
Party animals

2 posters
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

How he’d found a couch was beyond him. Míngzé had also lost complete track of time and had no idea how long he sat there. It was fine. He had found a bottle of… something? Or had someone given it to him? It was half empty by now and he was not even sure if he’d done that.

Where even was that bloody cane of his? He needed it once he— well, once he left. Which did not seem to be anytime soon. Míngzé did not even know how he would get home.

All problems for later however.

He brought the bottle of something to his lips and drank. There was some movement next to him and he was pretty sure someone sat down. “You want some?” Míngzé asked, holding out the bottle that was rather tilted. If it had been full, he would’ve spilled a lot.

“Quite the party, huh?” Act normal, pretend to be just another boring guest and no one will know about his little secret.

Although, was it really a secret when everyone knew? The thought made him narrow his eyes.


Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
Cody MacFarlane
Messages : 185
IC Posts : 126

Cody MacFarlane
'The one with the dark hair' she had called him. The man who had taken the liberty of giving his friend the best birthday gift of the day. Cody's grin was wide and very pleased as he sat- well, he kinda stumbled like an idiot into the couch cushions next to the man. The bottle he got offered wouldn't be the smartest idea to accept, but Cody wasn't smart lately. Especially not when drinking, or drinking on his pain meds. To be fair! Doc had given him the green light! He had been the one to get him this drunk in the first place!

"With pleasure! I heard you're quite good at that. Pleasuring.." the grin on his lips audible in his words, before he took the tilted bottle from the man and placed it on his lips. He planned on taking just a sib, but that sib turned into a gulp and another one and another one and suddenly he was sucking air out of the bottle neck. Releasing a loud burp and a soft groan, as his hand with the bottle dropped loosely to his lap. "My apologies, that was rude." he mumbled a bit, slurring his speech. "Yeah.. quite the party. We did our best.." He affirmed softly and almost sentimental. Contemplating many things at once, which his sober brain already struggled with most of the time, so his alcohol soaked brain couldn't comprehend at all and he let out a frustrated melancholic sigh. Sinking deeper into the pillows.

He looked over at the man who's name he had already forgotten, even if Shae or Lamar had told him. Suddenly noticing the mess of his hair. "Jesus facking christ, Lamar couldn't take a moment to fix that gorgeous head of hair after the lovely service you provided? What a spoiled man he is. Here, let me-" Before the man could protest, which he wasn't going to do, Cody was great with hair, he already combed his fingers through the silky dark locks. "So, when you sucked him, did he moaned your name by any chance? What did it sound like?" Who knew why this was his way of asking the mans name. In his intoxicated mind it made sense, that was all to it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Cody, Codes
Age: 29
Birthday: 8-11-1994
Occupation: Homesteader / (High-end Mercenary)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Míngzé Xǔ
Messages : 1330
IC Posts : 1175

Míngzé XǔBlessed by ????

The bottle was accepted by this stranger that sat next to him. Or at least, he believed him to be a stranger. His voice did not ring any bells, but trusting his drunk self was also not the best way.

Or maybe he did not recognize the voice because of the words that left this man’s words.

Míngzé’s eyes widened in shock at the bluntness of him. “I— we— it isn’t—” his slurring speech did not help him form a proper sentence. A red blush raced to find its way to his cheeks. While this was happening the man kept on drinking. Maybe he had not even heard a word from what he’d said, or tried to say.

Fuck— everyone knew didn’t they? A long, deep and mostly dramatic sigh rolled over his lips. This was the first and last time he could ever show his face. Good thing it was a good one. “Yeah, yeah you did,” he muttered.

Míngzé pinched the bridge of his nose as he leaned forward ever so slightly. Maybe he could tell them all it was a misunder— no, no that would not work. That he was sorry for— no, definitely not. They should’ve thought about—

While his drunk mind was racing to come up with the best speech he’d ever made, he was too occupied to really notice this other person. He hummed in response to his words. “It was in a bun but then— poof.” It made all sense to him. Míngzé only vaguely registered the hands of the other brushing through his hair, but it did not really progress. “He liked it better this way,” he mused with a chuckle.

With the weakest of stumps he hit the man next to him wherever he could hit him. There was no force at all behind it. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” he said with a huff. Nope, those things were private.

Character sheet
Nickname: Ming, Zé
Age: 26
Birthday: 13/2
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Bisexual
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