
[se] A flower a day

3 posters
Félix o'Dubhshláine
Messages : 14
IC Posts : 8
Félix o'Dubhshláine
Life is simple
Get out of your head and into the moment

With a basket in hand Félix walked through the flowerbeds. His eyes were scanning his surroundings, looking for all kinds of pretty flowers. The sun was shining bright in the sky and felt warm against his skin. They were lucky the weather was this good. During this month you could never be too sure. There might be sun one moment, and hail the next. For now it did not look like it would change so suddenly.

So far every flower Félix had gathered was different, making it a rainbow of colors. Calmly he walked further while being careful where he placed his feet. He had seen pokémon running around and he did not want to accidentally step on one.

His eyes fell on a flower he did not have yet and he approached it. As he reached out, his fingers accidentally touched those of someone else. “Ow I’m sorry, please, go ahead,” Félix said with a smile and a gesture towards the flower. He would find another one.


Character sheet
Nickname: Fee
Age: 24
Birthday: 26/06
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Félix, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Slightly nervous, Sim held on tight to her basket. The gentle rays of spring sun illuminated her path, only partially blocked by the large straw had she wore. Her outfit consisted of a light colored floral dress, perfect for spring... Or for a date. Sim, however, moved through the fields on her own. She loved her friends, she truly did, but more than anything, she'd have liked to go flower picking with either Ying or Keo. Unfortunately, she'd been flying a little too close to the sun, and whatever was going on with the both of them had kind of bled dry. She hadn't made any plans yet, as she'd wrongfully assumed either one of them would've taken her. What a foolish idea, now that she looked back on it. Most of her friends probably had other plans so last minute and sure, she could've opened charm again to find someone else, but that felt a little desperate. So, instead of sitting at home and being down in the dumps, Sim had put on one of her favorite outfits and decided to take herself out on a date. Why not?

With her zorua and amigou playing in the fields, Sim felt lighter than she had in days. It was beautiful out, and the flowers smelled ever so sweetly. See? Who needed a date anyway. The simple task of picking the most beautiful flowers was one that eased her mind, and Sim quickly was entirely caught up in it. Her basket was filled with deep purples, red, whites and yellows. When she saw a yellow one that fit her bouquet perfectly, she reached for it instantly. When it was a hand she found instead of a flower, she withdrew her hand with a shriek. Confused, she blinked at it, before noticing the stranger and erupting in laughter. "Oh gods, sorry about that, was completely lost in though there for a second," she bent down and reached for the flower, picking it with a swift movement before extending it to him. "Here, you were first," she offered with a smile, noticing how the pastel yellow flower matched with his hair. "Besides, it suits you!"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Simura, as you stroll through the vibrant fields under the bright midday sun, you notice a Pokémon peeking out from behind a cluster of colorful blooms. Will you approach it, or let it continue hiding among the flowers? If you decide to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
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