
[se] daisies on your nightstand

4 posters
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn's movements were graceful as she knelt among the blossoms, her fingers delicately isolating a single flower between her index and middle finger. With a gentle tug, she freed it from the earth, the stem yielding easily to her touch. She brought the flower to her nose, inhaling deeply, the sweet fragrance of the pink petals filling her senses and momentarily transporting her to a tranquil state.

As she savoured the moment, her Espeon sprang into action. The Pokémon leaped like a fox, her front paws landing deftly on something hidden in the grass. Before Shaelyn could fully process the scene unfolding before her, her Espeon began to radiate an intense white glow. The light enveloped the creature. Within moments, the Espeon's fur shifted from its usual colour to a more natural, Siamese-like colouring, complete with captivating blue eyes that looked up at Shaelyn, reflecting a hint of confusion over her new appearance.

Caoilfhionn?” Shaelyn uttered in mild surprise, addressing her Pokémon by name. She watched, bemused, as Caoilfhionn seemed to revel in her new form, playfully sinking through her legs and wiggling her newly coloured tail with evident enthusiasm.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Shaelyn, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.

spring trait

an encounter

Character sheet
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
He had heard from the flower thing from some people and for a moment he wondered if that had been the thing Kieran had referred to. Regardless, he had still taken it upon himself to go check it out. Putting on rather dark clothing, he headed out to the place that seemed to be the right spot. Amongst the many vibrant flowers and the joy filled people, Zen stood out like a sore thumb. He wasn't looking particularly thrilled to be there and perhaps someone could even say that he looked majorly pissed off. None of his problems, this was just what he looked like.

As he walked further into the field, he stopped as a bright light caught his interest. He turned to look at what was happening and frowned as he saw a Pokémon... It kind of looked like it was evolving, but to his surprise the shape wasn't changing in form or size. As soon as the light faded, Zen could see that it was an Espeon in quite an odd colouring. He had never seen an Espeon like that before.

The tall man slowly approached the seemingly owner of the mon and nodded at her. "That's quite an interesting colour of Espeon," Zen noted. "Is that what you people call a trait in these parts?" he was genuinely curious.

He looked up as he noticed something else an to his surprise another vibrantly coloured critter showed it's head. Zenji's brows knitted together in a deep frown as he looked over the two Pokémon. "Peculiar... Indeed," he mumbled softly. What an odd display. Traits came in such a variety... He had seen it with the Pikachu at Kieran's place... And now this. If he didn't know any better, he would almost guess that these lands were cursed with some strange magic.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

Zenji, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.

spring trait

an encounter

Character sheet
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Only now did Shaelyn recognize that the Espeon had been enticing another creature into play, initially mistaking it for a flower due to its unusual colouring. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a vibrantly coloured Skitty, engaging in a chase with the Espeon, weaving through the grass with a spring in its steps.

As she observed their playful antics, a voice interrupted her thoughts. Startled, Shaelyn turned and found herself looking up at a tall man who had approached her. She straightened up, brushing off her clothes as she stood, and offered him a friendly nod. “It seems so. She seems to have found something among the flowers,” she replied, her eyes scanning the area where the Espeon had been frolicking. However, only a swirl of dust remained.

Noticing movement nearby, she pointed towards another unusual Pokémon a short distance away. “Look over there,” she suggested with a hint of enthusiasm. “Our region is teeming with them. Aren't you familiar with them?

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Shaelyn, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
His eyes went back to her as she granted him a reply. She must have found something among the flowers.... It made him frown, as he wasn't familiar with things that could just change the colour of a Pokémon. Where he was from the normal and shiny variants were the only ones that were present in the region.

When she pointed towards something and called out as well, he turned to look. Tilting his head he noticed a small Bulbasaur with a creamy-white colouring and a soft pastel green bulb on it's back. It's eyes had a soft pink hue to it and for a moment the creature didn't seem to notice them as it was keeping it's attention to the flowers around it.

The stranger spoke and Zenji turned his head back to her and shook his head. "Well... I've seen my fair share of peculiar Pokémon around these parts, yes. But I haven't been here long enough to not be surprised everytime I see one," he said truthfully. He turned to look back at the grass type variant. "Makes me wonder... Why is the term shiny Pokémon even a thing then? Is it because it's genetics and this... Colouring isn't?" Or was it perhaps something else?

He looked back over to her, noticing something in the corner of his eyes he turned. A Chespin... BUt... "Well speak of the devil," he mumbled between his lips as he crossed his arms. Observing the Pokémon for a moment, he looked back at the lady. "It's just all a bit new to me... And don't even get me started on uh... What's it called... Affinities? Cerynia has been quite a nice place to live but these two phenomones really make me question certain things about this world," Like the why and how... But then again, what did he know.

He noticed in the corner of his eye that the Bulbasaur had approached him, a flower in it's mouth as it sat down in front of him. His attention went to the little guy as he squatted down and reached out his hand, which allowed him to receive the gift the Pokémon offered him. He smiled, gently reaching out some fingers so that the grass mon could smell it, before it bowed it's head, allowing Zen to pet him. "It doesn't seem to change their personality..." Or perhaps it did, for the better, who knew, he surely didn't.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
The man wondered about shiny Pokémon and traits, and Shaelyn smiled gently. “It used to be that Pokémon were either shiny or ‘normal.’ It wasn’t until an event in Sinnoh that traited Pokémon were discovered. As it’s a completely different gene mutation, it turned out this way,” she explained. “I don’t know all the specifics, though.” She knew a bit, but her knowledge on the subject was limited.

When the man said not to get started on affinities, Shaelyn chuckled. “They are quite the phenomena. The more we learn about affinities, the more questions we end up with,” she smiled. “I take it you don’t have one yourself?” It wasn’t surprising, though in Shaelyn’s line of work, she encountered more people who did than those who didn’t.

The man noticed that traits didn’t seem to alter personalities, and Shaelyn hummed in agreement. “The gene doesn’t directly affect personality, no. But it often does so indirectly. They get treated differently by their own species and others, so their personalities change.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
The woman was so gracious as to answer his questions and grant him knowledge he not yet had within his reach. His eyes wandered to the so called 'traited' Pokémon and remained on the Bulbasaur that decided to stick aroun. He was cute, Zenji had to give him that. She spoke of Sinnoh and how that had been the starting point of it all, a genetic mutation, but she didn't know the specifics. He looked at her for a moment. He didn't either, well, genetic stuff to be exact, so perhaps it was for the better she didn't go in detail about it.

She seemed to find his opinion about affinities funny as she gave her side on the matter. Zenji looked at her and shook his head on her question. "Of course not, I'm not from here, so why should I?" Where he was from this kind of thing would be highly frowned upon, seeing as it was strange and just not normal. And anything that wasn't deemed normal was usually pushed aside.

Hearing her speak more on traits he nodded slowly. "Yeah, seems reasonable," he spoke as he looked over the different mons. His eyes eventually went to her. "Still, Cerynia is quite strange, I must say. Nothing like I've ever seen before. Not that it's bad... Just different," but perhaps that was the thing that made it bad.

A shadow caught his attention as he glanced over at it for a second, seeing the giant Braviary circle their location. Zenji was annoyed at the sight, could he be more obvious then this? He rolled his eyes and simply turned to look at the woman. Even if he shouted at the damn thing to come down, he wouldn't listen. Stubborn as a damn Mudbray, stupid chicken.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
The man asked why he should have an affinity, and Shaelyn chuckled. “There is nothing you should or should not have. I merely wondered, as many gain one once they reach these lands,” she told him. It wasn’t just Cerynia either. Every bit of land on this continent held affinities by now, though they diminished the farther one traveled.

The man observed that Cerynia was strange, and Shaelyn nodded. “When Xerneas released life onto our lands to fight the death Yveltal spread, the lands responded to it. Ever since, our region has been… different. Thriving, but changing,” she explained. “Such a wonderful thing, don’t you think? How a Goddess risked it all to save the people here. I am glad we have something to remember this by,” she smiled, holding her hand against her chest. The tree of Xerneas and these affinities were the ways to remember what Xerneas had done for them.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Zenji Shinazugawa
Messages : 94
IC Posts : 70

Zenji Shinazugawa
The woman chuckled, which grabbed his attention. He turned to look at her for a moment, not really knowing what was so funny. She spoke, saying that she had wondered as many seemed to gain an affinity when coming here. His brows knotted together in a frown as he seemed very confused on what she just said. Explaining it like that almost made it sound like an illness. "I see," was all he said. However, it did make his skin crawl, not liking what that implied. How were not more people concerned about this...?

She even went on to give him a little history lesson on the region. He knew who Yveltal and Xerneas were and he hummed softly. So it had been the deer goddess herself that had saved the people from the embodiment of death himself. He knew the people of this land mostly leaned into worshipping her, but he didn't know why. Where he was from there were many tales of the legendaries and mythicals that seemed to roam the world. However, there was only one that always returned in seemingly every tale. Unrivalled in every aspect. Or that's what the stories of his homeland had always presented. What she said would surely indicate that this supreme figure could be opposed. Especially if there was a creature who could do something so vile as change an entire species.

"I suppose it is," he said, not really wanted to go into details and potentially ending up in a discussion he cared little about. "Well... It was nice talking to you, but I have to be on my way," Zen spoke with a nod. "Have a nice day," damn weird people in this land man.

Character sheet
Nickname: Zen
Age: 26
Birthday: 12/12
Occupation: Shady assistant
Sexuality: Bisexual
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