
funny story

2 posters
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Watching her friend leave, Shaelyn made sure he was fully gone before standing up from her table. She left her finished drink behind, adjusting her skirt before walking over to the blind man and taking a seat at his table.

So,” she began, the smirk audible in her voice as she leaned back in her seat, red eyes focused on the man. She could see the appeal. While he wasn’t her type, he had pretty eyes—a good face. Very soft hair. Lamar would have something nice to look at.

Did you like what you heard?” she asked, a sweet smile on her lips as she leaned onto the table as if sharing a secret. “Listening in is so terribly rude, don’t you think?” she asked with a slight pout and mischief in her eyes.

& mr. eavesdrop

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

What was he thinking? No, scratch that, he was not thinking at all. That made more sense, otherwise he would not be in this predicament.

Curiosity got the better of him when he heard a familiar voice. He had told him about this place but did not expect him to show up so soon. Especially with company.

So he came up with the great idea to grab his laptop and take a seat nearby. Míngzé would listen to them while working. It was only when he sat down that he realized how absurd it was, but he could not possibly leave.

And then the worst thing imaginable happened—

Did you like what you heard?

Reflectively he slammed his laptop shut as he looked up. He looked more like a fish out of water than anything else and he hated it. “I wasn’t—” he began before pausing. What to say? What to do?

Míngzé cleared his throat. “I should probably be going.” Yes, running away was his only chance. He already grabbed his laptop and shoved it into his bag with haste.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
An amused smirk pulled at the girl’s lips. While her religion had taught her not to pester another, she had to admit the joy found in watching the blind man squirm as he tried to save himself from the situation.

That’s too bad,” she stated casually. “And here I was, thinking you wanted an invite to the surprise party we are throwing for my dearest friend. I know he would be so glad to see you there.

If he did not care about making her friend happy by showing up, then this conversation was not worth her time to begin with, so it was best to get it out of the way immediately. Curiously, she watched him, wondering how he would respond—what his intentions were.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

How could he have been so foolish as to think this was a smart idea? Míngzé lifted his bag on the table, tucking away his laptop to make for a swift escape. No way he could ever show his face to Lamar ever again. What a fucking idiot he was. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Míngzé listened to the woman while she was talking. He did not know what to expect, but what she said stopped him in his tracks. “A surprise party?” he repeated her words to make sure he heard right. His hands rested on his bag as he turned his gaze towards her.

Slight hesitation was written in his eyes. She mentioned that Lamar would be glad to see him there. “You think so?” Here he was, running for his life, when receiving an invitation to a surprise party. Not what he expected. “We’ve only known each other for— I guess a few weeks.” He would not count the tragic incident at the lake.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
So?” Shaelyn asked, curiously looking at the man who had stopped packing his bag, clearly interested in the idea of the party Cody and she were throwing for their friend. Leaning back, she watched the blind man with a smile on her face.

He was looking for you when we sat down,” she told him. “So you’ve clearly been doing something right. Wouldn’t it be so nice to surprise him for his birthday?” she continued, a smirk pulling at her lips once again.

Plus, Codes and I are amazing hosts. It’ll be fun no matter what,” she added. That much was clear. How could it not be? With her, Lamar, and Cody in one place, it was always fun.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Míngzé pulled the chair back again, that way he could sit down once more as he thought it through. The bag ended up on the ground again.

A hint of a chuckle sounded, his lips slightly pulled in a smile. Who’d have thought he was still capable of doing something good? These days he felt like all he could do was the opposite of good. But here this woman was, saying the opposite. “He’s also great company,” Míngzé agreed, staying a bit reserved towards the woman he did not know.

It was to be a surprise party for Lamar’s party and one of the reasons he should come was because she and some Codes were amazing hosts.

“Alright,” he said as he loosely crossed his arms. All that held him back was the fact that there would be people he did not know. Probably all of them. “Where and when is this surprise party?” It would be a huge step for him if he did this.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
Shaelyn wondered if the man was socially awkward, or if he simply didn’t recognize her. Considering his lack of sight, it wouldn’t surprise her if he didn’t. A voice was harder to distinguish than her looks, she assumed.

Still, the man sat down again and told her Lamar was great company. To this, she smiled. “The best,” she added with a nod. How could she not? There was a reason Lamar was one of her closest friends. Her love for him was true and honest.

It’s at Cody’s place, outside the city. June fifteenth. If you give me your number, I’ll text you the details,” she explained. It was best to have the numbers of the guests, just in case anything changed. An emergency could come out of every corner, after all.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

Míngzé raised an eyebrow at the woman in front of him. He had no idea who Cody was or where his place was located, only that it was outside the city. It might be a struggle getting there, but he would find a way. Although a taxi would be rather expensive.

“That works, as far as I’m aware I have nothing planned that day.” It would be good for him too, to engage in some normal activities. Did this mean he would join them? Surely started to look like it.

“My name is Míngzé,” he introduced himself and gave her a name to add to the phone number he would dictate when she was ready for it. It was still hard to believe how it had come to this point, but he was not complaining.

“And just— I wasn’t— What I want to say is sorry, for eh— you know.” Míngzé was too embarrassed to admit that he had been listening in on their conversation.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Shaelyn O'Dubhshláine
Messages : 978
IC Posts : 858

Shaelyn O'DubhshláineAttuned Affinity
The man said he had nothing else planned that day and introduced himself as Míngzé, so she could add a name to the number. She sent him a quick text saying “Hi” with a wave emoji before putting away her phone and looking back up at him.

It’s Shaelyn,” she introduced herself as his phone buzzed, so he knew what name to add in case he wanted to save her contact.

When he apologised, she hummed briefly. “Curiosity is fine, but not respecting someone's privacy is not a good look,” she admitted. “Besides, you have a strong, yet ignorant view on affinities, while Lamar uses them for actual good,” she continued, wondering if he’d put two and two together.

I will not stand between you two if Lamar wants you in his life. But I do suggest you think about it carefully. I do not wish to see him hurt,” she smiled. It wasn’t the kind of shovel talk Cody would give, but she hoped it was clear. The man had shown recklessness, selfishness, and stubbornness in their first meeting. Shaelyn had not been impressed.

I will take my leave. I hope you have a nice day, Míngzé,” she smiled, pronouncing his name with the ease of a Fènghuáng native, before walking to the counter and paying for their drinks and desserts.

Character sheet
Nickname: shae
Age: 28
Birthday: 12 / 08
Occupation: seer
Sexuality: bisexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????
It isn't in my blood
I'm relentless I don't quit. Won't forget this and my pain. Is what got me right here

The puzzle pieces fell together. Finally he could put a name to the woman that had changed his view these last weeks. In a way he was grateful, but finding her here in this situation made it more difficult. How was it possible that she knew Lamar and that they were this close? It made him recall their conversation and all he’d told her.

Míngzé breathed in sharply. As she spoke he had no idea what to tell her, afraid that perhaps he had already ruined his reputation with her. Slowly he raised his bag over his shoulder.

Would it change anything now that he knew of Lamar’s affinity? He liked to think not.

“It’s the last thing I want too.” Was all he said to her and Míngzé hoped that she could hear the sincerity in his voice. He wouldn’t know what to do if he fucked this up too. “I’ll leave before it can happen.” One thing was for sure, he would not ruin someone good like Lamar.

“You too, Shaelyn, see you at the party.” It did not happen often that someone could pronounce his name fluently, but this woman did it with no effort at all.

Míngzé did not move from where he stood until she was gone. Doubt was infiltrating his mind, but he tried to push it away. It had to be fine.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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