
Garnalen cocktail

2 posters
Haneul Seong
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 4
Haneul Seong
Worst. Birthday. Ever.

Packing his belongings in boxes as capable of keeping it together as he currently was, Haneul was forced to come to terms with the fact that he was moving out of his beloved, luxury apartment building. Not exactly how he’d imagined his twenty-eighth birthday to be. Ever since he could remember his life had been nothing but smooth-sailing, though all of that luck had seemed to run out after graduation.

And now, about a week later, he found himself carrying his whole life stuffed away boxes into his new apartment building. Thank Xerneas that his new place was located on the first floor.

The young man sighed as he entered the building’s hallway, carrying the final box inside and feeling eager to drop down on the mattress next to his far-from-assembled bedframe. Perhaps it was this little daydream of finally laying down which caused him to get lost in his own thoughts for a brief moment, though his act of daydreaming severe enough for him to drop the box of stuff onto his foot.

Normally, he wasn’t one to besmirch his speech with unnecessary vile words, but as the pain shot through the entirety of his leg, he couldn’t help but blurt out almost every blasphemy in his vocabulary, ending his string of cussing with a forthright:

+ ming

Character sheet
Nickname: Han
Age: 28 y/o
Birthday: 20/04
Occupation: Flower shop employee
Sexuality: Yes
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

The sun shone bright outside, casting a gentle warmth through his window. These days he could not stay inside all day. Staying in the presence of that day in day out didn't sit well with him. No matter that it resonated with him, or that he would need it sooner or later, he wanted his distance.

With his houndour at his side, Míngzé descended the stairs carefully. By now he had done these stairs often enough that it went smoothly. He could hear someone else move around him, but he paid them little attention. Only Dai looked at the young man. That was until a jolt went through his body.

Something fell to the ground, the loud noise alerting him immediately. A pained expression came to his face at the string of curse words that echoed through the hallway. Whatever happened sounded extremely painful. The houndour at his side had started barking at the first moment, not stopping even now. Growls were mixed in between them.

“Are you alright?” Míngzé asked concerned after the last curse fell silent. For now he kept his distance, holding on to his cane with a firm grip. Golden eyes were desperately looking for something that could give him more information. As long as he did not know what occurred, he would not take one step closer.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual