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Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Everything was going wrong. The past days his father's words had run in his head nonstop. Various variations on how he would never live up to their family name, how no one would ever care about him and he only brought pain wherever he went. He'd tried to fight believing them, but that was difficult when they were starting to come true.

First, he’d fought with Mingze and now Archie was angry with him. The flowers he’d carefully picked out for the other had fallen on the ground, their stems broken, when his boyfriend had left his place. The situation had almost been absurd. He’d stopped by Archie’s place to show him he loved him and instead he’d gone home and found the other fighting with Ren and then with him. Instead of the happy moment he’d imagined, everything had fallen apart.

Victor had taken some time to let things calm down. He didn’t want to get angry like he had with Mingze. But he also didn’t want to wait too long. He had to set this right and fix things with Archie. He couldn’t lose him.

His heart was in his throat as he approached the familiar door and rang the bell. Nervously he waited, hoping that Archie would open.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
A few days ago he had left after seeing Victor return with a bouquet of flowers for someone else. Had heard that woman call herself his girlfriend. It was all so clear to him, though a part of him had wished that Victor would have just told him instead of him having to find out the way he had. He was no fool though, so he wasn’t going to argue, beg or whatever someone else might do. No, he just walked out.

He had turned off his phone, making sure that no one would be able to contact him and especially not Victor. To prevent the other from heading towards his apartment he hadn’t returned there either. No, he had headed straight to a casino spending his time and money there. Making some mistakes, but it was nothing he wouldn’t be able to handle.

And yet it wasn’t somewhere he could stay, so just this morning he had returned back home, knowing he needed to at least change his clothes before he decided where he might waste time next. Anything to just forget what had happened. It was better that way.

He had just changed his clothes and was planning to head out again when he got told that there was someone here for him and that it was no other than Victor. He had half a mind to let security handle this and make sure Victor wouldn’t be able to enter, but they needed to talk, he knew that much.

So he told them it was fine to let Victor inside and he opened his door where he waited for the man to appear. He knew very well that he could throw the man out if he wanted to and he really didn’t wish to make too much of a scene, so he wasn’t going to block the way for Victor to come inside. Yet he would throw him out if he was done with him.

His eyes were narrowed, a sharp gaze in his eyes, not something he normally used to look at Victor. But it was better to put his walls up, that way he couldn’t be disappointed. It was better that way.
Victor Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Ren had told him what happened between her and Archie. Once he’d heard the entire story, Victor understood why his boyfriend—was he still allowed to call him that?—had reacted the way he had to seeing a stranger at his place. It was all a misunderstanding and he needed to fix that. As soon as Archie knew the truth, everything would be alright again.

Doing that, however, had proven difficult. He’d tried to call Archie once he’d heard Ren’s explanation, but the other had been unreachable.

Maybe that had been for the best because it had given them some time to calm down. But after a few days had passed, Victor knew he needed to talk to Archie now or they might never be able to fix their relationship. He didn’t want to do this on the phone and so he went to Archie’s apartment. He could only hope the other would be home now.

He was greeted by security and for a moment Victor feared Archie would have them send him away and he would never get the opportunity to explain. Instead, they let him inside where he found Archie already waiting for him in the door.

The other’s sharp gaze pierced through him, almost burning him.

“Ren isn’t my girlfriend,” Victor started to explain. He needed those words out first. “I found her not that long ago. She was covered in ash, she’d been in some kind of fire, and had nowhere to go. I don’t know what she’s been through but she doesn’t understand most things. She didn’t know what the word meant.” He looked at Archie, hoping the other would believe him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
It had been a few days since they had seen each other, in those days he had made mistakes, things he wouldn’t be able to take back. But he had just wanted to dim the hurt even a little that Victor had chosen someone else over him. Maybe he should have broken things off clearly, made sure that Victor coming to him now wouldn’t have happened. It would have made things so much easier.

He let Victor inside his apartment without so much as saying a word, closing the door behind them as the man immediately started explaining. How Ren wasn’t his girlfriend and he had found her. Using the excuse that she doesn’t understand most things and didn’t know what the word meant.

She had seemed convincing enough in his eyes though. And it felt like Victor was only making excuses here. Not even asking how he was, no, he immediately started making excuses. ”And you want me to believe that?” He scoffed. He didn’t believe one word of it.

”Do you really think I’m that much of a fool?” He had asked the same thing last time. ”A woman lives in your home. Telling me she is your girlfriend and then you come in with those flowers.” It had all been so obvious and he knew his anger and hurt was once more seeping into his voice.

He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms immediately and he stayed where he was, he wasn’t quite sure what he would do if he took another step inside, closer to Victor, so it was best to stay where he was.
Victor Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Afraid that Archie would throw him out if he said the wrong thing, Victor immediately started to explain what had happened. He hadn’t understood what was happening last time as Archie had walked away without telling him what was wrong, but now he could make this right.

But Archie didn’t believe him.

Victor tried to sputter an answer when Archie asked him if he thought he was a fool, but he couldn’t form words. It was when the flowers were mentioned that Victor could speak again. “Those were for you,” he answered, feeling his voice rise in response to Archie’s anger.

He took a deep breath. He couldn’t get angry now. “I went to tranquil hollow to pick them for you.” His eyes glittered wet as he spoke, but there were no tears yet for now. “I came here first, to surprise you, but you weren’t home. So I went back to my place and wanted to call you to see if we could meet up later, but then I heard screaming and I saw you two and I had no idea what was going on.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
More excuses followed even as Victor raised his voice at him, telling him that the flowers were meant for him. As if. Victor had clearly brought those flowers back to his home where Ren had been waiting. Yes, he hadn’t been home, but that’s why it was easy for Victor to tell him that he had been here to give him the flowers.

A part of him didn’t want to doubt Victor, wanted to believe the words he spoke, but the part that was hurt and feeling betrayed was still louder. It just fueled the anger that resulted from it. ”So if I were to go to your place right now, I won’t find her there?” He couldn’t leave the anger out of his voice when he asked this nor the underlying hurt.

How much he wished to just walk away right now, to ignore this whole situation, because he was on the edge of saying something he wouldn’t be able to take back. But he couldn’t walk away, this time this was his apartment, not Victor’s. ”What do you expect me to do here?” Victor must expect something from him and asking this made sure for a moment longer that he wouldn’t say something he would regret.
Victor Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Victor was at a loss of words. What was he supposed to have done? Throw her out? She didn’t have anywhere to go and would have to live on the streets if he did that. He also hadn’t thought her living with him was the problem, but that this was just a misunderstanding that they had to clear up. How should he have known what was wrong precisely when Archie refused to talk to him?

“No, you will,” he spoke the truth. “She doesn’t have anywhere to go so she’s still there. But I can help her find another place if you don’t want her living with me.” Victor hadn’t thought anything of it when he’d first taken her in as lots of people had roommates, but if Archie didn’t want it, he would help her find another place.

“For you to believe me,” Victor answered when Archie asked him what he was expecting from him. He’d seen the doubt in his eyes and it hurt. “I want to talk about this and work this out.” He’d wanted to do that as soon as he found Archie fighting with Ren, but once the man had walked away, he’d been unreachable. “I want us to be able to tell each other if something’s wrong and talk about it.” Being accused of something while he didn’t even know what that something was and then being unable to explain the truth had been hell.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
Of course he would still find her there, a part of him hadn’t expected anything less and it made it all just all the more unbelievable. Trust was something he had been taught to not just give anyone and that one wrong move would mean that someone might break the trust you have put in them. He should have known, shouldn’t have let himself get close to someone so easily.

Victor had clearly been aware of what Ren had told him and yet he had let her stay despite that. ”So even after finding out about her telling me that she is your girlfriend you let her stay?” A part of him was telling him that he wasn’t being fair, that he had made mistakes too.

He clenched his jaw as Victor told him that he wanted him to believe him. That he wanted to talk about it and work it out. He was quite sure Victor would regret it if he told him everything. It was why he usually just pushed people aside once they had made a mistake. He had been taught that people like that weren’t worth his time.

But he felt like he at least owed Victor something, not like all those other people. So instead of throwing the man out, he folded his arms and looked at Victor. ”You want to talk?” He scoffed. ”Did you really think I would wait around after finding out that you had been hiding the fact that you were living with someone? Someone who calls herself your girlfriend for that matter.” He really didn’t want to feel like this, not the hurt that was clearly trying to take a hold. It had been the reason why he had been unreachable the last few days, so that he could do anything to simply just forget.
Victor Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

“She told me she didn’t know what it meant.” Victor felt really stupid and naïve believing that now that he said it out loud like this, but he knew it was the truth. While he didn’t know Ren for long yet, he’d quickly learned that wherever she’d grown up it had been isolated from the rest of the world as she didn’t understand a lot of normal things. “I’m not saying what she did wasn’t wrong, but you scared her when you forced your way in. She was trying to protect herself and thought it would prove she wasn’t breaking in.” Archie had scared him as well when he’d found them.

“I’m not gonna let her leave if I know she’ll have to live on the streets.” He would stand firm on that. If Archie didn’t like her living with him he’d help her find another place, but he wouldn’t just throw her out.

Archie asked what he was expecting of him. All Victor wanted was to talk about this and work it out. He loved Archie and hated that they were fighting.

“I didn’t try and hide it,” Victor answered, surprised that Archie thought that. “I was going to introduce you to each other. Ren hadn’t been living with me for long and I hadn’t had the opportunity yet to tell you—” he stopped for a second as he realised why Archie thought that he was hiding Ren from him. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you immediately. I should have. I didn’t think it was a big deal, but I was wrong. She needed help and lots of people have roommates and I didn’t think it through.” He’d just wanted to help her when he found her wandering around the campus with nowhere to go and hadn’t realised what it would look like to others.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
Every single argument sounded like excuses to him, especially when Victor once more confirmed that he wasn’t just going to throw Ren out on the street, something he had been ready to do before Victor came in. He knew he would have thrown her out, just like he would do with Victor now if he would refuse to leave once he asked.

A part of him wanted Victor to throw her out immediately, to show him that he was serious in all this at the very least. But he had hidden the fact that he had taken her in anyway and even after the girl had told him that she was his girlfriend he had kept living with her. He doubted that there would be anyone who didn’t know the definition of the word girlfriend and otherwise they wouldn’t use it.

He wanted to believe Victor, a part of him did, but his rational mind was telling him to look at the facts, to protect himself from getting hurt once more. But there was another part that was winning at the moment and one that wouldn’t be pretty. ”You really don’t understand.” He started with a shake of his head, did he need to spell it out?

”You hurt me and you complicated things.” It had once more proven how much of a hassle feelings like this were. Yes, he wanted to find someone he could spend the rest of his life with, but if it already started like this, how was that supposed to last? Especially with how he had dealt with it all. ”Do you want to know how I dealt with the hurt?” He should have kept his mouth shut, but he couldn’t.

”I made sure not to have to think about it, whether it was with drinking, gambling or spending the night with people.” Anything to distract himself. It had been the easiest, the way he knew how to deal with things, which he had more often than not used while back home. ”So do you really wish to still talk?” Victor would be a fool in that case.
Victor Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

His eyes grew wider with every word Archie spoke. “You did what?” His voice was soft and confused as he tried to process what he’d just been told, but the last word came out sharp, conveying the hurt he felt at learning this. After Archie’d turned off his phone, Victor had been miserable as well. He’d locked himself in his room and trained too hard with Edgar once he’d finally come out, getting hit by an air slash in the process. Archie meanwhile had gone straight to other people…

Silence stretched between them for a few seconds as anger at what the other did and fear of losing him fought for dominance in Victor’s mind. “I do,” he answered eventually. “I love you. I don’t want to lose you.” He’d come here to fix things between them. They could still fix this, right?

Another pause and the anger came out. “Why? The hell Archie. Why? I do everything I can to be understanding when you hide who you are from me. And when I make a mistake you can’t even talk to me. You disappear and go to others instead.” His eyes bore into Archie’s, searching for anything that indicated this was just a messed up joke or a nightmare he would wake up from soon.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
He didn’t look away as he saw the realisation appearing on Victor’s face. He expected him to get angry, to tell him this was over. That would be the easiest, he wouldn’t need to get hurt any more than this. He could see the anger and yet Victor still wanted to talk, saying he loved him and that he didn’t want to lose him.

And then the questions came, an accusation. Where Victor was clearly trying to place himself in a good light and make him out to be the bad one here. While Victor had been the one to take someone else into his home, someone who called herself his girlfriend, even though Victor was denying it now, it had hurt.

So Victor was a fool to still be willing to talk after what he had told him and a part of him wanted to laugh at all this, thinking how ridiculous it was. He had left that day, because he would have done something he would regret if he had stayed and then he had used the way he knew to deal with the hurt. ”Because you hurt me.” The reason was so easy, to blame it all on Victor and what had happened with Ren. It might be unfair to Victor, but it was exactly how he thought about this.
Victor Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Even now, Victor could see that Archie still didn’t believe him about Ren. He was supposed to explain and then everything would be alright, but instead everything seemed to be getting worse. Archie hadn’t just disappeared after he’d found Ren in his apartment, he’d drank and gambled and spent the night with others and as he spoke, Victor felt his hope to fix things slowly shatter. But he couldn’t give up. Of course he still wanted to talk, he loved Archie.

Despite that he was angry. Archie had left him confused and broken and once Ren had told him what had happened, he’d had no way to contact Archie and explain that it wasn’t true.

“So you hurt me right back?” He looked at Archie with tears in his eyes. The man had always made him feel safe and loved, but now all he felt was hurt and despair. He didn’t want to lose the other yet it was starting to seem like he already had.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
How much he wished he didn’t care, that the hurt hadn’t been there, that he hadn’t tried to deal with it the only way he knew. And how he was now blaming it all on Victor, telling him how it was because he had hurt him. The question that followed and the tears he could see in Victor’s eyes tugged at his heartstrings, making this all the more painful.

”I dealt with it the only way I knew.” He said. It hadn’t been his intention to hurt Victor back, it had only been to drown his own hurt. To make sure he wouldn’t feel any of it, not that it had worked, because he was feeling it all over again now. And there was a voice in the back of his head asking him whether it was all worth it.

He knew it would be easier to stop now, to break it off here. And yet it wasn’t all that easy to do so. ”And honestly, how can you tell me you love me, that you don’t want me to leave, when you can’t even throw her out?” That he couldn’t just throw her out on the streets, even if he would ask him to do so.
Victor Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

Meeting Archie, the way the other had seen no issue in his then newly acquired affinity, it had given Victor hope that maybe he did deserve to be loved. Now it had become abundantly clear that all he would ever bring into the world was hurt. For himself and for others.

Still he couldn’t give up. Despite everything, he didn’t want Archie to leave. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t hurting. He was desperately clinging onto the hope that they could fix this, but Archie’s next words started the realisation once again that maybe the image he had of him was different from reality. “What’s wrong with you?” His eyes stood sad and hurt but there was also anger at Archie bringing this up again. “I do love you,” he pleaded. “I told you I’ll make sure she’ll find another place. How could you live with yourself knowing you made someone live on the streets?” If Archie didn’t want Ren to live with him, Victor would find her someplace else, but he couldn’t just throw her out because there would be nowhere else for her to go.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
Archibald of Aerithorn
Messages : 317
IC Posts : 256

Archibald of Aerithorn
What was wrong with him? Was it really that wrong to think like he did in Victor’s eyes? He had learned to prioritise what was more important and that it meant that when others didn’t prioritise him, they shouldn’t be worth his time. But it wasn’t as easy as that, even if he wanted to act like that, it wasn’t as easy with someone you had spent time with.

That was why it was so easy for him to do it to Ren and also why his voice was cold at his next words. ”That’s just the way it is.” He told Victor. ”I’m telling you to get your priorities straight.” If he really loved him, he would do this for him, but it seemed like Victor wasn’t ready to do so.

”You can’t choose everyone here, He told him flatout. ”If you can’t even do something small like this for me, then how will this work out?” His mindset might be different, it was why he couldn’t understand Victor choosing this. It was also why he didn’t think that compromising here was an option.
Victor Schultz

Character sheet
Nickname: Archie
Age: 25 years
Birthday: 3rd of december
Occupation: Crown prince of Aerithorn; Student of affinities
Sexuality: Bisexual
Victor Schultz
Messages : 496
IC Posts : 410
Victor Schultz

If Archie had asked this of him when Victor had walked in on the encounter between Archie and Ren, he would’ve more than likely obliged. But Archie had walked out, closed the door behind him and wouldn’t even be talking to him right now if Victor hadn’t come to him. It had left this gaping hole between them and now there were too many question marks to blindly follow Archie’s request without thinking of the consequences, only so he could be sure the other would love him.

The question had him searching for words. “I don’t know.” He couldn’t do what Archie was asking of him and Archie couldn’t forgive him unless he did. They were at a stalemate and the only answer was one Victor didn’t want to voice: that they couldn’t work this out.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vic
Age: 22
Birthday: 25/12
Occupation: Medicine student
Sexuality: Pansexual
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