
[se] Dance of lights

4 posters
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She had evaded Easter like the plague, keeping away from any altar, knowing how badly the last time had ended when she tried to pray to something. So she had stayed far away. The same wasn’t true for this event though. She had heard about how two pokemon came together on this day and would perform a ritual. Though she didn’t know much more besides that.

Still, it should be quite the pretty sight, especially during twilight, so she had taken her Umbreon and Amigou and headed towards the forest and in it the lake. She had been here once before, Sebastian had taught her some things back then, but now it looked completely different. She couldn’t help but look in wonder at the dancing pokemon, people all around her had seemed to settle down on some kind of blanket, but of course she hadn’t thought to bring one. She could tell that her pokemon were enjoying the sight too though, even if it might have been better if she had brought a blanket.
Charlotte Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Your Amigou, entranced by the dance of light, prances playfully under the canopy of stars. As the night deepens, a subtle shift occurs. Amigou’s fur begins to darken, its body stretching into a more graceful, feline silhouette. This is the rare moment of evolution into an unknown Pokémon, a transformation powered by the bond under the starlit sky.

Your Amigou's big eyes meet yours, a silent question hanging between you as it begins to change. Do you let this transformation continue, allowing Amigou to evolve?

your amigou is evolving!

Character sheet
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
There were people all around her who had come here together and here she was alone, only having brought her pokemon. It was fine really, but it might have been a better idea to ask someone to come with her at least. Or she should have taken some kind of blanket with her or even food, but no she hadn’t thought about any of that.

Her pokemon were very focused on what was happening though, so she watched them quietly. This was also why she immediately noticed the changes that were happening to the Amigou. She had never seen anything like this happening before, but she had heard about it, how pokemon could change and that they called this evolution. As if asking for her permission the Amigou looked at her and she nodded, signalling for her that it was alright, that she was fine with her evolving. ”It’s alright,” She added, making sure that the Amigou knew she was fine with whatever it chose to do.
Charlotte Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Lucina, you spot a Pokémon observing you from the shadows. Will you approach it, or let it slip away into the evening? Should you choose to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Charlotte watched in awe as the Pokémon around her began to perform the ritual, the atmosphere filled with an otherworldly glow as the creatures danced gracefully. She couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the sight, her Lucario beside her, equally captivated. He sat next to her in the grass, cross legged, his usual stoic demeanor switched for one of wonder.

Suddenly, her attention was drawn to a girl, flanked by a pokemon she did not recognize. As her Pokémon started to evolve, radiating a brilliant light. Charlotte's eyes widened in surprise and delight as she witnessed the transformation, a smile spreading across her face.

Despite not knowing anyone around her, she felt a strange connection as she sat there, surrounded by dancing Volbeat and Illumise.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Charlotte exclaimed from where she was sitting, her voice filled with genuine excitement. She turned to the girl, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "I've never seen anything like that pokemon before! What kind of Pokémon is it evolving into?"

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Charlotte, you spot a Pokémon observing you from the shadows. Will you approach it, or let it slip away into the evening? Should you choose to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
Her attention was drawn away from the lights and to her Amigou that had started to evolve or at least she thought so. She had only heard about this before and not seen it happen yet. While the change was happening she suddenly heard a voice, calling this amazing. She turned to look at a woman sitting in the grass, a pokemon beside her, though she had no idea what kind of pokemon it was. ”I know she was an Amigou, but I have no idea what she is turning into.” She had read nothing about the evolutions of Amigou or if there were even some.

The change finished and the slender body of a feline was standing in front of her. Her red fur had a beautiful colour. She carefully bend down and stroked the pokemon on their head, before turning her attention back to the woman and headed over. ”I met her at the harmony festival here, but I hadn't heard of them being able to evolve.” She admitted. Maybe she hadn't read up on it enough? That might explain why she didn't know.

As she walked over to the woman she felt like something was watching her. She looked around till her eyes landed on another pokemon. The moment her eyes met that of the pokemon it started to approach. Its body was blue, with two sort of antennas that were giving off light. The pokemon seemed to be interested in her, but she had no idea what it wanted from her. ”Do you have any idea what kind of pokemon that is?” She decided to asked the woman, maybe that would explain its behaviour.
Charlotte Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
The bright light, crackling with loaded energy, began to fade. Enveloping the evolving Amigou like a veil. Pulling away and dimming until it disappeared in an instance, revealing the creature underneath. It was a feline like creature with slender, blue fur and beautiful, piercing eyes. Charlotte felt a smile slowly lighting up her features when she saw the look in the girls eyes at the sight of her new companion.

Charlotte took a moment to take another good look at the feline at the girl’s question, but nothing came to mind. In all her travels throughout the regions she had never once seen one like this .. ”I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m not from this country.” she said with an apologetic smile.

“It looks like it wants to tell you something?” she guessed. Vestige also observed the moment with an interested gaze, the Volbeat dancing around her forgotten. She opened her frilly purse and took out a small, magikarp shaped treat with white sprinkles. “I have some treats on me, want to share it with your pokémon?”

Charlotte’s attention was momentarily drawn away when she heard the sound of buzzing getting louder. As she looked up, a Volbeat had left the scene, approaching her with big eyes. It’s round gaze focused on the treat. Charlotte held it out to him with a smile. After a slight hesitation and a wary look cast upon her Lucario, it quickly snatched the treat from her fingers, flew a meter back and began to monch on it.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She had never seen an evolution before and she hadn’t even known where the pokemon would evolve in, but if the Amigou wanted to she would let it and she didn’t regret it the moment the pokemon appeared from the light. She had hoped that the other woman might know what kind of pokemon it was, but it seemed like she had no luck there. She might need to look it up later or ask someone else. They might know about it.

The woman offered her some treats for her pokemon and she gladly took them. ”Thank you, I really should have taken some stuff with me.” She had somehow forgotten to take anything with her beside herself and her pokemon. As she bent down to give the Umbreon and the other a treat, she noticed the other pokemon again. The blue pokemon with its yellow lights came closer when it saw she had some treats. ”Do you want some too?” She still had a part left of the treat and she held it out for the pokemon to take.

Despite the fact that it was curious, it looked a little wary at the others around her, but then came closer and started to take the treats from her hand. As she looked back to the woman she saw that another pokemon was there. It had also taken a treat and then taken some distance again. ”Do you think these pokemon want to come with us?” She had really only encountered two types of pokemon. The ones that wanted to follow her and the ones that attacked her, so for her there wasn’t another option.
Charlotte Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Charlotte watched with fascination as the Amigou underwent its evolution, the transformation unfolding before her eyes. It was a rare sight, one she hadn't witnessed often, if at all. She made a mental note to research more about this particular Pokémon later, curious about its capabilities and characteristics.

When the other woman offered treats for her Pokémon, Charlotte smiled gratefully and accepted them. "You're welcome! It's always good to have a little something on hand for your Pokémon," she replied, nodding in agreement.

As she observed the scene unfolding before her, Charlotte couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth at the sight of the Pokémon eagerly accepting the treats. It was moments like these that reminded her of the bond between trainers and their Pokémon, a bond built on trust and mutual care.

When the woman mentioned the possibility of the Pokémon wanting to come along with them, Charlotte considered the question thoughtfully. "It's definitely possible," she said, her gaze shifting between the Pokémon and the woman. "Some Pokémon are drawn to trainers for various reasons. It could be that they sense something in us that they're drawn to, whether it's our energy, our intentions, or something else entirely." She offered a reassuring smile, feeling a sense of excitement at the prospect of potentially adding new Pokémon to their team. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see if they decide to join us on our journey. Oh, listen to me. I promise I am not normally this spacey about it!"

The Volbeat let out a happy buzz as it finished it’s treat. The look he gave her was unmistakable, and Charlotte responded in kind as she handed him another treat.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She would remember that next time she would have to take some treats with her for her pokemon at the very least. She would be able to share it with others too then, just like the woman was doing now. She decided to settle on the ground for now, Noir and Scarlet both laying down at her sides. Though she could tell that the Umbreon was still a bit wary of everything that was happening around them, the evolution of Amigou settled close to her, laying her head in her lap. Softly she stroked her head, keeping an eye on the third pokemon here. It seemed to be hesitating now, somehow wanting to come closer, but not knowing whether it was allowed to do so.

She motioned for the pokemon to come closer and as if happy, the Chinchou started to flicker the lights on its antennae. It settled just a little distance away from her, watching her closely. ”For now it seems that it wants to stay here.” She observed. Whether it wanted to follow would be up to the pokemon, though she did wonder how that would work. Her two current pokemon were completely different from the one in front of her. ”My name’s Lucina,” She suddenly remembered to introduce herself. She had often met people without giving her name, since she hadn’t thought about doing so.
Charlotte Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz

Charlotte watched as Lucina settled on the ground with her Pokémon, a sense of camaraderie settling between them. She observed the interactions between Lucina and her Pokémon with a smile, appreciating the bond they shared. The Umbreon she did recognize, same with the Chinchou. The rogue pokémon seemed a bit more hesitant to join them.

When Lucina introduced herself, Charlotte returned the gesture with a warm smile. Remembering she also had not introduced herself .. "Nice to meet you!. I'm Charlotte," she replied, giving Vestige a few pats on his shoulder. “and this is Vestige, he’s been my partner for many years now.” Vestige gave a nod to Lucina before he settled his gaze back to the skies.

As Lucina mentioned the Chinchou's hesitation, Charlotte nodded in understanding. She noticed its flickering lights and couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the creature's unique beauty. It wasn’t something she normally thought about, but definitely recognized now. Maybe it was because of the general beauty surrounding them as the Volbeat and Illumise continued their shared dance around them.

“It’s wonderful, isn’t it? To witness such beauty for free.” she said suddenly. A frown forming on her face as she did. “Moments like this are what makes life great, don’t you think?” Something about sharing meaningful moments with total strangers resonated with her.

The Volbeat cast a thoughtful gaze behind him, but seemed a bit hesitant to return to the dance. He instead settled to hover in the air, waiting patiently and hopefully for some more treats.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
As she introduced herself to the other woman, she looked at the pokemon sitting at her side, another one that she didn’t recognise. She knew that there were a lot of pokemon and that she only knew a small portion of them. Though it did make her curious each time she came across a pokemon that wasn’t hostile at least. She introduced herself as Charlotte and Lucina nodded, hoping to remember the name. The pokemon at her side was called Vestige and they had apparently been together for some time now.

The same couldn’t be said about herself and her pokemon, she knew that much. It wasn’t just her own memories that didn’t help with that, but she had met the pokemon after losing her memories. Sometimes she did wonder if she had had a pokemon before the amnesia, but even if she did she wouldn’t remember them now and that might be even more cruel if she were to ever cross paths with the pokemon.

”What kind of pokemon is your partner?” She decided to ask, if she did this every time she met a new pokemon then at one point in time she might learn most of the pokemon, though it would take quite some time. ”Yes, I have never seen something like this before.” She admitted. That was the truth for as far as she knew. ”I just couldn’t stay away when I heard about it.” And since it was something that would only happen once a year, she would either have to wait till next year or she could go now. The choice had been easy to make, since she had no idea what things would be like a year from now.
Charlotte Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Charlotte had been glad she had decided to attend the festival. This was her first time seeing it, but once she had seen the flyer with all the planned festivities pinched to the university’s message board, she had been glad that fate had brought her to Sanctum City when it did. She had spend so many years abroad. Moving from place to place which lead to many great adventures, new memories and experiences in life, but she was prone to missing stuff like this. She would probably have moved away pretty soon anyway, so she was glad to see it while she was still here. She always was on the move after all.

“He’s a Lucario. They are Sinnoh native originally. A couple of years ago we even visited the Iron Island in Sinnoh to see how his kindred live in the wild. That was pretty awesome, wasn’t it?” she asked while giving Vestige a smile. The Lucario gave a curt nod as he too smiled, thinking back at the memory. “It was an enormous trek. We had a guide with us who claimed he could bring us to the place where they lived in the wild, but it was very deep into the mountains. I can’t say I enjoyed the hike, but the end view was well worth it," Charlotte her legs felt like they were going to fall off near the end. Her entire body had ached and she even had to stay and make camp in one of the crevises when it became too dark. Vestige his unwavering determination to get to the top and see his brethren had been what kept her going. If it wasn't for him, she had turned around after two hours already. "Lucario are really smart, you see. They can understand human speech and can communicate with humans through telepathy. It’s pretty amazing, really.” She prattled on while a bright flicker of excitement had sparked behind her eyes. It was noticeable in her voice which had changed pitch as she continued on. Showcasing how passionate she was about the whole ordeal. “I got him as a Riolu, so he’s been with me for 18 years now. Through thick and thin .. “

Charlotte’s voice trailed off as she reminisced the memories. Many of her pokémon were still at her father’s mansion in Galar. She could not take all of them with her. Choosing to only take a select few with each trip the partook. This one to Sanctum City felt different though. Perhaps she should send word to the servants to send a bunch of them over soon.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
So the pokemon was a Lucario, she did wonder if there might be an evolution of the pokemon or something that it had evolved from, but as the woman started to explain she decided to keep quiet for now. It was always good to get to know more information, with a bit of luck she might be able to use it in the future and otherwise it couldn’t hurt to know it at the very least.

It sounded like the two of them had been through quite a lot together already and the trip to Iron Island sounded like one that was perfect to make with the pokemon. Maybe she would one day also visit different places, but for now that was just not possible. At the mention that she had gotten the pokemon as a Riolu she concluded that that must be a pre-evolution of Lucario. But what stuck with her was the fact that they had been together for eighteen years already. That was quite a long time and something that she couldn’t even imagine. ”Eighteen years? I couldn’t even imagine being together with a pokemon for that long.” It was clear that there was a bond between the two though, something that could only be forged with time. ”Have you been to many places together?” She always wondered what more was out there and if there was even something that might spark something of a memory within her, but nothing had up to this point.
Charlotte Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Charlotte smiled briefly at Lucina’s words. She guessed the girl might not have grown up with pokémon like she did, or never had one of her own before. Pokémon were such an integral part of people’s life’s, but of course where were many ways of having pokémon in their lives. Some only used them as tools, as entities to help them while they worked, as service animals, or as companions .. there were endless possibilities.

“Oh sure!” Charlotte exclaimed, happy that she could continue her tales and talk about the thing she was so passionate about with a stranger. “I left home when I was seventeen to travel the world. I didn’t spend more than three weeks in one place sometimes. I’ve seen so many different places, met so many different people and pokémon and learned so much to continue my studies here in Sanctum!”

Her voice went up another pitch in excitement, absentmindedly handing the Volbeat another biscuit as the bug pokémon had been slowly hovering closer and closer. It let out a happy buzz, choosing to stay a bit closer to the group this time around.

“Vertige has been with me for all that time. I got him from my mom when I was seventeen, shortly before I left home,” When her mother had died and she had to get out or she felt like she was going to suffocate. “I’ve been in Sanctum City for only a few weeks, you see. What about you? Are you a local or also a stranger like me?” she said it with a happy tint in her eyes. The joking tone is easily noticeable. She hoped Lucina knew more about Sanctum City than her, perhaps they could go out sometime, have some fun while Lucina taught her the ways of the region.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
So she had left home when she was only seventeen years old, not many did that, she was quite sure of that. She wondered what her parents were like if they would have agreed to something like that, but she didn't even know if she had them or if they were even still alive. Still if she got the chance after she had found her answers, she might just travel around. Even if she knew that knowing who she was might change everything.

”It sounds like you have seen a lot and learned a lot.” She commented. She at least knew what she was like unlike herself. She still wondered if she was the same as she had been with her memories, but that was something she might never know. ”I would treasure those memories.” She told Charlotte, it was something that she wished everyone would do. Even she tried to do so with her current memories, because one day they might just not be there anymore. ”I have been in Sanctum for a few months now.” She decided to tell her. ”And I'm finally feeling like I am getting settled a little.” Though it still wasn't completely true, there was a part of her that would never be able to get settled not without answers.
Charlotte Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
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