
farewell blues -- kaye

Kaye Mercer
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IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Overwhelming hurt shot through Kaye’s head with each step she took. Clutching her painful head in her hands as she briefly leaned over when the world spun like a carousel and her dinner from the previous night (read: alcohol) threatened to come up again. A stray cigarette lingered between her lips as the sound of soft snoring echoed through the darkness. Leaning against the doorframe Kaye exhaled, unable to move in fear of throwing up all over her stairs.

Her breath came in ragged bursts. Eyes shut. Fighting with her entire being against the feeling of weightlessness hitting her. Her stomach gearing up for take off.

It was nothing short of a miracle she even made it to the bathroom before her stomach recoiled. Target acquired, failed to hit. Vomit splattering next to the toilet and painted the tiles in grime. She managed to crawl towards the toilet, grabbing the rim like a lifebuoy. Minutes passed as Kaye’s stomach emptied itself involuntarily. The result of a three day bender she had partaken.

When the world finally began to turn at a more agreeable pace, Kaye shakily placed her face against the cool tiles- the parts that were still clean. There she remained for a while. Eyes closed, not daring to move to keep the world from spinning out of control. Somewhere her phone ran. Somewhere a voice called through the door if she was all right.

Both went unanswered. A voice declared she should go. The phone stopped ringing and after a while her front door shut with a bang somewhere in the hollow of her apartment.

Alone once more she let out a sigh. Her phone rang again. Incessantly making her headache worse.

After ten minutes she managed to get up and crawl her way back towards her now empty bed. Kaz his voice echoed through the speaker. Shouting the usual things he always did, perhaps with more vigor than usual. Dazed Kaye lit her cigarette, leaning against the side of her bed as she sat on the cold floor. Mumbling some words of affirmation.

Duty called. Pity party over.

Kaye’s eyes were caught by Tora. The cat had settled itself atop the stairs and looked at her with giant yellow eyes. She regarded him quietly as she told Kaz to shut up and that she was on her way. Cutting off the line without warning.

The cat let out a hoarse meow. Not moving a single inch as Kaye’s phone whizzed past his face. Quietly they sat there for a while. Staring at eachother as Kaye’s cigarette slowly ate away.

By the time she had finally managed to get up, dress herself and gotten out the door an hour had passed. As she made her way towards the car that was waiting out in front, Tora followed her. The shining sapphire necklace that had once belonged to another adorning his neck.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian