
pleasure seekers

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Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

In a city devoid of character, where little existed to steal one's breath away, the thought of abandoning it had crossed Nik’s mind more than once. The temptation to return home, to flee from the monotony, tugged at his resolve. Yet, deep down, he knew he couldn’t face his father if he chose to surrender now. Edessa, formidable and feared, was in dire need of allies, of trust, and he saw this as his chance. He, after all, was the heir apparent now.

In this pursuit, Nikólaos found himself resorting to unconventional methods. He contemplated ways to forge alliances, to establish connections that could tip the scales of power. Vince, seemingly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, held a potential key. In this delicate dance of politics and war, even the smallest partnership could become the turning point.

Today, Nikólaos dressed himself in a bordeaux blouse paired with impeccably tailored black jeans. Every fabric that touched his skin exuded quality; for someone of his stature, nothing less than the finest would suffice. A black coat cascaded down his frame, and his hands were adorned with matching black gloves.

Punctuality was a virtue he clung to as he descended to the floor of Vince’s apartment. Standing before the door, he knocked with confidence. When Vince opened the door, Nikólaos greeted him with an amused smirk, his eyes reflecting a calculated intelligence.  “My prince?” he smiled, his tone laced with innocence, though the underlying arrogance betrayed the true nature of the redheaded prince.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

This was horrible. A nightmare. Worse!

Clothes lay absolutely everywhere. On his bed, closets and even the ground. Some he’d tried on twice only to decide against it. It did not help one bit that he had no idea what the dress code was. Casual? Casual chic? Chic?

A frustrated half-growl echoes through the room as Vincze’s back hits his bed. Was it too late yet to say he couldn’t come? A simple lie might work. Maybe a headache, one that is too severe that he is not in the mood. His phone is in his hands before he knows it, but all he does is stare at the screen, only to throw the device away.

Keep your cool. You’ve got this. With a new found calmness Vincze stands up again, looking over all his clothes. Casual chic is the way to go obviously. A white turtleneck, black pants  and a cream cardigan. Vincze looks at his image in the mirror, trying to decide if this was it. Not that he was given another choice. The knocking on the door nearly startled him.


One last look in the mirror and Vincze is off to greet his— greet Nik. The door swings open way too fast. “Nik! He says by way of greeting, completely ignoring — or trying to — ignore the way the other greeted him. He will not blush over those two words. “Do uhm— you want to come inside first? Or shall we leave right away?” As he spoke he couldn’t stop his eyes from really looking at the man in front of him.

This was a big mistake.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

Sweet, innocent Vincze stood before him, and Nikólaos greeted him with a sly smile, a touch of arrogance glinting in his cerulean eyes. Throughout his life, his father had drilled into him that Iskra was nothing more than a mere ant beneath their boot, existing solely at Edessa's whim. Meeting Vincze, Nikólaos wondered if there was some truth to those words.

When asked if he wanted to come inside, Nikólaos cocked his head slightly, his eyebrows rising in curiosity. It puzzled him why he would, considering they both resided in the same building; there was no need for a pit stop in the other's room.

Do you want me to come inside?” he drawled, his tone dripping with flirtatious confidence, his words intentionally drawn out to emphasise the question. He regarded Vincze with a bemused expression.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

It was a mess inside. Why did he have to ask if Nikólaos wanted to come inside. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Vincze tried to keep a calm smile on his lips to pretend everything was fine. Which was most definitely not the case. Everything was horrible. If only he could sink through the floor and disappear. That would be nice.

Do you want me to come inside?

Vincze’s jaw dropped and he looked at Nikólaos with widened eyes. What did he just— It took him longer to process than he wanted to admit. The other was messing with him and he fell for it. He could feel his whole face go red with no way of stopping it. Loudly he cleared his throat before laughing a bit awkwardly. “Let’s just leave, shall we? You can always co— I need my jacket!” He almost slammed the door shut again, but managed to resist the urge. Instead he disappeared behind the door, grabbing a jacket and scarf. Smooth Vincze, way to make a good impression.

Everything was going to be fine. He was a crown prince himself for Arcues sake. After taking a deep breath and with new found courage, he left his apartment and joined Nikólaos outside. “Care to enlighten me about what we are doing today?” he asked with a gentle smile. His face was still red, but all he could do was own it.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

In the opulent halls of Edessa, where power and arrogance mingled freely, the royal family was exalted to a level rarely seen elsewhere. They were treated not as mere mortals but as living legends, their bloodline held in reverence, cloaked in awe, respect, and fear. Every move they made was dissected, every decision scrutinised. The world bowed before them, and yet, it was all a facade.

Nikólaos, accustomed to this deferential treatment, met Vincze with a superiority that seemed etched in his very bones. To him, iskra was a minuscule blip on the map, an inconsequential entity compared to the grandeur of Edessa. In his eyes, ruling his own country must have felt akin to managing a classroom of unruly children. Laughable, really.

As they spoke, Nikólaos wore a disarming smile, sweet and saccharine, yet his eyes held a glint of superiority. “There is no need to be nervous, my dear prince,” he nearly purred, feigning innocence while effortlessly calling out Vincze's anxiety. “Aren’t we similar in rank?” he continued, as if their positions were remotely comparable.

I thought I ought to take you for a late lunch. I hope you’re hungry?” Nikólaos asked, his smile widening. He led Vincze towards the elevator, his movements deliberate.  “It will be a short ride,” he added, considering suggesting his motorbike just for the sheer amusement of watching Vincze's hair turn into a tousled mess.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

If this was any other person, it would’ve been different. But this was Nikólaos. Prince Nikólaos and if his parents ever knew about this, they would kill him. They had any right in doing so, because what he did was extremely stupid and irresponsible. Yet there was no going back.

Nikólaos told him not to be nervous, which made him even more nervous. Was it that obvious? Certainly not. Vincze decided to laugh, taking it as a joke. “And why would I be nervous?” The words left his mouth before he was able to stop them. Why did he say that? It could make things worse.

He closed the door behind him before following. “Starving actually. I haven’t had the time to eat anything before you came,” Vincze laughed. That he was too busy worrying about this whole thing was not something he wanted Nikólaos to know. He’d been so nervous that he couldn’t eat.

“I must admit that I’m way too curious, is this how you fix all you’re uhm— ” Shit. He could not possibly call this a date, could he. “Charm— meetings?” he asked, the choice of words a question on its own. Smooth. So very smooth. His cheeks became red once more and he quickly turned away. Vincze pressed the elevator button and now waited for its arrival. While they stood there, he grabbed one of his braids, twisting his finger around the ends.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

Nikólaos studied Vincze's demeanour with a calculated curiosity. “That's what I wondered, too,” he mused, although the lie hung in the air, unspoken yet undeniable. He knew precisely why Vincze was nervous. In fact, he wanted him to be; he wanted every word he uttered to leave Vincze breathless, hanging on to his every syllable.

When Vincze confessed his hunger, explaining that he hadn't had time to eat before Nikólaos' arrival, Nikólaos raised an elegant eyebrow, his gaze lingering on the other prince. “Were you busy?” he asked, his tone innocently inquisitive. The implication hung heavy in the air – busy doing what? Certainly not cleaning his apartment, Nikólaos thought, based on the swift glimpse he had gotten.

Vincze's inquiry about his ‘charm meetings’ caught Nikólaos off guard momentarily, but he quickly regained his composure. “If you wish for an answer, you'll have to be a little more clear,” he replied, his tone gentle yet tinged with an underlying challenge. He couldn't afford to appear too arrogant, after all.

If you're asking if you're special, then of course. Only the best for my prince,” he continued, his words laced with a deceptive innocence. With a graceful gesture, he invited Vincze to enter the open elevator first, then followed, positioning himself precisely in the middle.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Even though the lie just left his tongue, the question asked by Nikólaos caught him off guard. Busy? Oh, yes, he had been busy. “Very, you know with the whole charity event on its way, busy, busy, busy,” Vincze laughed, trying to hide the fact that he was lying. Yes, that was a whole thing, but that was not what he’d been doing this morning. It was a good thing Nikólaos wanted to leave immediately. There was no way he could talk himself out of the piles of clothes decorating his bedroom. “But let’s not talk about work.” If they kept talking about this, it meant he had to keep on lying and he was a horrible liar.  

Everything was already going wrong and then only just left his apartment. This whole thing was going to be a disaster and he would only make a fool of himself. All he had to do was stay calm and then everything would be alright.

“What? No, no, that’s not what I meant,” he said too quickly. He entered the elevator, only to go and stand in the back. “What I meant to say is—” Wait, did he just call him special? Vincze really wanted to hide his face and run away, but there was nowhere to go in the elevator. He quickly cleared his throat. “Do you force everyone to go on a— meet you? Charm people?” This was not a date. Just two friends hanging out. Were they even friends?


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

Vincze deemed himself remarkably busy, although his words washed over Nikólaos like a distant murmur. With a serene smile playing on his lips, Nikólaos allowed his thoughts to wander momentarily. He recalled his mother’s tender touch, her fingers combing through his hair, remarking how fortunate he was to have inherited her easy charm. Unlike his father, who wore a menacing expression during his contemplative moments, Nikólaos effortlessly maintained an air of genuine interest, even when his mind drifted.

I agree. Work is a worry of the future,” Nikólaos replied, his smile warm but tinged with a hint of irony. Deep down, he knew the importance of preparation for his future role as the kingdom’s ruler, but he understood that Vincze’s concerns were of a markedly different nature. After all, one didn’t require meticulous planning to oversee a daycare centre.

When Vincze said that was not what he wanted, Nikólaos arched an eyebrow, his expression remaining composed. “Forced?” he echoed, his voice soft. As the elevator doors slid shut and the numbers on the display dwindled, he continued. “Vincze, sweet Prince,” he mused, his words deliberate, “I am the crown prince of Edessa. I do not ask, I take,” he stated, his tone honeyed but laced with an implicit warning, just as the door opened.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Vincze laughed a bit sheepishly. “Uhu, no work today.” Not that he’d been working in the first place, but it seemed the other believed his lie. Not that anyone back home would approve of the way he spent his time today. He could already hear them yell at him, telling him to stay away from Prince Nikólaos. No one trusted his family, but Vincze was ready to give them the benefit of the doubt.

The words left Vincze speechless. All he could do was stare at Nikólaos as the doors opened. He wondered how he did it. No matter his own title, he did not live by those words. He always asked, never just took. “It must be easy, when you get so much respect from everyone,” Vincze said without any ill intent as a small smile was on his lips. Did it make Nikólaos a bit arrogant? Perhaps, but that did not matter. It suited him.

He tucked away his hands in the pockets of his jacket. With the doors fully open, he could already feel the cold wind from outside. Patiently he waited for Nikólaos to first exit the elevator before he would follow.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

Vincze pondered aloud the supposed ease that came with being universally respected. Nikólaos arched a brow at the apparent naivety of his peer. “Easy?” he echoed, gesturing for Vincze to exit the elevator first before following suit and opening the door to the world beyond.

I believe life might be simpler without the weight of expectations bearing down on you. However, I am tasked not only with leading my country to survival but to glory. People tremble at the mere thought of me, and there's nothing more perilous than a cornered Liepard,” he explained, dismissing Vincze's presumption about the intricacies of leading a nation as nothing short of laughable. If Vincze were the heir of Edessa, the consequences would have been lethal long ago.

Smirking, Nikólaos continued, “How about a ride on the bike to our destination?

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Had he said something wrong? Vincze could only stare at Nikólaos as the man spoke, defending himself. Obviously the man did not agree with what he’d said, but then again, he hadn’t meant it like that. To give his hands something to do, he started fiddling with one of his braids. Somehow, it almost sounded lonely, the way Nikólaos explained everything. “And I respect you for all you do and have accomplished already, Nikólaos. I'm sure you just make it look easy,” he said with a compassionate smile. Vincze never desired to instill fear in his people, and he empathized with the regrettable reality that it was the case for Nikólaos.

“On your bike?” Vincze repeated surprised. He trusted the other to drive safely, but thought of sitting behind him on the bike. “I mean, yeah, sure, why not.” It would be the first time he drove somewhere with something else than a car and he was rather excited for it.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

There was nothing about Vincze that remotely resembled someone worthy of ascending to a throne. He lacked the words, the language, the requisite pain to understand what it took to become a King, an emperor, a God. Instead of grasping the essence of Nikólaos's words, he seemed on the verge of an apology—expressing respect for Nikólaos, as if that had ever been the point. “Of course,” he simply sighed. Whatever.

When Vincze inquired about riding Nikólaos’s bike, for a moment, Nikólaos was tempted to ask, "Whose else’s would it be?" A foolish question. Suppressing a sigh, he opted for a smile instead. “Are you familiar with them? I could let you take the reins if you're comfortable,” he innocently suggested as they headed toward the garage boxes. Once inside, he opened one to reveal his car and bike, the latter gleaming in the light. Nikólaos approached the motorcycle, grabbing two helmets and extending one toward Vincze. Surely, he could manage to put it on.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Vincze cast his eyes down as he stayed quiet and only forced the corners of his mouth in a smile. Somehow he couldn’t help feeling like he had said something wrong. As if this was a test he had failed dramatically. Compared to Nikólaos he was so different and he would never be able to even be half the person he was. Vincze knew that, everyone knew that. But it was fine. Long ago he’d given up on being someone he was not.

It was best to keep their past conversation behind them and that is what Vincze tried. When asked if he was familiar with them he waved his hands in front of him. “Oh, no, not at all,” he laughed. “I’ve never even sat on one, let alone driven them.” The barrage box opened, revealing an expensive car and bike. He also had a car which was more expensive than the cars of most students, but it could not compete with this one. “You have great taste,” Vincze said innocently, but with a flirtatious hint as he accepted the helmet.

He pushed his hair back before he put the helmet on. This would totally ruin all his hard work getting his hair perfect. Then he stepped aside, making way for Nikólaos to get the bike outside. “Will it be a long ride?” There were multiple reasons why he was a bit nervous, and one of them was the fear that he would fly right off.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

Vincze admitted to never having driven a motorcycle, prompting Nikólaos to silently decree a ban on him ever taking the reins of his precious machine. While it wasn't quite the same as his cherished bike back home, it was undeniably a thing of beauty and considerable expense, and the prospect of a potential crash left Nikólaos decidedly unenthused.

A compliment from Vincze about Nikólaos's great taste drew a cocky grin from him. “I know,” he casually asserted, donning his own helmet on the bike before guiding it outside. He stalled it momentarily before turning back to Vincze with a question.

Not too long,” he replied succinctly, extending a hand to ensure Vincze had secured the helmet properly. His thumb brushed over the strap beneath Vincze's chin. “Does it fit you right? There should be pressure, but nothing painful,” he calmly advised before retracting his hand. He had no intention of being responsible for the untimely demise of royalty—that was Iskra's domain.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

Vincze's breath caught in his throat when Nikólaos reached out towards him, even when it was only to check the strap. “Uh uh— fits perfectly,” Vincze could hear himself say, but he had his eyes on the other man. It was only when Nikólaos pulled his hand back, that he felt like he could breathe again. Shit. He really should try to get his head out of the gutter and soon.

With his heart beating slightly faster than before, he turned towards the bike. “Alright, how do we do this?” Vincze asked as he gestured to the bike with both hands. It was a good distraction. “Do you hop on first?” He kept his eyes on the bike instead of looking at Nikólaos. His hand had found a piece of his hair that was sticking out and he was twisting it around his finger once more.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

Vincze wondered how a bike worked and Nikólaos wondered if the man had ever seen a movie. Still, he smiled sweetly at the boy and nodded.

Indeed,” he responded. Effortlessly swinging a leg over the seat, Nikólaos settled comfortably onto his motorcycle. Gloved hands inserted the key, and with a subtle turn, the engine responded with a confident hum. He revved it, the sound echoing through the street.

Get on and hold on tight, or I might have to make an extra trip for you,” ikólaos grinned, tapping the back seat to beckon Vincze to hop on.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
Vincze of Искра
Messages : 70
IC Posts : 43
Vincze of Искра

With the bike in mind, Vincze's first goal today was to stay in his seat and not fly off. A trip to the emergency was anything but the end of a good first date. No, not date. They were just hanging out, getting to know each other better. “Right,” Vinzce said with a short nod. It could not be that bad.

Vincze laid his hands on Nikólaos’s back as support before swinging his own leg over the bike. He moved a bit closer until he could feel the other’s back and then hugged him around the middle. All he had to do was not fall off. While Vincze was nervous, he was also excited.

“Alright, I’m ready,” he said, his voice muffled behind the helmet. He tightened his grip a bit more and was very happy that his face was completely concealed. For a moment he couldn’t help but think that he was doing something wrong. That they shouldn’t be doing this, but he quickly pushed those thoughts away.


Character sheet
Nickname: Vin
Age: 24
Occupation: Student, Crownprince of Искра
Sexuality: Very gay
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα
Messages : 74
IC Posts : 55
Nikólaos of Έδεσσα

Vincze possessed a certain charm, Nikólaos admitted that much. He exuded an air of delicate beauty, reminiscent of a captivating princess you'd want to bring home after a hectic day. Nikólaos couldn't help but imagine a couple of stress-relieving ways involving the man. The thought of pressing him against a wall until all that remained on his tongue was his name crossed Nikólaos's mind briefly.

However, being a gentleman, he reserved such actions for situations where they were explicitly requested, preferably begged for

As arms wrapped around him, the notion lingered in Nikólaos's mind, but he quickly brushed it aside.


Engaging the bike, Nikólaos navigated the streets. Known for his disregard for speed limits, his wealth and diplomatic immunity rendered those restrictions mere suggestions. Despite his usual penchant for speed, he exercised a bit more caution this time, wanting to maintain a semblance of control as they weaved through traffic and sped toward the city.

Eventually, he halted at a sizable building, a few hundred metres away from the iconic tree that defined the city. Pulling up to the entrance, a valet attendant approached.

Ah, my royal highness. It is a pleasure to meet both of you,” the attendant greeted with a bow. “Please. Let me take the motorcycle. My colleague will guide you inside.

Nikólaos tapped Vincze’s upper leg, signalling for him to exit the vehicle. “Come on. Give him your helmet. Let’s enter,” he directed, removing his own helmet.

Character sheet
Nickname: Nik, Nikos
Age: 27
Birthday: 21 / 08
Occupation: Student (Masters C&CJ), Crownprince of Edessa
Sexuality: Bisexual
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