
[SE] Sweet hibiscus tea.

4 posters
Sun-Hi Seong
Messages : 46
IC Posts : 33

Sun-Hi Seong
It almost felt as though she was home again. A warm sunlight caresses her face- the soft zooming noise of bug-type Pokemon nearby. Her arm intertwined with Min-Woo's- she smiled warmly, happy to have found back her long lost other half after all those years. It was almost crazy how quickly the two of them had gotten back to the point they left each other at- although this time was even better now that their future marriage did not push down on both of them. No- these days they could be Sunny and Min- or- Vince again. Every day, every second and not just when out of the sight of their folks. She smiled as she looked at him, hugging his arm even more tightly for a few seconds " Ahh this is surely the best way to start this spring!" she exclaimed excitedly. "With good weather and my two favourite people ever" her voice had been honey-sweet as she walked in between Vince and her dear cousin Mi-Do. The latter of which carried the picnic basket they had prepared for the afternoon.

Today would be a beautiful day for the bloom picking event- a new tradition Sun-Hi was going to welcome with both arms. After all, she had never needed an event before, back home she had made countless of flower decorations with Min-Woo and later Mi-do. With a smile she pulled her friend at her arms to a halt "Oh this seems like a great spot does it not?! Look, the flowers here are amazing!" her free hand pointed at the patches of brightly coloured flowers ahead,as her eyes fell upon Mi-Do, "What do you guys think?"
+ Mi-Do & Vince

Character sheet
Nickname: Sunny
Age: 20
Birthday: 17th of August
Occupation: Police trainee
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Sun-Hi, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406

Vince Newman
Vince had asked Sang if he wanted to join him for the flower picking event, but the only answer was something in the way of ‘not in a million years’. So he dropped the subject and contacted Sun-hi and Mi-do, wondering if the cousins and arguably his oldest friends wanted to join him. Maybe it was a little bit weird, going to such an event with two ladies next to him. But on the other side, they were his friends and he was glad to be able to do something like this with them.

So with Sun-hi in the middle and Mi-do on her other side, they made their way to the Tranquil Hollow. ”We certainly picked out some good weather.” Vince smiled while looking up. Xerneas had blessed them with this weather and it made the piece of darkness tugged in his pocket feel even more heavier. Lately he just tried not to think about it, but knew that that was impossible. It would always be lingering on the back of his mind.

”Certainly.” He agreed with Sun-hi when she picked out a good spot. He looked over the colourful patches of flowers. He held out his hand to Mi-do, ready to take over the picnic basket and help with setting up this day.
+ Sun-hi & Mi-do Seong

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Vince, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.

spring trait

an encounter

Character sheet
Mi-do Seong
Messages : 231
IC Posts : 197
Mi-do Seong

Glaze lilies

Mi-do had initially hesitated to attend the flower-picking event, especially since Ying showed no interest in joining. She was determined to stand firm in her decision not to go if he didn't. However, Sun-hi's insistence and the prospect of a reunion with old friends changed her mind. How could she resist the opportunity to be together again, amidst a bed of flowers?

With a picnic basket in tow, Mi-do and the others set off for the event. She had prepared the snacks and beverages herself, attempting to recreate old favorites from their youth. Though she struggled to recall Vince's preferences, she hoped she had included something he would enjoy.

As they walked arm in arm, bathed in sunlight and surrounded by the sweet fragrance of flowers, Mi-do felt a surge of happiness unlike anything she had experienced in a long time. Her niece eagerly pointed out the perfect spot for their picnic, and Mi-do agreed with a smile, as did Vince.

As they settled down, Vince reached out to help her unpack the basket, a gesture she appreciated. As she rummaged through the basket, her hand brushed over something unexpected, causing her to pause. With a sense of warmth flooding over her, Mi-do knew she couldn't wait any longer to share her gifts.

"I perhaps shouldn't give this right away, but I honestly can't wait anymore," she declared, her eyes bright with excitement. Retrieving the objects from the basket, she covered them with her hands before passing one to Sun-hi and the other to Vince. While they weren't grand gestures, it was the thought behind them that mattered most.

"I went digging, and don't ask me how, but I uncovered this old photo of us when we were all together at the palace," she explained, her voice tinged with nostalgia. "You two are even wearing matching Hanboks," she added with a chuckle, recalling the fond memory. The photo captured a moment of intimacy among them—three kids playing in the gardens, free from the weight of their future responsibilities.

"Anyway, when I found this picture, I just knew I had to do something with it. So, I had it touched up a bit and laminated before framing it," she continued, her gaze drifting to her copy of the photo. "I know it's not very big... we tried to enlarge it, but that couldn't be done without significantly damaging the quality," she admitted. Nonetheless, she hoped they would appreciate the sentiment behind the gift.

"Still, I hope you two like it regardless," she concluded, her heart brimming with affection for her dear friends.


Character sheet
Nickname: Mi-Mi
Age: 27
Birthday: 1 OF MAY
Occupation: Rich girl - Poet
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Mi-Do, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Vince, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.

spring trait

an encounter

Character sheet
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