
A place of smiles

2 posters
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Well, here was to part two of taking herself on a date.

From the ferry, Luminaland looked quite daunting. So big and lively, especially on a nice, sunny day like this. The plaza bustled with life, and as the ferry docked at the small, man-made island, Sim felt a little overwhelmed. She'd never minded doing things on her own all that much. Growing up without many people her age around, it was something she'd grown quite used to. Here, though, everywhere she looked couples had their arms hooked in one another, or there were kids with families running around "Just relax. We'll be fine won't we, Rune?" she reached for her shoulder and gently patted the zorua perched on there. The foxlike creature yipped something incomprehensible and Sim smiled. Yeah, they'd be alright.

At least Luminaland didn't disappoint. Honestly, she was having a blast hopping from one of the attractions to another. The candyfloss stuck to everything, but was delicious none the less, and at the end of it, the girl felt much better than she had before. Which made it even worse when her leg started to act up.

Sim cursed quietly when pain shot through her knee, where her prosthetic was attached to her body. Usually, it did a great job in keeping her steady and stable, but lately it had been acting up a bit. Normally she'd go and see Victor about it, but since their relationship hadn't been... Fantastic lately, she hadn't. With a quiet curse she kneeled down and inspected the mechanisms. It had grown a bit rusty, which was probably why it suddenly became so inflexible. Nothing a bit of oil couldn't fix, but that, of course, she did not have on hand this time.

With a sigh, Sim looked around. As soon as she spotted someone who looked vaguely like he'd work here, she limped over to him. "Hi! Hello there! Excuse me," Sim gritted her teeth against the pain, too distracted to notice that the stranger looked vaguely familiar. "Hi, could you maybe help me with something?"


Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126
Cody MacFarlane

His heart did something weird. Like, a jumpstart. Skipping a beat and sinking to his stomach at the same time. The moment he heard and recognised her vibrant voice calling out from behind him. It's melody had been a song stuck in his head while he had been unable to listen to it for months on end. And suddenly it was there. Filling him with a heart warming joy and cold sweat panic. The last time he heard it still haunted him to this day. After months of the no contact he promised her. She would never know the amounts of time his finger had hovered above her name on the screen of his phone. Or the times he had written out whole paragraphs of text just to backspace it all again before sending. He had hoped, wished they would bump into one another. Even if it was just to make sure she was doing alright. Doing well. Doing good. But also to make sure she wasn't doing better without him. Because he wasn't doing better without her.

And now she had. Bumped into him at his job. Sorta. On his last day of all days. Funny how that worked sometimes. Cody had started this job right after they split, as some kind of... distraction, support, routine? Anything to keep himself from spiraling towards a place of no return. Of course she would appear on his last day working here.

When he turned around, mentally preparing to act cool and friendly, he had a warm smile on his face, ready to greet her, but as soon as he saw her limping he stopped thinking and sprung in action. Grabbing her hand and catching her a bit with his arm around her for support. "Wow wow, hey what happened here? Careful there." It felt so natural to just do, that he had done it before realizing how inappropriate this actually was. That realisation only hit when his eyes met hers, but by then it was already too late.


Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Though it was something she had felt so often and so deeply, the pain was never something you'd get used to. At this point in time, she'd become much better equipped at dealing with it, allowing her to at least make her way over to the employee. Nevertheless, the sensation of metal gnawing at her flesh made tears sting her eyes, and she had to take a deep breath to push them away. A piece of the prosthetic had become stuck, painfully prodding at her skin. She knew it was an easy fix, but gods, it hurt.

With her limping, it poked deeper in her skin, and Sim stumbled because of it. To her surprise, two hands caught her, breaking her fall. Immediately, something lodged itself in her throat. She didn't have to look up to realize her mistake. That voice, the gentle way his arms held onto her—she'd recognize him even in a pitch-black room full of strangers.

Her first instinct was to wrap her hands around him, to tell him just how much she'd missed him and recount all the things that had happened in his absence, the way she'd always done before. There was still something so familiar in his voice, something so soothing and warm. But with that burst of happiness came an immediate sting of pain, a brutal reminder that he wasn't hers anymore. Maybe never again. Sim swallowed hard and took a deep breath, gently laying her hands on his arm to steady herself, before pushing him away.

"Oh, hey, I'm sorry, I hadn't-... I didn't know you-" she took a deep breath and hugged herself close, the pain in her leg now awfully distant. "I... My prosthetic is acting up, do you maybe have some oil, like WD-40?" she asked, her voice small as she didn't dare meet his eyes. She didn't want him to see that it was all clearly still fresh to her.

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126
Cody MacFarlane

One look in those magical green eyes and he knew. Knowing was never the problem for him, though. He probably knew before she did. Before she confessed it even. No, knowing that he loved Simura didn't change the fact that he had never been able to say it. But by god did he wish he could. He held her for a moment, preventing her from stumbling over, wishing that moment would last a life time instead. How was it possible to feel so much still, after months? How was it possible to feel so much for a person and not say it? If only one of them had the key to open that which he had locked away. What a fool he was.  

Cody had just started to get used to the feeling of being without her. Finding some acceptance in it as he attempted to move on from the first real relationship he had. It didn't change the fact that he still missed her in his life, in his space, in his arms. He missed everything, but he didn't know how to get it back. Or where to even start. She had been right to cut off contact, he would never get over her other wise.

When she pushed him away he fought the urge to dig his fingers in her and keep her a little longer. Instead, he made sure she kept her balance, a soft smile on his face when she apologised. "That's okay. You couldn't have-... I just started here after we-..." He quickly interrupted himself by subtly clearing his throat. "Are you okay?" The question was more loaded than he tried to make it seem. He wasn't just asking about her leg, but about... everything. He hated that it wasn't his place anymore to ask that. To know that about her.

His eyes wondered down to her leg, hidden underneath her clothing. He swallowed. "Uh, yeah, yeah we do. For sure." Cody was too occupied with avoiding eye contact himself to notice how she did the same. "A.. Are you hurt? Do you want me to take a look?" In their time together he had plenty of time to explore that leg up close. He even had several books about prosthetics on his bookshelves, from taking deep dives in that subject matter. Just so he could help her out if she needed a quick fix.

Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
He let her go.

A part of her wished he'd hold on, but she knew she'd just get angry if he had. Instead, he was so gentle. Like he always was. For a man his size and posture, he always made sure she was steady and safe. It used to be one of her favorite qualities in him, but now it just stung. The girl took a deep breath, trying not to get overwhelmed. The months apart had really helped her. To the point that she'd actually started dating again. After repeatedly telling herself she was getting over him, she had almost started to believe it. Stupid girl, what a fool she was. He managed to tear open all of her old wounds, just be being here. By touching her.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's easily fixable," she said softly, her voice not much more than a whisper. She knew his question wasn't just referring to the state of her prosthetic, but the last thing she wanted to do was have a lengthy discussion with him about how she'd been doing. Mostly because she knew she'd break into tears once again.

Gods, pull yourself together, Sim. She quietly scolded herself and took another deep breath, forcing herself to regain her composure. "No, I can fix it. I just need something to lubricate it, that's all." her voice sounded a little hollow, but she couldn't help herself. "I don't want to keep you off of your work,"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126
Cody MacFarlane

The words were right there. I miss you.Hovering on his tongue. I don't want to walk away. Stuck in the back of his throat. And in his mind, almost screaming.

I want you... I want us...

And yet, he let go of her. Even when his body told him to hold on tight and never do exactly that. He still let go. He had to. That's what rationality told him. Aside from common decency. This, the busy pathway in an amusement park, wasn't the place to.. to.. he wasn't even sure what he wanted to achieve with it. If he told her any of the things he felt for her, still. He knew it wouldn't change anything. He still wouldn't be able to give her what she needed from him. He would still hurt her. Something he'd never forgive himself for. His heart and mind torn between what he wanted and what she needed. He couldn't give into it. He couldn't be selfish. She had to be happy. Stay happy without him. It was okay if he loved her. It was okay if that ruined his life. He was used to that. All that mattered was that it didn't ruin hers.

When she told him she was fine he only nodded with a understanding smile, but it stung. Once she welcomed his help, let him be her savior by giving his life a purpose. A meaning. Being her friend, her joy, her lover, her rock, and her soft pillow to cry on. Being her everything. But she wasn't his to save anymore. Now he only served as a lesson. A memory to compare other's to. What she didn't want or looked for anymore. It was like a dagger to the heart. More painful than a gunshot wound.

Yet it was hard to ignore her quietness. Her timidness. A stark contrast to her usual bubbly and sweet nature. He had truly broken something between them, killing him inside. Whoever stood before him was but a shadow of the girl he loved. He wasn't allowed to see more of her anymore.

He swallowed again, his mouth dryer than the tundra's on Midgard. "Alright, I'll get you what you need." The frown above his dark eyes, inscrutable as ever, softened a bit. "You're not." he assured her with a soft smile. "Don't worry. Technically you... this is my work. So it's fine." It was his last day anyway. Who cared if he was off helping his ex. "I'll be right b-" He got cut off rather abruptly when a couple teens, high on adrenaline form a rollercoaster and yelling and scream talking in excitement, rudely bumped into him. Suddenly the two were engulfed by a little crowd of people leaving several attractions at the same time. "Maybe it's best if you just come with me?" He suggested, instantly regretting that he leaned closer to her just so she could hear him above the crowd. The motion, the angle and her scent triggering several memories that he didn't want to think about in that moment.

Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
She knew she was hurting him with being so standoffish. Hurting the both of them, really. But the truth in the matter was that once she'd meet his eyes and smiled, once she'd ask him just how he'd been... They likely wouldn't stop talking. They'd laugh like they'd used to, and she'd slip up and tell him she missed him so. It was too easy to fall back into their old ways, because they were so comfortable and warm. But if they did, it would just be harder to say goodbye again. It would tear down all the stitches she'd so carefully sown over the old wound that was him, and everything they had had together. Sim swallowed and took a deep breath. No, it was easier to leave as soon as possible, go home and try the impossible task of forgetting about him.

Gods, she was still such a mess over this boy.

Sim tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, her eyes darting all over the place in an attempt to evade his when a random group of people bumped into them. Caught off guard, she nearly lost her balance once again. A quiet curse rolled off her lips, the pain stinging in a real mean way. She'd been more than happy to just stay here and wait for him to return, but with an exasperated sigh, she knew that wasn't really an option. And even if it was, could she have refused? Up so close she could even smell his familiar scent, and it brought back all sorts of memories. It filled her with a confusing mixture of longing and pain.

"Uhm, yeah, maybe," she muttered quietly, gritting her teeth as she attempted to make her way over on her own. It took her only one step to find out that she couldn't. "Wait," she hesitated, but eventually reached out for him. "I'm so sorry, could you- can I-" she meant to ask him to help support her, as walking on her own wasn't working and she was far too unsteady to limp over. The words got all fumbled, though, and with an increasingly frustrated sigh she continued. "This is weird. I'm sorry Cody, I really hadn't recognized you..."

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126

Cody MacFarlane

He wasn't sure how wise it was to take her with him, but leaving her here wasn't an option in his mind. People were rude, selfish, self-centered and she was in pain. He didn't want to risk her getting hurt even more, by some inconsiderate jerk bumping into her, while he was out of sight. She would be too kind, too apologetic for people to even realise how hurt she was. He just.. had to turn of his brain for now. He had been an expert at that for years. How hard would it be to do now...

Thankfully she agreed without him having to insist upon it. He turned to make sure they could pass the crowd easily. It wasn't too far. Just a small side building, hidden behind some strategically placed plants, within the parks decor. Employee's only, the little door said. Not even a five minute walk. He hadn't even taken a step when she urged him to wait. The moment she reached out, his hand had already found hers. He knew what she was thinking, what she struggled to ask him. She really didn't need to. Ask him, or struggle over it. He was happy to oblige. Selfishly so.

He sighed, feeling her frustration. "Look at me. If you apologies one more time, I'm going to gag you." his lips curled up a bit, with a hint of jest in his words. "It's okay, really. Trust me, Sim. Even if you had recognized me, I'm glad you called me over. At least I know a thing or two about your.. problem. You're pain. I can help you better than any of my colleagues would've." It was hard to put on a brave face, surprisingly so, but it was harder to see her struggle. Both with the pain of her leg and the pain of interacting with him. If he showed her it really was alright, it would only be better for them both. The faster he could help her and the faster she could leave again. Something she so clearly wanted.

Biting the inside of his cheek helped to keep his brain turned off. He was planning on tasting metal before he allowed himself to be overwhelmed by his feelings again. It wouldn't help her. Which was, for now, his main priority.

He bend down to her, placing an arm around her back and side and getting the other ready to scoop up her legs, carefully to not hurt her anymore than she already did. His intentions clear. He glanced down at her with a softness in his eyes. "Place you're arm around my shoulders," Picking her up with a familiar ease, that made him taste metal sooner than he expected. "Is this okay?" hinting at more than just her leg again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
She didn't even have to finish her sentence. His hand slid into hers just like they'd done hundreds of times before. It was so easy. Too easy, really. And she really did want to remain standoffish, she really did. After all, she knew better than everyone how easy it was to fall for him all over again. No, she needed to keep her distance, keep to this deal they'd made to have no contact with one another. It was the only way to get over him. But gods, he made it so hard. And when he joked about gagging her, she couldn't help but laugh. "In public! You'll be so fired," she said with a grin. One that quickly disappeared when their eyes met for a brief moment. Sim quickly averted her gaze.

A sigh rolled over her lips. "Of course I trust you. It's just... Nevermind. Thank you for helping me,". It was far too intimate, once again. He wrapped an arm around her waist and lifted her up with such ease, as if she weighed nothing at all. And he was nice enough to continue checking in with her, too. Sim only nodded for an answer, her eyes drifting everywhere but to meet his - knowing that he'd see the familiar rosy color he'd brought to her face with that little stunt of his. In the end, she leaned her head against his shoulder, trying to ignore the weird looks people were giving them. "How have you been?" she couldn't help but ask in the end, her voice small. She really was hopeless, wasn't she?

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126

Cody MacFarlane

His heart simply couldn't help but flutter at her laughter. Gods how he missed that unbridled bright sound filling his ears and heart. He hated that every good thing about Sim now came with a sting of loss, regret and this strange jealousy. Because he knew there were other people who got to make her laugh now, who got to make her feel good. Make her smile, make her happy. Maybe in a way he wasn't able to. But then to hear and see her laugh, grin and indulge in his joke, giving himself some kind of false sense of hope again. It was unfair, confusing and lovingly generous of her.

He'd be so fired she shot back at him with the same hint of jest as he had done. His lips curling into a grin. Yeah, getting fired for this girl was something he tented to do. "It wouldn't be the first time." He chuckled. "The last time you got me fired turned out to be a blessing in disguise, so I'd say it's worth it..." His grin swiftly disappeared once he realised what he was doing. What he was saying. And how easy it had come out. Cursing the ease of being around her.

He hated how he hoped anything positive she said about him was some kind of opening back into her life. Just the mentioning of her trust in him would mess with his mind for the next month and a half. It made that one voice in his mind, that begged for her always, shout in excitement. And silencing that voice had proven a hard task.

"Of course, anytime." he was aware of how disgustingly polite he kept being. But it was the only way to keep it all... at a save distance. He wasn't able to be so standoffish like she had been. She couldn't keep it up either, which was yet another sign that gave him hope. They just... matched. Far too easy. And it tore his heart apart.

Carrying her was the simplest solution to the issue. That's what he told himself when he picked her up and held her close in his arms once more. Making sure she was comfortable. People immediately dispersed around them, making way for them. He was glad he had something to focus on, like making sure he didn't bump her leg into someone; otherwise, he wouldn't be able to look away from her ever enchanting green eyes. They'd lay a spell on him with one glance, in a heartbeat, and without her intention, but bewitching nonetheless. Once he had the freedom to stare at her at his leisure, at length, and without shame. Wishing he had done so, every moment he could've, knowing now that he would lose that privilege way to soon. This was doable. Carrying her, focusing on their surroundings, not on her warmth in his arms and against his chest. Focusing on the way to the shed, not on watching her gaze from the corner of his eye. Focusing on the people around them, not on her familiar scent, like coming home. This. Was. Doable.

Then, she leaned her head against his shoulder. And he could start to feel himself unravel.

He tried to control it but his breath shivered for a moment. His dark eyes looked straight ahead, without seeing anything. His whole body fully focused on her. A warmth washed of him, from the crown of his head down to his spine all the way to his toes, curling in his boots. It took everything in him to not rest his cheek against her head. Everything turned out to be not enough in the end, as it did not stop him from doing exactly what he shouldn't be doing. Resting his cheek against her head. If only for a second or two.

His lip curled up slightly at her question. There it went again, that godforsaken hope she instilled in him with such an ease. He took a second, thinking about how to best answer a question like that. He could lie, be polite, and tell her he was good. He could be honest- no he couldn't.. but if he was he'd tell her he was miserable without her. Still, after all this time, he missed her. His body physically ached for her now that she was finally so close again and it scared him. He could ignore the question all together, hurt her again, if only a little, if it was just to prevent them from reconnecting again. It had already started. He could feel it in every fiber of his being. How quickly they turned to her and reached in the hope for something. This question was that something, wasn't it? Her careful way of reaching back.  

"Are you sure you want to know?" Finally allowing himself to look at her, something he was definitely going to regret, and locking eyes. If she really tried and see, he knew she would be able to read the answer from his eyes. His gaze trailing down her beautiful features. From her long-lashed eyes, to the blush on her cheeks, her lips baring the slight indication of teeth biting down on them in nervousness. His eyes lingered absolutely too long on them, before meeting her eyes again.

Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Simura von Sylverstern
Messages : 491
IC Posts : 399
Simura von Sylverstern
Of course Cody immediately jumped at the opportunity to bring up the last time he'd gotten fired because of her. Or due to her. Sim prodded him gently with her elbow. "Hey that was a mutual firing, don't put it all on me," she joked right back. She opened her mouth to make another comment about what he'd implied, but ultimately decided against it. Their banter came so incredibly easy for the both of them. It was a little scary, in some ways. Even after she'd been building her walls so carefully the past few months, he was able to break them down within mere moments. Though, it wasn't really fair to put all the blame on him, either. Despite everything she'd told herself, she just let him do it. That was why she shut her mouth again, because if he looked at her with those pleading, beautiful eyes of his, would she really be able to refuse?

Instead, she looked at the ground as he carried her. He must have noticed her returning into her shell, as his own voice regained that note of distancing politeness once again. And instead of mirroring him, Sim just continued their dangerous little game of push and pull. Despite knowing better, she rested her head in the nook of his neck, like she'd done so many times before when they'd been cuddling on the sofa. She knew it was cruel to push him like this, but the selfish part of her just wanted conformation that he still thought about her, too. And when he finally rested his head back on hers, it gave her that spark of hope. It was so comforting in the most painful way, and when she closed her eyes, she could almost, almost pretend nothing had ever gone wrong.

It didn't last.

It never would, again. It was painful in a way that shook you to your core, that had previously left her crying like an inconsolable child - but it was the truth. One she needed to learn to swallow. Sim met his gaze anyway, seeing the answer to her question written in his dark eyes. She could see them trail the features of her face, ending on her lips. In the silence that stretched on for entirely too long, she wondered if he wanted to kiss her as badly as she did him.

In the end, Sim averted her gaze. "No," her voice was soft, and the smile she offered him was a painful one."But tell me anyway,"

Character sheet
Nickname: Simmy, Sim
Age: 24
Birthday: 24-11
Occupation: Student (Cultural Anthropology) & Witch
Sexuality: fuck around and find out :)
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126

Cody MacFarlane
Once upon a time he could look at her, like he was looking now, and he didn't have to stop himself from leaning in. He didn't have to think about the mess that he would make if he gave into the almost uncontrollable urge to give her what her eyes begged for. What his own heart and body longed for. He knew Sim too well in that regard. He had studied her for months. All her little hints, conscious or not. All her little ways of showing him what she longed for. He was simply the worst with words. But body language, yes, he was completely fluent in her body language. He knew what she was thinking. What she wanted.

He would give it to her. If she really wanted to, he would.

He had suffered this heartbreak for months now. A few more months for the sake of a moment with Sim would be worth it. If that was all he could ask for it would always be worth it.

But she averted her gaze. Breaking the eye contact that had him in trance. In hope of a sign that would not come.

Her response to his question did not really help his case either. Prompting a soft chortle. Especially paired with that painful smile she gave him. "Hmm, you're putting me in a pickle here." He didn't want to hurt her with truths, half truths or lies. Whatever he would tell her, it wouldn't be good enough. Of that he was sure. But he also just couldn't deny her. "The short answer would be... I'm good enough." As he said it, he himself wasn't even sure what he meant by that. He swallowed, his gaze forward again, as he carried her into a more closed off area that led to the shed. Biting the inside of his cheek, knowing it wouldn't help him to keep his tongue this time. "But the truth is... I.. I miss you, Sim." It sounded pathetic, both as the truth that it was and how too simple it sounded for all the complex feelings he felt for the girl in his arms.

He couldn't look at her, afraid of what he would see in her eyes after this small confession.

Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
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