
Vanilla twilight

3 posters
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
With a concerned look on her face, she checked her phone for what felt like the thousand time. Once again, nothing. No new messages, no call, nothing. Her zorua and amigou had been playing around for the past 20 minutes, but by now, they had sensed her distress. The two darted closer, nuzzling her hands. Sim disregarded them with a gentle push, too caught up in her phone. The many messages she'd sent him just stared back at her, looking more and more desperate by the second.

hi ying!!! im close to the lake, wearing a green dress. see u soon!!
i brought some snacks btw! let me know when you get here : ))
could you let me know if youre on your way?
ying?? everything okay?
youll miss the lights : (
screw you

By now, the last rays of sunlight had long disappeared behind the horizon and she'd been too busy staring at her phone to see the volbeat and illumise emerge. When they did, a cacophony of oohs and ahh erupted from the crowd. Sim hugged her knees close, looking at the lights that seemed much less beautiful now. A sense of shame washed over her, as it surely was evident to everyone around her that the place next to her, and the second wine glass she'd brought, must have been for someone that stood her up. For a second, she contemplated calling someone else to take his place, but as she started to sniffle quietly, she decided she needed a little moment to herself.

& Samara!

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Simura, you spot a Pokémon observing you from the shadows. Will you approach it, or let it slip away into the evening? Should you choose to engage, this Pokémon is yours to catch and add to your database.


an encounter

Character sheet
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
As she had silently disappeared from the man that suddenly spoke to her, it had given her the creeps. Not even sure why, normally she was open to any kind of conversation, but somehow this made her feel icky. As if he had been invading her privacy, while she was having a moment alone. She sighed softly while she lit a cigarette and tried to slow down her fast beating heart. The Dewpider still sat on her shoulder, while the Alolan Raichu surfed on her tail behind her.

It was there that she heard a soft sobbing. Looking around, she found a woman sitting in almost the same position she had been just a couple of minutes ago. Wondering if it was the right decision to walk up to her, Sam decided to stay put. She didn't want to give her the same ick as that dude had given her. So, she kept her distance, letting her eyes go over her. It looked like she had been expecting someone. They probably stood her up. Poor girl.

As the end of her cigarette lighted up again, she let the smoke escape through her nose and sighed softly. "Hi." She said on a soft tone, leaning against the tree, as she continued. "You ok there? Someone stood you up?" She knew the feeling, had happened to her many times before.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
The girl wrapped her arms around her knees, hugging her legs close so she could bury her head behind them. She didn't want to see the lights, much less all the couples that were enjoying each other company. Most of all, she wanted to disappear into the night and pretend none of this had ever happened. She felt like an unwanted failure. First Keo, and now Ying. Why? With the both of them things appeared to have been going well, until they suddenly weren't. Why? Had she done something wrong? She knew she talked a lot, but was it that bad? Was she just.. Too much?

Sim sighed and looked up when a noise caught her attention. Still teary-eyed and awfully sad, she looked upon the small pokémon sat in the grass across from her. At first, she'd mistaken it for a mushroom, but upon closer inspection, she recognized what it was. "Oh, hi there," she said with a soft voice to the morelull. "Want to be my new date?" she joked halfheartedly with a whisper, but the creature seemed spooked, and slipped back into the shadows. In other circumstances she would've thought it funny, but now, it just made her feel worse.

A voice made her head back. Startled, she regarded the stranger. For a very short second, she was overcome with hope, but that quickly vanished when she did not recognize the stranger that had engaged her. "Is it that obvious?" She sniffled, a pathetic attempt of a smile on her lips. With the back of her hand, she wiped the tears from her eyes. She felt a little embarrassed to being crying next to a stranger, but it was nice to have someone to talk to. The thought raging in her head were nothing but depressing. "I'm just an i-idiot, I should've known..." she sighed, sounding defeated

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
The woman looked up, startled as she suddenly looked at her. Normally, she would be a bit more apologetic, but right now, not so much. Her pokémon however, ever the curious bunch, decided to see what was going on with the woman. Especially Eve, who sat next to the stranger within a heartbeat. The Dewiper skittering to her other side, offering a water bubble to the stranger.

The words that she spoke, made Sam sigh deeply. Coming just a bit closer, she crouched down so that they could speak on equal height. "No, but I recognize the signs." She said softly, tapping the ash from her cigarette. "And only a man could make a woman like you cry." Sam decided to sit down, before it would ruin her knees. Crossing her legs underneath her, she let her eyes go over the woman in front of her. "You're not an idiot. Men are pigs, not worth your time." She had a very strong opinion on the opposite sex, after all. "Smoke?" She casually asked after that, holding out her pack to the woman. Maybe that would calm her down.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Feeling a little ashamed about her tears, Sim batted them away and stopped crying. To her surprise, the stranger's pokémon approached her immediately. Rune immediately stopped playing, causing Sinby to tumble over her. Sim offered the two a smile and nodded in affirmation. It was okay, they could continue playing and roughhousing. Rune seemed hesitant at first, but when the amigou launched another attack, they were soon chasing each other into the fields again. Gently, Sim extended a hand first to the raichu, and then to the dewpider. "Thanks buddy," she whispered as she reached for the water bubble. It rested in her hand for a second, before bursting.

To her surprise, their trainer followed suit. Sim rubbed her eyes once more, wiping away the last of her tears. "Oh, uhm, wait," she patted down the small picnic cloth she had brought, making sure the girl had enough space. "So your pants don't get dirty," she explained softly, and a little awkwardly. Her eyes rested on the stranger, who looked more rugged and scary than she came across. Sim offered her a watery smile. "Yeah... Well, you're not wrong," she admitted with a sigh. "But I've also cried over cookies that I burnt or tea I spilled, so, he's really not that special," she made a poor attempt at a joke, knowing full well she was the only one to be laughed at here. Sat in her beautiful green dress and with a wine too fine to drink alone, it was clear she was trying too hard for someone who didn't even bother to show up.

Suddenly, Sim choked out a laugh. The woman's crude words had taken her by surprise. "Heh, maybe I should just stick to women, then," she said sadly, not realizing the flirtatious undertone one might be able to sense in her words. After that, the stranger offered her a smoke Horrid, disgusting, yucky cigarettes. She'd never had one, the mere thought of them made her face sour. "Sure, thank you,"  and still, she extended her hand and accepted. After all, what was one more bad decision after all the ones she'd already made today? Clearly inexperienced, she clumsily plucked out a cigarette and held it between her fingers like she'd seen others do. Her eyes drifted towards the stranger. "Uhm, may I borrow your lighter as well..?" she asked quietly, extending the cig between her fingers in the hope the other would light it for her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
As she placed down the small picnic cloth, Sam shrugged and moved to sit with her. Why not, it never hurt anyone and this was miles better than that dude that came up to her only a few minutes ago. "Thanks." She said with a smile. It wasn't necessary, she didn't care if her pants would get dirty or not, but it was a sweet gesture and she wasn't one from turning that down. Sam chuckled softly when the stranger started about crying over burned cookies or spilled tea. So she was one of the more sensitive types, cute. "We all have those days." She said with a casual gesture.

Sam raised a brow when she spoke about sticking to women. "Good point, I did the same." She answered casually, not entirely ignoring the flirtation in her voice, yet not hooking into it. She didn't want to bring her discomfort, as she didn't look like she could handle that right now.

As she offered her a smoke, she saw the hesitation, so it surprised her when she actually accepted. Keeping her eyes fixated on her, she breathed out the smoke. Leaning back as she watched how the woman clumsily let the cigarette hang between her hands before asking for her lighter. Holding out her hand, she snapped her finger and ignited the cigarette with the help of the sparks created between them. "Relax, don't breath in too deep. Keep it in your mouth, not your lungs or you'll spent the rest of the night coughing." Sam said with a wink, as she leaned back to her original spot. "And don't force yourself." She hummed for a moment. "But if you're keen on smoking without the cigarette, I know a different method." She really couldn't handle not flirting with a cutie like her after all.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
The woman accepted her invitation and settled down beside her, allowing Simura full view of the alluring stranger that had ended her solitude. Safe to say, she was beautiful. Beautiful in a way snakes were, with intricate details covering her body in the form of tattoo's, and her short shimmered in several different colors. Sim was trying to make out which ones when she realized she was staring, so she quickly looked away. It didn't make her feel much better, her dress clung to her body, and the tears surely hadn't done much good for the make-up she was wearing. Simura sighed, regarding her pokémon out in the field once more.

To her surprise, the woman agreed. In hindsight, she probably should've figured. Still, her gaydar really needed some work. "Smart choice," she agreed, resisting the temptation to reach for her phone once more to check for a reply. She knew there'd be none. It hadn't buzzed all night. And even if he came, would she just happily wag her tail for him and forgive him? Sim checked the time on her watch. Gods no. Even if he did show up, he'd made her wait nearly an hour now. Like hell she'd let him get away with that. Still, it did little to make her feel better.

Maybe a cigarette would... Who was she kidding, of course not. Sim decided to give it a try regardless. Not that she was fooling anyone, the stranger seemed to have figured out immediately that she wasn't quite so experienced. Sim did as she was told, balancing the cigarette between her fingers whilst she tentatively took a drag. Even though she really did try to follow the stranger's instructions, when the horrible taste of tobacco hit her tongue, she was overwhelmed with nausea. Her body protested by causing a coughing fit, and Sim bent double. "Ugh! Blegh! Oh my gods," she sputtered, the tears in her eyes now caused by something else entirely. "Gods, that's awful. If there's another way, please show me," she begged, entirely oblivious to what she meant.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
She was not over it, clearly. Deep down she was still longing to find out if the guy that stood her up would appear, or at least give a sign of life. She saw it, read it from her body language, the subtle hints in how she moved and where she looked. Sometimes Sam cursed her way of reading people, as it felt like she was invading their privacy. But she had been taught from a very young age, it happens when you could only hear half the time.

Sam shrugged when the woman agreed with her, she blew out the smoke and leaned back. "Had a man in my life once, he was more bitchy then every other woman that came after. Never again." She chuckled. She had hated that relationship, it hadn't taken her long to break up with him and leave. She still remembered how he cried for leaving her, it was almost embarrassing.

When she offered her the cigarette, lighting it with her affinity, he gave her some quick instructions. It was not the best idea to give an emotional person a cigarette for the first time and her suspicion was spot on when she broke out coughing. But it was when she said to please show her another way, she raised a brow. Bringing the cigarette back to her lips, she inhaled and let the smoke fill her mouth, before she carefully placed a hand on the strangers cheek. With a simple gesture, she forced her to look at her before placing her lips against hers, slowly breathing out the smoke.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Well, at least the taste of tobacco was so overwhelming that she couldn't think about Ying anymore. With tears in her eyes, she attempted to suppress her coughing, trying not to bark up a lung. Gods, this really was awful. How on earth did people do this on the daily, and so carelessly? Even if it was just something you'd eventually get used to, why the heck would you? Sim struggled to understand, but did not want to come over as rude to the girl who had been nothing but kind to her.

So, when she offered to show her another way, Simura was eager to oblige. Still with tears in her eyes, she asked the stranger to show her. A simple request, or so she'd thought. So when the stranger raised her eyebrows, it only left her more confused. Even when she inhaled deeply, inched closer, and the tension between them became palpable, she struggled to grasp the situation. It was only when the girl's lips met hers, that her eyes shot open in surprise. Oh. Oh, yeah, that actually made way more sense. Should've seen that one coming.

It was the strangest of sensations, to have the softest lips touch hers and yet feel the rough heat of the smoke enter your mouth. Sim froze, and took a deep breath, allowing the smoke to enter her lungs. She wasn't sure if it was the absolute shock of suddenly kissing someone, or just a stroke of luck - but surprising even herself, she managed to hold it in and slowly breathe the smoke out past her lips. It still tasted awful, but hurt her throat a little less. Perhaps this really was gentler than inhaling it herself. It left her quiet, admiring the twinkle of reflected lights in the stranger's dark eyes. After a moment of silence, Sim leaned in, and gently pressed her lips against hers once more in a butterfly kiss. The desire behind them was evident, but still she retracted before deepening the kiss - as if bitten by something.

Sim blinked a few times. Parts of her still hoped Ying would come, and here she was, kissing a stranger. Gods, she didn't even know her name. The girl gritted her teeth, feeling even more lost than before. What was she doing? Was she truly so desperate for someone to like her, that she'd kiss the first stranger that came up to her? Was that fair to the stranger? Or more so, to herself? Sim wished she could just vanish into the air at that moment."I, uhm," she scrambled for her words. "That does work better," feeling a little awkward, she reached for the bottle and glasses. "S-since I've brought two glasses anyway, let me repay you with wine?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
Soft. That was all that went through her head when she kissed the stranger, blowing the smoke in their partially opened mouths. As she pulled back, watching the woman not almost die this time, she smiled. As she blew the smoke out, she almost wanted to clap playfully in success, but decided against it when she received yet another kiss. If only she had been faster, so she could have grabbed her and get those soft lips on hers again.

The woman seemed to be struggling with something, probably the thought of the guy that had stood her up. Tskk, she had lost her touch if that dude was still on her mind. Sam took another drag from her cigarette, letting the smoke sit in her lungs for a moment before she blew it out in the falling nights sky. "You're adorable, chica." She said with a smile when the woman struggled to find the correct words, before reaching to the bottle and glasses. "Can't say that I'm a sommelier, but who am I to say no to sharing a glass with such an adorable woman." Sam leaned back as she tapped the ash in the grass. The woman didn't seem to be a fan of smoking, so she might stop after this one.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
With the taste of her still on her lips, Sim wasn't quite sure how to feel. With a bit of a startle, she realized she'd never kissed a girl before. There was something so sweet and lovely about it, about her. As if she possessed a different kind of softness than she'd experienced before. It was enough even to drown out that lingering taste of tobacco on her tongue. She wanted to lean in and taste them again. Or did she just want to kiss, to forget about him?

Wrecked with guilt, Sim played with the seam of her dress. With a feeling of dread, she realized the cigarette was still between her fingers. Right. As she tried to take another drag, she managed not to choke again, but the taste certainly didn't get better. At least the stranger seemed to enjoy herself. "And a bit of a mess, I'm sorry," she whispered with a shy smile on her face, before reaching for the wine. "It's, uhm, it's a red. A good one, or at least, it should be. It's pretty old, but in a good way! The taste is supposed to be full-bodied? Good, at least, so I've been told. I'll, eh, well, you can try for yourself," she stumbled over her words as she gracefully poured the both of them a drink. Gods, she really wanted to get drunk and forget all about this. About the mess he made, and was actively making. Sim felt miserable.

"I'm so sorry, I don't even know your name. I'm Sim, it really is nice to meet you. I'm just... I'm just feeling all kinds of ways, right now,"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
For a moment her eyes fell on the cigarette that the woman still had between her fingers. She just wanted to reach out to grab it when she pulled it up to take a drag. Sam raised a brow, half expecting the woman to break out coughing again. But everything seemed to go well, although there was this little hint on her face that she wasn't a fan of the taste. She laughed softly, holding out her hand. "You don't have to finish it if you don't want to." She said with a smile on her face, hers was almost done anyway, so she didn't mind taking the other one as well.

When the woman said that she was bit of a mess, Sam only shrugged. "Sometimes you have to be." She said softly. She had been a mess for a long time as well, so why should the other one feel sorry for being like this. It was natural, sometimes you just had to let it all out.

She got an entire story about the wine, one that Sam only half followed. She had absolutely no idea about any wines, besides the fact that she liked them sweet or not at all. But she listened as if she understood exactly what the woman was talking about, nodding on certain points. "To forgetting old problems and making new memories?" She said with a smile and a wink as she held up her glass in a toast.

"It's nice to meet you, Sim. You can call me Sam. And no need to apologize, like I said, sometimes you just have to let it out. Just don't get stuck in it for too long, suffering can bring you down easily, especially when they are not worth it." She spoke on a soft tone, looking at the deep red wine in her glass as she swirled it around.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Sim was awfully proud for keeping it all in, but in the end, a small wheeze did leave her lips. Gods, how anyone was able to smoke this and keep a straight face, it was a mystery to her. And even if she was trying really hard not to show it, the girl absolutely saw through her facade. At first she wanted to tell the woman that it was fine, that she enjoyed this and did this all the time, but when she looked into her eyes Sim started coughing again. "oh gods yes please, it's horrible," she finally admitted with small tears now pricking in her eyes. Defeated, she handed her partly smoked cigarette over to the girl. "Sorry," clearly, she wasn't one of the cool kids. Probably for the best.

With everything, Sim just felt like more of a fuck-up. The girl was being so nice to her, and still she was choking on her cigarette, kissing her and retreating, and then offering her booze in the clumsiest of ways. Gods, she needed to get a grip. But how could she, when her mind was simultaneously still hoping Ying would show up, and lingering around the thought of the woman's lips on hers? Sim sighed and apologized for it."To forgetting old problems and making new memories," she repeated after her, a hint of a smile on her lips.

"That's... Actually pretty good advice, thanks," was all she said in the end, feeling slightly better. "And just... Well, double thanks, for being so nice to me and everything," sim took a sip of her drink, staring at the girl over the rim of her glass. "Well, now you know my sob story... What's your story?" she asked curiously.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
With a laugh she took the cigarette from the woman, putting her own out between the grass and bringing the new one to her lips. Humming softly as she breathed in, and letting the smoke escape through her nose. Almost certain to taste the same sweet taste as she had figured on her lips when she kissed the woman. "It's alright." SHe said with a laugh. "It's not for everyone, but it distracted you from your worries." So it helped in a way, even if she almost choked on the smoke.

After listening to an explanation about wine that was more confusion then anything, she did raise her glass and clinked it against hers. Sam introduced herself, cheering to forgetting old problems and making new memories. It was how she held her head up high, learning from the past, using it in the future. Not forgetting, but letting go.

Sam shrugged when she got thanked. "Don't worry about it. You seemed like you could use someone and well, I was here." She didn't believe in faith, not after everything fell apart. She stared at the red wine filled glass, swirling it around when Sim asked her to her story. "Do you want the long or short version?" She asked with a chuckle, but sighed shortly after. She didn't know this woman, yet here she was, sharing a bottle of red wine. Even if she told her story, it could not be used against her. "My," she started, looking past Sim. "My girlfriend died a couple of weeks ago. She would have loved this festival, so I decided to go for her sake." Sam explained softly. "A random man set down next to me, but I couldn't, just couldn't. o I stood up and walked away, to run into you." A hint of a smile on her face as she focused her attention back on the woman.

Making a mental note that if she ran into the man again, she had to apologize.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
To her relief, the woman wasn't offended. "It did. Thank you, Sam," As a thanks, she offered Sam a hint of a smile. The ways she held the cigarette, rested it between her deep red lips with a sigh.. Gods, she made it look so effortless. Sim averted her gaze, staring at the remnants of volbeat lights still scattered over the darkening horizon.

At least there was liquor. Sim wasn't one to reach for substances once situations got bad. After all, she'd seen alcoholism run rampant in both her country and her family far too many times. But today, she felt down enough to make an exception. Despite, she was sharing it with someone instead of drowning herself on her own. A stranger at that, but a nice one, at least. Sim looked besides her towards Sam, her eyes lingering on the different colors scattered in her hair. And a pretty one she added, silently.

Sim swirled the wine in her glass. The red liquid looked nearly black in the dim light, and smelled wonderfully rich. Intrigued by her response, she asked why exactly the stranger was here. "Whichever you feel most comfortable with," she answered with a shrug. What she didn't expect, was to get such a raw, honest, but most of all tragic story. Shock and grief flashed in her pale green eyes. "Gods, Sam, I'm so sorry, that is awful," she said, genuine sadness in her eyes as she met her gaze. Slowly, she reached out for the stranger's hand and took it in hers to give a gentle squeeze. "I... I know what it's like, at least a little. I lost my sister. Losing someone you love hurts so, so incredibly much," the words felt like knives in her throat, but somehow it was easier to utter them to a stranger. "All the advice I can give you is to let it hurt, and that what people say is true. Time really does make it easier, eventually," she let go of her hand.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
She could feel the eyes of the woman burning on her. She could have been able to lit her cigarette if she held it out to her. Sam chuckled at her own thought, before returning her gaze to the one sitting next to her. "Staring is impolite." She said casually, but with the hint of a smile on her face. "But questions are allowed." Sim seemed to be intrigued by her, so why not let her ask some burning questions.

Just as that she wanted to know what her sob story was. As she explained what happened only a few weeks ago, the woman seemed genuinely surprised and a little worried. Sam nodded when she said that losing someone you loved hurt so badly. She knew, it had been the second time. But this was the first death, besides her mother that was. "I'm sorry for the lose of your sister." She said softly, feeling like it was needed to be told. For a moment her eyes lingered on the woman's hand on hers, contemplating if she should pull back, but decided to leave it like this.

"It's alright, truly. Our relationship had been.. complicated to say the least. I'm not even sure we were still together when," Sam's eyes looking in the distance, for a moment lost in thoughts, "she took everything away." Maybe the biggest shock wasn't even her death, but how Sam had found her. She shook her head lightly.

"Sorry, I didn't want to make this all sad." Sam apologised, taking a sip from her wine. "You're not from here, right? You have this slight accent." She asked, curiously.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern

When called out, Sim's cheeks started to burn."Sorry! Sorry!" She said in a slight panic, feeling as if she was caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Oh stars. "Just... A little... Head in the clouds, you know?" she could facepalm herself right there and then, and to avoid having to elaborate further she hastily put the glass to her lips, taking a large sip as she looked anywhere else.

When the conversation shifted, she felt a large sense of relief. Though the subject of grief was one that always made her heart feel heavy as stone, it felt somehow easier to share it with a stranger. Likely, she'd never see her again after this. So what would it matter if she carried the knowledge of her thoughts and secrets? Briefly, her eyes wandered over to Sam. How easy it was to confess in anonymity. At least to some things.

"Oh, no, please don't apologize. I asked, after all," she assured her. "Besides, it's kind of nice to share with someone who knows nothing about you, isn't it?" a slight smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "I'm no therapist, but you can talk to me about it, if it makes you feel better. I'll gladly offer a listening ear," her finger traced the rim of her glass. "You've offered me one, after all." She'd only be returning the favor.

When asked about her origin, Sim perked up a little"Good ear! I'm from Aetrsyke originally, moved here to study," and at some point, she'd have to move back. It wasn't something she enjoyed thinking about. "Are you? From here originally, I mean,"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Samara Greenwood
Messages : 81
IC Posts : 57

Samara Greenwood
Sam chuckled softly when she apparently shook Sim out of her thoughts. Telling her that she was with her heads in the clouds. "It's adorable." Sam said with a smile, as she rolled the cigarette between her fingers before taking a last drag and putting it out in the earth. After that, she took the glass of wine and took another sip. It still wasn't her favourite drink, but she could compromise for a cut girl sitting next to her.

As their conversation shifted, Sam looked into the distance, where the lights of the Volbeats and Illumise lit up the darkness over the lake. She never spoke that easily about the death of her ex, but maybe Sim was right, it was good to finally speak to a stranger about it. They would not judge, and even if they did, it wasn't as if they were going to see each other more. They could share each others deepest, darkest secrets and never look around again. It was a thrilling idea, although it also felt a bit strange to just be talking to someone she barely knew.

Sam apologized for bringing the mood down, to which Sim reacted that it was alright and that she only offered a listening ear. For which she was thankful. After that Sam commented on her accent, and Sim informed her that she was from Aetryske. She had heard of that place, but it wasn't one that she had visited herself. She did however chuckle when Sim said that she had a good ear. "Not really, actually." Sam laughed as she pointed at her left side. "I'm deaf on this side." She explained. "Oh ye no, I'm not from here. I was born in Baesin, no clue where my dad was from, he fucked off to his home region after I was born. Mom was from Paldea, but settled in Baesin. I was mostly raised by my grandmother, who's also from Paldea." She overly explained while shrugging.
+ Simura von Sylverstern

Character sheet
Nickname: Sam
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 13 - 03 - 1996
Occupation: IT & VR-Specialist
Sexuality: Lesbian
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Oh how sweet those whispers of hers were. Calling her adorable and cute, Sam making no effort at all to hide the flirtation in her words. Sim averted her gaze, her cheeks still that rosy color. She found herself leaning in a bit, indulging in the fine glass of wine she had in her hand at too fast a pace. Her beautiful companion would be such an easy way to forget about Ying. But it wouldn't be fair to her, would it? Sim bit her lip, trying to focus on her Sam's words instead.

Her comment caught her off guard, and Sim snorted, before realizing with horror how rude that might've been. "Wait, sorry! Didn't mean to be insensitive," she apologized. "Just... Ironic, on my part," with her empty hand, she reached forward and slightly hitched up her skirt, revealing her legs, one of which wasn't organic. "Guess we both work a little differently than other people," she spoke more softly now, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she let go of the fabric, and listened to Sam's story. Without really noticing herself, she leaned closer.

"So... Paldea and Baesin huh? You don't happen to own a Sprigatito, by any chance?" Sim smiled. "They're one of my favorite species," she turned her face to look at her once more. "What made you decide to move to Cerynia?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
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