
[se] the devil wears a suit and tie

3 posters
Lawrence McCarroll
Messages : 16
IC Posts : 12
Lawrence McCarroll
Goodbye to what has been a house that we never settled in
A funeral for fair-weather friends
This house was built with blood and bones and it crumbled. The statues they made were beautiful. But they were lies of stone, Say a prayer for what has been. We'll be the ones to purify our Fathers' sins.

Lawrence wasn't accustomed to indulging in activities like wandering through flower fields; it wasn't a matter of masculinity, but rather a scarcity of opportunity. The frontier, with its harsh deserts and rugged mountains, offered little in the way of leisurely pursuits. There were always more pressing tasks demanding his attention, leaving little time for idle strolls through meadows.

However, life in Cerynia had shifted his circumstances dramatically. With his focus narrowed to the singular task of tracking down Texas Red, Lawrence found himself with newfound pockets of free time. So, he decided to engage in what he considered innocent nonsense, traversing the flower fields with measured strides, his faithful Mightyena, Bandit, at his side.

Stopping intermittently to pluck flowers from their stems, Lawrence gathered a colorful bouquet, envisioning them as decorations to adorn his log-cabin home. With a length of string, he bound the flowers together and then beckoned Bandit over. The Mightyena obediently opened its mouth, allowing Lawrence to place the bundle of flowers inside. With his hands now free, Lawrence resumed his task of gathering blooms.

Yet, when he turned his attention back to Bandit after a few minutes, he found the Pokémon missing. Concerned, Lawrence scanned the surroundings and spotted Bandit approaching a stranger, the bouquet of flowers held delicately in its mouth.

Frustrated but still good-natured, Lawrence approached the stranger, addressing them with a sigh. "Well, I'll be dipped in honey," he drawled, "you half-wit. I needed you to hold onto them flowers for me, not go and offer them to strangers." Despite his annoyance, Lawrence couldn't help but chuckle at Bandit's eagerness to share.

Turning to the stranger, Lawrence offered an apologetic smile. "Beg your pardon," he said, his voice warm and friendly, "he's just a little too eager to spread the joy, ya know? Always giving things to folks." He paused, then gestured towards the bouquet."But please, keep the flowers. They really suit you."

Character sheet
Nickname: Angel eyes
Age: 28
Occupation: cowboy/bounty hunter
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Lawrence, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Alastor Linden
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 109

Alastor LindenBlessed by ????
Alastor wasn't a huge flower fan. But from time to time he did indulge himself in festivities simply to be out of the house. It was something his mother urged him to do whenever she got the chance to talk to him. It wasn't healthy to be inside all the time and spend time on his work and his passion, music. Well, he thought about it differently, but there was little he could do about it.

So that left him here, at the flower fields, where he was simply sitting in between the flowers while strumming his guitar. He paused every now and then as a thoughtful wrinkle played on his forehead. A few seconds would pass before he noted something down in the little notebook that was in front of him, before moving on. The small Joltik was on the end of his guitar, listening to her owner gently playing tones, as the Dusknoir flanked him from the other side, simply keeping an eye out.

He looked up when something approached him and he lifted his brows a bit. A doglike creature with a small collection of flowers. "Oh, hello," Alastor said in surprise, before a chuckle left his lips. "Are... Those for me?" he tilted his head and smiled softly, putting his guitar down slightly so he could have a better look.

Someone approached them and he lifted his gaze. Quite a peculiar looking guy to say the least. Alastor tilted his head to other way as he smiled brightly at the stranger. "Thank you," he said as he took the flowers from the Pokémon. He smelled them for a second and closed his eyes, enjoying the simple moment for what it was.

"What are you collecting flowers for?" The boy asked eagerly as he put his guitar to the side and got up. "Is it for someone special? Do you need any help?" If he did, he would be oh so happy to help. But that was simply how he was, or at least, how he had become.

Character sheet
Nickname: Alas
Age: 23
Birthday: 06/09/2000
Occupation: Second year music student - Music producer
Sexuality: Homosexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Alastor, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.

spring trait

an encounter

Character sheet
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