
[se] Out of place

2 posters
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

A strained smile. An hesitant wave and then he would turn his back. Why had he agreed to this? Right, because that fits into the picture of a perfectly normal life. Everyone had told him to give it a try. Everyone being those parents waiting for their children at the gates. By now they all knew him but he could not remember a single name even if his life depended on it.

No wanting to spend time with them, Zhènyǔ focussed his attention to the task at hand. Those uninviting purple eyes of his scanned his surroundings, looking for— what exactly?

His whole expression was like an open book with one clear story to tell; he did not want to be here. It was too late to change his mind now. Xìnyì had found a new friend. Some Wooloo that had loved all the cuddles it was receiving.

The Wooloo ran away playfully, expecting the child to follow. “Carefull, don’t go too far!” Last thing he needed was for them to become the charity event. With a sigh he crossed his arms tightly over his chest.


Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The village of Crestwood lies nestled in the shadow of the towering mountains, surrounded by dense, mysterious forests. The air is thick with the scent of pine and the distant call of wild creatures. As you walk through the village with your young son, an air of excitement and tension seems to permeate the place.

An imposing man with a rugged face and piercing eyes strides up to you, his expression serious. “Hey there,” he says in a low, urgent tone. “Name’s Gavin. We’ve got a bit of a situation and could use some help.”

He gestures towards the edge of the village where the forest looms dark and foreboding. “A wild pack of Mightyena has been causing trouble, stealing livestock and scaring the villagers. We need to track their den and figure out how to drive them off before they do more damage.”

Gavin looks at your son, his expression softening just a bit. “It’s dangerous work, but we’ve got an experienced tracker who can guide us. Your boy can stay at a safe distance, maybe help with setting up traps and keeping an eye out for any signs of movement. It’ll be a real adventure, something he’ll remember for a long time.”

He turns his gaze back to you, a mix of urgency and determination in his eyes. “We could really use another pair of hands out there. What do you say? Ready to help us protect the village and give those Mightyena something to think about?”
a request for help

Character sheet