
[Journey] For a better world

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Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
journey card

Seeing as this is a plot journey, no wishlist~ Mingze would like some answers though!


It was early in the afternoon when Míngzé finally took a break from cleaning. In the background he could hear his favorite tv show playing, even though he was not listening. This was something he had wanted to do for a long time, but kept putting off. He had done enough for now, and a break was most welcome. Or perhaps it had been something else.

Míngzé’s attention was drawn towards the artifact that now resided in his apartment. When close enough, there was no mistaking the dark pulse radiating off it. He had tried to keep it hidden in his bedroom, but that had been impossible. But where did one hide something? What he knew was to keep it out of sight, but what if other people could also feel its presence? It was anything but easy to find the right spot.

With the artifact in his hand, he ended up on the couch. His fingers were carefully tracing the rough edges as he was trying to decipher what it looked like. So far he came up with nothing. Sāng did not trust it and Lucina had spoken about dangerous powers. Míngzé did not doubt either of them were wrong and yet he was curious as to what it would do exactly. They had talked about affinities and the way they had worded it, made him believe there was a way to stop these affinities from causing havoc. It was what drove Míngzé to accept this idea of an alliance.

He could make a change.

Míngzé heaved a deep breath. He had promised not to put others into danger, and he meant to keep that promise. Even though the temptation was there. Before his thoughts could continue, he stood up with the idea of hiding the artifact once more.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The evening's calm in your apartment is interrupted not by sight, but by a shift in the atmosphere, a tangible change in the air that signals something beyond the ordinary. The artifact on the table before you pulses with a dark energy, its presence felt rather than seen, a thrumming power that resonates with the very core of your being. The weight of sudden drowsiness overcomes you, unnatural and insistent, dragging you down into a deep, abyss-like sleep despite your resistance.

When consciousness returns, it's not the familiar textures and sounds of your apartment that greet you but the echo of a space that feels vast, imbued with a presence that speaks of ancient power and mystery. The cool touch of what must be an ornate chair beneath you, and the smooth, solid surface of a table in front of you, suggest you are seated at a dinner setting, though no ordinary one.

The air carries a subtle, unfamiliar scent, a mixture of ancient stone and a hint of something indefinable, almost magical. The sound of a calm, steady breathing not your own breaks the silence, and a voice, clear and young yet imbued with an authority that seems to resonate with the dark energy you're now aligned with, speaks directly to you.

"Welcome, Míngzé. We've been expecting you," the voice says, its owner seated across from you, unseen but undoubtedly present. The voice carries a youthfulness tinged with an ancient wisdom, a paradox that intrigues and unsettles you simultaneously.

Though you cannot see the speaker, his presence is palpable, a force that fills the space with a power that's both foreign and familiar. This being, whose appearance remains hidden from your sight, embodies the deity with whom your destiny is now entwined.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé stopped in his tracks and for a moment simply stood there. A deep frown on his forehead. It was impossible to say what it was, but something around him has changed. He turned around a few times, trying to figure out what it was, when his attention was drawn to the Artifact once more. Instantly he gritted his teeth and curled his hands into fists. He could feel it, the dark power that resided within. Míngzé took a step back towards the couch, before sitting down. The tiredness that washed over him was nothing like he experienced before, as if he would simply fall over if he did not sit down quick enough. It did not take long at all before sleep took over.

With a jolt he came back to consciousness. His fingers dug into the wooden armrests of some chair as he pressed himself further into the backrest. “Whatthefuck.” Míngzé frantically looked around in a desperate attempt to figure out where he was. The only reason he did not immediately jump to his feet was because he had no idea what was around him. There was a table too, but that was all he could gather in that short amount of time.

This place was far from ordinary. Even without his sight he knew the place was ancient. Had this been the artifacts doing? It had to be. His eyes shot up the moment a voice sounded. An unsettling feeling overcame him. His newfound affinity responded to it, only reminding him of the choices he had made.

Míngzé’s eyes rested upon the other person sitting at this table with him. He couldn’t help but look around himself, trying to see if there were more people here. His heart was hammering in his chest. This person must be the Deity he’d heard of, the power resonating from his voice said it all. “Where are we?” Míngzé tried to keep his voice calm and composed, yet his eyes were wide open. Carefully he moved one hand, reaching out to the table trying to gain a bit of information out of it. Surely they were not really having dinner.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The atmosphere shifts palpably as the deity responds, his voice laced with a touch of indignation. "Míngzé, to think I've gone through the effort to prepare a meal that transcends the ordinary, and here you are, questioning the setting rather than appreciating the gesture. It's not every day that one is invited to dine in a realm that exists beyond the constraints of their reality."

There's a brief pause, during which you can almost picture a frown forming on his youthful face, a deity momentarily put off by a lack of appreciation for his efforts. "But let's set aside my culinary endeavors for a moment," he says, the edge in his voice softening as he moves on to the heart of the matter.

"As fascinating as our surroundings are, we're here to discuss something far more critical. You've been brought to this nexus of power because you're at the center of a pivotal moment, Míngzé. Your journey, your choices, they've aligned you with forces that most can't even begin to comprehend."

He pauses for a moment, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "Affinities... They shape our destinies, our fears, our very existence. Yet, what if I told you that there's a way to transcend them? To rid the world of the chaos and suffering they often bring?"
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The moment the person — no, this Deity spoke once more, Míngzé straightened his back and drew in a sharp breath. He lowered his gaze to the table, but it was nothing but a dark surface with a vague shimmer. There was talk about a meal, which was not what he had been expecting. Yet, a reveal of where they were also followed. For a moment he couldn’t help but look around, feeling a sting in his chest as he was not able to see what was around him. “In that case, what are we eating?” His voice was strained, affected by the whole situation. Lucina had told him how she nearly died because she’d angered this Deity. He did not want to follow in her footsteps. Against better judgment he reached out for his  cutlery.

Míngzé looked up, doing his best to look at the one in front of him. It was impossible not to feel nervous, even when trying to breathe calmly. When hearing why he was here, it got even more impossible. With a thigh grip he held onto the cutlery now in his hands. The promises he made flashing through his mind. Even the idea that he was sitting here on a table with a Deity, while he had been at home only moments ago made his head spin.

While the other spoke, Míngzé stayed quiet as he did not want to interrupt him. He clenched his jaw at what came next. The reason why in the end he’d forced this ‘alliance’. With his curiosity piqued he gazed towards this Deity. He felt bad for even listening, for considering his words. There was no denying all the bad Affinities brought with them. In his eyes, it overshadowed what little good they allowed. His lungs felt tight, a piercing pain radiated from his stomach, memories of how his own came into existence.

With a heavy heart he listened. “Has this anything to do with the piece I found last time? I know there is more than one, yet I fail to understand what exactly it is.” Only one was out of reach now, because he doubted he could convince— no, he should not even be considering this. Míngzé had to remember the danger that came with it. How there had been talk that it would put people into danger. Yet at the same time, they already were in danger right now.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The deity's reaction to your question about the meal shifts the atmosphere, injecting a moment of lightness into the weighty discourse. "How can we speak of potential and futures on an empty stomach?" he muses, his tone blending amusement with a touch of irony.

Your question about the artifact and its connection to the broader scheme of things draws a thoughtful pause from the deity. "Yes, the artifact you've uncovered is but a fragment of a much larger puzzle. It's a key, my son, a key to unlocking powers and possibilities that have been dormant for far too long. This piece, along with others scattered across the realms, holds the potential to reshape the very fabric of the land, to reshape humanity and its affinities."

He leans forward, the intensity of his gaze palpable even to your unseeing eyes. "But the journey to gather these pieces is fraught with peril, not just of a physical nature but of a moral and spiritual kind. Each piece represents a test, a trial that will challenge your beliefs, your resolve, and the very essence of your spirit."

The deity's words hang heavy in the air, a prophecy of the trials and tribulations that await should you choose to embark on this quest. The mention of danger, of the potential harm that could come to those involved, weighs heavily on your heart, yet there's an undeniable allure to the promise of a world free from the chaos of affinities.

"Your affinity, dark as it may be, grants you a unique perspective on the world, on the nature of power and sacrifice. It's this perspective, coupled with the artifact's potential, that makes you indispensable to this cause," he continues, his voice now softer, almost persuasive. "I do not expect your blind allegiance, child. Question everything, challenge the truths presented to you, but consider the possibility of a world reborn, a world where the afflictions of affinities are but a distant memory."
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was unsure how to hold himself in the presence of this person. It was different from talking to your boss or someone in a high position. Nothing could compare to this. A corner of his mouth quickly twitched to something that resembled a smile. Was it even alright to laugh or smile? It felt like he sat there with a weight in his stomach, one that would make it impossible to eat anything. So he decided against saying anything.

As expected the artifact he had found played a huge part. Míngzé clenched his jaw, swallowing back words that lay on the tip of his tongue. He did not like the way this Deity spoke to him, but there was too much going on to let that truly bother him. The power to reshape— well about everything but mostly affinities. “A friend of mine said that its power was also dangerous.” It was what Lucina had told him, one of the only things she’d mentioned back then.

While sitting at that table, Míngzé wanted to disappear, which was impossible. He heaved a sharp breath, already feeling the impossibility of this all. Last trial had nearly cost him his life. Yet as the other spoke, it was more than simple physical tests. How he wished he could simply say no, to deny this whole journey. He wanted to say this had nothing to do with him, that he did not want to play a part in this whole thing. Yet, it was a chance. It gave him an opening to gain what he always wanted. He was not sure if he was the right person for this. The Deity however seemed to think otherwise.

There were so many conflicting thoughts racing through his mind. Already it felt like he was breaking promises, all while he had yet to decide anything. The idea of a world where affinities could do no more harm was a beautiful one. With a conflicted look on his face he gazed to the other side of the table. “But at what cost?” Míngzé could hear himself ask. “Reshaping affinities— everything, surely that does not come without a price.” People had spoken about blood on his hands if things went sideways, which is not what he wanted. But what if it did not have to be that way? The answer to this one question might be a turning point.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

His demeanor subtly shifts as he picks up on the gravity of your question, his voice dropping to a tone that resonates with the solemnity of ancient rites. "But at what cost, you ask? Indeed, the transformation we speak of, the reshaping of affinities and the fabric of reality itself, requires a price. A tangible, irrevocable price."

He leans forward slightly, the shadows in the room seeming to converge around him as he speaks. "For such monumental change to take place, for the balance to be altered in our favor, there must be a sacrifice. A life, Míngzé, willingly given to the cause. This is the cornerstone of our endeavor, the key to unlocking the power needed to reshape the world."

The air seems to grow colder with his words, a chilling truth laid bare. His gaze holds yours, unflinching, as if gauging your reaction to this revelation. "It's a singular sacrifice, yet one of immense power. A life offered in the service of a new dawn. Not a multitude, not an army's worth of lives laid to waste, but a single, decisive act that will serve as the fulcrum upon which the fate of the world will pivot."

The deity's words hang heavy between you, a stark reminder of the dark path that lies ahead. The notion of sacrifice, of a life willingly surrendered for the cause, forces you to confront the reality of what you're being asked to partake in. It's a moment of reckoning, a crossroads that asks you to weigh the allure of a world reborn against the profound cost such a transformation demands.

"Consider this. The potential to eradicate the chaos and suffering that affinities have wrought upon the world, to bring forth a new order from the ashes of the old, all rests upon this singular sacrifice. Is the promise of a future free from the tyranny of affinities worth this price?" His question is not just rhetorical; it's a challenge, a test of your will and your resolve to see through the vision he lays before you.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

He had been told to be careful, that others might suffer because of the choices he made. Back then he had said it would not happen. That was exactly why he had to ask this question. Míngzé had to know what it would cost, if he would endanger more people. No matter what, he was not looking for blood on his hands.

Míngzé kept his eyes firmly on the one in front of him, trying to hold his gaze even though he could not see it. As the voice reached his ears, he held his breath. A sacrifice. It was almost as if his heart dropped right then and there. The life promised was exactly what he wanted, a vision he’d only seen in his dreams. A reshaped world where no harm could be caused by affinities. One life. Yet one that went willingly.

As the weight of His words came crashing down upon him, a silence followed. Míngzé placed his elbows on the table and folded his hands. “A willing sacrifice,” he repeated the words quietly. That was all it would need. “Are you asking me to be the one to fulfill this role?” Time almost felt like it had come to a standstill when his own words reached his ears. His fingers dug into the back of his hands. After everything he’d endured, all these times he’d survived even when the odds were stacked against him.

His heart still felt heavy. Míngzé was not sure if he could do it. “One life— one willing life to prevent even more suffering,” he said quietly as his mind was racing to make sense of all this. The most important thing about this, was that it had to be willingly. “I guess— it would be worth it, yes.” There was still that sliver of doubt caused by his previous question which could be heard in the tone of his voice. Míngzé gritted his teeth and looked at his hands. A mix of complicated feelings settled in his chest, making it feel too tight. It could always be someone else too. But would that be fair? Hadn't he even told this Deity that this was his burden to bear? It was one of the first things he'd said to Him. There was a pained expression on his face as he went through all possible options.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

He observes you, the embodiment of both an ancient power and an unsettling calm. The room feels colder, the darkness more profound as he contemplates your response. "A willing sacrifice," he echoes, his tone both reflective and decisive. "Yes, that is all it would need. The essence of a willing spirit strengthens the ritual, makes the transformation more... potent. However," he adds, pausing for effect, "the subject does not have to be willing. It simply makes the process smoother, less... fraught with resistance."

The silence that follows is thick with implication, the weight of his revelation settling around you like a shroud. His next words come slowly, measured, as if he's carefully choosing each one. "I am not asking you to be the one to fulfill this role. But it would be prudent to find someone before all four pieces of the artifact are united. The confluence of their power with the sacrifice will catalyze the change we seek."

He leans back, giving you a moment to absorb the gravity of his statement. The shadows seem to swirl around him, as if they are part of his very essence, reacting to the depth of the conversation. "Are you prepared to take on this responsibility? To find the one who will stand at the heart of this transformation?" his question is direct, his red eyes piercing through the darkness, seeking your resolve.

As you sit there, your hands clenched in contemplation, the enormity of the task before you becomes clear. It's not just about bearing the weight of the world's afflictions but also about shouldering the moral burden of this pivotal choice. The thought of choosing someone, of deciding whose life would be offered up for the sake of many, presses heavily upon your chest.

The deity's words linger in the air, a stark reminder of the stakes involved. "It would be best to secure this sacrifice sooner rather than later. Time is of essence, and the gathering of the artifact's pieces progresses as we speak."

You realize the path before you is fraught with moral ambiguities, each step a potential mire in ethical dilemmas. Yet, the potential to end the suffering caused by affinities, to reshape the world into a place free of their chaos, is a powerful motivator.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The Deity’s next words made him clench his jaw. Someone willingly would only make it easier, but it did not have to be. Meaning if needed he could force someone to do it. Míngzé immediately shook his head. “Out of the question.” It was going to be someone who would do it willingly for the cause, or no one. Forcing someone to partake in this, giving up their own life for his own goals was not something he wanted to be responsible for. No blood would stain his hands like he had said before.

That did not mean however that he was willing to do it himself. All he had done this far was to keep himself alive and he was not planning on changing that any time soon. Míngzé sighed deeply out of relief when he heard it did not have to be him, yet that would mean finding someone. “A difficult task,” Míngzé noted. Finding someone willing to sacrifice their life for a good cause. The problem was that he knew most people did not share his view. They were blind to the problems around them, and looked at affinities through pink glasses.

Realization hit him as soon as the question was asked. Already he was trying to figure out how he would do it as he thought about the difficulties he might face. A silence lingered in the air for a few seconds as the words processed. If he went through with this and succeeded the world would finally be free of this plague. People might hate him for it at first, but they would thank him later.

Míngzé heaved a deep breath and straightened his back as he tried to fixate his eyes on the one in front of him.  The choice was made.


His chest felt tight as the word left his mouth. It surprised him too for a moment, but then he reminded himself of the goal ahead. “I will do it. I will find someone who is willing to do it for our cause.” So far he had not a clue who might be, but that did not matter. There must be at least someone that wanted to help, and he would find them. And quickly.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The deity's presence, a dark silhouette against the deeper shadows of the room, nods in response to your declaration. There's a hint of approval in his tone, an acknowledgment of the weight of your decision. "Very well. Find the one who will embrace this fate for the greater good. The balance of affinities awaits your action."

With those words, a palpable shift occurs in the atmosphere. The heavy, oppressive air begins to thin, receding like a tide pulling back from the shore. His figure becomes less distinct, more a part of the shadows than separate from them.

The deity's presence, powerful as it remains, starts to fade, a dissolving echo in a dream. "Remember, the unity of the artifact pieces and the sacrifice are the keystones. Time and tide wait for no one, Míngzé. May your path be illuminated by the righteousness of your quest."

His words linger as the last tangible link to this realm, and then, as if a switch has been flipped, the darkness overtakes you completely. The sensation is not unlike falling, a swift, downward plunge into nothingness, where even the concept of time seems to lose its grip.

Suddenly, you jolt awake, your body instinctively reacting to the abrupt return to reality. Your eyes snap open, greeted by the familiar, dimly lit confines of your apartment. For a moment, the transition is disorienting, the remnants of the meeting with the deity clinging to your thoughts like wisps of a rapidly fading dream.

You're on your couch, the artifact still in your hand, its surface cool and almost soothing against your skin. Despite the comfort of your own home, a sense of urgency gnaws at you, a reminder of the heavy responsibility you've just accepted. The quiet of the apartment feels stark, almost too quiet, as if holding its breath in anticipation of the decisions you will make and the actions you will take.

As you sit there, the reality of your commitment sets in. You have agreed to find someone to make the ultimate sacrifice for a cause that could change the world. It's a daunting task, filled with moral and ethical dilemmas, but one you've chosen to accept.

The path forward is fraught with uncertainty, yet driven by the possibility of a better future—a world free from the tyranny of affinities. With that vision in your heart, you prepare to find the one who will help you fulfill this profound destiny.
your journey ends here...

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