
geez louise

2 posters
Xiùlán lǐ
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 4
Xiùlán lǐ
» a person dies when the last memory of him dies…
What a day! The birds were chirping, the sun was shining—truly the perfect day to spend some quality time with her nephew at the park, right? Xiùlán certainly thought so, and that's why she did just that. Would her brother mind? No, of course not! He'd probably be happy to see them bonding, at least she thought so. He wasn't home when she came to fetch little Xìnyì, a total coincidence. Xiùlán wouldn't have planned it that way, of course. And even if she knew he probably wouldn't be gone for long, she didn't feel like waiting around. So she simply made her way inside. Which was easy enough; she knew exactly how to infiltrate—well, anything that belonged to Yu. She didn't even break a window this time.

After that, it was easy to pick up the boy and leave, heading for the park. Xìnyì was all too eager to go with her once he got over his fear of the stranger in his home and recognized her. She bought him some ice cream from a stand to make up for it, and he seemed to have all but forgotten the incident. Actually, now that she thought about it, wasn't he allergic to a certain type of flavor? God, what was it? Hopefully not chocolate, as he had three whole scoops of it on his little waffle cone. Eh, no, probably not. He seemed happy enough to gorge it down, and he hadn't broken out in some allergic reaction yet, so it was probably fine.

As they walked, they came upon a large fountain, one with fishes swimming in it, something which the young boy eagerly pointed out. So she picked him up and carried him towards it, setting him down on the ledge and pointing out the fishes to him with one hand while holding the ice cream cone in the other. "Look! There goes one," she giggled, pointing at a small carp. "And there!" Another one, a huge koi! The biggest one she'd ever seen. Her nephew clearly enjoyed himself, if the giggling was any indication, and reached even more forward towards the water, as if he wanted to grab one of the fishes straight out of the fountain.

Xiùlán noticed, of course, but didn't do anything to stop him. Even if he did fall in, the water wasn't deep enough to, like, drown him or anything. He'd only get a little bit wet. So it wasn't a big deal.

What was a big deal, though, was the familiar figure that came their way—she spotted him in the corner of her eye. Yu, and he didn't look too happy. Xiùlán couldn't imagine why not. Sure, he might have come home to find his son missing, but she did leave him a note. So it wasn't like she kidnapped him entirely.
fate worse than death

The note in question:

Character sheet
Nickname: Xiu - Lan
Age: 23
Occupation: Spoiled brat
Sexuality: Bi
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

Her handwriting was one he would always recognize. It caused his panic to turn into rage instantly. The babysitter had tried to explain herself, but not a sensible word left her lips. She was ordered to stay in the house and wait. They would talk later.

It was too easy to find her once he made it to the park. People noticed how Zhènyǔ was fuming. The large quick strode, a look that could kill and pure determination. Those he passed moved out of the way, not wanting to get on his bad side.

Or his pokémon’s side.

The huge Bannette flew behind him, carrying the same anger as her trainer. She radiated power, which was probably what caused people to move out of his way.

“Xiùlán,” he growled, loud enough that she would hear him. Only a few steps and he was right next to her, reaching for her arm with a firm grip. They were still in public, meaning he could not cause a scene.

Xìnyì seemed oblivious to it all. “Dad!” With open arms his son came running towards him, hugging his leg. Zhènyǔ stroked his hair with a surprising gentleness. “Missed you too, Ā-Xìn.” While his voice was soft, his eyes told a different story. With an intense stare he looked at his half sister. “Now, move.” They were not having this conversation under the prying eyes of everyone around them.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Xiùlán lǐ
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 4
Xiùlán lǐ
» a person dies when the last memory of him dies…
His sour mood did little to dampen her bright one. Casually, she leaned against the edge of the fountain, so that she was now turned towards her half-brother and his son, who had run up to him and was now happily hugging the older man's leg, as if he hadn't seen him in years. Kinda dramatic if you asked her—Yu should really teach the child a little more independence before he ends up as a daddy's boy.

Xiùlán shrugged nonchalantly at his command. She wasn't budging, not yet. Their little outing had only just begun after all. "What, no, we can't leave yet—I promised I'd take Xìnyì to the petting zoo," she said, her tone innocent, yet laced with mischief. There was a quaint little farm attached to the park, offering interactions with various animals like rabbits and goats. Her little nephew seemed fascinated by the idea, especially the prospect of holding and playing with the furry critters. Xiùlán, however, found them rather mundane, beneath her refined tastes. Despite her promise, she likely wouldn't have accompanied him. Instead, she'd concoct some excuse to bail at the last minute. But using the petting zoo as leverage against Yu? Oh, that was too delicious to resist—the perfect little stick to prod and test his resolve.

As her nephew scampered back to her, she handed him his melting ice cream cone with a playful smile. "Right, Xìn? Don't you want to see those adorable little fluffballs they have over there?" The child nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with anticipation. Turning back to his father, he launched into a babbling plea, his words a jumble of excitement and persuasion. Xiùlán watched with amusement, her red eyes sparkling mischievously as she awaited Yu's reaction, relishing the challenge of his next move.
fate worse than death

Character sheet
Nickname: Xiu - Lan
Age: 23
Occupation: Spoiled brat
Sexuality: Bi
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

Among those who knew him there were very few people who dared to go against him. Smoke might as well be coming out through his nose as he stared at her. Xiùlán was the only one who dared to do something like this. In the end she was untouchable, no matter what. The things he would’ve said to her if his son hadn’t been here.

Zhènyǔ was turning red from anger as she involved Xìnyì. Because of course she would. He could see the twinkling in his son’s eyes who was really looking forward to all of this and was not aware of the conflict going on. And of course his sister had to make it even worse.

Heaving a sharp breath he turned towards Xìnyì, his eyes still pinning down Xiùlán until he went on one knee. “We’ll go to the petting zoo soon, alright?” He placed a caring hand on the child’s shoulder who started pouting immediately. “My sister and I have to talk a bit first, boring grown up stuff.” It was difficult to keep his voice calm and even. From his pocket he grabbed a pokeball. “I brought Spook with me, you can go play with him while we were talking.” Xìnyì’s eyes lit up immediately when seeing his pokémon. For now he had forgotten about the petting zoo and ran off with the small dreepy. It would not work forever, but it was enough for now.

With a strained smile he watched as the kid ran away, chasing the pokémon. Now back to business. The smile disappeared immediately, making room for a look of pure anger. “What the fuck where you thinking?” Zhènyǔ snarled at his sister as he rose to his feet. With his height, he easily towered over her.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
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