
[se] True light

3 posters
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
Every year, around this time he visited the tree. He was born and raised here in Cerynia and from a young age his parents had taken him here every single year. Once he got older he just went alone, offering a prayer each time. This time was no different as he walked up to the tree, his Amigou following closely behind. He had left his other two pokemon home, since they liked to play and sometimes caused problems with that. It wasn’t the right day to take them here, maybe when they were a bit calmer he would take them. For now it was just the Amigou at his side.

He had brought a flower with him and placed it at the bottom of the tree. An offer to accompany his prayer. He mostly prayed that he would be able to save the patients that would cross his path, that he would be capable enough. But mostly he just wanted the people important to him to stay healthy, that nothing may happen to them.

As he finished the prayer, he turned away from the tree, the Amigou following him. It was then that he recognised someone, from the forest a while back. Where he had swam in the cold lake to save someone. He decided that it couldn’t hurt to ask how he had been doing after that. The man had been quite distraught. ”Hey there.” He greeted, being mindful of the fact that the man was blind. ”Do you still remember me?” It might not be a smart thing to start with the lake.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This place was more busy than usual. Míngzé had gone out that day to enjoy the good weather together with his Ninetales. The pokémon stood at his side, acting partially as a guide. She was not fond of busy places which is why he’d chosen a trip through the calmer parts of Sanctum City. There was nothing calm about this spot however. It took him a moment to understand what was the cause.

Easter, of course. Now everyone was praying to Xerneas, asking for good fortune, a healthy life, love. As if their prayers would ever be heard. Once upon a time when he was but a child, he’d prayed too, together with his parents. Then everything went to shit and he had never done so again.

With a shake of his head he turned to leave. A wet nose touched his hand, a gesture he now recognized as his pokémon trying to get his attention. “What is it?” he asked right before he heard a voice that was directed at him. Confusion clouded his face, together with mild frustration. The voice was not one he recognized, but apparently he knew this person from somewhere. “No, I’m sorry I can’t say I do,” he said as he forced the corners of his lips into a smile. He turned towards the other. It was anything but easy to recognize people based on their voices. “Have we met somewhere before?” At his side the Ninetales was eying the man, her tails swaying slightly.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He could see the confusion starting to appear on the face of the man. It seemed like he didn’t recognise his voice. It didn’t surprise him, seeing as how the other had been in quite a state of shock back then and they had only met once, there were enough people who didn’t recognise a person after that and he even had the additional handicap of being blind.

He let his gaze go from the Ninetales to the man. ”Yes we have, though I’m not surprised with all that has happened that you don’t remember.” He wouldn’t be able to recognise people either just by their voices. ”We met at the lake that time with the Haunter.” The encounter with the pokemon back then had made it all too clear that he needed his pokemon to get stronger. To be able to protect him and his patients. But that was not something he needed to work on today. ”I wanted to ask if you have been fine since then.” He had helped Djodie afterwards, but he hadn’t seen the man after.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Voices. They sometimes sounded exactly the same. Míngzé tried his best to remember where he knew this man from, but came back empty. At least this one asked if he remembered him instead of simply assuming so. It was something he could appreciate.

Míngzé cocked an eyebrow, still not understanding what he was talking about. Perhaps some kind of grand feast? A previous festival? He could not be sure. All it took was one word to let the flood of memories back in. Of course, the lake. Míngzé clenched his jaw and heaved a sharp breath. “Right, how could I forget.” There was a tightness in his chest. It was shame. He still remembered the state he’d been in, his inability to do anything useful. The city was big, why did they have to cross paths once more?

“Yeah, I’ve been fine, good, perfect even.” It was all in the past now and he rather forgot it happened at all. If this man remembered him, it meant he also knew how he’d reacted back then. “Although I came to the conclusion that it’s best to stay far away from the forest at night.” There was a weak smile on his lips as he attempted to make light of the situation. To pretend it had no effect on him at all.

His attention slipped back to the prayers going on further away. “Did you come here to pay your respects?” It surprised him how many people were there.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
If he could have prevented mentioning the lake he would have, but it was a good way to tell the other who he was despite what had happened back then. It was clear that it reminded the other of what had happened back then and most likely too about the fact that he hadn’t been able to help. Which was completely understandable in a situation like that. Even people who could see might not have taken action. ”I haven’t been back in the forest during the night either, I wouldn’t want to come across another Haunter like that unprepared.” No, before he was ready for that he would need to train his pokemon and then he doubted that he would be able to handle a pokemon of that level.

A lot of people had come here today, he couldn’t deny that. There had been years when it had been calmer than now, but this year a lot of people seemed to have gathered here to pay their respects. ”Yes, I have been doing so every year since I was young,” He offered as an explanation. ”But there are quite a few people here today, it wasn’t always this busy.” Maybe he should have gone to another place, but it was a bit too late for that now. ”And you?” He decided to ask, it might just be a coincidence that he was here after all, but most people came at least to take part in easter.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé made a smile appear on his face. It was difficult to think back to and so far served more as a confirmation of his own incapabilities than anything else. Yet, if he had tried anything more, it might have ended in even a bigger disaster. He could not save everyone but so far he had been able to save himself. That had to count for something. “Can’t exactly blame you, it is not exactly a scenario you want to repeat. I bet it’s safer during the day.” Although enough wild pokémon roamed through the woods to make it unsafe anyway.

The other confirmed that he was indeed here for a prayer. Míngzé hummed softly, letting his attention wander for a moment. It was impossible to hear what people were saying, they were only a faint murmur in the background. “That’s admirable,” Míngzé said, sincere in his words even though he didn't necessarily share the same beliefs as this man. “No, I haven't done that in quite some time, and I don't have any plans to do it anytime soon.” He shook his head a little as he held his hand to the side until he found Jiǔ’s head. “We were simply enjoying the good weather and ended up here.” If he had remembered it was this time of year again, he would have avoided this place.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He definitely didn’t want to repeat it, saving someone from the icy water only to be helpless against the Haunter that had caused all of it. The same was true for the fact that he hadn’t had anything that could warm them up. There were more and more things that he knew he would need since that incident, but that he hadn’t had the time for to take action on.

Not everyone prayed and even if they did, it wasn’t like they came here every year to do so and he didn’t judge them. It was each to their own in cases like this and everyone was free to do what they wanted. ”Ah yes, not the best place to enjoy the weather at the moment.” This must be all quite overwhelming for someone who couldn’t see, even if he had a pokemon with him to guide him. ”We could go to a place that is a bit more quiet if you like?” He decided to propose, there were quite a bit of people here, but a bit further ahead the amount of people should lessen.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

So much was happening right now in Cerynia, even when it felt like it was but the beginning. Strange people walking the streets, Deities speaking to people, powerful artifacts. Míngzé wondered how many people were aware of the things happening right underneath their noses. Even if they did, he doubted their prayers would have much effect.

The other offered to go somewhere else and Míngzé nodded. Jiǔ rose to her feet, ready to follow her companion. “Good idea.” Otherwise he would simply return home instantly to spend the remainder of the day between those four walls.

Míngzé waited for the man to start moving before he would follow him. “With everything that happened back then, I believe we’ve not properly met, I’m Míngzé,” he introduced himself. If they’d done so back then, he had forgotten all about it. “Ming is fine too.” A nickname that originated from school, when all the kids failed at either pronouncing or remembering his name.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
His prayer had been a simple one, one he asked every year for really. He wanted to be able to help as many people as possible and after his trip to the beach last time, even pokemon, but that wasn’t as easy. The man agreed to go to a quieter spot, he knew there should be something like a park nearby, unless the man had something else in mind. ”There should be a park near or do you prefer something else?” He asked as he started to head away from the crowd for now.

When the man introduced himself as Míngzé, he remembered that they were indeed never properly introduced to each other. Míngzé told him that Ming would be fine too to use, but for now he would keep it to his name. Not that his pronunciation of his name would be good, but as a doctor he had come across a lot of names. ”That’s true, I’m Lamar, nice to properly meet you then Míngzé.” He introduced himself. ”I don’t know if you got it last time, but I am a doctor at my family’s clinic.” It was the reason why he had asked Djodie to come with him after the whole ordeal.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The park would also be busy this time of the year, a lot of people that wanted to enjoy the first warm days. Which was fine to him. “The park is fine, Jiǔ needs to stretch her legs anyway.” She walked close to him, always scanning her surroundings. Míngzé wished that she would run around more, but with her background he doubted that she would behave as a normal pokémon any time soon.

A doctor. That was good to know. Vaguely he remembered that they’d dropped her off at some clinic, but back then he hadn’t fully realized that it was his. “I fear I did not pick up on a lot last time,” Míngzé said, trying to make light of the whole situation. His state of panic back then was not something he was proud of. So much had happened since too, that all of it felt irrelevant now. “We were lucky to have you there.” Even though in the end they still needed help from another party as no one was able to protect themselves against the powerful haunter. “I’ve spoken to Djodie too after it all happened. She seemed to be doing fine, all things considered.”  

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He still felt like he hadn’t been that useful in the forest. Yes, he had gotten Djodie out of the icy cold water, while getting soaked himself, something he would rather prevent next time. And then he couldn’t even warm the both of them up because he didn’t have a fire type pokemon. He remembered that Míngzé did have one, but that the pokemon had clearly not been very practised at using it yet.

”It’s good to hear that she is doing fine.” He hadn’t spoken to her since after all and she hadn’t come by the clinic either for as far as he had heard. But it was fine, he didn’t expect people to come back to the clinic when there was no need. They had arrived at the park in the meantime and it became clear that it was a bit less crowded here, but because of the good weather there were still quite a few people here. ”I might have saved her back there, but there were a lot of things that I didn’t account for.” And things he could improve. ”But now I know what to improve on.” Even if it would take time, though it might just be best to leave it behind and hope that next time the same wouldn’t happen. ”Do you prefer to walk around or find a spot to sit down?” Both were fine with him and the Amigou followed him closely too, she most likely didn’t care either.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Easter finds you praying to Xerneas, the giver of life. The air is thick with the scent of spring flowers and the murmurs of prayers. As you look at your faithful Amigou, a warm glow begins to radiate from Amigou, catching the gems around its neck alight. It’s the moment of transformation into an unknown Pokémon, prompted by the spiritual connection felt during your prayer.

Amigou looks up at you, its eyes reflecting a mix of awe and uncertainty. Do you let this transformation continue, allowing Amigou to evolve?

your amigou is evolving!

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The ice back then had caused him to falter, the fear of falling into the water had been too great. If something had not propelled him forward last time on the beach, he would also never have gone into the water. It was the idea of having nothing around you that scared him the most. Not even ground under your feet.

“I think nothing simply prepares you for a situation like that unless you are a trained professional,” Míngzé sighed. The most important thing was that Lamar had tried something and that it somehow worked. They soon neared the park. The ground underneath his cane changed from a smooth texture to a more rough one. “Let’s walk.” That way his pokémon could stretch her legs some more.

Míngzé halted at the sudden bright light in the corner of his eyes, one of the few things he could perceive. His brow knitted together. “What’s that?” he asked. It did not feel like it was a threat causing him to remain calm. By squinting his eyes he tried to see it better to no avail. Jui however growled softly at the ongoing transformation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
It was true that mostly trained professionals would know what to do in certain situations. It was how he had known what to do medically, but he had mostly not had the means to do so. Still he could have died just as well after ending up in the lake and he was all too aware of that. Though he hadn’t made the choice recklessly, knowing that his pokemon might be able to save him at the very least if things were to have gone wrong.

When Míngzé opted for walking he could understand why. He had told him he had been out for a walk with his pokemon after all, so this would just be a continuation of that. They had barely taken a few steps though when a warm glow grabbed his attention. He turned to look at his Amigou, the pokemon had started to glow, enough that apparently even Míngzé had been able to tell what was happening. He could see the uncertainty in his Amigou’s eyes, but at the same time the pokemon seemed to be in awe of what was happening. It almost seemed like the pokemon was asking for his permission. ”I think my Amigou might be evolving.” He told Míngzé, who had clearly been wondering what was happening. He turned to the pokemon and placed a smile on his face. ”Go ahead,” He couldn’t deny that he himself was curious what was going to happen.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Their walk came to a stop when the pokémon that had apparently been there all along started evolving. His Ninetales stood next to him, her body pressed against his leg. It was clear that this situation made her nervous. Her whole body was tense. Míngzé tried to soothe her but it did not seem to work. As the evolution continued, it only got worse. It even felt like she was shaking a little. That she bared her teeth was something he completely missed.

“An Amigou?” Míngzé questioned in an attempt to treat the situation as normally as possible and hopefully ease his own Pokémon's tension. He still did not fully trust her and it was also difficult to read her. Nothing had happened so far, but sometimes it felt like something was bound to happen. Míngzé placed a hand on her when he felt her taking a step forward. Instinctively he grabbed a piece of her fur, which resulted in a growl as she shot his hand a glare. Luckily she deemed the other pokémon more important and quickly looked their way again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He didn’t miss the unease in the Ninetales as he gave the Amigou the permission to evolve. It wasn’t something that would just happen like this, so he could understand that she was a bit wary. Though it didn’t seem like anything strange was going to happen. Though the size was something that clearly changed. Where the Amigou had been quite small, this evolution turned her quite the bit larger and as the pokemon finished evolving she looked at him almost curiously.

He slowly petted her on her head, while the pokemon pushed her head against his hand. This was definitely not what he had been expecting when he had taken the Amigou home. ”What could have triggered this?” He wondered aloud, though he doubted that Míngzé would know the answer. He had never even heard about this happening before. ”Is she alright?” He asked, indicating Míngzé’s pokemon. He had seen her reacting to the evolution, so he hoped that it had only been the sudden change and that it would be over now.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The man said something regarding the evolution of his own pokémon, but it flew over his head. He was preoccupied with his own pokémon, fear gripling at his chest. What he feared was what would happen if the pokémon lashed out. “I— I’m not sure.” Underneath his touch he could feel the slight trembling of her body. The mere fur he held was not nearly enough to stop her if she decided to do anything. Right then he did not trust her. Not that he thought she would do anything to him, but he could not be too sure about others. “She has been through some stuff, although I do not know what exactly,” Míngzé explained. It might help him if he did, but he doubted he would ever learn about it.

“Come on, we’ll continue walking, maybe that will help,” he said, although his voice lacked conviction. Míngzé tugged softly at the Ninetales, urging her to come with him. It seemed to work. She followed him closely, but he could not see how she kept glaring at the newly evolved pokémon.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
He might need to read up on this later, especially since he had no idea what kind of pokemon the Amigou had become now. The typing was a mystery for him too, would it still be normal or had something changed in that too? He just couldn’t tell. But that was something for later. As the pokemon moved around a bit, clearly testing her new body, he had turned to Míngzé and his pokemon.

Míngzé told her that the pokemon had gone through some stuff, though he had no idea what exactly. It would explain why she acted like this. ”Yes, walking might be best then.” It might distract the Ninetales and give her something else to focus on. ”Have you had her long?” Last time at the lake he hadn’t had the Ninetales with him, so he thought it would have been somewhere after that. Seeing as how the pokemon was now moving around with him.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Witnessing an evolution was something almost magical. It would’ve been the same now if it was not for Jiu’s reaction. The way her muscles tensed as soon as the evolution began worried him. Did she see the transforming pokémon as a threat? It surely seemed like it by the way she stood in front of him. “I’m terribly sorry for her behavior,” Míngzé said as they were walking again. He silently prayed that his pokémon would leave it at that, that nothing worse would happen.

With a worried expression he looked down on his pokémon. At times like these he really wished he could see how she looked and behaved, it would help him well. “Not that long, we’re still getting to know each other,” he explained to the other. “She’s quite unpredictable from time to time.” This earned him an almost apologetic look from her, but a growl still followed when her attention turned back to the other’s pokémon. Again Míngzé tried to shush her but he did not feel like it was working.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lamar Sault
Messages : 475
IC Posts : 436

Lamar SaultAttuned Affinity
With Míngzé apologising he almost felt guilty that what had happened had caused the Ninetales to react like this. If he had known it would happen he could have let it happen nowhere near the Ninetales, but it had been a surprise to him as well. He hadn’t heard that an Amigou was able to evolve, but it might have been as new as the pokemon itself had been during the festival. ”Don’t worry about it, you couldn’t have known.” He reassured the man.

He listened to what Míngzé had to say about how long they had been together and that they were still getting to know each other. ”No need to rush that. It’s better to get to know one another first.” Even if it meant that the pokemon was unpredictable from time to time. It was quite clear this time that it was because of the evolution or the Amigou itself had been the problem from the start. ”Would introducing them help you think?” He was quite sure that the Amigou wouldn’t suddenly change its nature that much, so if the pokemon took a bit of time to get to know each other it might all change. Though it was really up to Míngzé whether he wanted that.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Mar, Mary
Age: 30 years
Birthday: 15/06
Occupation: Doctor
Sexuality: Bisexual
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