
[journey] Love me mercilessly

2 posters
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
journey card

This is Yashu's second journey, but his first journey was never finished. I am looking for the fighting affinity, but aren't completely locked into that idea.

01. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
Cigarette in hand, its ember glowing softly in the daylight, Yashu strolled along on the dirt path that stretched out before him. He had chosen a marked route that would lead through a decent chunk of the marshlands. He wanted to give both his pokémon the chance to stretch their legs- or their wings.

By his side, Dōngméi padded along with an air of quiet contentment, her presence a soothing balm to Yashu's troubled mind. His shadow briefly engulfed both of them when the charizard soared overhead and momentarily blocked the sun in passing. Yashu let out a sigh as he pulled the hood of his hoodie over his head. He felt the need to cover himself despite the pleasant warmth of the sun. Maybe it was the hangover .. The reminder of what had transpired last night.

Yes, he had a place to stay for now but it was a far cry from the luxury and extravagant lifestyle he was used to. He resented his father for his decision to send him away like he was some unruly child that needed to be punished. To some continent in the middle of nowhere where strange things happened each night. He had protection, of course. Shadowy figures that made sure the heir of the Zháo clan would not be shot in brought daylight, but that was about the furthest his father’s grace extended.

Access to his bank account cut off, explicit instructions not to contact any of his connections. Let that be a lesson.

Dōngméi sensed Yashu’s growing frustration as she looked up at him and noticed his fist clenching.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Before you came here you had looked up a path that would take you through a good portion of the marshes, making sure that the path would be good enough to take a stroll. What you hadn’t accounted for though was the heavy rainfall of the past few days. The first part of the path is fine, you barely even notice that it has rained quite a bit, but the further you head into the marshes, the wetter the ground becomes.

It keeps getting worse till there is a part of the path that is completely covered in water. You can see the path continue several feet ahead of you, but you will have to find a way to cross the pool in front of you. You do remember that you have just walked past a path that split off from this one, it’s heading into a direction you haven’t accounted for, but it might be the drier path to take. As you look around you, let your gaze sweep over the marshes surrounding you, you notice a small path and as you follow it, you think you see a part of what seems to be a hut, but you’re quite sure that it’s only more marshes there.

Head back and take the path you have seen before. This path will be easier to traverse.
Head on, knowing that this is the route you have chosen, you will have to find a way through or around the pool in front of you.
Head towards the hut, see what can be found there.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
02. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
His ruminating mind kept him from fully experiencing the otherwise pretty picture that the nature around him painted before them. Yashu’s attention was drawn to the many problems he was facing. Blissfully unaware of the fact that the path beneath his feet was becoming more and more soggy as he went on. It wasn’t until Dōngméi let out a small cry that Yashu’s attention was brought back again to the present, right as his foot disappeared into a soggy part of the road.

He looked down at his foot, ankle deep in the ground as he felt wetness seep into his sneakers. A frown of disgust crept upon his face as he began to wriggle his foot around in an attempt to loosen it until it popped out with a wet noise.

He studied the path before him. A large pool kept him from reaching the desired path on the other side. Yashu’s brown eyes flicked back to the path that continued on on his right. It was the dryer, safer option but his mind had been made up. With doubt in his mind he turned around as his eyes landed on a hut surrounded by greenery.

“*What a bother.” he muttered out loud, boredom evident in his tone. Dōngméi placed her tiny hand against his ankle and gave him an affirming look. It was unbecoming of the heir of the clan to be caught besmirged with mud and grass. So for that reason Yashu decided to press on, wanting to continue on as much as he physically could. He lifted his Bellossom and held her with one arm against his chest while he did.

Until he stretched out his hand towards the sky. “*Give me a hand, Quilong.” Yashu called, waiting for his Charizard to transport both of them over the large pool of water.

*spoken text marked with an * is in mandarin

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Without realising that the path is getting muddier and muddier, you step into the mud, your foot sinking. It takes you a bit of effort to pull it out again, which leaves you now standing before a pool of water. Your Bellossom is clearly not so happy with the pool in front of her and is more than glad when you decide to take her in your arms.

It doesn’t take your Charizard all that much effort to take both of you over the pool, placing you down where the path is getting drier again. Now that you’re on the other side you have time to look around a bit more, the hut from before has disappeared behind some bushes and trees, making it impossible to see now.

You focus on the path ahead and start following it once again, this time there are no surprises when it comes down to the road itself, but as you keep following it, you notice something moving and you get the feeling that you’re being watched. A little ahead you notice something that looks like a small shrine, like someone has built it right there beside the road for people to pay their respects. What will you do? Will you pay attention to the shrine? Or will you do something else?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
03. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
Yashu hears it before it happens. The sound of the mighty wings of his charizard before he feels himself being lifted in the air. He clutches the small pokémon to his side in an automatic, protective embrace before he is set back down again a couple of heartbeats later.

He lowers her to the ground before straightening his back and taking in the path that he had envisioned himself taking. He steals one more glance over his shoulder, but finds that the hut he had briefly looked at earlier is now hidden from his vision. Taken back by the marshlands surrounding him. Yashu gives his foot a few more shakes to try and alleviate the uncomfortable feeling of his soggy sock, and continues on.

After a little while he notices a shrine tucked away on the side of the road, decorated with the foliage that surrounds it. He pauses to take it in. What was the last time he had prayed? Paid his respects to his gods? Not since he left Fènghuáng that’s for certain.

Would his gods want to honor him now at this foreign altar, or would the god that was depicted on the altar see it as blasphemy? Yashu decided that the Sanctum gods can fuck themselves and he lowers himself on one knee. Dōngméi settles next to him and the heavy thump of his charizard landing on the ground behind him lets him know that Qiulong has also joined him.

Yashu lowers his head and closes his eyes. A silent prayer only he can hear in his mind.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Your gaze lands upon the shrine and you decide to take a moment to pray to your own gods and not the ones that might be connected to this shrine. Your pokemon settle beside you as you close your eyes and start to pray. You still get the feeling that something is watching you as everything around you quiets down, almost as if the surroundings themselves give you this moment for prayer.

you've rolled a 12 on a d20 for perception.

As you get to the end of the prayer, you can feel the air shift, a breeze picking up. You open your eyes and see a faint glow surrounding the shrine before it disappears again. It’s a sign that whatever is connected to the shrine has accepted your prayer despite it not having been for them.

The same breeze as before blows past you again, rustling the leaves and reeds surrounding the marshes and for a moment you’re able to see something between the reeds, though it’s not clear yet what it is. The moment it notices that it has been spotted it turns around and starts to move away from you, somewhere deeper into the marshes. Will you follow it? Or will you continue on your path?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
04. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
The sensation that someone is watching him slowly began to dawn upon him as he whispers the first verse of the prayer in his mind. Yashu’s surroundings begin to fade as he gets pulled into his petition. As if the marshes around him deliberately quiet down to allow him this moment of solace.

A profound quiet settles into his mind as the verses glide along. A peacefulness settling deep within him. The likes he hasn’t experienced in quite a long time. He becomes aware of a glow behind his eyelids and he slowly opens his eyes. A soft breeze caressing his face as it blows past him as if it wants to get his attention.

The shrine before him briefly looks like it’s enveloped in a blanket of light. Glimmer softly before it fades. The tall man sits quietly for a few moments as he absorbs all this, kneeling still with a soft expression on his face. The solace isn’t everlasting however as the same breeze slides past him, tugging on some loose hairs and when he follows the direction it’s blowing, he sees it.

Something that’s unmistakably looking back at him. He opens his mouth to speak or shout, but the creature spins around and moves away the moment he does. Yashu pushes himself to a stand. With swift motions moving towards the brushes the creature had disappeared through. He risks one last glance behind him towards the altar, as if to commit the sight to memory, and pushes himself through the brush in pursuit of whatever the wind wanted him to see.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

The creature moves swiftly, deeper into the marshes, the reeds barely moving as it slips through them. Though it is moving quickly, it seems to be making sure that you are still following it. You follow it, the breeze creating a path through the reeds for you to follow. Just in time you hear the creature splashing through water and you manage to come to a halt before meeting the same fate as before. Now that you have stopped, you take in the sights before you.

Before you there’s a shallow patch of water, stretching for quite a few feet in every direction. Reeds are surrounding the marsh, hiding it from sight on all sides. On the other side of the marsh there seems to be some kind of stone, with something written upon it, though from this distance you can’t tell what it says. More splashing sounds grab your attention as you turn to look at what has led you here.


The Croagunk is watching you carefully with curiosity, yet there’s some kind of challenge in its eyes. It halts just beside the stone and turns to you, stretching out one of its arms and making a gesture for you to come closer. There is a certain challenge in its movements, like this is a test. The water seems shallow, though there might be deeper pits hidden underneath the water if you take one wrong step. What will you do?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
05. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
The sound of shoes sloshing through soggy soil filter through the brush as Yashu pursuits. He quickly lifts Dōngméi in his arms so he doesn’t have to worry about her getting behind. Qiulong takes to the sky with a dance of his wings.

The creature drives a rapid pace as Yashu struggles to keep up. It’s nimble and obviously better suited to the environment than he and his Bellossom. Awkwardly he stumbles along, avoiding particular puddles as he tries to stay on the dry path as much as he can. He comes to a quick halt when he hears splashing ahead and enters a clearing. A rather large patch of water surrounded by marshey greenery. Yashu’s brown eyes are drawn to something else entirely. A stone, standing like a centerpiece at the far edge of the water. Though indescribable to his eyes, Yashu clearly notices there’s written text carved into the base.

The creature that led him here turns its back as he comes  to a halt next to the stone slab. It has yellow eyes, and blue skin that glister damply in the sunlight. The croagunk’s eyes are settled on the pair. He reaches out one of his arms and begins to gesture for him to approach.

Yashu hesitates as he assesses the pool before him, aware of the challenge that is present in the pokémon’s eyes. He holds Dōngméi tight as he sets the first few steps. Risking the trek across. He takes slow, meticulous steps as his eyes settle on the water. Straining his eyes in an attempt to spot any deeper parts before it’s too late.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

You hesitate as you investigate the patch of water in front of you, trying to determine what the right path would be to take here. The Croagunk is watching you as you observe your surroundings, the challenge still present in its eyes. You slowly start to move, carefully trying to determine where you can walk so that you won’t step into the deeper parts.

you've rolled a 6 on a d20 for perception.

Despite the fact that you’re watching closely, your next step is one that finds no solid ground beneath. Your foot slips into the mud and you sink up to your knees into the water. You try to pull your leg free, but without much luck, the mud seems to be dragging your foot down and the more you move the deeper it seems to sink. What will you do?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
06. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
Carefully he stepped on a lighter colored patch of water, expecting the soggy ground beneath. Only for his foot to suddenly sink down and causing him propel a little forward, dangerously close to dropping Dōngméi in the water below. She clings to his arm with a startled cry as he tenses his muscles to keep his balance. He sinks a good feet or two down before he feels himself getting stuck knee deep into the cold, marshy ground with water sloshing against his thigh. “chī shǐ,” he cried out in blatant frustration, attempting to wriggle free only to find he began to slip even further.

His knee began to ache painfull as he cursed once more, looking for a dry spot to put his Bellossom down so he could make his way out of his situation. He looked up at the sky and whistled. “fèi wù .. come here, Qiulong!”

There was a brief pause. He heard the sound of his Charizard’s wings before the pokémon came into view. He stopped to hover closely above him, looking down at his trainer with a mix of worry and judgment. “Grab Dōngméi,” He simply stated, holding her out for him. He reached down and lifted the tiny grass pokémon in his hands before flying a few meters back to land on a dry spot of marsh.

Yashu’s eyes filtered back towards the Croagunk that remained next to the stone slab, that same challenge still present in his  eyes. He took a deep breath as he tried to steady himself despite the growing ache in his knee. He could ask his Charizard  to pull him out but something in him told him that the Croagunk would see that as giving up. Choosing the easy way out.

So he made a mental prayer and looked around to see if there was anything he could grab onto.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

The Croagunk watches you quietly as you struggle with the marsh. Your leg is stuck till your knee in the mud and it doesn’t seem like you can easily get out from here, at least not without using anything. You give your Charizard the Bellossom, freeing up your hands, but not asking the Charizard to help you further. As your gaze sweeps towards the Croagunk you can see a small nod of approval.

you've rolled a 11 on a d20 for perception.

You start looking around for anything that might be able to help you. First your eyes scan the surroundings and fall on something hidden between the reeds. It is some kind of branch and it seems sturdy enough to at least be able to help you a little. There is one more thing that grabs your attention. Despite the water being a bit muddy, it seems that there is something hidden underneath the surface. As you feel around it seems to be some kind of rope, but you can’t be sure whether it’s attached to anything on the other side. What will you do?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
07. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
Yashu lets his eyes wander the marshy land around him, peering past clusters of reed until his dark eyes become drawn to something. Something his eyes had skipped over previously but only now began to register. The tip of a mossy covered branch sticks out from between the reeds, beckoning him silently and offering him a slight hand in his peculiar situation.

He pulls his gaze away to check the rest of his surroundings and notices something below the water. Frowning he observes the silhouette before he lifts up the sleeve of his undershirt and reaches forward towards it. The cold water enveloping his hand when he feels his fingers close around a rope.

The sturdy rope fits nicely in his hand as he closes his fingers around the rope and gives a slight pull. He’s unsure how much weight can be put on it before it snaps .. But still, what would a rope be doing in the middle of a swamp?

Yashu makes up his mind and begins to pull harder.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

You observe your surroundings, trying to find a way to get yourself out of the mud. You find a branch between the reeds and a rope underneath the water. The rope might be attached to something, hopefully sturdy enough for you to be able to pull yourself out or it might be attached to something that might be able to help you.

you've rolled a 7 on a d20 for strength. The DC was 10

You gather your strength and try to pull on the rope. The first thing you notice is that the rope is attached to something sturdy and doesn’t snap, but at the same time your leg barely moves. You’re able to pull just a small piece of your leg free, but not much progress has been made. At the very least you don’t sink any further. What will you do? Will you try to pull again or try something else?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
08. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
Yashu gives a hard pull without much success. The awkward position he is in makes it hard for him to have a proper grip on the rope and pull with all his strength. Despite his best efforts, he manages to only free himself a little bit. Whatever the rope is attached to beneath the murky water is incredibly sturdy, refusing to budge even an inch.

Frustration bubbles up inside him but Yashu is not one to give up easily. He knows that freeing himself might mean abandoning the mystery object lodged at the bottom, a thought that gnaws at his curiosity with incessant intensity.

He glances at the croagunk standing nearby, meeting its eyes with a determined stare. *“I’m not giving up,”  he declares, his voice resolute.

Yashu coils the rope around his hand, feeling the rough fibers bite into his skin and smearing it with mud. He braces himself and gives the rope another mighty tug.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

Your first attempt to either free yourself or to pull on whatever is on the end of the other side of the rope is without success. You’re determined not to give up and let it be known to the Croagunk. It is the silent watcher of the efforts you’re prepared to put into this. You prepare yourself for one final pull, grabbing the rope and pulling with all your strength.

you've rolled a 15 on a d20 for strength, the DC was 12.

You gather all your strength once more, pulling harder this time. At first nothing seems to be happening, both you and whatever is on the side of the rope staying put, but then you find yourself moving, suddenly pulling your leg free. You find ground again and pull one final time on the rope, using all your strength and you feel something dislodge from the mud. You almost fall backwards, but manage to catch yourself.

You notice that a few feet ahead of you another stone has now appeared, breaching the surface of the water. You can tell that there is something written on it, but from this distance it is not clear what it is. The Croagunk nods once in approval, and motions for you to start moving again. What will you do? Head to the end of the rope or head to where the Croagunk is? Or do you want to do something else?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
09. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
Yashu’s muscles tighten as he gives a mighty tug at the rope. It seems it’s effortless initially, but this only spurs him on. Prompting him to give another tug- this one more successful than the last as he feels his knee finally releases with a squishy sound. Stumbling backwards he manages to catch himself, steadying his body and giving the painful area just below his knee a few rubs with his free hand.

Determination fills his veins as he reassesses the situation. His dark eyes land on something sticking out of the mud a few feet ahead, broken free by his tugging on the rope. The Croagunk motioning catches his attention, causing him to pause.

Qiulong gives an approving grunt on the other side of the bank, reminding Yashu he is standing by ready to assist should the need arise. Yashu gathers his focus and scans for a path towards the stone that appeared with the intention to read the description.

“Hold your horses. I’m coming, just let me do this first.” He mumbles in plain common towards the Croagunk as he begins to make his way towards the newly revealed stone. It will bring him closer to his original end goal. Once he had made it safely towards it, he can make his way across towards the Croagunk. Perhaps the newly uncovered stone belongs to the already existing stone the Croagunk was standing beside, Yashu thought.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

One final mighty tug releases you and whatever is connected on the other side of the rope from the mud. Now there lies a choice before you, head to the end of the rope or head to where the Croagunk is clearly watching you. You decide to see what you have pulled from beneath the surface of the water and get closer. This time there doesn’t seem to be any hole for you to slip into underneath the surface, so it doesn’t take you all that long before you are standing in front of it.

To your surprise the text written on it is in a language that you can understand. It’s in the common tongue. Barely any mud is covering the surface of the stone, but some words have faded. Only one part is still readable: trial of strength.

Simple words and yet they seem to have some meaning. More words were once on this surface, but not anymore. The Croagunk has been quiet up to now, but once it has seen you read the words on the stone it almost impatiently waves you closer once more. This is clearly not the end of this yet.
your journey continues...

Character sheet
Yashu Zháo
Messages : 60
IC Posts : 26
Yashu Zháo
10. Love me mercilessly
journey #2
Yashu wades through the shallow water, careful not to slip or sink. Every few steps he feels his heart leap when he momentarily thinks that he has misstepped. But to his relief he manages to make it towards the unearthed stone. He lowers himself to reach and touch the cold surface. Wiping away the mud that sticks to the letters written in common.

This causes him to pause with a surprised look crossing his features. The lettes read: Trial of Strength. The coloration of the stone gives away that it has been submerged for quite some time before Yashu pulled it out.

Dark eyes search out the Croagunk who is still standing on its original place, beckoning him with increasing impatience. Even though the stone had been lost to perhaps the trial of time, at least there was a living being still aware of said trial. Had it been with a master, once? Was it a wild pokémon that simply followed it’s designated purpose in life?

Whatever it was, Yashu’s interest had just peaked to elevated levels. ”Trial of strength, ey?” He mutters out loud. Forcing his knees to straighten as he rises and begins to make his way towards the Croagunk. “Very well. I love a good challenge.”

Careful placing his steps before him, trying to maintain balance and not sink back into the mud once more, he makes his way towards the Croagunk. A feeling of deep found excitement begins to stir in his insides as he does so. Excited to learn whatever adventure lays ahead of him and the poison pokémon can present him with.

fuck everyone
all of it

Character sheet
Nickname: Yoshi
Age: 27 Y
Birthday: 13th October
Occupation: Pest control
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 297
IC Posts : 278

You decide to make your way over to the Croagunk, managing to keep on your feet this time, without sinking into the mud once more. As if the path from this part of the marsh to where the Croagunk was, was one that was meant to be like this.

You find yourself in front of the Croagunk and the stone it stands beside. It watches you for a moment, before pointing at the stone, making sure you read what is written there:

Those who seek power within themselves.
Their strength of body, mind and spirit shall be tested here.
Prove your worth and overcome the trials before you.
For those who prevail, a hidden strength shall be revealed.

The Croagunk watches you closely, wondering if you understood what it meant and what it was asking of you. You get the feeling that what you have done just now is only the start of what is to come, are you ready to continue?
your journey continues...

Character sheet
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