
Trouble on the way

2 posters
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

Days like these were important. They gave him a way out, even when only for a few hours. No people bothering him, no father responsibilities, no stress. If anything this was a stress reliever.

Sweat was dripping from his face by the time Zhènyǔ decided a break was necessary. With his gloved hands he held the bag, keeping it from moving all around. He was breathing heavily through his mouth.

As he stepped back, he removed his gloves, throwing them near his other stuff. Immediately he reached for his water bottle, trying not to down the thing in one go. Next he went for a towel and held it against his forehead. He felt a lot calmer than when he first came in here that day.

For a moment he looked around the place, at the other people present. No one managed to catch his eye. No one but one. Zhènyǔ’s eyes widened in surprise as all he could do was stare at the darked haired figure. It couldn’t be. Yet he recognized him immediately. How could he not? It had been his first time interrogating someone, although all he had to do was ask questions. Others took care of the rest.

Zhènyǔ did not notice that he was staring. His knuckles turned white as his grip on the towel tightened. This was bad. Really bad.


Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126
Cody MacFarlane
Keeping up with his training regiment. Keeping up his strength and agility. It was important to Cody, despite his step back from certain occupations. He felt the need to stay prepared at all times. Perhaps something of his old life he just couldn't let go. A precaution. A routine that stuck after years of training and perfecting his form and strength. He'd probably go crazy if he stopped going to this gym now.

The trainer, across from him in the ring, armed with several boxing pillows attached to arms and shins, coached him through the drill and exercises. Cody danced on his feet lightly, hitting blow after blow, with both gloved hands and legs kicking. Leaving him dripping with sweat but fully focused. Adjusting mistakes as he went on. It was the best way to get his mind empty. Stop thinking and just doing. Blowing off the steam that build up.

He hadn't noticed him. Not at all. To him he was just another stranger in the gym, who wasn't worth his attention. Little did Cody know this was the one man who could claim all his attention in a single heart-beat. He was the last man he expected to see here and the last man he ever wanted to see again. What on earth was he doing here.

Cody had only stepped away from his trainer to the corner of the ring, to squirt a sip of water in his mouth, when he felt, what only could be described as white hot hatred burning on him. He locked eyes with the scum from his past that had scarred his body and left him for dead on the streets. The look they shared couldn't be a more accurate representation of the saying: If looks could kill. By Arceus, both men would drop dead right there and then. Their bodies contorted in agony, with the hatred that spewed from their eyes.

Cody had enough self control to not jump across the ropes and choke the man out cold, even when he considered it for a split second. Too many witnesses though. So he kept his eye on him, underneath a furrowed brow, silently warning Zhènyǔ, almost daring him to approach. Hitting the boxing pillows on his trainer just a little bit harder.


Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

A shot. A scream. Laughter. His shaking hand.

All of it came back the moment Zhènyǔ laid eyes on him. While  he would not describe it as a traumatizing experience, it had been one that stayed with him ever since. The first guy he shot and killed. They had left him for dead with a wound that should’ve killed him. But here he was.

It was like seeing a ghost, except this one was very much alive. Zhènyǔ continued watching, frozen in the spot. In another life he would not have cared. A few years ago, he would not have cared. Things happened and now he could not have someone like that running around. He was dangerous, that he knew very well.

Zhènyǔ could’ve left there and then as it did not look like the mercenary had seen him. Yet he stayed until he did. Their eyes met and neither of them looked away. The shock was gone from his eyes, making way for something more cold. Almost a silent warning already. In an instant it was gone as the Mercenary turned back to the trainer, continuing his training session, but there was a challenge there.

After grabbing his gloves he made for the ring. “Let me give it a go,” Zhènyǔ announced. The trainer immediately went out of the ring as Zhènyǔ hopped in. He rolled his eyes as his eyes once more locked onto the Mercenary. “Long time no see.” One corner of his mouth curled into a menacing grin. Things had changed since their last conversation. No longer was he the rookie from back then. “You up for a challenge?” He raised a sharp brow as he stood on the opposite side of the man.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126

Cody MacFarlane
Every blow of his fist, landing on the boxing pillows, echoed through his skull. Reliving ever blow in his ribcage, his side, his stomach and his face. He didn't remember the pain. Nor the faces of the men who hit him blow after blow. The only thing that was seared in his brain, from that first and final mistake during a job, was that ratty little face of a boy no older than him. He remembered asking him if he was about to wet his pants. Letting his henchmen do his dirty work, like the coward he was. Then there was the gun, a shot, followed by the sound of laughter as everything went black. In that moment he thought he'd never see the light of day again. Somehow he did. It took him a long time to recover, but he never made the same mistakes again.

And here that ratty face had returned from the past. But instead of a boy stood now a man. Staring cold daggers at him. It was clear that he hadn't expect to see Cody either, which was the only reason that the tall man didn't see him as a real threat. This was a hell of an coincidence, or that ratface still didn't know how to do his job right. Either way, Cody had survived him once, he would do it again.

But his anger from their last meeting. It scorched through his veins with an unexpected white hot fury. He had never realized how much he despised that boy for it. And how he still hated the man that stood there, frozen. Still a coward. But no henchmen around this time. Still, Cody's quick observant eyes made a scan of the gym, just to make sure. The people that Zhènyǔ Lǐ belonged with were dangerous and he wasn't about to get killed over a job from a decade ago.

Cody grimaced dangerously when that rat decided to actually jump in the ring with him. Gladly. Cody would love to give way to his anger on this man for what he had done to him. "I preferred it'd have been a while longer." His voice low like a growl. He wasn't welcome. Not in his space, not in his life, and not in this ring. Cody stepped forward until he was inches away from that smug little face that chose to actually challenge him. Your funeral. "Always. When you actually find one, send them to me will ya? I suggest you start looking on your way out of here."


Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Messages : 47
IC Posts : 37
Zhènyǔ Lǐ
Judge if you want to
We are all going to die. I intend to deserve it.

How had he not known before? They should’ve told him about this man the moment they laid eyes on him. Yet no one had done so. In a way it made sense. It had been many years ago, in a whole different region. People thought him all dead but here he was. After he had dealt with thin Zhènyǔ would talk to his men and the trainer he just sent away, a man he knew well enough by now.

Questions were burning on his tongue, but Zhènyǔ swallowed each one of them. It did not matter how the man survived, if he posed a problem he would simply have to kill him a second time. Perhaps beheading would do the trick.

“Taking the words right from my mouth, fàn tǒng.” Both his forehead and back were sweating from his training, which was fine. It served as a good warming up. No matter how close this man came, Zhènyǔ never even leaned backwards. He stood his ground, keeping his back straight and his eyes unyielding. A dangerous grin danced on his lips. “No need. You might never want to set foot in another boxing ring after today.”

Showing he did not fear this man, Zhènyǔ turned his back towards him and walked to the opposite side of the ring. They could hardly start a fight when they were in kissing range. He rolled his shoulders, ready to turn around and prepare his stance for when they would begin.

No way he was leaving here as the loser.

Character sheet
Age: 28
Birthday: October 15
Occupation: Crime/(car parts dealer)
Sexuality: Bi
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