzé pointed towards them.

“I live a couple blocks away from here. Although I normally don’t come here too often, they have a habit of changing everything every so often.” As it seemed they would go look for this food together, he approached her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Sun-Hi Seong
Messages : 46
IC Posts : 33

Sun-Hi Seong
Though assured of it being fine, Sun-Hi could not seem to shake the slight feeling of guilt that had taken a hold of her as the two of them kept on interacting. She would've made the choice to help regardless of it though, Sun-Hi was not one to deny anyone help, it was why she had chosen the career path she had dived into. "Oh ofcourse! It's no problem at all, Ineed some aswell. And even if i didn't, i'd love to" she assured him, her voice seemingly sweetened with honey as he approached her. "Aaa i see" she nodded her head when the stranger explained his story, "Rude when they do that, why fix something that is not broken huh?"

When he had caught up to her Sun-Hi smiled again "How would you like to search together? she asked carefully, a little unsure on how to approach this exactly. The last thing she wanted was to accidentally insult him by caring too much..but she did not want to insult him by being negligent of his needs either. "Can you tell where I am headed without help?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Sunny
Age: 20
Birthday: 17th of August
Occupation: Police trainee
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

She seemed determined to help him find this food. “Alright, thanks.” He shot her a quick smile. “No idea, perhaps they think it looks better,” Míngzé sighed with a shake of his head. It was mostly only this store, others mostly kept things the same. It was the reason he preferred to go elsewhere unless he had no other choice.

These questions were none he hadn’t heard before. Míngzé did not mind them, it was better than when they tried all kinds of weird things that they thought would help. “No, it’s fine, I can follow you no problem, so lead the way,” Míngzé assured her with a small gesture. Not every stranger liked to be touched by someone they did not know, and he also did not want to touch everyone. “Just don’t take any sudden turns.”

“I think it is PokéChow and Munchlax Munchies that I need.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Sun-Hi Seong
Messages : 46
IC Posts : 33

Sun-Hi Seong
She chuckled a little at his response, a smile finding its way on her face once more "Hm i suppose yehhh- indecisive owners then" she stated with a shake of her head "Though- I can't judge them I think, I am as indecisive as they come myself. An outfit alone takes me like 30 minutes to decide on" the police trainee chuckled. When she was younger it had been way easier, people had chosen her outfits for her. One of the perks of being the future woman of the house- one of the few.

As he answered he'd be fine just following her she nodded, stepping away from him in order to look for the pokefood. "i won't i promise!" she swore with another nod of her head "My Arcanine loves Pokechow too, so we are looking for the same thing. What Pokemon do you have? I have an Arcanine named Bailey and a Cutiefly named Puffle"At hearing it's name the cute little bug buzzed whilst resting in the cap of Sun-hi's white-coloured hoodie.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sunny
Age: 20
Birthday: 17th of August
Occupation: Police trainee
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
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