
Thnx for the memories

2 posters
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Nerves. Nervous. Charlotte was nervous.

She leaned on a bunch of boxen around the corner of the bar and grill, fiddling with the stitching of her dress and well out of sight of Victor. She threw a look at her phone, seeing that the time indicated she was fifteen minutes late. What was she going to say? Now that the moment was here and she was going to meet him for the first time in years .. she was scared.

Charlotte let out an annoyed huff, pushed herself up and patted her dress to fall more neatly around her stockings. After a quick inspection she deemed her appearance good enough. For the fourth time in fifteen minutes she turned around to the exit of the alleyway, only this time did she actually walk out of it, turn around the corner and enter the bar and grill. She hesitated in the doorway, scanning the tables in the establishment for a sign of her brother. She found him sooner than she had expected. He looked both exactly the same like she remembered him and quite a bit older. A strange mix of both.

Knowing she could no longer escape this faith longer, she made her way towards him. “Brother!” Charlotte leaned down to peck him on the cheek, moving backwards and settling down in the seat in front of him in a rustling of ruffles and frills. “Sorry for the delay, my bus .. arrived late.” she had spent the entire way to the restaurant (including the fifteen minutes spent camping outside) coming up with an excuse.

Somehow the lie still managed to sound transparent.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor didn’t know how to feel.

He was angry. Charlotte had taken her bags and flown off to never be seen again, leaving him alone with their father when he’d only been fifteen. Even if they hadn’t always seen eye to eye, without her the world had been lonely, the mansion they lived in more empty and depressing than ever and living with their father had —he hadn’t known it was possible beforehand—become worse once Victor had no one to share his suffering with anymore. The man had never like his son to start with, not since Ernest died, and when he wasn’t on business trips their interactions were always hostile, sometimes even violent.

Yet he was also happy. He hadn’t wanted to admit it because he didn’t think he’d ever hear from her again and it was better to make peace with that than to dwell on it, but he’d missed his sister. They’d been there for each other when needed and then suddenly she’d been gone. Now, he didn’t want anything more than for things to go back to the way they were, but sadly that could never happen. This meeting wasn’t only to find out why Charlotte had decided to come back into his life, but also for Victor to decide if he wanted her back.

Nerves danced around in his stomach as he walked into Butterfree's Bar & Grill. Charlotte hadn’t arrived yet and so Victor already took place at an empty table. Time passed by slowly as he waited. Once ten minutes had passed, Victor started to doubt she would show up. That would truly be the cruelest joke anyone had ever played on him: getting his hopes and nerves up only to crush any chance at reconciliation. Telling himself he would give it ten more minutes before he would accept that, he stayed seated.

When he noticed her walking towards him, Victor let out a breath of relief: he’d been worried for nothing. She looked differently, yet somehow the same; it was strange to think about.

Victor froze when she pressed a kiss on his cheek. It was still his first reaction when someone touched him, even if he had more control over his affinity now, and he didn’t know how to react to the affectionate gesture when he hadn’t seen his sister in years. “It doesn’t matter,” Victor dismissed her excuse. It didn’t matter, though it did hurt that the first thing she said to him after all this time was a lie, all he wanted to know was why: why did she want to see him again? Why now? Why had she left? “Why did you wanna see me?” he asked. All kinds of emotions were fighting for dominance inside him—anger, hope, fear, happiness, hurt,...—and while he tried to keep his expression neutral, he had trouble keeping the conflict and the questions inside him off his face.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Charlotte locked eyes with him, sensing a chill despite his composed demeanor. There was an unspoken tension, a palpable distance that weighed heavy between them, reminding her of the choices she had made. She couldn't help but avert her gaze momentarily, acknowledging the inevitable consequence of her actions. Leaving him and her siblings behind had been a necessary act of self-preservation, a flight from the suffocating grip of her father's influence.

His question struck her like a blow, stirring a mixture of emotions within her. "What do you mean?" she murmured, her fingers nervously tracing the delicate frills of her dress. ""I thought... I hoped... we could reconnect," she ventured, her voice wavering slightly. “I .. began at the university and saw that you were there, too. So .. I wanted to see you.”

Charlotte desperately wished he would simply accept her words at face value, to brush aside the complexity of their shared history and embrace the possibility of reconciliation. But she knew it wouldn't be that easy, not after all they had been through. Still, she couldn't suppress the flicker of hope that perhaps, just perhaps, he would choose to see things her way. Avoid the conflict interely. That was what had always worked for her, after all.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor eyed his sister suspiciously. How could she not know what he meant? She’d left for years without a word and now she was trying to get back into his life like nothing had happened. He had every reason to ask why she wanted to see him, why now after all this time.

Listening to her explanation, he tried to analyse how he felt. When he was younger, he’d often imagined what it would be like if she came back, but he’d never thought he’d feel so conflicted. He wanted to believe her, but didn’t know if he could trust her. “You were gone for years,” he tried to say it matter of factly but he couldn’t keep the hurt from his voice. “I want to—” The words were out before he realised. Despite the years and distance he really did wish they could reconnect. “—but how do I know you won’t disappear again?” It would only hurt so much more if he let her back into his life and she left again. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to open himself up to that possibility.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
Charlotte felt a pang of guilt as she watched her brother's suspicious gaze. How could she expect him to welcome her back with open arms after all the years of silence? She understood his skepticism, even if it stung to see it directed at her.

Her heart clenched at his words, the hurt in his voice cutting through her defenses. She had left without a word, escaping the suffocating grip of their father's influence, but in doing so, she had also left behind the people she cared about most. Now, faced with Victor's raw emotions, she struggled to find the right words to ease his doubts.

"I know," she began, her voice barely above a whisper. Her fingers tightened around the frills of her dress, a nervous habit she couldn't seem to shake. "But Victor, please... I've spent all this time trying to find myself, trying to break free from his hold. And now that I'm finally free, I want... I need to reconnect with my family."

Charlotte opened her mouth to apologize, but was interrupted by the waiter appearing out of thin air, asking them if he could get them anything. His demeanor and chipper voice felt grossly out of place in the current situation. “Uh .. water, yes, sparkling,” she said a little irritated.

Once he went away Charlotte looked Victor in the eyes again. Telling him she wasn’t going to pack up and leave again would be a blatant lie. Charlotte loved traveling and the adventure it had brought her. The things she had seen and done. Except she now lacked a place she solidly could call home. Each place she stayed would only be temporary, what was to say that this time it was too? She averted her gaze, choosing not to answer that one just yet.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Despite his anger and hurt, Victor understood. He’d thought it over many times and he’d always come to the same conclusion: if given the chance, he also would’ve left. Father had always been strict, impossible to please, suffocating… but after their mother died it had come to a boiling point. It was only logical that Charlotte had gotten out. That he understood, however, didn’t mean that it hurt any less that she’d left him.

If he thought logically about it, Charlotte made sense. Since he’d come to Cerynia, Victor had learned how much he didn’t know about himself and how much his father had influenced his life. A little brother didn’t fit in the picture when you wanted to travel to find yourself.

Before he could reply to anything she’d said, a waiter interrupted the conversation. “Coffee, please,” Victor told the man on auto-pilot, not really paying attention to what he was ordering.

Charlotte’s eyes seemed to burn into him; Victor had to look away and think things over. The silence between them was heavy as he contemplated his answer. “We can try,” he finally said carefully. If he sent her away now, he would never find out if they could be brother and sister again, and he didn’t want to live eternally wondering what would have happened if he’d given her a chance.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Charlotte Schultz
Messages : 54
IC Posts : 24

Charlotte Schultz
A heavy silence fell between them, causing the nervousness inside Charlotte’s stomach to increase tenfold. She held her breath as she wondered if this was it. If he would send her away after everything. Could she really blame him if he did? .. Would he do such a thing?

Charlotte didn’t know.

She realized that she didn’t know her brother at all anymore. It had been too long.

After what felt like an eternity, Victor said his answer. It made her sit up a little straighter as a little bit of the weight eased off her shoulders a bit. They could try.

It was better than nothing at all, right? It sure was better than nothing.

“I’m .. sorry, for leaving when I did. I just couldn’t take it anymore.” She eventually said with a voice that was barely above a whisper. She had done everything to please her father up until that point, but when their mother had passed his behavior had only become worse. Any sane person would have let go of the notion to please him, but not Charlotte.

She had traveled to the most outrageous places and taken the most beautiful pictures she could. Had spend her time learning five different languages to the best of her abilities. Got a degree here and there. It still hadn’t been enough.

Had it been enough what Victor had done? The golden child. The boy who always seemed to have one step ahead of her in life in their father’s eyes?

“I wish I could say that daddy sends his regards but .. I don’t think he cared too much that I was going to the same region you are staying in,” Charlotte added as the waiter arrived with the coffee and the sparkling water.

Character sheet
Age: 25
Birthday: 23/03 (Aries)
Occupation: Science student
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Of course Victor wished he could welcome her back with open arms, but after all this time this was the best he could give her.

“Thank you.” The apology didn’t fix everything, but it did help to finally hear her say those words. “I understand that.” Father had never been an easy man to live with and he’d only grown worse in the time before Charlotte left.

Victor scoffed when Charlotte told him about their father’s reaction to her going to the same region as him. “No, I wouldn’t have expected him to.” The only thing the man cared about was that Victor kept his grades up and upheld the family reputation. As long as he did that, he could stay in Cerynia without any interference or concern from the man.

After accepting his drink from the waiter, Victor looked at Charlotte. While they were siblings, he didn’t know anything about his sister. If they wanted to reconnect, they would first need to get to know each other again. “So…” Victor started before realising he hadn’t thought of a question yet. “What are you studying?” She’d told him she was attending the university, but she’d never said what she was studying.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
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