
Trying something new

2 posters
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Stretching his arms behind him, Victor released some of the tension from his back. Sitting down for so long really didn’t do his body any good. But at least class wasn’t as bad as the breaks. He was in Sanctum city for about a month now and even at home he’d never felt this lonely. He didn’t know anyone at the university, wasn’t the best at making friends and so he’d spent most of his time alone, trying to avoid the other students. How could he connect to them when he could count the amount of friends he’d made in his life on one hand?

Today, however, he’d decided it was time to stop being so pathetic and try and talk to someone. The only question was who? And how? And where? There were actually a lot of questions… But he was going to do it. And so he dropped his stuff in his room after class and went to the cafeteria for lunch. After picking up something to eat at the counter he looked around the room to find an empty seat. Turns out, most people already had a group they belonged to after a month at university. Victor’s shoulders slumped until he saw someone sitting alone. Of course he didn’t know whether the other was alone or just waiting for their friends, but this was his chance. Victor went up to the student and more confident than he felt he tried to grab the other's attention before asking: “Could I sit here?” while gesturing to the empty seat next to the other.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

With his back toward mostly everyone, Vincze sat in the cafeteria. He’d dumped his bodyguard once again, telling him nothing bad would happen to him at school. The man was not convinced, but changing the Prince’s mind would be futile. All he had to do was promise he would not leave the schoolground. Yes. Perfect. He could do that.

His laptop was in front of him and he was preparing for his lesson for tomorrow. While working, he was listening to some music through his earbuds hidden under his hair. For this reason he did not notice the stranger immediately. Vincze was tapping his foot to the music, until finally he noticed a shadow.

“Did you say something?” he asks with a polite smile, removing one earbud. It was the gesture of the other that made it all clear. “If you want the chair, take it, no one’s going to use it anyway.” He motioned for the chair himself.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor had mastered the art of looking more confident than he felt early in life, but when he noticed the other was listening to music and hadn’t heard him, he felt his self-assured mask crack. “Yeah, euhm, sorry,” he tried to explain himself, at a loss of words. Luckily the other understood Victor’s gestures and said the chair was free for him to take.

“Thank you.” Victor nodded and used the moment it took to sit down to collect himself. He’d been stupid not to notice the ear buds and had already made a fool of himself in his first interaction with the other. “I’m Victor,” he introduced himself, trying to ignore his self doubt eating at the corners of his mind. “Can I ask what you’re listening too?” he nodded to the ear buds. He was actually curious what kind of music the other was listening to.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

What Vincze thought the other meant was that he needed a char to take with him. Maybe sit at some other table with his friends. There were only so many chairs, maybe he had a large friend group. But no. He blinked a few times in surprise when the young man sat down, before a smile spread over his lips. That worked too.

Vincze removed one of his earbuds and lowered his music. If he was to have a companion, he wanted to be able to hear him. The other introduced himself as Victor. “Vincze,” he introduced himself as he leaned forward so he could hold out his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” All those formalities and titles were not important. When he was at school, he wanted to be like everyone else.

“Promise you won’t laugh,” he says with a grin. His taste in music was— questionable. “Are you familiar with Shakira? It’s an older song from her, Waka Waka.” No matter how hard he tries to suppress it, he can feel a heat flow over his cheeks as they turn a soft pink. “You don’t look like someone who’d listen to Shakira. What’s something you like?” Best not to talk too long about his awful taste in music.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor shook the other’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you too,” he said with a smile. He felt more at ease now that he knew the other seemed interested in getting to know him. For all he knew, he’d sat down next to a loner who wouldn’t say more than a word to him. He was happy that wasn’t the case.

His eyebrows raised when Vincze asked him not to laugh, but he nodded that he wouldn’t. He was familiar with Shakira. His parents had always made him go to classical concerts and all his music teachers had only been interested in classical pieces and so, naturally, Victor had scoured the internet for anything else. “It’s catchy,” he admitted. Though he wouldn’t listen to it himself, he had to admit that. But the other was right, Shakira wasn’t really his thing. “Do you know Sabaton?” He loved a lot of music and bands, but this one was the first he could think of right now.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Vincze was not someone to quickly judge someone. He always gave everyone a fair chance. Often more than one chance. If it was up to him, he’d befriend everyone. To show Victor all his attention was on him, he closed his laptop and removed both his earbuds.

The band name the young man mentioned only earned him a puzzled look. “Can’t say I do,” Vincze confessed. People have told him his taste in music was bad, but he was always interested in finding new music. “Can you show me one?” Vincze held his phone towards the stranger, spotify already up and running. Was it a bad idea to give his phone to some person he just met? Yes, but he did not really care. Worst case scenario they’d steal it. That was not too bad.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

When Vincze didn’t recognise the name, Victor thought that would be it, but he was happily surprised when the other held out his phone and asked him to show him one of their songs. He hadn’t expected anyone to be interested in something he liked when they didn’t know it already, especially someone who just met him two seconds ago.

Victor accepted the phone and typed Sabaton into spotify’s search bar. He scrolled for a bit, thinking of what song he would let the other listen to, until he settled on ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’. He selected the song and handed the phone back to Vincze so he could listen to it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Vincze accepted his phone again with a smile. However, that smile dropped a bit when the song started. It was nothing like the music he was used to. It left him speechless for a moment while he looked at Victor. He gave the song a chance, not pausing it immediately.

“That is— I don’t think Shakira has anything remotely similar,” he joked. Vincze never wanted to hurt anyone, which is why he tried to choose his words carefully. “It’s different, definitely not bad.” Not something he would listen to either. He laughed a bit awkwardly. “How do you even dance to something like this?” It was a genuine question. Vincze liked to dance, but he really did not know how with this song. Yet he kept listening to it until the very end.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor almost had to laugh at the look Vincze had on his face when he looked up at him, but he kept himself from doing so. He’d told the other before that he wouldn’t laugh at the other’s musical tastes, so he wouldn’t do so now either. When the other joked, he let the laugh come out. “No, I don’t think she has.”

How would you dance to a song like this? “You don’t really dance to it,” he said, thinking about how he should explain it. “It’s more about what the song is about, about the lyrics,” he said. “You should see one of their shows; a large crowd singing along. It’s really an experience.” He’d been to one of their shows a few years before and it was one of the best concerts he’d ever seen.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Looking at the young man, Vincze could’ve expected this. This sort of music fits the aesthetics, the black hair and darker clothes. It did not at all fit him. Not with his light colored clothes, two loose braids and colorful accessories. They truly were opposites of each other.

If Vincze had to believe the other, they did not dance to this music. With a tilt of his head he looked him in the eye, as if trying to catch him in some lie. “We also sing. You should see the crowd when Beyoncé starts singing Single Ladies, everyone goes wild,” he laughs. But Vincze had his phone in his hands again, and was searching for the lyrics to this pillar song.

Quickly he scanned the lyrics. It was like reading a whole story. “Is it about a war?” he asked genuinely interested. He really disliked war, especially with everything that was still going on in his home country.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor took the other at his word when he said the crowd went wild at Beyoncé’s concerts. He’d never seen one of them, but he believed Vincze. It was kinda funny how the music they listened to might be different, but their experiences with it didn’t differ that much.

The other opened his phone again and Victor could see he was looking up the lyrics to the song. “It is,” Victor said. “It’s based on a real story. It’s about a soldier who went to fight in a war and then wrote a book about it called ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom’ and the song tells what he went through,” he explained. “All their songs are about historical events.” That was what he liked about this band the most. Every time he listened to their songs, he learned something new.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

These songs the other talked about had a lot more meaning than the things he listened to. There was always a story behind them, but it was a lot different. What he’d heard just now was a real story, but instead of reading a book, they told it to them by song.

Vincze’s smile faltered a bit when the other started talking about war, but he quickly recovered. There was no war going on, although it was always hiding behind a corner it felt like. With Edessa and Aswan’s conflict. “It’s good that they make songs about it and let the world know,” he said with a nod. “There are so many stories, yet no one knows about them.”

But he did not want to think about those things. Vincze cleared his throat and put on a smile again. “Have you ever been to one of their concerts?”


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

The other’s smile faltered for a moment, but Victor couldn’t understand why. He must’ve imagined the emotion, he thought, because as soon as he noticed it was there, it was gone again and Vincze’s smile was back. “Exactly,” Victor agreed. He never would’ve known about the stories these lyrics told if Sabaton had never decided to write these songs. “It’s truly amazing that you can learn about history through songs.” Victor took every opportunity he had to learn more so these kinds of songs were perfect for him.

Victor nodded at the next question. “I have.” He looked up for a moment in thought before he focused back on the other. “That must’ve been two years ago. When they were touring in Galar.” He smiled at the memory. His father hadn’t been home at the time, but he’d instructed Victor to stay home and spend his time on his studies, leaving the servants with the order to keep an eye on him. “I snuck out of the house so I could go,” he grinned.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Although he would not listen to this music, he might look them up if only to learn more about history. Maybe there were covers that made the song less— what it was now. “It really is, makes sure people won’t forget what others sacrificed.”

He listened intently when the other talked about the concert he went to, nodding every now and then to let him know he understood. At the mention that Victor snuck out of the house, he laughed. “Must’ve been a day to never forget.” It sounded like the life Vincze was trying to have.

“Galar,” Vincze repeated. The world was a big place and he’d spent hours learning about all the different places. “Is that where you come from? Or was it during a vacation?” He’d never personally visited any of those places as they were far away and there was already enough going on without involving other countries.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor laughed. “It was.” Justine had actually caught him when he’d snuck back in. He’d been so afraid that his father would find out he’d been gone, but the maid had reassured him she wouldn’t say anything, and she hadn’t.

“It’s where I’m from,” Victor answered. “I only came to Cerynia at the start of the school year.” A great opportunity for his studies, but also a good way to get away from home. “I’m studying medicine.” He would soon start his internship here in Cerynia. After all these years doing nothing but reading more and more papers, he would finally be able to truly help people. “How about you?”

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Compared to others, Vincze never really visited other countries. They had enough problems of their own and no time to appear good to the rest of the world. “I’ve never been there, what’s it like?” One day he hoped to be able to travel and see more of the world, but for now he could only dream about it. To be fair, it would probably stay a dream.

“So you are a smart person,” Vincze laughed. It was a very honorable study and he had great respect for everyone who made the decision to help people as a profession. “Let’s see, I’m from Iskra and am currently working towards my master in Business Administration.” That was the easy explanation. There were a couple of reasons why he was here but it was best not to discuss those with just anyone.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

What was it like? “Mmm… Well, the most striking difference is that we don’t have affinities. I’m still not used to seeing people use them,” he said. “They’re really cool though. A few days ago I saw a girl making ice cubes to put in her drink,” he laughed. If Victor’d had an affinity, he’d have used it for something more useful than that, but he just loved the idea of affinities. All that could be accomplished with them, the possibilities were endless.

Victor nodded at Vincze’s statement. “You’re from Iskra?” Victor’d accompanied his father on some of his business trips since he wanted him to take over the family business. They’d visited Iskra on one of those trips but they’d mostly spend their time there in boring meetings. “Have you been in Sanctum for long?” Victor asked. It was nice to meet someone else who wasn’t from here. “Do you have any plans for after your studies?” he inquired further. He was curious what the other wanted to do with business administration.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Affinities. They were frowned upon in Iskra, which was only one of the many reasons that country had some serious problems. Vincze leaned forward on the table and cupped a cheek in one hand while he raised his other. He gently moved his fingers and a small ember rolled between them. “Like this?” he asked with a wide smile. There was not much more he could do, but that was mostly lack of practice.

Vincze lowered his hand again and the small ember disappeared again. “I am indeed. You’ve heard of it?” It almost came as a surprise someone knew his country. This was probably the part where he was supposed to tell Victor who exactly he was, but he decided not too. People always started acting differently once they knew. “I arrived somewhere late August, right before school started again.” While he had the chance to see a lot of Cerynia, there was still so much more he did not know about. “I’ll be heading back to Iskra, still have a  lot to do over there.” Too much if you asked him.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
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