
[Template] Charm Profiles

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IC Posts : 15

Charm Profiles

Welcome to Charm. Dating in the 21st century is becoming increasingly straightforward, and nowadays, you don't have to approach someone in person to express your admiration. You just grab your phone, swipe left or right, and before you know it... Match! Congratulations.

Charm Profiles
To begin, you need a Charm Profile. You create this in the designated board. Don't worry! The code is very simple, and all you have to do is fill in the required information and adjust the image. The image automatically resizes! You can create your topic with the title being the first name of your character used on Charm. For example: Karel.

<div class="ctinder"><img src=""><br><div class="ctindert"><nn>Firstname, </nn><age>00</age><br><sub>place of residence</sub><br><div class="cttext">A brief bio of your character. This can be a description of themself, or any other type of text that the character decides to share here.
</div><div class="ctinderb"><chx>╳</chx><chs>☆</chs><chh>♡</chh></div></div></div>

Which will look like this:

Gustavo, 69
a rock
hi im gustavo rock and im looking to rock someone's world.

get it.

im funny.

Now it's time to find a match! You can swipe left or right on other profiles or even super-like. If two people both positively rate each other's profiles, they can start a chat!

Swiping is done using one of the following codes. You just need to fill in your first name and a link to your own Charm profile; the text will automatically fill in.

<div class="ctinderswipe" id="left"><a href="/forum">username</a></div>
<div class="ctinderswipe" id="right"><a href="/forum">username</a></div>
<div class="ctinderswipe" id="like"><a href="/forum">username</a></div>

Examples in action:

Did you get a match? Congratulations! Now it's time to create a Messaging thread. For more information on how to do this, please head to the Messaging Template.

Struggling? DM Wap!

Character sheet
Nickname: Admin
Age: 1000
Birthday: 3-10-2023
Occupation: Admin
Sexuality: nah