
[journey] Shine bright

2 posters
Félix o'Dubhshláine
Messages : 14
IC Posts : 8
Félix o'Dubhshláine
journey card

This is his first journey. You can find his wishlist over here, but I'm open for almost everything! A shiny ore stone? would also be nice. Affinity wise I have no idea, so everything is an option! maybe not fighting because have you looked at him

Félix went to the forest to take some pictures of wild pokémon. Now he wants to go home again but he left the path a while ago and had no idea where he is going. As a glass half full kinda guy he is not worried.

Life is simple
Get out of your head and into the moment

With his camera in hand the man walked through the forest. He was careful with each step, trying his best not to make any noise. Wild pokémon would jump at the slightest movement, which is not why he was here. Félix was looking for inspiration. He wanted to capture pokémon or beautiful scenery on picture to later use it on a canvas.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed some movement. He lifted his camera to his eye and lowered himself to the ground. Slowly he moved forward until a pidgey came into his vision. The bird had not noticed him and sat on a fallen tree as they cleaned their feathers. Félix managed to get a few shots before the pokémon flew away.

When Félix was happy with what he got, he made the decision to turn around. A while ago he had strayed away from the path and he could no longer remember where it was exactly. A deep sigh escaped as he brushed his hair out of his face. How did this keep happening? Each time he told himself he would keep track of the path, and each time he ended up somewhere else. Félix would not say he was lost, not exactly. He always found his way back, even though it might take a while. For now he saw no reason for panic.

Character sheet
Nickname: Fee
Age: 24
Birthday: 26/06
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Through the lens of your camera, it always seem like the world is just a little bit different. The frozen aspects on the picture, perfectly framing that one specific moment. As you, Félix, walk through the forest, capturing these moments all around you, you notice the things that most people would never. The little changes in colour on trees, flowers and pokémon that dare to come closer. Straying from the path might not always be the smartest idea, but for a creative mind such as yours, it was a challenge. To see that what others didn't, to capture that which others let go off.

As of now, you seem to be a little lost. The path before and behind you unrecognizable, plants and flowers making a spectacle of colours that you couldn't dream off, even in your wildest dreams. Captivated by these moments, you reach for your camera, to freeze the moment in time. But before you can do this, you spot a little blue .. thing? You're not sure. It's not a Butterfree, it's too small for that. But it's also not a leaf from one of the trees or a peddle of one of the flowers around here. It is, however, trying to get your attention, by landing on the bark of a dull brown tree. Its blue colours bursting against the colour around it.

Will you take a closer look at this thing? Or will you try and find your way back to the path that you strayed away from.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Félix o'Dubhshláine
Messages : 14
IC Posts : 8
Félix o'Dubhshláine
Life is simple
Get out of your head and into the moment

This was anything but his first time getting lost in the forest, so for now Félix did not care too much. As long as he kept walking to the general direction of where he thought he came from, he would eventually find his way back. Or that is what he hoped would happen. This wasn’t in any way a bad thing.

As he walked there were more things that caught his eye and once more he reached for the camera around his neck. Félix was by no means a professional at taking pictures, if anything he was average. He went through his knees and came closer to the ground as he held the camera near his eye. Before the click of his device sounded, he had already lowered it again. Was that his imagination or had he truly seen something.

Indeed there was a blue thing, but Félix was not able to figure out what it was. Curiously he got up again and moved a bit closer. It did move and had moved to a tree. Was it a pokémon. He took a careful step forward and then another one. As he did he tried not to make too much sound as he did not want to startle whatever it was. His hands were on his camera, ready to capture the moment. “Hi there,” Félix tried as he kept the tone of his voice light and friendly. This had to be a pokémon, nothing else was this colorful.

Character sheet
Nickname: Fee
Age: 24
Birthday: 26/06
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

With your camera in front of you, you decide to sneak up on the blue butterfly like creature. Stopping when it moves, it decides to land on the bark of a tree. With the camera ready, you come even closer, softly speaking to it. The moment you want to snap a picture, the creature moves, flying up and landing on your hand.

you've rolled a 9 on a d20 for constitution. The DC was 16.

It is rain that wakes you up, your vision still blurry from whatever it was that just happened to you. The moment your senses work accordingly, you get yourself up right. Immediately you know that something is amiss, as you're no longer in the forest you remember just being in. In front of you, you see the following.

What will you do?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
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