
[journey] Play with fire

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
journey card

Ming is being a stupid person and after hearing from Victor about a darkness lurking in a temple near Xerneas's tree he believes it is a good idea to go and take a look. This time however he is prepared for what might come! Or that is what he thinks at least. There is no need for a wishlist as he only has one thing he wants because a severe case of tunnel vision.

It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

This was never the plan. Not after what happened last time. Throughout the night, he had scarcely slept, his mind already set on what he would do, even though he hadn't realized it back then. It was stupid. Incredibly stupid even. He rather wanted someone else to do this part, yet here he was.

Unlike before, he was prepared now. He knew danger would be around the corner and together with what little information Victor had provided him he hoped it would be fine. His cane was bound to his wrist with a small rope, while his phone hung around his neck with another. This time he would not lose them. Not wanting to risk the life of his pokémon, he had only brought one, which was safely hidden in their pokébal. This way they were safe from immediate danger. There was even a bandage in his pocket.

Míngzé could hear his own footsteps, his own breathing and heart. Every other sound was drowned out. No one could be trusted, and even if they could they would not help him. Everything now fell on his shoulders. Which was fine. This was his goal, his burden to bear from the start. The tree was right there with a temple near it. That had to be it. Nerves quickly came to the surface, becoming more clear with each step towards the temple.

His footsteps echoed when he entered the temple. Near the entrance, he came to a standstill. If he was correct, another artifact would be near. All that remained was for him to find it and return it. Sounded easy enough, which it was not. Míngzé heaved a deep breath and took a step forward, starting his search. Victor's warning rang in his ears, but it was not stopping him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

A subtle chill permeates the air—a reminder of the weighty task ahead. The temple looms before you, its ancient walls steeped in whispered secrets and shadows. Last night's restless contemplation lingers in your mind, the decision to venture here, not born from impulse but from a necessity you can no longer ignore. This is a path you must walk alone, save for the faintest guidance provided by Victor's tales.

The eerie silence outside contrasts sharply with the noise within your own head—your heartbeat, the rhythmic echo of your footsteps, the sharp inhales and exhales of your breath filling the void. Trust is a luxury you cannot afford; the stakes are far too high for misplaced faith.

As you approach the temple, nestled near the majestic tree of Xerneas, nerves flare with each step on the weathered stone path. This is the place Victor spoke of, where shadows dwell and secrets lie buried in the dark.

Pausing at the entrance, you take a moment to collect yourself. The interior of the temple beckons, a silent challenge to your resolve. Victor's warnings resonate as a distant echo, not enough to deter but enough to caution. The artifact, another piece of the puzzle, waits hidden within these sacred confines. Simple in theory—find it and return—but you know the journey will demand more from you than mere footsteps.

you've rolled a 4 on a d20 for perception.

As you cross the threshold into the temple, the minimal light from outside struggles to pierce the solemn darkness within. The air is cool and still, filled with the scent of ancient stone and untouched dust. Though your vision does not serve you, your other senses stretch out, trying to capture the essence of the place.

Your cane taps along the stone floor, each echo a whisper from the temple's depths, guiding you through the vast, open space. The subtle sound helps you visualize the grand chamber, imagined as a space both awe-inspiring and intimidating. High above, the light faintly glimmers through tall windows.

Guided by the sound of your own cautious steps, you continue forward into the heart of the temple, where the atmosphere grows denser with the echoes of ancient rites and whispered prayers. Your cane locates the wooden pews arranged in rows, each one a sentinel to countless ceremonies. The subtle shifts in air and faint, residual energies tell you of their age and the many who have come before you, searching perhaps for the same answers.

At the far end of the chamber, where the faint light dares not reach, your sense tells you of an altar. Upon it rests an object with a presence—a tome, its cover eroded by the reverence of innumerable touches. Though it likely contains wisdom, your reliance on senses other than sight keep its contents just beyond reach, encapsulated in silence and shadow.

You realize that finding the artifact will require more than just searching; it will require understanding, connecting with the space on a level deeper than sight could ever achieve. Your journey through the temple continues, a tactile dialogue between you and the ancient sanctum that holds its secrets close.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Mingze felt more self certain than last time as he moved through the temple. Even with unseeing eyes he did not fail to notice the brilliance of this place, the large space that surrounded him. No matter the resentment he felt towards the cane in his hand, it helped him a great deal. The cane was used to find something, and once he did his hands would do the rest. Even if it was simply a wall or a bench somewhere. Having it at his side helped him a great deal, even when he still went slower than anyone else would.

The cane was the first to hit a solid object and he let his hand trail over the smooth stone until it found the cover of a book. Míngzé released a sigh as his hand was still on top of the thing. Books were one of the most useless things in existence to him. Their pages were just that, pages. They held no purpose at all and whatever stories were written inside would never reach him. As it would not provide him much use, he turned away from it again.

Míngzé gritted his teeth, determination fueling his whole body and mind. He had done this once when he had nothing. When his wet clothes stuck to him like glue, sending cold shivers through him. He could do this.

Closing his eyes he stood still. It was here, somewhere, it had to be. Míngzé reached deep within himself, searching for the coldness left by the new affinity coursing through him. It felt far different than his Ghost affinity ever did. There was still a bit of resentment, but he did not fear it as much. A necessary evil. One that would leave once his task was complete. Until then it could help him. Something he had prepared himself for even before he left his doorstep.

It was necessary.

As he reached out to his affinity, so too did he recall what the artifact at home felt like. The dark song it seemed to whisper, the pure ancient power it possessed. Victor spoke about all consuming darkness, one that tried to take his life, control him. Míngzé did not fear it as it was a part of him now too. “Come on, I know you’re here,” he whispered to himself, his brows creased with concentration. Slowly he started walking again, hoping that he would find something, anything if he reached deep enough. Even the movements of his cane slowed down.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The resonant thrum of your dark affinity pulses through the temple's sacred confines, each vibration a brushstroke of shadow against the vibrant tapestry of Xerneas' domain. Your cane guides you deeper into the heart of the temple, your senses heightened not just by the anticipation of finding the artifact, but by the pressing weight of a growing unease. The temple is responding to your presence, the air thickening, the subtle natural harmonies turning dissonant.

you've rolled a 19 on a d20 for danger.

you've rolled a 9 on a d20 for perception.
the dc for this was 14.

You pause, allowing the darkness within you to reach out, to whisper to the unseen forces lurking in the temple's storied halls. Despite your efforts to perceive the signs and symbols around you, your focus fractures, the information slipping through like sand between fingers. Nothing seems amiss, yet everything feels aligned against you.

you've rolled a 3 on a d4 for a situation.
This has triggered: UNKNOWN APPEARANCE

Suddenly, light pierces the gloom—a stark, bright beacon in the dim temple. It coalesces rapidly, taking shape in the form of a Gardevoir. This Pokémon, known for its elegance and psychic powers, stands before you, its form shimmering with an ethereal glow that contrasts sharply against the darker energies you wield. Gardevoir's presence is imposing, its eyes reflecting a deep, unreadable knowledge.

you've rolled a 12 on a d20 for ????.

It does not speak; it merely observes, its gaze fixed upon you with an intensity that feels almost tangible. The Pokémon stands firm, effectively blocking your path deeper into the temple. Its posture is calm yet unmistakable—a silent sentinel, barring the way forward.

The encounter sends a ripple of tension through you. Though you cannot see, you sense the powerful aura emanating from Gardevoir, a stark reminder of the potent forces at play within these ancient walls. The Gardevoir's silent vigil speaks volumes; its mere presence a clear message that this path might not be as straightforward as you had hoped.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

It was worth a try. Finding someone was difficult, especially to him. It was already difficult to find something in his own home on the rare occasion that he lost something. Míngzé did not know where to start in a place like this.

As he reached out to the darkness within, he noticed the shift in the air. The frown on his forehead deepened and he opened his eyes. A flash of light was what greeted him, followed by the appearance of something tall.

Instinctively his hand moved to the pokéball he had hidden away in his jacket. As he touched it he could feel the cold smooth surface. Something else was there too with a rougher texture, but he pushed it aside. He did not draw the ball immediately. Perhaps he should’ve.

The power this pokémon possessed was unmistakable. A silent curse rolled over his lips as he stood there, unmoving as well. What was a pokémon doing here? More importantly, where did it come from? He took a long and deep breath as he stood there, unmoving just like the blockade. His grip around the cane was firm as he kept it in front of him, almost as if that would keep the pokémon away from him.

“You won’t let me through, will you?” Míngzé asked, the tremble in his voice betraying his own nerves. He was still holding on to the pokéball. Qiān could fight, yet was not used to it. Their bond was fragile, but he knew the pokémon would help protect him if needed. But he did not want to be the first one to draw weapons.

Ever so slowly he took a sideways step forward, not approaching it head on. Silently he prayed that it would not attack when not provoked any more. If it would let him, he would move even closer, careful to keep as much distance as possible.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

As you edge sideways, the atmosphere tenses further, the silent Gardevoir watching your every move without a hint of aggression, yet with an unwavering resolve that speaks volumes of its purpose here. The psychic energy emanating from it fills the air like an invisible barrier.

Your fingers brush against the pokéball again, the cool, smooth surface offering a silent reassurance. Yet, there's hesitation in your actions, a cautious respect for the creature that stands as both guardian and obstacle. You are acutely aware of the potential for conflict, yet driven by a deep-seated need to proceed, to uncover the secrets that lie beyond this psychic sentinel.

Your voice cuts through the silence, a mix of challenge and inquiry directed at the silent figure before you. There's no response from the Gardevoir, its presence as still as the statues that might adorn such a temple, yet charged with an energy that suggests readiness for any outcome.

Slowly, measuring each breath and movement, you attempt another step, angling your path to suggest passage without direct confrontation. The Gardevoir's head turns slightly, tracking your movements. It remains where it is, a bastion against your progress, yet it does not advance nor show overt hostility. Your heart beats a steady rhythm of wary anticipation as you continue to move laterally, hoping to find a way past the psychic blockade without inciting a reaction.

The Gardevoir's stillness is not just a barrier but a message, one that you're trying to decode with each cautious step. As you inch closer, the air around you seems to thicken. You're aware that each moment could escalate into a confrontation for which you may not be fully prepared. But the path to understanding and mastering the artifacts, to completing your mission, lies ahead. The question now is not just of passage, but of understanding the silent terms set by this formidable guardian.

Attempt Communication: Try to communicate further with the Gardevoir, using a gentle, non-threatening approach. Speak to it, expressing your intentions and asking for its permission to pass. This could help in understanding if it's guarding something specific or merely reacting to your dark affinity.
Retreat and Observe: Take a step back and observe the Gardevoir’s reactions. This could involve waiting to see if it relaxes its guard or provides any clues through its behavior about how to safely proceed without direct confrontation.
Try to Bypass Stealthily: Slowly and carefully, attempt to bypass the Gardevoir while maintaining a respectful distance. This would involve using your heightened senses and any abilities at your disposal to move quietly and unobtrusively, trying to find an alternative path or opening.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

An unmoving object, blocking his way towards where he wished to go. Power radiated off it, their psychic abilities hanging in the air like a warning. Míngzé felt like one wrong step, a wrong look, perhaps even a breath too much, would trigger the pokémon. The one thing he wanted to avoid. If this pokémon attacked, he was not certain he would be able to defeat them. There resided a small hope inside him that they would not attack, unless provoked.

Míngzé held his breath each time he took a step. He was well aware the pokémon kept their eyes on him, watching him every step. It was like everything else had come to a stop, it was only him and the pokémon. “I don’t wish to cause any trouble,” he told them. If they had strong psychic abilities, perhaps they would understand. He kept his voice calm, yet not able to keep a soft tremble out of it.

His grip around the hidden pokéball thightend. A wall was at his side in an attempt to stay away from the pokémon. By now he stood still, not daring to go any further before he was certain it was safe. Lying in this situation did not feel like a smart idea either. “I swear harbor no ill intentions, I’m simply here to find balance and peace.” By means of the artefact, but it did not seem wise to mention that to this guardian. Yet it was exactly what he was after, something worthy of mentioning in a temple for Xerneas. Even when his view of balance and peace was vastly different from that of everybody else.

“Will you let me through, please?” Míngzé did not move, keeping still as he waited. He was still ready to unleash Qiān, yet kept the ball hidden for now. Golden eyes rested on the Gardevoir, awaiting their reaction before he would continue forward.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

you've rolled a 04 on a d20 for communication.

As you issue a soft plea to the Gardevoir, your voice tinged with apprehension, the atmosphere seems to pulse with the weight of your words. Despite your efforts to communicate, to convey a message of peace and non-aggression, the air remains thick with unspoken warnings.

Your fingers tighten around the pokéball, a reassurance and a readiness mingled in the gesture. The walls at your side feel cold and unyielding, much like the resolve of the Gardevoir blocking your path. You stand frozen, the tension mounting, as you utter one last request for passage.

you've rolled a 4 on a d4 for a situation.
you've triggered: forced ejection.

In response, the Gardevoir's figure glimmers subtly, its eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that feels almost palpable. Then, without a word, it acts. The air around you shifts, the psychic energy that the Pokémon wields manifesting as a forceful push. It's not gentle, but neither is it lethal; it strikes a balance, forceful enough to send a clear message without causing grievous harm.

you've rolled a 14 on a d20 for severity.

The push catches you off-guard, and you find yourself being swept backwards. The force is significant propelling you with enough power to knock the breath from your lungs. You stumble back, your feet scrambling for purchase on the temple's stone floor. You manage to stay upright, the wall at your back now a tangible support against the psychic shove.

Gardevoir remains where it is, a clear guardian of the temple's deeper secrets. It has not pursued you but has unmistakably barred the way forward. The message is clear: this path is not open to you, not with your current approach and perhaps not with the dark affinity that you carry within you.

As you catch your breath, regaining your bearings after the unexpected expulsion, you realize you must reassess your strategy. The direct route is blocked, and the Gardevoir's psychic prowess is not to be underestimated. You may need to find another way to navigate the temple, or perhaps, a different tactic to gain the guardian's acceptance or bypass its vigilance altogether. The quest for the artifact and the balance you seek seems more complex now, laden with challenges that test not only your resolve but your understanding of the powers at play.

Approaching the Gardevoir again could prove fatal. The psychic guardian has demonstrated both its power and willingness to protect the temple at significant force.

It is advisable to turn back, as another direct confrontation could escalate to deadly consequences.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

This time he really thought he had come prepared. While each and every place seemed to have different forces at play, Míngzé knew this would’ve been different form the previous temple he’d been in. Combined with Victor’s guidance he really thought he would be able to stand a chance. Then why was it already going so wrong?

He knew why. He was trespassing. He was not welcome here.

Fighting the pokémon was no option and talking seemed to have been his only option. Míngzé waited in anticipation, his eyes widening the moment a soft light radiated off the pokémon. In that moment he knew he had failed and in a desperate attempt he took a step back. It was no use, there was nothing he could do at that moment.

Some invisible force pushed him back, his back painfully hitting the wall behind him as all air was forcefully pushed from his lungs. Pain laced his face as he squeezed his eyes shut. With one hand against the wall he bent forward in an attempt to recover.

It hurt, he was visibly shaken, but he was fine. No blood oozing out of deep wounds, or bones bending in the wrong direction. Míngzé saw this attack for what it was; a warning.

A few painful breaths later and he could straighten his back again. As he did he raised his hands while taking a step back. “Alright, alright,” he breathed. He was glad his cane was connected to his wrist, that way he hadn’t lost it just now.

Slowly he backed away more, trying not to make any move that would still trigger a reaction from the gardevoir. Once he thought to be far enough away, he finally turned around and stood still for a moment. His hands were shaking, both out of fear and anger. With this guardian in place, he knew there was something there. It had only confirmed his assumptions but it felt more out of reach than before.

“Fuck,” he whispered to himself. It was right there and of course he could not do it. Just what had he been thinking? For a moment he stood still, taking a deep breath. The exit was right there, laughing at him for his failed attempt. He grabbed the pokébal out of his pocket, together with the stone that had been in there since the festival. He stroked the surface of both objects. No way Qiān would be able to do anything against that pokémon, and what was he going to do? Throw a rock at it? His body was aching, but at least he was still standing.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

As you stand at the threshold of the temple's inner sanctum, the weight of the failed attempt pressing heavily on your shoulders, the sense of unease lingers in the air. The Gardevoir’s warning was unmistakable, a psychic barrier that has proven both its power and its resolve. The pain from the psychic push still radiates through your bodye.

Your breath steadies as you try to gather your thoughts, your hands still shaking slightly from the encounter. The smooth surface of the pokéball and the rough texture of the stone provide a momentary anchor in this sea of uncertainty. Qiān's presence within the pokéball is reassuring, but you know that a direct confrontation is not an option.

The temple around you remains silent, the echoes of your footsteps a faint reminder of the path you've taken. You can feel the gaze of the Gardevoir still fixed on you, even though you have retreated. The presence of such a powerful guardian only confirms the significance of what lies deeper within the temple. The artifact you seek is there, but so is the peril that guards it.

You take a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering pain and fear. The exit is just behind you, a path back to safety and regrouping. But turning back now feels like conceding defeat, and the artifact feels more critical than ever.

You have a few options to consider:

Retreat and Regroup: Exit the temple for now. Use this time to recover, gather more information, or seek out additional help or resources that might aid you in a future attempt.
Seek an Alternative Path: Carefully explore the surrounding areas of the temple, looking for another way in that might bypass the Gardevoir or lead to a less guarded route.
Use the Stone: Investigate the stone you’ve been carrying since the festival. Perhaps it holds some significance or power that could help you in this situation.
Call for Help: Use your phone to contact someone who might provide insight or assistance in dealing with the guardian or finding another approach.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Míngzé needed some time to gather his thoughts and come up with a plan. Leaving now was the easy solution and probably the best one he had. The silent Guardian of this temple was probably still there and would not leave until he was truly gone. There was nothing he could do against it.

There was however another option still left. It might end up futile, but that did not stop him from trying. He enlarged the pokébal in his hand, nerves clearly visible in his stomach. Only recently he had tried to fix things with Qiān, and hopefully it would now be enough.

A red light momentarily illuminated the darkness in front of him and soon the pokémon stood there. Like him it was a bit nervous as it looked around, wondering where they were. “Qiān,”  Míngzé greeted the pokémon and got a greeting in return. A small smile found its way to his lips. “I need you to find a way forward, but not through this corridor. That’s too dangerous.” He gestured from where he came and his pokémon responded with a sound that meant he understood.

Something touched his hand and Míngzé pulled back immediately. Only a second later he realized it was Qiān, offering his help as he had done numerous times. As he held his breath, Míngzé reached out and held onto his pokémon’s arm. It felt familiar, even after all this time.

“Lead the way,” Míngzé said as he released a deep breath. No matter what he felt nervous and he held onto the stone with a strong grip.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

With Qiān at your side, you take a cautious step forward, the familiar presence of your Pokémon offering a small measure of comfort amidst the overwhelming tension. The corridor behind you, now a forbidding path guarded by the silent Gardevoir, fades into the background as you focus on finding an alternative route. The stone in your grip is cold and reassuring, yet the uncertainty of what lies ahead weighs heavily on your mind.

The air grows thicker, each breath laden with the ancient, musty scent of the temple. Your steps echo softly, a reminder of the solitude and danger enveloping you. Every sound seems amplified in the silence, your heartbeat a loud, persistent drum in your ears.

Qiān leads you down a narrow passageway. The walls here feel closer, the air more oppressive. As you move, your cane occasionally taps against unseen obstacles, each one a jarring reminder of your vulnerability in this place.

you've rolled a 3 or 18 on a d20 for ???.

Suddenly, Qiān stops, his body tensing. You pause, straining to hear or sense what has alarmed your Pokémon, but the oppressive darkness reveals nothing.

Your grip tightens on the stone, its rough texture grounding you in the moment. But your mind races with possibilities—traps, hidden guardians, or perhaps another Pokémon alerted by your presence. The temple seems to close in around you, the walls pressing tighter, the air growing heavier.

Without the benefit of sight, your perception is limited, and your previous failed attempt to read the environment has left you on edge. The path forward is fraught with unseen dangers, each step a gamble with potential consequences.

You know you must decide quickly—pressing on might bring you face to face with an unknown threat, one you might not be prepared to handle.

Continuing down this path could lead to disaster. Your current situation is precarious, the sense of danger ever-present. This may very well be your last chance to turn back.

Turning back might be the wisest choice, but the determination to find the artifact pulls at you.

What will you do next? The decision could be the difference between success and catastrophe.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Together they continued on. Qiān soon found an alternative way. Míngzé highly doubted he would have found it if it had just been him. Maybe it had taken him a few hours. Not that it mattered. It was nice to have a guide instead of going in completely blind. If there was something, Qiān would warn him. The question was if he would listen.

They walked, until he was held back by Qiān. “What is it?” Míngzé asked his pokémon, who did not respond. For a second he looked around, but there was nothing at all. Shaking his head, he decided to continue forward. There was a soft pullen in his arm, causing him to stop again. A yammering sound followed. With a deep frown Míngzé looked towards Qiān. The pokémon did not want him to continue, that much was sure. Uncertainty gripped at his chest. If even his pokémon did not want him to continue.

“Just one look.” It had been alright this far. Yes, the Gardevoir had ruined his plans and he would probably feel his muscles tomorrow, but he was still fine. Again there was a soft pull on his arm, urging him to turn around. Míngzé ripped his arm loose and rolled his shoulder. “No, not yet.” His own nerves made him almost trip over his words.

His knees felt unsteady and he could almost hear his heart beating in his chest. One hand he placed against the wall, using it as a guide. It only took two steps before Qiān grabbed his hand and offered his assistance. He did not trust this at all and wanted nothing more than to drag Míngzé out of this situation, but if he was too stubborn, he would follow and be his eyes.

Everything seemed to close in on them and his grip around Qiān’s arm thightend. Of course he was on edge after what already happened. But if there was a chance left, he had to try it. Even if that caused him to tremble slightly. For once he had a pokémon at his side and he stayed close to him, their shoulders touching. Maybe that would help him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

As you press on, your hand steady on Qiān’s arm, the tension in the air thickens, each step a deliberate act of defiance against the lingering warnings and the palpable danger. The walls seem to close in, the path narrowing as you and your Pokémon navigate the labyrinthine passages of the temple. The darkness is nearly tangible, a living thing that presses against you, testing your resolve.

The further you venture, the more you sense the presence of something ominous ahead. Qiān's body is taut with anxiety, his movements cautious, every step taken with the utmost care. Your own nerves mirror his, your grip on his arm tightening as you proceed. The air grows colder, the silence around you deepening, broken only by the faintest echoes of your footsteps and the distant, almost imperceptible hum of ancient energies at play.

After what feels like an eternity, the narrow passageway opens up. You sense the change immediately—the space around you expands, the air shifts, and the oppressive closeness gives way to a vast, open chamber. You pause, taking in the subtle differences: the air feels slightly warmer, and there’s a faint, almost imperceptible glow that suggests a larger, more significant space.

Qiān stops abruptly, his body tense, a low growl vibrating through his frame. Your heart races as you step forward, your cane tapping the stone floor, confirming the open space before you. The chamber feels immense, the faint echoes of your movements hinting at a high ceiling and wide, expansive walls. The sense of foreboding intensifies, every instinct urging you to proceed with extreme caution.

You inch forward, Qiān's presence at your side a constant reassurance. Your steps are measured, careful not to disturb the silence too abruptly. As you advance, you sense something in the center of the room—a presence, a source of power that feels both ancient and formidable.

Qiān suddenly tugs at your arm, his anxiety evident. You halt, listening intently. There’s a faint, rhythmic sound, like the distant heartbeat of the temple itself, growing louder with each passing second. The air grows colder, and you can feel a subtle, almost magnetic pull drawing you towards the center of the chamber.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Míngzé remembered his conversation with Victor and now he fully understood what the other had meant. It was not the same as the other temple. This darkness that had tried to kill his friend, filled this whole place, its presence undeniable. No matter what, he would not let it kill him. It lived inside him too, a tool to be used in situations like this. He could still hear Victor’s warning, but that would not stop him.

For a change he was glad to have someone by his side. Though he could feel how tense Qiān was, it was still a reassurance to know he was not alone. They had to walk shoulder by shoulder through these hallways, leaving little room if anything were to happen. “It will be fine, Qiān. We simply need to be careful.” Míngzé squeezed the arm of the pokémon. There came no response at all, clearly the pokémon did not believe him. Not fully at least. They just had to take it slow and careful, not making any rash decisions.

A sigh escaped the moment they left the narrow path. No longer did he feel like he was trapped in an endless hallway. There was room, there was air, but something else too. Was this it? Because of Qiān they stood still, which gave him time to think. Míngzé knew he had to be careful, unlike before. This would not be an easy task at all, but that did not matter. So close. No way he could turn back now. “This is it,” he told Qiān without being sure. A small smile broke through, filled with nerves and anticipation.

Fueled by determination he tugged Qiān’s arm, urging him to keep moving. It was only understandable that his pokémon was cautious, he could probably also feel the power coursing through this room. There was no denying it, and it was terrifying.

A chill ran down his spine. Unseeing eyes stare forward to the middle of the room. It came from there. So close. One careful step after the next as he moved in closer. Stopping now was no longer an option, he kept going, not giving Qiān any other option. He had no eye for anything else besides whatever power was right there.

“Do you see something resembling a rock?” Míngzé asked, his voice a mere whisper. It was stupid. He should not be doing it. Turn back. Leave it be. Victor had warned him, he knew he had to be careful. But it was right there, calling to him. Míngzé let go of his pokémon’s arm and reached out to this pulsating power, no longer able to even think about turning back.  

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The vast chamber stretches out before you, a seemingly endless expanse that contrasts sharply with the claustrophobic corridors you've just navigated. The air here is different, charged with a palpable energy that sends chills down your spine. The source of this power feels tantalizingly close, its presence a magnetic pull that tugs at the dark affinity within you.

Qiān hesitates, his unease mirroring the tension that grips your own heart. But determination drives you forward, each step deliberate, careful, as if the very ground beneath you could betray your presence. The faint echoes of your footsteps blend with the rhythmic hum of ancient forces, creating a symphony of suspense.

As you move closer to the center of the room, the intensity of the power grows, vibrating through the air like a dark song. You can almost feel it thrumming in your bones, a resonance that beckons you onward. Qiān's unease does little to deter you now; you're too close to turn back. The promise of the artifact, of the balance and peace you seek, is within reach.

The center of the room draws nearer, the pull of the power almost overwhelming. You reach out with your senses, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the artifact. The energy pulses around you, wrapping you in its embrace, guiding your steps like an invisible hand.

And then you stop.

Your cane taps against something hard, a pedestal of sorts, and you can feel the rough texture of its surface under your fingertips. This is it. The source of the power. You can almost see it in your mind's eye, the artifact that has called to you, promising the answers you seek.

But as your fingers trace the contours of the pedestal, the chilling realization sets in. The energy that fills the room, that pulses with such ancient power, leads you to an empty space.

The artifact is gone.

Your heart sinks, the anticipation replaced by a hollow void. The pedestal is bare, the power you felt only a remnant of what once was. The artifact, the key to your quest, has already been taken.

The artifact is gone, and with it, the immediate hope of finding the balance and peace you sought. The question now is, what will you do next? The temple still holds its secrets, but the path forward is fraught with uncertainty and new dangers.
your journey ends here...

Character sheet
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