
Maxi chaos

2 posters
Gaia Paolias
Messages : 89
IC Posts : 82
Gaia Paolias
Call me from the Dark
It seemed to be getting better. In small, very small, cautious steps. So small, that for some, it would go unnoticed. As it did many times for Gaia herself.

A Garchop stepped along next to her, mostly relaxed but still keeping an eye on every person that passed them. Not that anyone would try to arm Gaia. Not with him next to her. There was, however, a little kid, walking up to them, a boy, about five-ish Gaia guessed. Kyan noticed him first, halting and looking at Gaia, clearly not sure what to do with this.
The kid muttered something, of which Gaia recogniced only 'pet' and 'garromp'. To her own surprised, the redhead chuckled and nodded, laying a hand on Kyan to keep him calm.

But then, something happened she didn't expect. The kid grabbed Gaia's hand, and while she didn't expect that, it shouldn't have sparked the reaction it did: fire. Between the boys hand and her own. In shock, Gaia pulled both her hands back, scared that she had hurt the boy.

She wanted to check, desperately, but the flames that kept emerging from her hands drew her attention towards them. Gaia keeped on stepping back. Away from the kid, away from Kyan, all the way backing until she inevitably ended with her back against...

She had no clue what.

She was only aware of the material it was made of.


Character sheet
Nickname: Gaia
Age: 25
Birthday: December 1st
Sexuality: Lesbian
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

Zhènyǔ was momentarily distracted. An urgent phone call demanded his attention. There were some problems, but nothing they needed him for. As he was telling them to fix their own problems, he stared at the display in front of him. Idiots, all of them

Things got more heated, but he did not have time for them right now. After a few snarls and orders, they finally seemed to understand what they had to do. Zhènyǔ could feel his blood boiling underneath his skin when he ended the call.

He pocketed his phone and turned around, his eyes immediately found Xìnyì and not a moment too soon. Before the first panicked tears rolled over the child’s face, he was already there on one knee. He’d seen the flames, worse than ever before. “Ā-Xìn, listen, Ā-Xìn,” Zhènyǔ did not like to raise his voice to the kid, but it was the only way to get his attention. “It’s fine, you hear me? It’s alright, you’re alright.” He hugged the child tightly. It was only fair that Xìnyì was afraid of this power he could not yet control.

There was someone else too, clearly in distress, but Zhènyǔ paid her no mind. She might as well not even be there. All he could focus on was the small child crying non-stop, his face buried against his shoulder. His face was one of worry as he had no idea what to do in this situation. It had never been this bad.

It should be fine. No harm was done. Then why did it smell like something was burning?

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi