
It's a matter of trust

2 posters
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
After her last conversation with Ming she had trusted him mostly on what he had told her. Had wanted to think that what he said was true, even if it meant that he still wanted to trust Sang, something she couldn’t just allow. He wanted him to choose, knowing that it was a huge risk if he didn’t and yet she knew she could use him still.

That was if he really had a piece. She hadn’t seen him with one after all, only heard him talking about it, so a part of her had wanted to confirm it. It was the reason why she had come here and was currently standing in front of the building she hadn’t been to in quite some time. The last time had been when Sang had stolen her piece.

She pressed the button next to Ming’s name, wondering if he was even home. She didn’t know yet what she would do if he wasn’t home, but that was something she would have to think about later.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

His hair was tied together in a messy bun. It was one of those days where he wanted to do nothing but sit on his couch doing nothing. For this reason he was wearing comfortable clothes, black sweatpants accompanied by a black shirt with short sleeves.

There was only the soft mechanical sound of his coffee machine vibrating through his kitchen. Míngzé leaned against his counter, waiting for his coffee to be finished. Besides that everything was quiet in his apartment. Jiu and Dai were asleep on his bed, Wěi was somewhere, just like the strange plant that was living with him now.

With his coffee finally done, he grabbed his cup and moved to his couch when his bell rang. Softly he sighed before moving to his intercom. “Hello?” He was not expecting any visitors, but he could also not ignore it. There was always the chance that it was someone important.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She waited, wondering how long one had to wait before you could determine that someone wasn't home. Though it wouldn't be surprising if it took Ming longer than others. The moment she heard his voice though, she jumped slightly, not really used to all this worked still. ”Ming, it's me, can I come in?” She asked him and the moment the door to the building opened she stepped inside.

The route towards his apartment was a familiar one, one she had walked many times before and yet it felt different now. It had been too long since she was here and this time she didn't really know what their current relationship could be defined as. She needed him, yes, but she couldn't handle the fact that he would want to trust Sang. It was making it so she was keeping her distance while still working with him.

She arrived at his apartment, knowing that whether there was a piece inside might change everything. She wanted to know for sure whether he was worth keeping around even if that sounded very cruel.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

The moment he heard her voice, a feeling of regret seeped in with the realization he would’ve pretended not to be home if he knew beforehand. His jaw tightened as he was silent for a few seconds too long. Why was she here?

“Yeah sure, come on in,” he said as he opened the door for her. The moment she set foot inside his apartment, she would know the artifact was here. Not that she even had to enter, even from outside his door it was undeniable.

Míngzé opened the door for her so she could enter the moment she arrived. He had thought about what to say to her, but each time he’d come back empty. The thought crossed his mind to send a quick text message, but there was simply no time. Taking a sip from his coffee he waited for her arrival. “Luci, hi,” he greeted her with a hint of a smile.

“Everything alright?” There must be a reason for her sudden appearance. Although he could guess what it was.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
The moment the door to the apartment opened and Ming was letting her inside, she could feel it. A piece was here, it didn’t have the same pull as her own piece had had, but it was still there. She undeniably knew that one was here, so Ming hadn’t lied about that. ”Yes, everything is fine.” It was a lie, she knew now that Vince didn’t have her piece anymore and it had made her want to make sure that Ming had his.

”Just wanted to see how you’re doing and maybe discuss some more things about what we should be doing.” How they were going to find the rest of the pieces. He had come to her for help and he was the only one she wanted to trust for now with this.

”So you’re hiding your piece here?” She had expected it, but anyone that came here and could sense the piece would know that he was hiding something here. She really didn’t know whether this was any smarter than she had been, but she wasn’t really one to complain.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Nothing was wrong. No new fight, no more broken bones. Which was good. He rather saw her like this, than hurt because she got yet in another fight. And who knows what more she might spill if she did. She had told Sāng about the sacrifice when her emotions got the better of her. Who knows what else she might tell people.

“Good, no need for a first aid kit then.” In a way however, it worried him even more.

There were more things she wanted to discuss. Míngzé knitted his brow at that before nodding. “Sure, alright. Do you want something to drink?” It was the least he could do.

Lucina was quick to mention the artifact, which did not come as a surprise. “It has worked so far,” Míngzé said with a quick shrug. Only two people knew it was here and only Sāng had ever taken it out of its hiding spot.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
Was that what he had been worried about? Whether she had gotten herself hurt in another fight. ”I don’t think I would be standing here if I got in another fight with Sang.” She told him simply, the man had been very clear last time, so she had tried to avoid him for now, especially since he didn’t have anything when it came down to the pieces and somehow he always managed to take the worst out of her.

It was partially an excuse that she wanted to talk about things more, it was so that she could check the fact whether he had a piece or not. Now that she knew that though, it meant that she could still use him. ”Just some water is fine.” She wasn’t going to burden him too much and coffee was something she wasn’t that much of a fan of.

”You don’t have people coming over who can sense it?” She wasn’t sure yet who was able to sense it and who couldn’t, but at the very least it was the people with a dark affinity and whatever Djodie had, because she really doubted the girl had a dark affinity. ”How do you handle it when you don’t want to involve someone, but they keep asking questions about it?” She didn’t want to involve Djodie if she could help it.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

I was going to let her go twice.

Míngzé clenched his jaw. She was right. The way Sāng talked about her told him so much, but that did not change the fact that she was not innocent either. He doubted his friend would kill her unless she gave him a reason to. But what could he possibly say? Whatever he said, she would take it the wrong way. “Yeah, no, probably not,” he said, his voice strained.

Míngzé placed down the glass of water on his coffee table. “No I don’t, besides you I guess.” And a certain burglar who was very bad at his job. That part however was best to keep to himself. While keeping it here was not ideal, he liked to think he was doing a better job than anyone else that he knew of.

He sat down on his couch, taking a sip of his coffee, brows edging together. “Who’s asking you questions about it?” There was concern in his voice as he spoke up and completely forgot to even answer the question. Had she told yet another person about it? Was it another slipup?

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She noticed his voice was strained when he answered and she clenched her jaw in turn. Did he not believe she was speaking the truth? Did he still want to trust Sang or did he just not believe her? ”There’s no doubt that he would kill me if I crossed his path again.” She told Ming, wanting him to understand what she meant. ”I still can’t believe you would want to trust someone like him.” The words were out before she had really had the chance to think about them.

She took a sip from the water as he told her that he hadn’t had anyone besides her who came over and could sense it. ”Do you know who is able to sense the piece?” She decided to ask, knowing that there might be more reasons why someone was able to sense one.

Of course he wanted to know who was asking questions about it. ”Djodie,” She answered before continuing. ”She was there with the incident with Sang and took me away from there. She overheard me asking ‘it’ back from Vince.” And since she had asked her questions about it, though she didn’t want to involve her any more than she already was.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Míngzé could not hold back the deep sigh that escaped and he rubbed through his eyes. All this was extremely tiresome. If only she knew. “Just let it go, Lucina. If you don’t give him a reason, it will be fine. You will be fine.” Of that he was certain. There was more he wanted to say to her, but couldn’t. He bit back all those words.

Getting a glass of water was easy and soon he had returned with it. Her questions about the artifact made him nervous and part of him couldn’t help but fear that maybe she wanted to take this one with her. “Besides those with a dark affinity? No idea, I haven’t tried it and don’t want to find out either.” This piece was not seeing the light of day any time soon. “Don’t worry about it, it’s safe here.”

From the other conversations he already had, he learned that Djodie had been there too. Luckily, not someone he saw as a threat. “Right, she told me about it,” Míngzé said, remembering their conversation. Together with her explanation and Sāng’s, he could paint a picture of what happened that day.

“As for your question, give her vague answers, don’t tell her anything important or simply say you don’t wish to speak about it,” Míngzé answered with a shrug. It was what he did.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
How could Ming be so certain that nothing would happen? He hadn’t been there, he didn’t know how Sang had looked at her, what he had done to her. She had been letting him say all these things, keeping herself in control so that she wouldn’t snap at him, but it was becoming harder and harder with each answer he gave that felt like he was defending Sang. ”You wouldn’t know that, you weren’t there!” She told him, raising her voice slightly. Why wouldn’t he believe her when she told him that Sang would kill her if he got the chance, that there was no doubt in that?

So he really didn’t know who else besides those with a dark affinity. That was definitely something they would need to think about then, though Ming was right that it would most likely be safe here for now as long as no one with a dark affinity came here. ”As long as you don’t let anyone else with a dark affinity inside.” She agreed that it would be safe.

”You spoke to Djodie?” She wondered what Djodie had told him about that day, but the woman had been an outsider to that fight. ”I don’t want to push her away with that.” She admitted. One of the few people she actually got along with and then she would possibly push her away because of all this.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Each time she brought him up, it ended up the same way. There was no doubt Sāng would kill her when given the chance and motive, he knew that much and he wouldn’t let that happen if there was anything he could do. “I’m not having this discussion with you again,” Míngzé said resolutely, irritation creeping into his voice.

There was no hiding how he felt, it was clear as day that he was at least a little pissed off. He crossed his legs and held his cup with both hands, the warmth pleasant against his palms. “What would you have me do? Ask every visitor I have what affinity they have?” Not that he had that many people coming over to begin with. And to be fair, the only other person with this particular affinity he let in was Luci.

A confirmative hum sounded as he nodded. “Or you push her away or you tell her about it, there really is no other option.” Not that it really mattered, did it? She would spill crucial information anyway if her emotions got the better of her. As she’d done with Sāng. Míngzé gritted his teeth, preventing him from saying anything about it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
Now he was getting irritated? Why? Why did he not want to discuss what had happened with Sang? A part of her knew why, but the other part didn’t want to believe it and yet she knew that they couldn’t continue like this. They couldn’t keep dancing around the real issue here, the question she hadn’t wanted to ask him before, but had the feeling that she would need to ask now.

”Why do you keep defending him?” She asked Ming, it wasn’t an answer she wanted to know, but it was one that she needed to hear. It felt like he had already made a choice. ”Whose side are you really on?” He couldn’t be on both sides, he should have realised as much by now. But what would she have left if Ming told her it was Sang, that it wasn’t her?
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

With whatever was going on between Lucina en Sāng he could understand them both not liking each other. They had enough reasons to literally hate each other. All he wanted was for them to leave each other alone. But Lucina was always making a problem.

Míngzé narrowed his eyes as he gazed towards Lucina. His attempt at dropping the subject had been futile as she was not willing to let it go. As if he was wrong for defending his friends, while he did the exact same for her when it came to it.

He moved his jaw, ready to reply when Lucina spoke once more and he swallowed his words. It felt wrong, but what else could he do?

“You know fully well what I want, which side I’m on.” Or was on. Things had been changing as he learned more about— well, everything. It made him see the flaws in his plan. Flaws he had been ignoring until now.

“That does not change just because I don’t want my friends to murder each other.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
He didn’t want his friends to murder each other? Friends, not just friend. Which meant her and Sang most likely. And with how Ming had been acting, she knew where his preference lay. Sang had tried to kill her, that wouldn’t change, she had only threatened the man, it wasn’t the same and yet Ming clearly thought it was.

”Of course I know which side you’re on.” It was all so clear now, why hadn’t she seen it before? Because she had tried not to lose the one person who she had told the most to, the one who had always seemed to be there, but she had just been blind all this time. Ming wouldn’t have to worry anymore, because they wouldn’t be friends anymore, not if he chose Sang too.

Something broke inside her with that realisation, a sadness washing over her when she realised that once again she would be alone. Only for it to be quickly replaced by anger, anger against the whole situation, anger towards Ming for him choosing Sang. Why was it always not fair like this? Why was even Ming turning himself against her?

She just snapped at that moment, the careful control she had held over her anger slipping out of her grasp. ”It’s not fair.” She said and that was the only warning Ming got before she lashed out at him. Her claws not really having a target, but she kept lashing out, trying to hit anything within reach. She didn’t care that he was getting hurt, not anymore. Nor did she realise that tears had started to fall, a part of her still wasn’t ready to break this off completely.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

It was easy to forget Lucina was different from anybody else. Her ears or claws were something he did not often think about. To him they were not important.

After today he wouldn’t soon forget them.

Míngzé stared at his coffee while listening to Lucina, a sigh rolling over his lips. Her tone of voice revealed everything and his mind was already racing to come up with something to fix it. Admitting he’d switched sides would cause trouble so it was best if he played along.

His eyes widened in shock when he could feel her weight crashing down on him.

The deep, sickening pain was there before he had time to react. Her sharp claws ripped through his skin, instantly drawing blood. Pain exploded through him. First his cheek and neck, going down to his collarbone. Any sound died in his throat as he pushed himself away, a failed attempt to run as his room for escape was limited because he sat down.

Instinctively he raised his arms to shield himself, only to feel her nails cutting deep into his forearm. “Luci!” His arms were next. “Stop you— ah!” Desperately he grasped towards her arms, but each move was made in a panicked attempt. His legs were also moving, wanting to kick her off him to give himself a chance to get away. Nothing he did was to hurt her.  “You’re hurting me! Stop!” Míngzé yelled at her.

It hurt and he was afraid. So very afraid. His eyes were burning while his limbs tried everything.

Jiu noticed something was wrong when it was already too late, and only jumped off the bed when he heard the pleading cries of Míngzé.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She barely registered what she was doing, not while her claws scratched him, breaking skin. She had moved closer to him, making it so that he was within reach, her claws first hitting his cheek first, then his neck, followed by the collarbone. Blood was welling up from the places she had hit, but it was barely registering. His attempt to push away from her wasn’t quite succesful since they were still on the couch.

She noticed him raise his arms in defense, but it did nothing to stop her from attacking, instead she just changed targets to his arms. She could feel her slashing deep into his arms, missing the arteries luckily for Ming. She didn't hear what he was telling her, that he was telling her to stop.

Blinded by anger she kept attacking everything that came near her, his arms, even his legs. Drawing wounds there, till he did manage to hit her and push her back. It took her a moment to recover and in that moment she saw just what she had done. Several wounds were littering his body, some deeper wounds on his arms and legs. Since she had been trying to keep those away from her with more force.

The anger wasn't gone and a part of her wanted to continue, wanting him to know how betrayed she felt, but she couldn't. She had already gone too far. She clenched her teeth, not saying anything, just sitting there as realisation set in as to what she had done.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

There was no end to it. His pleas fell on deaf ears and each time he reached for her wrists, more skin broke. Blood was oozing from every one of them but the pain did not fully register in his mind. Only one thought screamed loudly in his head, overshadowing everything else.

Get away. Get away. Get away.

The moment Jiu entered the room, he hit something and everything came to a stop. Míngzé crawled over the side of the couch, nearly tripping and stumbling to the ground. Distance. His hands were in front of him, desperately reaching for a wall, smearing blood over it when he touched the cold surface. The moment he found it, he turned around, pressing his back against it. His pupils were dilated and his body was visibly shaking. All words were lost to him and he was barely able to breathe as it was.

He hadn’t noticed how Jiu had jumped between them, not caring at all that Lucina had stopped attacking. With bared teeth she edged closer towards her, flames dancing around her teeth. She lunged forward, snapping her teeth, not caring if she would find flesh.

“Get— get out.” His voice was hoarse  and shaky as he spoke.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Lucina Roth
Messages : 642
IC Posts : 617

Lucina RothEnhanced Affinity
She watched as Ming took more distance from her, desperate to get away from her. What had she done? She looked down at her hands, blood covered them, none of it her own. She took a tentative step of the couch, a part of her was wanting to check up on Ming, despite knowing that she had gone too far this time. She had been able to control it so well up to this point, never hurting him, but it had just been too much.

Before she could get any closer, though the Ninetales came in between them, the pokemon clearly threatened her. She could understand why it was trying to protect its trainer. She took a step back as the pokemon came closer, she knew there was no way she was getting closer to Ming now.

His voice was what brought her attention from the pokemon back to him, she opened her mouth, but closed it again, not really knowing what to say. She could apologise, but she doubted it would make any difference, a part of her didn't even want to do that. So she backed away, till she was at the door, keeping one eye on the pokemon as she opened the door and disappeared through it. With each step away from the apartment she knew that there was no turning back now and the realisation that she was utterly alone now in all this was slowly registering.
Míngzé Xǔ

Character sheet
Nickname: Luci
Age: ???
Birthday: ???
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Still figuring it out
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

A bright flash illuminated his apartment as Jiu sent a fire ball after Luci, not caring for the damage it would do to the apartment.

The moment the door fell shut, his legs gave up. His body sank to the floor where he remained. Adrenaline was the only thing keeping him together.

Jiu jumped against the door as it fell shut in her face, loud barks and growls echoing through the room. SHe wanted to break out, go after her. Make sure she would never lay a hand on her owner again, but she decided against it the moment her owner sank to the ground.

Why had she—

It felt so sudden. Out of nowhere.

A shiver ran down his spine when he recalled the first slash and the sharp sting that accompanied it. A second shiver, and a third, until he was shaking uncontrollable. The pain was catching up to him. No matter how he held his arms, it hurt.

How he wanted to bury his face in his hands, claw at his own hair, but his hands too were bleeding.

Míngzé did not understand. The attack had felt so sudden. He had wanted to talk more but then she—

A tear ran down his cheek, burning as it hit the long cut. Míngzé heaved a deep breath and held it, holding back whimpers of pain and sobs.

Míngzé remained in a state of shock as he sat there, not even registering when Jiu joined him, pressing his wet nose against his hand. He would sit there for a while.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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