
[se] Journey of colors

3 posters
Djodie Archeron
Messages : 684
IC Posts : 589

Djodie Archeron
He had agreed on meeting her in Sanctum City. Her newest addition to the family, Seraphina, standing besides the pink haired girl, curious on what they would be doing. Djodie was curious to see what Cody would say, if he would realise the Phanteon could only be seen in one specific area of Cerynia. Well, she would hear soon enough, right?

It wasn't long before she spotted the man walking up to her. He wasn't hard to miss with his height. "Cody!" She, however, wás hard to miss, so she couldn't help but call out. She grabbed his hand when he closed in, looking at the festival unfolding in front of them.

"Shall we?" Djodie asked, eyes big with joy.
[I've been dancing on a wire, Now I'm dying on my feet]

Character sheet
Nickname: Red
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: July 19th
Occupation: Student (Pokémon behaviour and affinities)
Sexuality: Please don't ask these difficult questions
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126

Cody MacFarlane
He had debated to bring both of them, knowing how attached the were. But Danny's paw was still too injured and Cody didn't trust him -or rather he didn't trust the people on this festival- to be save enough. Sandy was too young to stay at the homestead alone and he had to admit she probably would love the excitement the most out of all his pokémon companions. So the little Sprigatito was strapped to his chest with what looked to be some kind of baby carrier. And the little sprigatito absolutely loved every minute of it. He big ruby eyes looking far and wide from this high. There was already so much to see.

Djodie had told him to meet her at a certain spot, but it was absolutely crowded already. Usually she was easily spotted with her brightly colored hair but today, everyone was brightly colored. Even him! In a way. Cody had his one and only white t-shirt on, to get as colorful as humanly possible today. He loved these kinds of days and it did sting quite a bit since last year he had spent this day celebrating with Sim. He knew he shouldn't be thinking of her. Or her permanent smile she wore that day as they doused each other in every color of the rainbow. That night.. it was that night she.. they.. "Cody!" Grateful that she ripped him from that devastating thought he smiled brightly at his little sister, who found him before he found her. "D! God, for once you're hard to find in this crowd!" As she grabbed his hand, he could see the stars of excitement in beautiful blue eyes and he knew he was happy he had come after all.

"Of course! Lead the way sis! Oh, btw, meet Sandy. My newest child," he joked as he waved her little paw of the hatchling sprigatito, strapped to his chest, at Djodie with a big proud smile, as if it was his actual newborn.


Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The festival is in full swing, the air buzzing with excitement and laughter. Music plays from every corner, and colorful decorations flutter in the breeze. You are having a great time, moving from one activity to the next.

You don't realize until later that some of the vibrant colors have stuck to either your Pokémon or its ball. When you finally take a look at your Pokémon, you're shocked. It has changed color!

your pokémon is now shiny!

your pokémon is now regal!

what's this?

Character sheet
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