
[se] Take on me

3 posters
Sarah-Lynn Dujardin
Messages : 67
IC Posts : 32

Sarah-Lynn Dujardin
Her high heels sounded hollow through the empty street as she walked up to the museum. She imagined this area being a lot busier normally, but today it was practically deserted. Every soul in Sanctum City was at the festival. Every soul, but one. The one she was going to give a surprise visit. The one she had dressed up for. The one she hadn't really gotten out of her thoughts ever since he put her in that taxi, that faithful morning.

Sarah-Lynn was actually quite looking forward to see him again, without the need to nurture a skull splitting hangover. She could only hope he felt the same way. She couldn't deny he hadn't been on her mind ever since that faithful morning. She'd caught herself multiple times thinking about him, actually. Sometimes with a blush on her cheeks, but most of the time she just whished she had gotten to know him better before taking that step with him. She learned that one night stands were not her thing, because everything felt backwards now. The only way to fix it, at least in her mind, was to try and get to know him better.

At the front desk of the museum Sarah-Lynn asked if he was in. Killian Ashdown. Gods, his name alone. She still didn't know how she had managed to get him between her legs.

She only found out his place of work after some internet sleuthing but it took a couple more days before she had found the perfect reason to visit him. His tie. This odd speckled thing, totally kitsch and not at all what you'd expect with a man like Killian. She loved it. It showed a surprising side to him that she was eager to learn more of. She had found the tie at the bottom of her purse, inside a plastic bag since it was clear someone Sarah-Lynn had spilled wine all over it during a certain drunken night. After she had gotten it cleaned at the dry cleaners she was finally able to bring it back to his rightful owner.

That same tie was now loosely tied around her own neck, somewhat complimenting her own attire. And she couldn't wait to see his reaction, honestly. So much so that she could barely hide the cheeky grin on her own lips, as she waited for him.

Killian Ashdown

Character sheet
Nickname: Sarah-Lynn, Rossignol
Age: 27
Birthday: 31-10-1996
Occupation: Singer
Sexuality: bisexuelle
Killian Ashdown
Messages : 77
IC Posts : 46

Killian Ashdown
Dealing with work was a hassle right now. He could not keep his focus the longer he was stuck in his dusty cramped office. There was a festival outside and while the museum was out of the walking route, he knew that it would be a very slow day. Which also meant that he had enough time to actually finish his work, if he could focus.

Placing his glasses next to him on the table, he rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger before pinching the roof of his nose. Killian sighed deeply, as he let himself fall back on his chair. He could not lie to himself that the events of few weeks ago still kept him on his toes. As he found his mind sometimes wonder about the girl that he had met, or no, who he had woken up next to without his memories. And while some of them had returned, he still wasn't entirely sure what had transpired that night before. Even now, he felt himself trying to actively use his affinity to peak in the future, for once curious about what the future held.

Killian almost fell backwards when someone knocked on his door, grunting when he recognised his boss standing in the doorframe. "Killian, get out of here." The mans voice boomed into the small room. He sighed, stood up and gestured to the papers still on the table. "It's just past noon, there is still work to be done." He argued with a grunt in his voice, but the man in the door shook his head. "There is a lady for you in the lobby, get your stuff and get out. You've been working enough of late, go have fun." And Killian was not allowed to say more about the situation, as the door slammed shut, leaving Bella shocked and slightly distraught. The Chimecho flying to her trainer, wrapping herself around his arm. "It's alright." He said softly.

Grabbing his jacket, draping it over his shoulder, he walked over to the lobby, stopping for a moment when he noticed that it was Sarah-Lynn. He waved at the lady behind the desk, who only gave him a cheeky smile as her eyes flicked between him and the woman. Killian rolled his eyes as he walked through the gate, removing his badge and putting it in his pocket. "Hi." He said casually, as his eyes fell on the tie around her neck. A soft red colour creeping up underneath his collar. "It suits you." He followed up, a soft smile on his lips.

+ sarah-lynn dujardin

Character sheet
Nickname: Killian
Age: 33 y/o
Birthday: 3-7-1990
Occupation: Historian / Archivist
Sexuality: We'll see
Sarah-Lynn Dujardin
Messages : 67
IC Posts : 32

Sarah-Lynn Dujardin
He stopped, naturally a bit surprised when he saw her, and the raven haired woman could only hope it was a good sign. Her own smile widened a bit, the moment he came into view, and even more when she witnessed the little interaction between the handsome man and the woman behind the desk. Which made her wonder; had he talked about her?

"Bonjour," she greeted him with a soft but melodic tone. She let the tie slide between her fingers as she looked up at him with a playful glint in her eyes. "It does, doesn't it?" That had been her thought too when she first put it around her neck, watching herself in the mirror. "I actually came here to return it to it's rightful owner, but.. hmmm. perhaps I should just keep it for myself?" The tip of her tongue stuck out between a toothy grin before she chuckled softly. Then her expression softened a bit, looking up at him. "I hope I didn't interrupt your work?"

Killian Ashdown

Character sheet
Nickname: Sarah-Lynn, Rossignol
Age: 27
Birthday: 31-10-1996
Occupation: Singer
Sexuality: bisexuelle
Messages : 554
IC Posts : 468

The festival is in full swing, the air buzzing with excitement and laughter. Music plays from every corner, and colorful decorations flutter in the breeze. You are having a great time, moving from one activity to the next.

You don't realize until later that some of the vibrant colors have stuck to either your Pokémon or its ball. When you finally take a look at your Pokémon, you're shocked. It has changed color!

your pokémon is now spring traited!

your pokémon is now shiny!

what's this?

Character sheet
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