
You and me in a playhouse

2 posters
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
It hurt like hell.

She didn't really know how long she'd been passed out on that roof, but by the time she woke up, her clothes had been soaked with the blood seeping from her wound. What made matters much worse, was just how awfully fucking cold she was.

It was like something had sucked the life out of her soul, leaving only cold icicles pricking her skin with every movement she made. All that she could think about was that.. That thing. Whatever it had been, it had fueled her. Made her feel powerful. Made her feel alive. Without it, she felt like nothing more than a husky. Mindo told herself it was just the last bit of alcohol in her system and her blood loss, but a panicked voice at the back of her mind worried at the permanence of this state. After all, she couldn't awake the fire anymore.

The whole way back, she'd been shaking uncontrollably.

At least the dark of the night appeared to hide her. From a flash of her reflection in a puddle, she knew she looked like a monster. Blood still seeping from the wound at her thigh, her faced white as ash yet smeared with black soot, and those eyes... She'd quickly turned away, and made her way home.

And when she entered her corridor was when she felt it. That familiar tug, this sprinkle of warmth. At first, she'd put it off as simply the relief of being home again. But the further in she headed, the stronger it became. It called to her, giving her legs the strength to walk just a little more. It lured her past her own door, despite Soot desperately trying to call her back. It made her raise her hand, and knock on Míngzé's door.


Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Being inside of the walls of his apartment came with a stranger and above all unsettling sensation these days. He tried to ignore it, push it to the back of his mind, and pretend it was all fine. He needed some time, that’s all. But already it had been a short few days with no change at all. It in fact only became worse.

Míngzé almost finished feeding all his pokémon, placing the bowls on the ground for every individual when someone knocked on his door. Dai instantly went for a bark session, while cautious red eyes found the door.

For a second too long he stood there unmoving, one bowl still in his hands. Bandages covered his arms, the stitched up wounds hidden beneath.

Míngzé took a deep breath, calming himself before walking up to the door. It would be fine. Just some neighbor. He hated how worried he felt, how his heart was beating faster already.

“Who is there?” he asked, only to be greeted by a familiar voice. Instantly he felt his nerves calm down again as a wave of calmness hit him. With the bowl still in hand he opened the door. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked, the smile on his lips a bit strained as he took a step back to let her inside if that's what she wished for.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
It was only when the sound of her knock reverberated through the room that she came to her senses. The hell? A little dazed, she looked around. This wasn't her door. Why the fuck would she go see Míngzé, her favorite goody two-shoes, now? She was covered from head to toe in ash, which he might not see, but would surely smell. Overall, her appearance was entirely too incriminating to go over for a nice cup of coffee. Mindo bit her lip, but even if she wanted to, her legs wouldn't move.

Perhaps due to fatigue, perhaps due to that horrible, yet so... So enticing pull... The girl shook her head, but regretted it almost immediately as the world started to spin. When Míng finally opened the door, she was holding on to his doorpost as not collapse on the ground. He was kind when she introduced herself. He always was. What was surprising, was the state he was in. "I-" Mindo snapped her jaws shut, not knowing what to answer. Why was she here? A frown furrowed her brows, her thoughts murky and vague."I'm hurt," she heard herself say. She needed to get inside, to sit, to sober up. To find out what was pulling herself towards him. For Arceus' sake, what was going on with her?

"Figure I'd return the favor,"he voice sounded strained, as the world started spinning. "Shit, fuck, it's not good. I'm gonna sit down," she stepped besides him and entered, Soot on her heels. The houndoom looked uneasy, his hackles lightly raised, but kept quiet. Her head still spinning, Mindo sat down on the first piece of furniture she could find and buried her face in her hands. The blood loss, the alcohol, that irresistible pull like an itch under her skin... What was going on?

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Míngzé had shown up at her doorstep unannounced a few times, so he wasn’t that surprised when she did the same for once. Last time he’d brought pizza and now he almost thought Mindo had too. There was a certain smell clinging to her, but it did not hold the sweet aroma of food. It was burned, as if she’d walked through a campfire.

The smile on his face disappeared quickly, making room for concern. It took its place instantly as he quickly shut the door behind them, his movements more rushed. “Fuck, Mindo,” he said, rushing after her. “What happened? Is it bad? Do I need to call an ambulance? Just— wait— give me a second.” Adrenaline started pumping through his veins as he quickly left to get his first aid kit. It was still nearby as he had not taken the effort to put it away yet.

His mind was racing to catch up with everything but was struggling. He placed the small box down next to it, throwing the lit open. After what happened a few days ago, it was mostly empty. “Tell me, what can I do to help?” There was a certain urgency in his voice as he gazed towards her. He might as well be the worst person to go to for help. For all he knew she was bleeding out, lost an arm or whatever and he didn’t know.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Arceus, what was she doing here.

Everything about her was incriminating, and though she was growing quite fond of Míngzé, she wasn't sure yet if he'd snitch on her. But that draw, that pull... Mindo's face soured. Was she fucking falling in love with this idiot?

Her eyes looked up at him, her vision blurry at the edges. But his face looked just the same as before, except for the strange gashes. Wait, gashes? Her brows furrowed further. Why was he beat up too? The questions swarmed her in a completely overwhelming sensation. She was hurt and confused and exhilarated and cold and changed and... Arceus, so fucking dizzy. Mindo took a deep breath as she sat down, trying to steady herself. It helped for a bit, until his question made her head snap upwards. "No!" she yelled, causing a coughing fit in its wake. Mindo made wild movements with her hands. "No ambulances, I'm fine. It's just... I just need-" her voice died out when he returned with the first aid kit. Mindo attempted to snatch it from his hands, her fingers trembling. "Just-" he was blind, the fuck could he do? "Water? And, shit, do you have something warm? It's fucking freezing in here," It wasn't. The temperature was completely fine, but the cold nestled within her made her feel lifeless.

With one of the scissors from the kit she cut open one leg of her trousers, and let out a low whistle a the sight. "Ah shit," she whispered. Glass wounds always were shit, and this one was no exception. It cut deep and long, blood still seeping out. Mindo took a deep breath and retrieved the needle and threat from the kit as well, taking the needle between her fingers to make it sterile by burning it. But no matter how hard she tried, to flames sprouted from her finger tips. "Arceus fucking damnit!" nearly she threw the entire kit to the ground, but Soot jumped in by laying his head on her good leg. Once again, Mindo took a deep breath. "Do you have a lighter?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

During moments like this he truly hated his own incapabilities. The fact that someone, a friend even, needed help and he could do nothing else but the bare minimum. She sounded horrible and was hurt. Where? He had no idea. How bad? No idea either. She might be bleeding out and he would not know. An ambulance was the safest bet, but that was quickly countered.

With a deep frown and a worried expression Míngzé gazed towards her as Mindo tried to form whole sentences. He jumped a little when she pulled the med kid out of his hands. With nothing to do, nothing to hold on to, he rubbed his hands together. “You sure? How bad is it?” His chest felt tight and his heart was beating rapidly. For some reason guilt started creeping up on him, but for what? There was nothing he could do about any of this.

The worried look only deepened when she mentioned how cold it was. Is that not what happened when you lost too much blood? His jaw tensed, afraid that whatever was amiss, would kill her. “Of course, of course, whatever you need,” Míngzé said hurriedly as he already turned to leave and get whatever she needed. Because he doubted she meant a glass of water, he filled a bowl which he placed on the table next to her.

Meanwhile he could hear Mindo try something and Míngzé turned his head towards her. Just what happened? What was going on? There were too many questions racing through his head, fueling the urgency with which he worked.

“A lighter, yes.” There should be one somewhere. And a blanket, he could not forget about that one. He turned to leave for his bedroom when a sharp pain flew through his hip and a loud sound of something hitting the ground followed. It caused Míngzé to hiss. He had collided with one of his other chairs, which now lay toppled over on the ground. With no time to waste he let it be and went for a blanket first. “Here,” he said as he handed it over.

Now only the lighter. Míngzé went to his kitchen that was right behind Mindo, opening and closing every closet and drawer. “Fuck, Mindo, what happened?” he finally managed to ask.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Arceus, he looked awful.

Even with her vision a little blurry and overcome by a swirling storm of emotions, she could see that. His face was contorted with in a grimace, his unseeing eyes clouded by worry. Mindo bit her lip, partially to drown out the pain, partially because it also hurt to him like that. Regret fell over her. Why come here? Worry him when she could fix this herself? She didn't need his help. She didn't need anyone's help. So why, why drag her bleeding figure to his doorstep?

The answer was simple. That pull it still lingered, like a zooming stuck in her head, drowning out all logical thoughts. She needed it. Needed it to feel warm, feel whole, to regain that sensation she'd had in that... Dream? A vision? Mindo frowned and pulled her hands to her head. Arceus, was she chasing visions now? What on earth was becoming of her?

"I'm fine," she hissed through gritted teeth, a poor attempt to ease his worries. "Just... Needs stitches, I can do it," when he turned and stumbled into a piece of furniture, she attempted to get to her feet. "Míng- fuck," her face contorted in pain when she tried to get up too fast, sending a searing cold pain through her body. It forced her to sit down again, and wait. All she could do was take the blanket and lighter from him, her hands trembling as she reached out. But even with the blanket draped comfortably around her ashen and bloodied figure, the cold wouldn't leave. Mindo cursed quietly.

"I-" her mouth shut. How the fuck was she going to explain this, without incriminating herself? For all she knew, he was a narc. Ugh. "I cut myself on some glass," it was a poor explanation and only a half truth. "There was a fire, I-... It doesn't matter. I'm fine," she shook her head, and immediately regretted it. "What happened to you? Why are you all scratched up," she changed the subject, her eyes flickering around the room in the meantime. As long as her hands were shaking, she couldn't stitch up her wound. So all she could do now was wait, and look. That draw, if it didn't come from him, it must come from somewhere... But what? Could it really be him?

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

Of all the places Mindo could’ve gone to, she decided his doorstep was the best one. Which was not something Míngzé understood. Out of all of them he was probably the worst one. Totally useless in this situation if you asked him. And yet there she was, barely able to maintain consciousness if he had to trust the weakness in her voice, her incapability of forming full sentences.

“Stitched?” he repeated, shocked by this information. If not for the chair that had been in his way, he would’ve told her to see a doctor. “It’s nothing, it’s nothing, focus on yourself,” he said quickly. The chair was no problem as long as he did not forget about it. Míngzé handed her everything she had asked for, shaking his head as he did. “You can’t possibly think you can do this yourself? This is no movie, Mindo, you need to see a doctor if you’re badly wounded.” However, he felt that whatever he would tell her, would be futile. She won’t listen, like so many people never listened.

An explanation was given, but it barely told him anything. The worrying frown between his brow only grew lager. Glass, fire— just what the fuck? Now that she mentioned it, he could smell it on her. The smoke had latched onto her skin and clothing. With everything else going on he had not noticed.

“Clearly you’re not fine,” Míngzé countered immediately, raising his voice just a little, hoping to get through to her. “What happened to me is unimportant right now.”  Mostly because he did not want to talk about it. How could he, when Mindo had met Lucina?

“How did you cut yourself on glass? Where did the fire come from?” He asked, trying to go back to the real problem at hand. Míngzé had to know more if he wanted to help her even a little bit. His hands found the medkit, where he quickly reached for whatever bandages he could find. All to feel at least a little bit useful.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
Mindo cursed her trembling hands, making her incapable of doing anything useful. Why was it so fucking cold? Ice seemed to creep up her veins, making all her hair stand on edge as she trembled violently. No blanket or amount of heat seemed to warm her up, as if her very soul had frozen over. It was driving her mad.

"I'm not going to a fucking doctor!" she snapped violently at him. "I've done this before, I'm fine. Just-, just let me." she added, calmer now. Fuck, what was she doing. Yelling at him as if he wasn't trying his very best to help. Mindo groaned loudly. "I didn't mean to-, Míng just trust me, I'll be fine," She gestured Soot to close closer, and immediately the large canine rested his large, warm head on her hands, heating them up slightly.

In any other circumstance, she'd have pestered Míngzé with further questions. Some creature had hurt him, and badly so. Even with her blurred vision, she could tell. And even in her current state, she worried about him. But he didn't give her the chance to, pestering her with questions of himself. "I was in a building that was burning, when I tried to get out, I cut myself," she explained through gritted teeth. Her hands now warmed slightly with her pokémon's help, she ripped open the fabric of her pants. Gently, she pressed the alcohol against the wound, letting out a hiss of pain. Once she'd found the needle he'd given her, she heated the tip of it with the lighter, before threading it. Now came the worst part.

"Shit!" she grunted as the needle pierced her skin. She had to take a few deep breaths to continue, straining as she sloppily stitched herself back together. In the end, it looked like shit, but the wound was closed. It would likely leave a nasty scar, but Mindo was used to those.

With an exasperated sigh she leaned back in the chair, letting her body relax. "I did it, all good," her voice was hoarse and trembled as she spoke. Now that the pain was starting to reside, that feeling, that pull, it returned. Mindo rested her head in her hands, but couldn't ignore it anymore. "Míng, is something... Different?" she asked, feeling light-headed. "There's this... I can feel something. Did you do something with your affinity? Or with this house? I-..."

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

There was something that caused him to take a step back, his hands in surrender. Míngzé immediately hated himself for the way he reacted. It was stupid. He knew Mindo, knew she wouldn't do anything to him and yet— could he really be sure? If he still believed that it would make him a fool.

Only when her voice calmed again, did Míngzé release a breath he did not know he was holding. “Alright, no doctor,” was all he said as he slowly lowered his injured arms. A part of the urgency he had felt before left him. His actions and gestures slowed down, almost as if he was walking near some dangerous beast that would attack if he was not careful.

As Mindo gave the shortest explanation possible, Míngzé picked up the chair from the ground and sat down. Tightly he crossed his arms. “Fuck, Mindo, that is— I’m glad you made it out.” It was no use to say it was bad, she knew that. Right now he was simply happy she was still alive and kicking. Or maybe not kicking for a while.

While he was unable to see what she was doing, he could still hear every hiss of pain and grunt. In a way that made it worse as he had no idea how severe it was. His already pale expression grew even worse and he clenched his teeth. A wave of relief washed over him when she mentioned it was done.

Not that it stayed for very long.

Míngzé looked up, his unseeing golden eyes resting on Mindo. The silence that followed was nearly insufferable. Even with what little words she used, he knew what she referred to. But it could not be. She could not know. It felt as if the whole world came to a standstill.

“Mindo,” Míngzé started, his voice taking on a cold tone. “What really happened?” There came no further response to the questions she asked. Instead he looked directly at her as he held his breath. He knew there were more of them, but Mindo? Surely not.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Mindo Pereira
Messages : 313
IC Posts : 302
Mindo PereiraBlessed by ????
The violence in her voice made him visibly cringe, backing away from her if only for a mere second. Mindo shut her jaws, pain reflected in her eyes. She hadn't meant to snap at him, and to see him flinch like a beaten dog... It hurt. She didn't mean to be so violent, not to her friends. But when she felt cornered or out of control, it was the only language she knew how to speak.

Mindo forced herself to calm down a little, but the knot in her stomach did not leave. Not even when Míngze visibly relaxed. She wanted to apologize, but found her tongue wouldn't comply. Instead, she stilled her breathing in an attempt to gain more control over herself, and answered his question. Her words came out in a rambling mess, her head still woozy. As if filled by a thousand fuzzy bees. Mindo groaned. "It's alright, don't worry. I was fine. I just... I don't know, I must have lost consciousness and lost more blood than I thought," that had to be it, right? It was the only explanations she could think of for that strange dream. But what dream had the power to take her affinity, and leave her with... With this?. Mindo frowned, and once again flexed her finger in an attempt to light a fire. Nothing happened.

She was still caught up in this when Míngzé's voice suddenly turned serious. No, not serious, cold. Mindo bristled. "Like I said," she retorted defensively. "Burning building, cut myself on glass," she gritted her teeth, not liking the way Míngzé looked at her. So there truly was something different, and Míngzé knew. Something deep in her stomach made her feel like it was related to the dream, as she had not forgotten his talk about nightmares. Perhaps it was this knowledge that loosened her tongue.

"I lost consciousness for a while and had... This strange dream. In it, I could feel this pull, something drawing me in - the same thing I feel here now. When I woke up, I was still bleeding, and so fucking cold. I don't have my fire anymore," her voice sounded hollow, and Mindo bit her lip. "Why are you looking at me like that Míngzé? What do you know? What is going on?"

Character sheet
Nickname: x
Age: 23
Birthday: Sep 30th
Occupation: unemployed
Sexuality: Confused
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