

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé could not be sure if this was a good idea. While last time went horrible for a few reasons, certain parts did not go as badly as he had anticipated. More pieces were at play and they had to be brought together. This could only mean that people might come looking for them. While there was not much he could do himself to keep them safe, that was not necessary in a world like this. Pokémon would always be stronger than humans, there was no denying that. Only Jui was able to do anything right now, the two others were too young and inexperienced. There was one more pokémon he could perhaps rely on.

With a heavy heart Míngzé rolled the pokéball around in his hands. He has no idea how long Qiān had been in it for now. They went into some kind of stasis so it should not harm them in any way. That did not mean however the pokémon was completely fine.

A deep sigh escaped. “Why is it so fucking difficult?” The tone of his voice already revealed that he was getting frustrated. All he had to do was open the pokéball and that’s it. The first step however was a difficult one. He sat down on the park bench behind him, earning him a concerned look from Dai who also sat there. Open the pokébal and deal with whatever happens next. Easy. Only Míngzé could not get himself to do so and looked down on it in defeat. It was a good thing it was getting late so there was barely anyone there anymore.

Iemand van Cynthia

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hàorán Zhāng
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 46
Hàorán Zhāng
It was his day off, one that he needed after the whole ordeal with the Kindred. He was still getting used to the changes, to the coldness that now seemed to be ever present. He knew he had promised them things, that he would help them, but he had no idea where to even start. So for now he tried to get used to the changes. Though he had noticed that there were places where it was worse than other places and he tried to avoid them as much as he could, though his work proved a bit difficult with that.

So he had found himself at a park, hoping for a bit of peace and quiet. His pokemon were still in their balls, he would have loved to set them free, but for the moment he needed some alone time. It was the whole reason he had headed here when it was already getting quite late. A voice indicated that he wasn’t going to be alone though. Of course he could just ignore the man who had clearly been frustrated about something, but a part of him wanted to see what was wrong and whether he could help. ”Do you need help with something?” He asked as he approached the man, wondering what was so difficult that he had to exclaim it out loud.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Ran
Age: 31 years
Birthday: 10/01
Occupation: Detective/forensic specialist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé stared down at his hands. He tried to tell himself that it would be fine, that there was no reason for him to fear what might happen. Nothing happened last time, why would it now? Something between him and the pokémon was broken, that much was true. Yet thinking back to last time, he could not deny that he was the problem. Qiān only wanted to help and it was up to Míngzé to make sure that whatever was broken, got fixed.

The weight of the pokéball suddenly seemed to increase. A male voice sounded, one directed at him. His grip around the pokéball tightened and he held his other hand over it too. They were frowned upon, everyone knew that. “Nothing,” Míngzé said to gritted teeth. He tried to hide the red ball to the best of his abilities, not realizing how part of it was still clearly visible. “Just something I need to do.” That was it. One swift motion and the hardest part would be over. And still he remained motionless, his muscles not listening.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hàorán Zhāng
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 46
Hàorán Zhāng
He had approached the man, asking him if there was something that he needed help with. In that moment he had noticed that the man tried to hide something and despite everything he couldn’t help but be a little suspicious why he would try to hide it and fail at the same time. Since the pokeball was still clearly visible. He could understand it though, enough people frowned upon the use of pokeballs, but he didn’t, he even used them himself. It was easier to move around that way and he always knew that he had his pokemon to back him up if necessary.

He contemplated just moving on, to leave the man with his own problems, but he had clearly seemed frustrated and now he was even trying to hide the pokeball, so it most likely had something to do with that. ”Has it something to do with the pokeball?” He tried to inquire. ”Don’t worry, I use them too.” He added. Of course not everyone with the police thought the same about it, but if he had to go to small places it just wasn’t possible to take his pokemon with him otherwise.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Ran
Age: 31 years
Birthday: 10/01
Occupation: Detective/forensic specialist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The smooth metal texture of the pokéball felt cold against his touch. His unseeing eyes fell upon it as the man continued talking. The words were not the ones he expected. “Most people are against the use of them,” Míngzé stated calmly, his voice only layered with a hint of nervousness. There were those who would call it straight up abuse. They were not supposed to act as a cage, but that was how he was using it.

Heaving a deep breath, he filled his lungs with air before holding it. Last time he was at this exact same point, someone had tried to help. It had gone horribly wrong back then. The change he had hoped for never came. If anything it had made things worse. Other things had changed since then, and he needed the pokémon inside more than ever.

“Do you think they are aware of their time in there?” Míngzé wondered, a thumb brushing over the smooth surface of the ball until it hit the button in the front.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hàorán Zhāng
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 46
Hàorán Zhāng
Of course most people were against the use of them, thinking that it was better to let the pokemon roam free. But for him that just wasn’t practical. This way he always had some protection on him. There were enough of his colleagues who didn’t think the same though, but he honestly did not care for their opinions. ”Yes, they are, but this is just more convenient in my line of work.” At least that was his opinion about all this.

If the pokemon were aware of their time in the pokeball? He didn’t really think so to be honest. ”I don’t think they’re really aware, more that they’re in some kind of stasis.” At least that's what he wanted to believe. Though he had never left his pokemon in their pokeball for a long time, so he wouldn’t really know about that.

”Is that what you’re worried about?” He inquired, had he left his pokemon in their ball for quite some time. ”I’m quite sure that your pokemon will just be happy to see you once you let them out for a bit.” Unless their relationship had been bad when the pokemon went inside he was quite sure that it wouldn’t go wrong.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Ran
Age: 31 years
Birthday: 10/01
Occupation: Detective/forensic specialist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The man shared the same beliefs. Pokémon were not aware of the passing time as they sat in their pokéball. Luckily the man did not mind them or scolded him for using one of these devices. Not yet anyway. There was a mention of the other’s work, which momentarily made Míngzé frown.

Míngzé couldn’t keep a quiet scoff from escaping. They will be happy to see him, or so this man says. Last time Qiān had also been glad to be out, but things didn't turn out well back then. Now even more time has passed. “You sound so sure, I wish I could share the same positivity,” Míngzé said, a smile on his lips that did not quite reach his eyes.

“I've lost track of how long he's been in there.” His voice felt strained as he said it. It nearly felt like a crime to keep them locked up for so long. “If it was me, I would not like seeing the face of the person who did it to me.” Qiān must be smart enough to realize what happened. Each time so much changed, it was impossible not to notice.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hàorán Zhāng
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 46
Hàorán Zhāng
Was he really that positive about all this? It felt more like he was being realistic. Enough people kept their pokemon inside pokeballs despite others frowning upon it. He himself made sure not to keep them in one for too long, but it could happen that for days on end they weren’t able to get out if he was too busy with work. ”Maybe it’s easier to think that way. Of course time passes and your pokemon will realise that once they’re out, especially if the season changed.” He didn’t want to discourage the other, but that was a fact.

”But they’re still your pokemon in the end, they once chose you and they will understand if you had a reason for it.” He doubted that pokemon would turn on their trainers so easily just because they had been in the pokeball for a while. ”Why don’t you just try? You are only imagining the worst case scenario right now, but it might not be like that at all.” It was still up to the man of course, but if he didn’t get some encouragement now, then he might never open the pokeball again.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Ran
Age: 31 years
Birthday: 10/01
Occupation: Detective/forensic specialist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Courageous words left the other’s lips as the man talked to him. Pokémon will only notice they’ve been in there for quite a while because of the changing of the seasons. Which was far better than being aware of all the time spent inside. “Perhaps you’re right,” he sighed. No, this man had to be right.

Worry clouded his face as he stared down at the pokéball. Was he really going to do this again? It would only get worse if he waited even longer until he might never let the pokémon out again. That was not something he could do either.


Míngzé heaved a deep breath, filling his lungs as he stood up. He held on to the pokémon as if his life depended on it. It’s going to be fine. Those words kept repeating themselves in his head. Qiān had done nothing wrong last time either.

A flash of red danced before his eyes before the vague shadow of his tall pokémon appeared in front of him. Míngzé held his breath, expecting something, anything, but nothing happened. All Qiān did was look around in confusion. He was tense and cautious, glaring at the stranger amidst them. “What’s he doing?” Míngzé asked as he could not see it. Qiān looked lost more than anything, but his eyes did not leave the stranger.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hàorán Zhāng
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 46
Hàorán Zhāng
If the man decided that he didn’t want to do it in the end it was fine too, but then he might never be able to let his pokemon out again. That would mean that the pokemon would stay stuck inside and it wasn’t like the man didn’t want to let it out, he was just afraid of how the pokemon would react. Even if the pokemon had a bad reaction, it would be something that they would need to get over.

A flash of red light and a pokemon appeared, at first the Inteleon seemed to be looking around, taking in its surroundings, but in the end it ended up glaring at him. It was better than that the pokemon would be glaring at its own trainer. ”He first looked around and now he is glaring at me.” Most likely because he didn’t know him. ”But that’s good. It seems like he is just a bit wary of me.” At least that is what he thought.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Ran
Age: 31 years
Birthday: 10/01
Occupation: Detective/forensic specialist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

So far so good. Qiān did not seem to react out of the ordinary and this guy confirmed it. A sigh of relief rolled over his lips. A good start must count for something. It made sense his pokémon did not trust this guy, he was a stranger who was suddenly here after all.

Míngzé took a slow step forward toward where he could see Qiān’s silhouette. “It’s fine, this man won’t do anything,” he said in a soft voice, hoping it would calm him down. If he could avoid any conflict, he would. But the fact remained that Míngzé had no idea what he was doing.

So far, Qiān had not looked at him all that much and kept his focus on the man. A sound left his mouth, but Míngzé had no idea what it meant. There was a hint of insecurity in it, if he heard it right. “This man is only here to help.” As he said this, he noticed how Qiān took a sideways step back, positioning himself between the two humans.

“No, that is not necessary, see?” Míngzé stepped past the pokémon, closer to the man in an attempt to show that he trusted this individual. Qiān did not agree and grabbed him by the wrist. The sudden reaction made him jump slightly, but nothing else happened.

“Maybe try to introduce yourself to him?” he offered. Inteleon were smart, he might understand what the man told him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hàorán Zhāng
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 46
Hàorán Zhāng
It was understandable, the pokemon and him didn’t know each other and now he had been let out of his pokeball by his trainer. A lot of trainers only did this when they were in danger themselves or needed the help from the pokemon. It was clear that the Inteleon was quite protective as his gaze didn’t leave him. The pokemon was clearly keeping an eye on him.

He decided to hold his hands up, a sign towards the pokemon that he intended no harm. ”See, I don’t mean any harm.” He tried, still watching the pokemon closely. When the man mentioned introducing himself, he smiled, that might just work. ”Alright, Hàorán is the name,” He introduced himself. ”Is that enough to satisfy you or would you like to hear more?” Not that he was going to tell a man and his pokemon everything about him just because a pokemon didn’t trust him. ”And what is his name?” Maybe it wasn’t the best to first ask the name of someone’s pokemon instead of themselves, but it was a bit too late for that now.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Ran
Age: 31 years
Birthday: 10/01
Occupation: Detective/forensic specialist
Sexuality: Bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

All Qiān did was stare at the man, unblinking, a clear warning in his eyes. One wrong move and he would make sure the man would never try anything again. Míngzé felt the tension in the air, and noticed how on edge his pokémon was, but this was better than whatever he had in mind.

The man introduced himself as Hàorán, which for a moment brought a questioning look to Míngzé’s face. He bit back his question and instead gazed over towards Qiān. All the pokémon did was move until he stood right next to him again without losing sight of this stranger, but he also did not answer the man’s question.

“I hope that’s enough,” Míngzé sighed. He could feel how close Qiān stood as their shoulders nearly touched. At least he did not attack the man immediately. “His name is Qiān, I’m Míngzé.” For once he did not think it necessary to give him his nickname. He noticed how Qiān wanted to take a step forward, but was quick to hold his arm in front of him, interrupting his path.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Hàorán Zhāng
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 46
Hàorán Zhāng
He didn’t know what this pokemon held against him, but he did think that it was better that he was focused on him than on his trainer. It meant that he was at least not blaming his trainer for anything now it seemed. Though he didn’t know the pokemon, so it might still be the case.

”Nice to meet you Míngzé and Qiān,” He told the both of them. He didn’t often come across someone with a name that reminded him of the region he had been born in. ”Are you from Fènghuáng?” Or his family had just named him like that, that was possible too of course.

Though he himself had only lived there till he was ten, he could still speak the language, since his parents had made sure that he would be able to speak it. He was more used to using the common language by now though, so he was a bit out of practice. Still it made him curious if someone else was from there.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Ran
Age: 31 years
Birthday: 10/01
Occupation: Detective/forensic specialist
Sexuality: Bisexual
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