
[se] Swirling petals

3 posters
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She had heard about the event, that there would be a day where people would head into the tranquil hollow and pick flowers. She had wanted to go the moment she heard about it, but she still didn't just like asking people to come with her except for Ming that was. Though she doubted that he would come if she asked him to come with her to the event.

So what she had done was ask him to meet her, so that they could go somewhere on this pretty day. It wasn't good to stay inside all of the time after all. Scarlet had followed her, while Noir had stayed at home. The Umbreon seemed more than happy to have the time to himself. She had asked Ming to meet her somewhere near the Tranquil Hollow, though not inside, since then he might have noticed what was happening. The moment she saw him, she called out to him. ” Ming,” She had learned from the harmony festival that it was best to call out to him when she saw him, it made things easier.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

This was a unique place to meet up for sure. Míngzé couldn’t help but feel nervous about this whole thing. He had wanted to ask her why, but hadn’t done so for some stupid reason. What if she had organized some kind of picnic? Things had ended rather well last time and he feared that maybe he had given her a wrong impression again. If that was the case, he wanted to be able to tell her face to face and not through text.

Míngzé could soon hear his name coming from a familiar voice. Jiu guided him towards her. “Hi,” he greeted her with a small smile on his face. How he wished this was not some kind of surprise. He really did not want to tell her again that things between them were not what she hoped for. “Mind telling me why we are here?” The smile was still on his lips. He did his best to sound as normal as possible. He was aware that more people were here, but maybe that was because of the nice weather. It always drew people to places like this.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She knew that he might not come at all, it had been a bit of an odd place to ask him to come to, but otherwise he might still try to run away. So the moment she saw him she called out to him. Of course he wanted to know why she had asked him to come here and it wasn’t like she could hide it any longer, since it wasn’t that much further now.

”There is some kind of event here today.” She started, gesturing towards the field, even though she knew that Ming wouldn’t be able to tell. ”Something like flower picking I believe? And I really wanted to go, just not alone.” She admitted. She had thought about inviting others, but she had been afraid of being a burden to them, so she had opted for Ming in the end. ”And I didn’t really know who else to ask but you.” She hoped that he wouldn’t be angry, it was really just that she hadn’t wanted to go to something like this all alone.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Míngzé was ready for a lot of explanations, but not this one. There was a lot going on this month, but he was not aware of every event. Most things were not for him so he did not pay them much attention. His jaw dropped a little when Lucina told him they were here for the flower picking. “That is today?” That explained the amount of people here. He was a bit lost for words. They were going to go flower picking? Míngzé couldn’t help but feel out of place.

The reason she asked him was because she had no one else. It made him clench his jaw. That was not what he wanted to hear. “Yeah, sure, why not. I’m here now anyway.” The smile on his face was a little bit forced. Not because he did not want to do something for her, but more because he had to pick flowers. “Have you not met anyone else?” There was a hint of concern in his voice as he asked that. At the same time he motioned for her to take the lead while he would follow. After certain events, it did not feel right for him to be here with her right now.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
It wasn't like she hadn't come across anyone else, but it still wasn't at a point where she would just ask them to come with her, it almost felt rude to do so. ”It's not like that.” She started. It already seemed like he hated the idea, maybe she should have just gone alone. ”I did meet a few people, but I didn't want to be a burden to them.” Though she was most likely a burden to Ming now. It was something she had most likely been the moment she came into his life.

”But if you really don't want to I will just go alone.” There was no way she could ask someone else now, so if he didn't want to she would have to go alone. She might be able to gather some pretty flowers, though it would definitely not be as much fun as it would be with someone else.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Míngzé was worried. Even after all this time, it seemed like he was still the only one she really trusted. He’d hoped that she would’ve made more friends, other people she could hang out with. Xīyuàn was supposed to be one of them, but she had to leave shortly after Lucina moved in. “I’m sure they would not mind if you ask them to hang out.” Not that he was the right person to give her advice, as his own friendlist was extremely limited. “Just text them next time,” Míngzé tried to encourage her.

“No, no, it’s fine, like I said, I’m here now.” Míngzé shrugged. It was not like he wanted to go flower picking and for very good reasons. Firstly he did not exactly think it was for him, and secondly it would be more of a flower hunt. Perhaps he would let her pick the flowers while he simply stood there. “Where do we start?” This was already going great. It would be a miracle if he even found one flower.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She doubted that that was the case, that people wouldn't mind her asking. And it didn't help that she definitely hadn't remembered to ask people for their number, so texting was a bit hard for some of them. ”I don't have all their numbers.” Especially when she had just gotten her phone she hadn't thought about using it to contact people. Before going to the mountains she had barely had anyone in there, but since then a few had been added. But just texting someone was already quite the hurdle for her.

She still wasn't convinced that Ming was fine with this, but it seemed like he wasn't going to leave at the very least, so she decided to not ask again for now. He even asked where they should start. ”There is a field over there with some blue flowers.” She said, maybe it was a good place to start. Not that she had any knowledge about flowers, so she had no idea what kind of flower it would be. Still she led the way into the field, stopping when they were next to a few of them. She kneeled, picking one of them and placing it in the basket she had taken with her. She wasn't going to force Ming to pick some flowers too, but if he wanted she would help him.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Lucina, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

A soft hum escaped. That made it difficult indeed. “Ask them for their number next time you see them, that makes it easier if you want to meet up.” Perhaps that would spare him from this torture next time. Not that he minded being her for her, but the whole concept surrounding this small event was a different story.

A patch of blue flowers was nearby and their first destination. The sun was high in the air and shining bright, enough for him to make out Lucina’s shape. Míngzé followed her, until they reached the flowers. Once there he held onto his cane, rolling it between his hands as he simply stood there. “What will you do with them?” He knew that each and every type of plant would die immediately if he brought it home. The few times someone had gifted him a plant or flower, it had withered and died. Another reason why he felt out of place in this field. Míngzé looked around as he stood there, more looking like a scarecrow than anything else.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Ming, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.

Spring trait

an encounter

Character sheet
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
True it was easier if you had people's numbers, she could admit that. But that didn't make asking for them any easier. She would try next time though, especially if she met people for a second time. But it still didn't compare to what Ming meant for her, despite him turning her down. That was something she would rather just leave behind her.

What would she do with them? That was a good question. She had thought to just put them in a vase or something, but then thought differently, knowing that the flowers weren't going to last long. ”Maybe dry them, though I am not sure yet.” She had read about it and thought that it might be a good idea to try. As she gathered a few of them, she suddenly noticed something, a pokemon flew up between the flowers before landing on her shoulder. She looked at it in wonder, wondering what kind of pokemon it was. Yes, it was a bird, that much she could tell, but what kind was a mystery to her. Still it seemed to have settled on her shoulder, watching intently as she picked a few flowers.

Ming had been standing there, probably not knowing what to do, so maybe she should just try to help him pick some. Point him in the right direction. ”Here, just try it.” She said before taking his hand and placing it so he could grab a stem, not knowing that she put his hand right in front of another pokemon.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

It was a good thing Míngzé was not capable of seeing. At least he would not see how people looked at him because he was simply standing there. Slowly his cane was digging a hole in the ground from all the spinning. This was exactly why he did not pay any attention to these events. For multiple reasons they were not for him.

“Dry them? Why?” Míngzé asked with a raised eyebrow. What was the appeal to having a dried out flower? What did you even do with it? It made no sense. A bouquet on the table he could understand. Not something he would soon get, but it made sense. Not that it mattered, if Lucina was happy doing this, then it was fine. Míngzé would just— wait or something.

Míngzé vaguely registered that Lucina was moving, but he paid her no attention. It was only when he felt something touching his hand, that he tried to pull away. Her grip however was a bit too firm and he also relaxed immediately when he knew it was her. “Fine,” he sighed as he let her guide his hand. His finger touched something and he grabbed it, softly pulling on it trying to snap it off. A frown appeared when it did not work. Again he tried, only to feel something slithering around his hand. “What the fuck?!” he screamed out as he pulled back immediately. Quickly he moved backwards and fell to the ground after losing his balance. A grunt of pain sounded as he hit the ground.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
Was drying them really such a stupid idea? She had read that it was a way to preserve them and that you could even make things with it, but it seemed like Ming didn’t understand why and she was starting to doubt herself now too. ”I read that it was a way to preserve them.” She told him, but not sounding so sure anymore now. Maybe she should just put them in a vase after all. Ming would most likely not be able to tell this, but the Selunox was clearly glaring at him for having said something like that.

The bird pokemon seemed to have settled on her shoulder and she smiled at it. ”It’s fine if you want to stay.” She didn’t have a pokemon like this yet and it might not be a bad idea to have one that could fly around if needed. So if it wanted to stay, she would let it stay. Meanwhile she had grabbed Ming’s hand and placed it near one of the stems. Encouraging him to pick one too. However it was clearly a mistake when she heard him screaming and when she turned to look at what was happening saw him move backwards before falling onto the ground after losing his balance. Quickly she looked at the flowers that she had just guided him to and noticed something different between them. ”Is that a pokemon?” It was definitely not like the flowers, but for now, she made her way over to Ming. ”Are you alright?” She would understand it if he wanted to leave now. She hadn’t intended for this to happen, but it was clear that the pokemon had given him quite the scare.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

For Lucina he would pick one flower, even when he felt silly doing it. She wanted to do this, maybe to feel normal among everyone else, do things everyone did. It was the only reason he did as she offered. One flower, that was all. Only his fingers did not find a flower but something else.

It clung to his arm and he hated it. The roots of the creatures were unrelentless as Míngzé shook his arm in panic. When that did not work, he tried pushing it away with his other hand, but nothing worked. “I guess, I don’t know,” he breathed, his hurried voice betraying the panic going through him.

Quickly, yet clumsy, Míngzé shot to his feet. This seemed to do the trick as the roots around his arm finally let go. He cradled his arm against his chest, rubbing the spot where he could still feel the pressure from earlier. “Fuck— Lucina, this is—” he shook his head as he took a step back. “This is really not for me.” For her, he tried, but after this he was done.

Helplessly he looked around, trying to locate this pokémon that had just attacked him. That pokémon in question stood at his feet, looking up with a weird expression but not doing anything else.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She hadn’t intended for it to end this badly, she had just wanted him to pick one flower and then he might want to pick some more. But it had clearly gone wrong because of that pokemon. Ming was clearly panicking as he tried to get the pokemon off of his arm and she was already approaching, ready to help him. Though that was when he stood up and the pokemon let go of his arm, settling in front of him.

It was clear what Ming thought about all this as he cradled his arm and she wasn’t going to stop him, she knew that much. ”I understand.” She told him. She wasn’t going to force him, even if that meant she would have to continue with this on her own. ”I’m sorry for this, I didn’t expect that pokemon to be there.” She would understand it completely if he wanted to leave now.

Ming was still trying to look around, while the pokemon was just standing in front of him. ”The pokemon is standing in front of you.” She could try to lift it, but she doubted Ming would appreciate that. ”It’s fine if you want to leave.” She added. After this experience he shouldn’t force himself.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

“No, it’s fine. This is not your fault,” Míngzé said with a shake of his head. Some things were simply not made for him and this was among them. A bit awkwardly he took a hold of his cane again, fiddling it once more between his fingers.

The pokémon was standing in front of him. Right. Involuntarily he took a step back. Where the sun provided enough light for him to see Lucina’s silhouette, it was not enough for the pokémon. Curse his eyes. Luckily it did not seem to have any ill intentions.

“I’m sorry,” Míngzé sighed. It did not feel good to leave her here by herself. Not when people around them were enjoying this little thing together. “Maybe next time, when it is something— different.” Not this. Not picking flowers among pokémon. “I’ll find my own way back, you can continue if you want.” There were enough other people he could bother if he needed help.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She had hoped that it would have gone better today, despite knowing that this might not be the event to take Ming to. But it had turned out to be a disaster to say the least and it made things awkward. Even if Ming was apologising she had been the one to ask him to come here today, to be here with her at this moment. ”It’s fine,” She told him, trying to reassure him that it was fine for him to leave now. She would just pick some more flowers herself.

”Are you sure? I could at least help you out of the fields.” But she didn’t know if he would appreciate that right now. Maybe it was best to just let him go on his own. ”And sure, maybe next time.” Though he had told her to try and ask other people, she would see what would be the best action to take next time. For now she would either help him out of the fields or keep here, maybe move on the another patch of flowers, since another colour might be nice.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

While she reassured him it was fine, he could not shake the feeling of guilt. He wanted her to meet new people. People she could spend time with besides him. People she might develop feelings for. Ever since Míngzé knew why he was here, he could not shake the uncomfortable feeling. Yet, he had tried to be there for her while she was enjoying something.

Míngzé hummed softly. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me. Enjoy your flowers.” Míngzé gave her a smile. She shold not stop doing something she liked simply because he was not enjoying herself. “You might even meet someone else here.” There were enough other people. All she had to do was walk up to them and talk.

“Anyway, I’ll see you later.” With those parting words he walked in the general direction of where they came from. What he did not notice was the pokémon that followed him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She doubted that people would try to approach her, at least not people who she didn’t know. But she would just have to enjoy this on her own otherwise. It wasn’t like she was completely alone, she had the Selunox with her and the bird type pokemon who had seemingly wanted to join her was still sitting on her shoulder. ”We shall see.” She answered Ming, though she didn’t expect anything really, it was better not to.

”See you later.” She told him, hoping that he would be able to find his way back properly. She turned her back on him, looking around, she was planning on going to another part, maybe find another colour of flower at the very least. Scarlet moved ahead of her as the other pokemon still stayed on her shoulder, not trying to move away for now.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
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