
Take your shirt off

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Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Happy chatter filled the bar as the tables began to fill out. Seated at the bar with three of her classmates sat Charlotte. Her long flowing hair was kept loose with the two front locks tied up and hugging her face adorned with a cute, silvery accessory. “There he is!” One of her classmates exclaimed, tapping her shoulder and not so subtly pointing at a long haired, pale man taking a seat at the table near the window. Charlotte assessed him with mixed feelings. He certainly did not look like her type. Then again, what really was her type?

“He looks like a sickly victorian boy ..” she said out loud, giving her classmates a skeptical look. “Are you getting second thoughts?” Bruno teased. Charlotte sighted, reaching over to her cocktail to down the last remaining parts of it in one gulp. She wasn’t one to back up from a challenge. Besides, Nicki had been adamant that Kyle would be a good fit for her. He had apparently been absolutely delighted to hear about the prospect of a blind date. To humor her friend she had agreed to it. Too bad Nicki had called in sick with the flu this morning and missed classes. “Well, guess it’s time to meet the famous Kyle.”

Charlotte padded towards the tall boy- or, man. She heard her classmates giggle and laugh behind her but she ignored it in favor of smoothly sliding on the seat across from the boy in front of her. “Hi! I’m Charlotte. Thanks for meeting me here!” she began cheerfully, showing him a genuine smile. "I am sure she has told you lots about me but-" she paused for a moment, frowning. "Or not! Actually, I do not know for sure what  she has told you .. anyway, can I get you anything?" Boy, she hoped he wasn't one of those boys who only drank beer. The manly man types. She hated beer ..

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Things were a lot quieter these days. No matter the turmoil certain events had brought with them, Míngzé finally felt at peace again. Gone was the torment that plagued his mind. It meant he could finally enjoy his life a little. Which was exactly what he planned to do that night.

The place was busy that night. A lot of people from the university came here as it was not the most expensive place and close to their school. Which was exactly how Míngzé knew about this place. Someone had helped him towards an empty table, which he thanked them for. His cane was folded and lay on top of the table to the side. As the place was booming with life, there was also a lot of noise. If he was not mistaken, he could even hear bad karaoke in the background. It was exactly what he needed.

When someone approached his table, Míngzé straightened his back, ready to place his order. He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it as he heard a chair being pulled back. This ‘Charlotte’ had taken it upon herself to join him. As he stared towards her, he blinked a few times in surprise. Her rambling continued, which only left him more confused. What was she on about?

A silence fell over the table when she ended up asking what he wanted to drink. “Okay so uhm— I’m not sure what you are talking about?” Míngzé looked around himself, trying to hear if perhaps this was some kind of joke. Nothing. The idea of introducing himself went completely over his head. “No one has told me anything.” This also could not be a setup, as he had not mentioned going here to anyone. Was this how people hooked up these days? “But I suppose a Desperados won't hurt?” He never had beer before, at least he could not remember what it tasted like if he ever had. By now he knew he liked cocktails and he wanted to try something new.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
The boy across from her stared at her for a few silent seconds, blinking as he processed this information. Charlotte just waited for his reply. Tiny smile on her face. When he replied it was her time to blink a few times in surprise. Eyes widening and cocking her head as she looked at him with momentary uncertainty. A joyful laugh escaped her then. “Oh, I get it!” He was also a jokester like her! His deadpan delivery had her fooled for a moment there, she had to admit. She did her best to school her expression best she could when he asked for a Desperados. It ended up with her showing him a grin like she was experiencing tooth ache. “One Desperados for him and- a .. ah- tequila shot for me, please!” she asked the waiter when she had gestured him over. He left with a curt not, leaving Charlotte with the man in front of her.

She was feeling adventurous today. Heck yeah, why not try out a shot of cold, hard liquor?

Charlotte focused her full attention away from the menu as the waiter left, back to her blind date. There was something off about him but Charlotte couldn’t place her finger on it exactly. Something about the way how his eyes looked. Like he was the most dreamy boy she had ever met. “So .. I have been told this place is the place to be as a student. Which left me wondering, what is it exactly that you study? Haven’t I seen you around before during physics?” she said as the memory came back to her.

Yes, the lanky boy with the long, straight hair who kept raising his hand to answer questions to the point that the professor started to ignore him. She had been at the university for about three weeks now and had only seen him once, that time. What had Nicki said that he took again? Paleobotany? Paleontology? Something with a P ..

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé was unable to keep the confusion from appearing on his face. This must be some kind of mistake as he had no idea what this girl — Charlotte — was talking about. It was like all of this was planned. A laugh filled the air around them, resulting in an awkward smile from Míngzé. She got it? At least one of them understood the situation. “What d—” The waiter showed up, cutting off his sentence. An order was placed for both of them and the waiter was off again.

Perhaps his back was a bit too straight, his whole posture too tense. Míngzé felt uncomfortable to say the least. His lips were pressed into a thin line as he sat there. The thought crossed his mind that he should probably say something, but the words were lost to him. When she took the lead, a breath that he did not know he was holding escaped.

“Hospitality Management, at least I used to. I dropped out of university at the end of last year, that might explain it,” Míngzé admitted. It was not something he was proud of, but back then it had been the right choice. Things had not been going according to plan and he could not take the extra pressure. “The plan is to start anew in September. If I ever figure out what I want to study.” Míngzé gave her a quick and small smile. With things as they are now, Míngzé felt like it could work. “How about you?”

The waiter returned, placing their order on the table before disappearing once more. His fingers traced the wooden table until he felt the cool touch of the bottle. Míngzé grabbed the bottle and raised it a little. “Cheers?” To a strange evening or something. He should probably ask her what was going on here and soon.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
The waiter returned promptly with the order, causing Charlotte to eye the transparent shot with renewed trepidation. Why did she decide to be adventurous again? She did not want the boy in front of her to think she was a pussy, so she quickly pulled a happy face at the nasty drink and focused her attention back on him.

“Really? Hospitality management? Like, managing a hospital?” she inquired, thinking this did not line up with her version of events. She had seen him in class, but he just told her he dropped out at the end of last year? Weird. She shook her head to shake the thought. “Not sure what to study then? I’m always up to help people figure out what to do. I mean, I helped a friend of mine once. We spend a few weeks coming to a conclusion what kinda person she was, her wants and wishes in life- that sort of thing. It was really fun but- ah my bad, it looks like I am rambling again.” She let out an awkward chuckle. Coming in a tad too strong, ey Charlotte? She thought with a concealed sigh. She opted to grab the tequila shot and down it in one go. Face contorting. Liquid courage and all ..

During this exchange she did not notice the way his fingers had shuffled over the wood until they found his drink. Still not clued in about the fact the man in front of her was probably not going to win any archery competitions. “Anyway, to track back to what you asked me earlier- I am a science student! Just moved here to Sanctum City to start my life anew.” she told him, still wincing a little at the burning feeling settling in her stomach.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé flashed the waiter a quick smile before he could hear them leave. The bottle was cool to the touch, a different kind of coldness than the one he recently walked around with. Before he drank, he brought it to his nose. The smell was horrible and it cost him some effort to keep a straight face. Surely it could not be worse than tequila.

Amused he raised an eyebrow. “No, not exactly.” Míngzé shook his head. “It is more about running a business, for example a hotel or restaurant and making sure guests and staff are happy.” Something he thought he could do. And in a way he could, he was in his last year and then he just quit. His ray of thoughts got interrupted when Charlotte started speaking again, telling him about a friend. “It’s fine,” Míngzé assured her when she stopped her rambling. “What would you recommend?” Curiously he looked at her. They did not know each other, he still had no idea why she’d joined him, but he kept that question to himself for now.

A hum escaped when she told him what she was studying. “Make sure you stay away form the affinity research institute, I worked there for a while and I can’t recommended it.” With this warning, it was finally time to try his drink. “How do you like Sanctum City so far?” Míngzé asked and then drank. The taste was overwhelmingly bad. With a loud thud he placed down the bottle as he forced the liquid down his throat. The coughing that followed was unavoidable. He leaned forward on the table by placing one arm on it. “That’s disgusting,” he muttered through coughs as his eyes started watering.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Charlotte watched as Mingze took a hesitant sip of the drink, his expression quickly souring. She couldn't help but stifle a chuckle at his reaction, though she made sure it was subtle enough not to offend him further. It wasn't every day you saw someone react so dramatically to a beverage.

When he finally managed to choke out a question about Sanctum City, she took a moment to compose herself before replying. "Oh, Sanctum City has been... interesting, to say the least," she began, a playful glint in her eye. "It's definitely different from what I'm used to back home. But I suppose that's part of the adventure, right?"

She watched as Mingze recovered from the taste, his eyes still watery from the ordeal. "So, what about you? What brought you to Sanctum City?" she asked, genuinely curious about his story. She leaned in slightly, eager to hear more about the stranger sitting across from her. Despite the rocky start with the drink, she found herself intrigued by him. “Oh and .. can you tell me about the research facility? I am really interested in affinities, part of why I chose this study after all.”

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé pushed his drink carefully away from him. No way he was trying another sip. This was disgusting and he did not understand how so many people liked it. Or was it simply because a lot of beers were very cheap? At least cheaper than everything else you could buy. It did not matter, he was not touching it again.

Softly he hummed. “Interesting is good,” he said with a smile. “And where exactly is back home?” He could imagine Sanctum CIty was not like the rest of the world. Not with the giant tree in their midst. “I grew up here, my parents decided to move here from fènghuáng when I was still young.”

It should not have come as a surprise that affinities were part of the reason she was studying science. These days it was normal. Pokémon were still being researched too, but most wanted to know more about affinities. Míngzé did his best to keep the expression on his face as neutral as possible. There was however the small hint of him clenching his jaw. “It’s mostly the people there that make it rather unbearable. Not really the nice friendly types.” Although, maybe that was because they were scientists. People who always locked themselves up in a lab. “Why affinities?” He had to ask, curious as to what her answer might be.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz

Charlotte listened attentively as Mingze pushed his drink away, clearly not enjoying it. She couldn't help but find his reaction amusing, though she made sure to keep her amusement hidden behind a polite smile. "Yeah, interesting can definitely be good," she replied, nodding in agreement. "Back home for me is in the Galar region. It’s far from home but that’s just fine with me." Far away from daddy and his influence. If it was up to her, she’d be even further away.

As Mingze shared a bit about his background, Charlotte found herself intrigued. "Oh, so you're a local then," she remarked, finding it fascinating to meet someone who had grown up in Sanctum City. Perhaps he could clue her in to the nation’s more unique customs. Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered her friend telling something about her blind date- and it absolutely was not what Mingze was describing ..

When the conversation shifted to affinities, Charlotte did not noticed the subtle change in Mingze's demeanor. She however took it upon herself to signal the waiter over while they spoke. The poor guy needed another drink asap .. "Well, affinities have always fascinated me," she began, choosing her words carefully. "There's just something so unique about the bond between humans and Pokémon, and I think understanding affinities can help us deepen that connection even further." She offered Mingze a small smile, hoping to convey her genuine passion for the subject. “I do not have an affinity and I think it would just be so grand to have one!” A dreamy expression crept upon her features as she imagined the possibilities an affinity could bring her.

"I can understand why the environment at the research institute might not be the most welcoming," she added, wanting to acknowledge Mingze's earlier comment. "But I believe there's still so much we can learn from studying affinities, even if the people involved aren't always the friendliest." After all, Charlotte was ever the optimist.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

This whole situation was strange, but Míngzé did not mind. Having someone to talk to was nicer than sitting here alone. It was exactly why he decided to come here. “Is there a reason you decided to move to Cerynia?” Míngzé asked genuinely interested in her answer. He also hummed softly in confirmation when she noticed he was local.

The moment she started talking about affinities, he could hear the passion in her voice. Softly he clenched his jaw, trying his best not to let his own discomfort shine through. Meanwhile someone came to take their order once again and he simply asked for something sweet. He truly did not know what to say to this as he could not agree at all. The moment however that she mentioned she liked to have one, his eyes shot up. “Don’t.” He said it way too quickly and Míngzé noticed his mistake in this too. Reacting like this meant he would have to give her an explanation. He cleared his throat as he thought about a possible explanation. “It is not worth it. How beautiful it may sound, nothing good ever comes out of it.” By now he had his own experiences and had heard enough stories that only confirmed his beliefs.

His hands had found the cold bottle again and he was moving it between his fingers. “I guess,” Míngzé said with a strained voice. It did not matter how hard he tried to appear neutral on the subject, he could not hide his disgust and discomfort surrounding the subject. “Good things might come out of it in some way.” But they were not talking about the same thing here. If they researched it enough, they might find a way to remove them.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Charlotte observed Mingze carefully as he asked about her decision to move to Cerynia, noting the genuine interest in his voice. She appreciated his curiosity and took a moment to consider her response.

"Well, I've always been drawn to the bustling energy of Sanctum City," she began, a hint of excitement in her tone. "There's just so much happening here, so many opportunities for discovery and adventure. Plus, I've always been fascinated by the unique blend of technology and nature that defines this place." Charlotte thought about her decision to move here and finish her studies in this unknown region. It was the last stop before she could say ‘I have seen every region there is to see!’.

As Mingze reacted strongly to her mention of affinities, Charlotte couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity mingled with concern. She watched him carefully, noticing the tension in his body and the way he quickly cautioned her against pursuing affinities.

Her brow furrowed slightly at his abrupt response, but she nodded, pausing for a moment. Did he have a bad experience with affinities? It was a possibility. Charlotte had always been focused on the positive aspect of it all, but couldn’t deny there could also be definitive downsides to having them. While she believed in the beauty and potential of affinities, she also understood that not everyone shared her perspective.

"It's true that affinities aren't without their challenges," she acknowledged, her voice thoughtful. "But I also believe that with the right approach and understanding, they can lead to incredibly meaningful connections and experiences."

She hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Despite their differences in opinion, she still wanted to maintain a sense of camaraderie with Mingze. "Regardless, I appreciate your honesty," she said sincerely, offering him a small, reassuring smile. "Now- how about I get you something better to drink while we talk on?"

The waiter finally had made its appearance prompting Charlotte to order a tequila sunrise. Perhaps it was best not to go too wild and mix all kinds of drinks yet .. especially since her date had suddenly become so much more interesting than she could have predicted when she had agreed to this thing.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There were a few nods when Charlotte explained her choice. When she worded it like that he could understand why anyone would be drawn to this place. “It is rather unique from other places, is it not?”  Míngzé mused. There was a magical tree in the middle of this city that people prayed daily too. It couldn’t get more unique.

His golden eyes were directed at the girl in front of him as she explained her vision, her passion unwavering. While he found it admirable, it was not anything he could agree with. Yet her words kept echoing in his mind. Meaningful connections and experiences. Míngzé had to refrain himself from reaching to his chest where an empty feeling had made room for coldness not so long ago.

As his thoughts wandered, he was unaware of the silence that fell over them. It took a few seconds before her voice pulled him out of it. Blinking a few times, he tried to come back to the world entirely. “I’ll take the same as her,” Míngzé said, still feeling a bit out of it.

“I never experienced any of those meaningful connections or experiences.” It was as if he himself was sitting at that table and could hear someone else say it, but no, it had been his own voice. He drew a long and deep breath. “Would it be that my approach was wrong?” Míngzé asked with an arched eyebrow, his voice calm and collected.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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