
Troubled waters

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Bandages wrapped his right hand, a futile attempt to hide the ugly aftermath of his anger. The blue marks beneath were silent screams, but he didn’t owe anyone an explanation. Let them speculate, let them pry—it didn't matter. His life was none of their concern. Even if they knew, all they’d ever do was fish in troubled waters. He had no need for that.

That day had been another battle. University had demanded every ounce of his energy, and when he returned home, it was to a mother lost in her own oblivion. He played the part of her caretaker, the one who had to be vigilant, ensuring she was safe. Always safe, safe, safe. He had to be, because she certainly couldn't.

Maybe life would have been better without her.


The foster system had proven to be a different kind of hell. So, he persevered, offering hollow smiles to his mother when she cried, promising her a future that seemed increasingly like a fairytale. He couldn't face a reality where he fought for nothing, so he smiled in the face of her tears, lying to her and himself.

There were two places safe for Ruìsāng. One was with his friend, poor Alastor, who never asked to have to deal with someone like him. In Alastor's presence, he pretended, he acted like things were okay. He showcased his triumphs, hiding the nights he spent retching in fear. Maybe Alastor suspected the truth behind the lies; Ruìsāng hoped he didn’t.

His other sanctuary was different. She knew, she had to. She was there when his mother wasn't. They shared a quiet bond, born of shared scars. In her presence, he found a momentary reprieve, a stolen breath in heaving lungs. He didn't need her to fix anything; he needed to be around someone who understood. She always did.

Approaching the orphanage door, he typed a message to Luci,

Hey Luci, you got time? I brought snacks.
[ Picture of a bag of donuts ]

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light

Donuts, goddamn donuts. Lucifer slumped back into her chair after reading the message on her phone. She hated sugary foods; she absolutely despised the stuff. But Ruìsāng couldn't have known that, simply because she never told him. She didn't have the heart to. Lucifer couldn't refuse his kind gesture, so she just sucked it up and always gratefully accepted whatever he brought for her. She wouldn't do this for anyone else, as it went against her principles. But for Ruìsāng... well, she'd do a lot for him.

The woman placed her phone on her desk as she stood up, having received a buzz on her intercom from one of the many caregivers she employed here in the house of hearth, that ruìsāng "was here." Many of the staff already knew him, as he came by so frequently. But it was still mandatory for them to ring her to alert her of his presence. Lucifer kept track of everything in the orphanage, all the comings and goings. She ran a tight ship, but then again; she always did. Even in her battling days.

Lucifer steps out of her office and makes her way to the main entrance of the building, it's here she often receives guests. She expected that Ruìsāng had already been let inside by a staff member. And sure enough, there he was, waiting for her, with a bag of donuts in hand, Lucifer's eyes narrowed. His right hand had been banged up. The result of another outburst, no doubt. The woman sighed, but then forced a small smile to adorn her lips as she approached the young man. "You know you don't have to bring me "snacks" right?" She says, with a light and soothing voice. "There's plenty of food for me here." That wasn't a lie, there was plenty of food for her to take if she willed it. The house of hearth had large kitchens and an even larger storage room filled with food. Just so she can cater to culinary palette of every child the best way she can. "But still, I do appreciate it; donuts are my favorite, after all."

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

By now, his face was familiar to most around here, if not his name. He didn’t mingle much with the staff, reserving his interactions for the kids themselves when he felt sociable enough. Yet, he made occasional appearances, just enough to be recognized as Luci’s friend, or he mused, maybe another one of her children. There was a comfort in not having to put on the façade of adulthood.

He allowed himself to be ushered inside, where he settled in, his patience thin, but present. Here, he vowed to behave, to swallow his annoyance rather than venting it outward. After all, losing Luci or Alastor was unthinkable. They were his anchors, his safe harbour.

Luci’s voice pulled him back from his thoughts, and his grin stretched from ear to ear. “Share them with the kids, then. They might like cheap donut deals,” he suggested, holding the bag in her direction. What child didn’t adore a donut? He would have traded secrets for one at their age.

So…” he began, shifting his weight to the balls of his feet, attempting casual conversation. “What are you up to today?” His attempt at smooth conversation fell a bit flat, but… Anything would be better than telling her about his recent drunk escapades.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light

Oh, thank goodness, he didn't expect her to eat the donuts. The woman almost sighed a sigh of relief when he suggested giving them to the kids instead. They would certainly enjoy such a snack much more than she ever could. Lucifer stepped closer and took the bag from him. "I'm sure they will." she says as she opens the carrier to see if there are even enough for her to pass around; otherwise, she might have to order some more to break even. But there seemed to be just the right amount—one for every child. Lucifer closed the bag and decided. And handed them off to a passing caretaker. Instructing her to take the donuts back to the kitchen. It was best to store these goodies for the time being and hand them out later in the evening, probably after dinner.

The woman turned her gaze back to Ruìsāng when he spoke. He seemed nervous, or perhaps that wasn't the right word. It seemed like he was trying to hide something, act like nothing had happened and that he hadn't been doing things she knows he shouldn't have. And perhaps it would have worked if she didn't know him better or hadn't seen his bandaged hand. Still; she decided not bring it up. To let it slide for now. "Why don't we head into town together? I have to pick up some documents at the courthouse first, but other than that, I'm free for the whole afternoon." That wasn't really true, she had important paperwork to sort through. Something she was planning to do today, but she was willing to set that all aside to spend some quality time with Ruìsāng. He looked like he needed it. 

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Despite everything, Ruìsāng was well-mannered, a testament to the person he could have been under different circumstances. There was a lingering question that haunted him: was he the monster, or was it the person who had forced him to become one? He clung to the hope that Luci’s influence would shield the children here from becoming like him.

The donuts exchanged hands with one of the caretakers, and Ruìsāng managed a polite smile before his red eyes sought out Luci again. Her offer to venture into town together surprised him. It did sound nice to escape, even for a little while. He wondered if she also sought respite from the demands of this place, the way he did from caring for his mother.

Sure,” he agreed. “There’s this new coffee place I’ve been wanting to check out,” he offered. Spending money on such luxuries was a rarity for him, but good coffee felt like a small indulgence worth the expense.

Unconsciously, his fingers plucked at the bandages on his hand as he scanned the surroundings for a moment. “Anything you need to do still, or are we good to go?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light

Lucifer smiled when he responded favorably to her offer. He mentioned a coffee place they could go to, to which she nodded. Knowing what place he was talking about. "I've heard of them before, they are said to have the best coffee in town, despite only recently settling in Santcum City and facing fierce competition." She muses. Lucifer had wanted to visit the café for a long time now, to discover whether the praise was true or if it was just the hype talking. But never had the chance too. So stopping by there now with Ruìsāng sounded like the perfect idea. 

When the woman noticed him picking at his bandages, she took a step closer and gently placed her hands on his shoulders. It was a subtle form of communication, signaling to him that he should stop what he was doing. "Let me just get my coat, and then we can leave." She says with a soft and reassuring voice. She retracts her hand and moves away to retrieve the coat from the nearby rack. The woman draped the clothing item over her shoulders and then motioned to Ruìsāng to follow her outside.

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

As a culinary student, recipes of any kind piqued Ruìsāng's interest. Coffee, in particular, fascinated him; the diverse tastes from different blends fascinated his senses. His knowledge, scraped together from blogs and rare tastings at local shops, was meagre. But he dreamed of the day when he could afford a proper coffee machine.

Luci's agreement to visit the coffee shop elicited a smile from Ruìsāng. “I heard their cinnamon rolls are good too,” he said, his stomach preemptively dancing at the thought. Indulgence was a rare treat in his life, but it was necessary for his sanity.

A hand on his shoulder yanked him back to the present, and he suppressed any flinch, hastily pulling his hand away from the bandage. Wrapped hands were an all-too-familiar sight now, and the prying curiosity of others only added to his discomfort.

Once Luci had retrieved her coat and put it on, Ruìsāng followed suit, stepping outside.“Will they be fine without you? You could always ask me to pick something up if need be,” he offered, a slight frown creasing his brow. His life was a chaotic juggle, but amidst it all, he would find a way to make time for those he cared about.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light

Although the words made her stomach curl in disgust, the woman widened her smile when cinnamon rolls were mentioned. "Ah well, then we simply must try them," she said, keeping up the pretense for the sake of her companion's happiness. At the very least, she could balance out the sugary taste of the treat with the bitterness of the coffee. 

He was jolted back into reality by her gentle tug on his shoulder. He quickly stopped toying with the bandages. Pulling his arm away entirely. The woman only hoped that her warm touch would bring him a sense of comfort. At least for a moment. Despite the clear unease he had with the wrapped hand and the unwanted attention it surely brought him.

When they stepped outside together, she led him towards her car. She took the automated key out of the deep pockets of her coat and pressed the button, unlocking the locks of her car in an instant. The click of the locks being disabled and the thump of the car doors unlocking were audible. She could hear Ruìsāng behind her. A small and rare chuckle escaped her lips. She turned her head and met his gaze. "It will be fine, the children are well looked after." She had enough staff walking around to take care of them. "And besides, I needed to get out anyway; those documents are important." It wasn't that she didn't trust him not to pick them up. It was more that she was afraid that he wouldn't even be allowed to collect them at all.

But perhaps the biggest thing was that she just simply wanted to go together. It was much more fun that way, for both of them. She might, (if things go according to plan) take him shopping too. "Now hop in," she said, gesturing to her car. 

maar dan animated erjigenrjn

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng had always been skilled at making the most out of very little, a necessity born from years of navigating financial difficulties. His culinary aspirations sprang from this resourcefulness, a way to turn meagre ingredients into delightful dishes. Despite his culinary expertise, he wasn't above indulging in fast food now and then. Every flavour had its appeal to him, from savoury to sweet, and autumn treats like pumpkin muffins and cinnamon rolls held a special place in his heart.

Acknowledging Luci's assurance, he nodded appreciatively. “Well, if it’s ever necessary,” he assured her, genuine gratitude in his eyes. He cherished her support and was determined to reciprocate it, even if his means were limited. In his dreams of owning a restaurant, he envisioned inviting Luci and the kids over once it was all done. It was the least he could do.

Ruìsāng stepped into the car and pushed away the feeling of being out of place again. As he settled into the car, he tried to push away his feelings of unease. It was the same with Alastor. Expensive cars, expensive buildings, they all made him feel like he didn’t quite belong. Yet, he clung to the hope that one day, his own plans would materialise, and these luxuries wouldn't seem so distant.

What do you think of Pokémon battles?” he pondered aloud. It was a hot topic in Cerynia; while other regions embraced Pokémon battles, here they were a forbidden relic of the past.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light

His assurance and that grateful spark in his eyes—it was honestly enough to break her heart. Ruìsāng was such a kindhearted and well-meaning young boy, he really did not deserve everything he has been through and continues to go through, caring for his mother while also trying to find a balance between work and school. It was a lot of pressure. Sometimes Lucifer wishes she could do more for him. Get him out of that situation entirely, but she knew he would never leave his mother. But by the same token, Lucifer also didn't expect Mrs. Su to get her act together anytime soon.

It was a difficult situation, to say the least. Still, she would do her best to support him in any way she could. She promised to look after him after all - many those years ago when she first took him under her wing when he was housed in the very same orphanage as her. When he was but a child and she was a struggeling teenager. 

The woman resisted the tug of old, painful memories that were resurfacing, and she settled her face into a neutral, placid expression. She did not wish to give in to the emotions those memories were dredging up and wanted to maintain an outwardly composed and calm appearance. Lucifer was preparing to start the car. She buckled her seatbelt and put the car key into the ignition to start it up. But before she could turn the ignition, she heard the voice of her Ruìsāng beside her. This interruption caused her to pause her current action. 

His sudden question took her mind a few moments to process and absorb, but once it sunk in, she couldn't help but frown in response. "I think it's a very complicated subject." The woman spoke in a stoic and reserved manner, not sure if she should share her personal history and experiences with the it. "People can have different situations and reasons for battling. So it's hard to say if it's right or wrong."

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

There was always a sense of jealousy as Ruìsāng looked at the children under Luci’s care. Their lives hadn't been marred by the same systemic failures that had haunted him. If only it hadn’t failed him, perhaps he wouldn't have found himself in this predicament. The bitterness of his own past was a bitter pill to swallow, and he felt a pang of guilt for harbouring such feelings toward innocent children. They were blameless in this, he reminded himself. If he were a better person, he would feel nothing but happiness for them. And, in a twisted way, he was grateful for the presence of someone like Luci, even if it stung to witness the stability she provided them.

His unease churned into a question he hadn't intended to voice, slipping from his lips almost without his consent. Luci took a moment to respond, clearly weighing her words. She didn't outright reject the notion, acknowledging the complexity of the situation.

I think it’s bad,” he confessed, the words coming out with ease. “I think using them to fight is awful. But if others do it secretly, then aren’t we in more danger by not being allowed the same? It tips the scales in the wrong direction,” he mused, his tone thoughtful.

Maybe I’m just wondering because elections are coming up. It’s my first time voting,”  he added, attempting to veil his deeper concerns with a laugh.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light
Lucifer nodded at his words; it seemed like she had made the right call by baiting out his response first before potentially sharing uncomfortable or undesirable news with him. She didn't want Ruìsāng to have a different perception of her if he knew about her involvement in criminal activity. "You're correct in stating that if the government made it legal to engage in battles with Pokémon, it would be much easier to regulate and manage that activity. Since it's illegal currently, much of that action occurs underground, which makes it nearly impossible to enforce any rules or restrictions." The woman said as she drove off, her sleek and expensive vehicle gliding over the road. "Regardless of policy changes, there will always be those who engage in illicit battling, no matter what is done."

"Ah yes, the elections."
The woman sighed, she normally wasn't so preoccupied with politics. For many years, she didn't even vote, feeling that it wouldn't make a difference. But as her orphanage grew, it became more and more important. And especially after she received government funding, she started to throw herself into the political world. She was actually keeping up with the elections now, since it was vital to know which party would take the reins of power next. "I'm joining with fellow activists to urge the government to implement stricter laws surrounding childcare in orphanage settings, hence the need to attend the courthouse to finalize the legal documents. The final submission of the appeal will take place once the elections are complete and a new party is elected." The woman elaborated while driving, nearing the city center of Sanctum City.

She took her eyes off the road for a moment, sneaking a glance at Ruìsāng who was sitting beside her. "Do you have a favorite party?" Lucifer certainly had a preferred party in mind, with the Progressives of Sanctum (POS) being her top choice.

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Luci's words about legalising Pokémon battles floated in the air, leaving Ruìsāng in contemplation. He let out a soft hum, caught between uncertainty and determination. The idea of regulation made sense on some level, but his gut told him it might not be that simple. To him, those engaging in battles were the ones to be wary of, and if the government had their way, they’d be defenceless. “And we’ll always be left at their whims,” he murmured softly, the words more of a personal promise than a statement to Luci. He and Lìeyàn would become stronger, no matter what.

Then came the dreaded topic of elections. Ruìsāng kicked himself mentally for saying anything at all. He met Luci’s gaze with a smile that concealed his lack of political knowledge, regretting the choices that had led him to this awkward conversation. Politics was a foreign language to him, and he felt lost in the sea of jargon and policies.

As Luci delved into the intricacies of politics, Ruìsāng’s eyes glazed over. Documents, submissions, appeals—his mind was drifting away, lost in a haze of confusion. Did he look like someone who understood any of this bureaucratic madness? He was a business major, yes, but his interests leaned toward the sizzling pans of a restaurant kitchen, not the convoluted world of politics.

Then, the bomb dropped. His favourite party. Panic washed over him, his mind scrambling for something intelligent to say. “It’s difficult, really,” he began cautiously, choosing his words carefully. “I feel like they’re all just saying whatever they need to, you know? Not a single one seems genuine,” he sighed, hoping he sounded profound despite his lack of knowledge. “But what about you?” he quickly deflected, desperately needing to change the topic before he dug himself into a deeper hole.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light
There was some truth in his observation. Those with Pokémon would always have an advantage over those without them, especially if they knew how to effectively utilize their Pokémon's abilities during battle. However, the problem was not widespread, as only a select few possessed the knowledge to do so. There were certain areas of the city where the atmosphere was deemed unsafe due to such individuals, but for the most part, the threat was not significant enough to cause concern for the common person. Still, Lucifer had a suspicion that Ruìsāng's statement likely had very little to do with the actual problem. It felt like there was something more personal at play.

It seemed that Ruìsāng's initial interest in the topic had suddenly waned when Lucifer began speaking about her rationale for having to stop by city hall first. The fact that he did not seem to be paying attention to her reasoning was mildly disappointing to her, since she felt that it was an important matter she was working towards. She was actively trying to improve childcare and orphanages, particularly to ensure that things that had happened to them would never be experienced by anyone else. However, even though she was slightly disappointed, she did understand that he might have had other matters on his mind that were closer to home, so she decided to forgive his lack of appreciation and move forward with the conversation.

When the woman asked him about the party he thought about supporting. She didn't get a concrete answer back, but not one without its own merit. The woman parked her car before the large government building and turned off her car before she turned back to Ruìsāng. Not making a move to get out of the car yet. "Politicians often make empty promises during their campaigns to win over the vote, but rarely follow through with them once elected." It was part of the game, no? "They will instead act in ways that align with their ideals and beliefs. And that is what you are voting for." 

He bounced her own question back at her. And without hesitation, the woman responded, "I quite like POS; Progressives of Sanctum" For several reasons, she didn't really want to list them off right now. "Won't you come with me inside? It will only take a minute, we can just walk to the coffee shop afterward." She gestured to the courthouse, and she started to step out of her car.

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

The weight of Ruìsāng’s world pressed heavily on his shoulders, each burden more immediate and personal than the distant dance of politics. His mind was cluttered with the immediate concerns, the daily struggles that eclipsed any inclination towards larger societal issues. Sure, he understood the importance. He knew his vote mattered and he knew he should read up on it. But what did it matter when his mother was knocked out cold in the morning, too much alcohol in her system to even stand up? What did it matter when he punched a wall until his hand couldn’t stop bleeding? Politics, it seemed, were a luxury reserved for those who hadn’t witnessed the world crumble within their own homes.

Luci’s explanation, though sensible, only stirred a faint echo of agreement within him, so he hummed softly. He asked her who she’d vote for, and she expressed liking the progressives. Ruìsāng had heard about them, knew vaguely what they stood for. “Maybe I’ll vote for the Navigators,” he stated. At least they wanted change. Whatever it was, it couldn’t be worse than how it was now.

When she invited him to accompany her to the courthouse, a tremor of discomfort coursed through him. Guilt nestled in his chest; he felt like an imposter amidst the righteous, like a seed of dishonesty planted in their midst. Despite this, he offered her a smile, a mask concealing his unease. “Yeah, sure,” he replied, stepping out of the car and into the uncertainty that lay ahead. The facade held, barely.

But then, in the midst of his internal turmoil, a question bubbled to the surface, a distraction from the weight of the moment. “Do you ever go on dates?” he asked, his tone surprisingly light, eyes curious as they met hers. It was a subtle attempt to shift the conversation, an inquiry laced with genuine interest and a dash of mischief. He had connections, after all, and he was more than willing to play matchmaker.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light
Lucifer remained uncertain of the genesis of his questions and musings on politics, but the topic was quite evident to Ruìsāng's. Politics occupied his mind, despite his more direct and tangible concerns looming over him, the woman hoped that her perspective would ignite a spark within himself to pursue greater knowledge on the matter.

Ruìsāng' confirmed his interest in the navigators, and the woman nodded to acknowledge his stance. She believed that he should vote purely for the party or group he supported If he favored the UNOX Party, she had no objection, and wanted him to maintain that position without her interference or influence.

Lucifer was well-informed of Ruìsāng's displeasure towards "official" and formal locations, having felt similarly as well. She had disliked entering the courthouses and institutions of the state that had abandoned her, for a long time. Yet despite this aversion, the visit was necessary. They had all afternoon to spend in leisure after this official business had concluded. Ruìsāng had agreed to accompany her to the government building, masking any internal conflict he may have felt.

Lucifer made her way to the government building, intending to ascend the steps and make her way inside. However, she was halted in her tracks the young man's unexpected query regarding the subject of dates. Caught off guard, the woman spun around with a frown, uncertain of how to respond. She took a few seconds to formulate her response, eventually settling on a simple declaration: "I have no time for such things." Her tone and composure remained neutral and even, though the surprise of Sang's question lingered in her expression.

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng had missed out on a lot during his childhood. His manners weren’t always up to par, and he often lacked the appropriate filter expected in social situations. Frequently, he'd blurt out questions or comments before realising he probably shouldn’t have. This was one of those occasions.

After inquiring whether Luci ever went on dates, she twirled around as if he had asked for her closely guarded secret recipe. He blinked in surprise, coming to a halt himself and tilting his head slightly sideways in confusion at her reaction. It wasn’t... that terrible of a question, was it? She was of age, after all. Most people her age were already navigating the world of dating. Hell, he'd been on his fair share of dates.

Luci replied that she didn’t have time for such things, and Ruìsāng pondered her response for a moment before an innocent smile graced his face. “You don’t need a lot of time for that,” he shrugged. “I could help out if you need. Wouldn’t you like it? Maybe not a man. Men are the worst. A woman?” he suggested, attempting to be smooth, albeit obliviously so.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light
Lucifer's experience with romance was limited. She could not recall ever being in love or experiencing any of the other emotions that accompanied it. Perhaps she was supposed to find "the one," but she didn't believe that it would ever happen. Maybe she was just not built for love.

Not that she was bitter about the lack of romance in her life. She didn't feel that she was missing out. She was doing just fine without love, and she saw no reason to change that. But besides that- she did not enjoy dating for even casual connections. She had been on a handful in her lifetime, but they always left her feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Therefore, she generally refrained, even if they didn't demand much of her time, she deemed that time better spent on other endeavors.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't need you to set me up with anyone." She climbed up the stairs toward the goverment building, which seemed to have an endless number of them. "Come along," she continued. "The sooner this trip to the courthouse is over, the better."

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Luci dismissed the idea of Ruìsāng playing matchmaker for her, prompting him to pout dramatically as if she had deprived him of his life's purpose. She started walking away, and with an exaggerated sigh, he darted after her upon her insistence to come along. He hummed in agreement with the words she continued with, recognizing their truth.

I had a date the other day,” he shared as they ascended the stairs, his words flowing in a stream as he babbled, attempting to distance himself from the current setting and shake off the lingering unease. “Or, well, he didn’t exactly want to go. I forced him. I think he liked it,” he nodded, his pride evident. While others might shy away from such revelations, Ruìsāng revelled in them. He felt a certain satisfaction in recounting how he had persuaded Míngzé to join him, and in the end, it hadn't been as terrible as Míngzé had anticipated. Ruìsāng was convinced that, against all odds, they did get along.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Lucifer Morningstar
Messages : 36
IC Posts : 27
Lucifer Morningstar
I have loved the stars too fondly to fear the night
Though my soul may set in darkness,
it will rise in perfect light
Despite shutting Ruìsāng's wingman idea down, He didn't really let go of the dating topic. instead of turning it around on himself. After briefly sulking, he followed her up the long, stony steps of the courthouse. And proclaimed that he himself had gone on a date some days before. Lucifer turned her gaze towards him, listening quietly as he prattled on about it. Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle softly when Ruìsāng told her that he forced the other person to go with him. That sounded like something he would do. "Oh?" The woman raised an eyebrow. 

She came to a stop at the top of the courthouse. The large door of the building stood just before them, and marble pillars stood at each side. Giving the courthouse an almost temple-like feel. "Oh, come now, I'm sure this date of yours enjoyed himself," Lucifer began, speaking in a light tone. She placed her hand on Ruìsāng's shoulder for a brief moment, as if attempting to reassure him of his likability. "Who wouldn't, with such great company?" Lucifer said as she ruffled his hair before she walked past him and opened the door to the courthouse, entering the building.

Character sheet
Nickname: Miss Morningstar, Mother
Age: 27
Birthday: December 7
Occupation: Head of an orphanage
Sexuality: Asexual
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