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Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
It was late in the afternoon when Kaye looked up from her paperwork, cigarette between her fingers. The late spring wafted through the open windows, carried on a breeze that caressed her face with a light, feathery touch. Ruffling strands of her platinum hair.                                                

Kaye took a drag from her cigarette, ready to call for her assistant to bring her some more coffee when she heard her phone buzz. She glanced around the stacks of paper scattered on her desk. Trying to discern from where exactly the sound was coming from. She eventually fished it out from underneath a stack of faux health bills that were in need of a signature and glanced at the screen.

With a grimace she recognized the number. One of her buyers. The pain killers Viktor provided her where an immediate hit. The buyers practically had lined up. The cashflow it had provided her made her greedy heart sing. Even more so when she upgraded from her southside apartment to one downtown in the heart of the city. Closer to her job, The Golden Eye, and with more money to spend than ever before.

It was enough to make her forget about her worries and fractured state of mind. Enough to fill up the loneliness, albeit for a fleeting moment. To take her mind off the shit that had been her life now that life had finally thrown her a bone. A bone she herself had made. She. No one else. Certainly not her stingy brother.

Instead of feeling joy at the prospect of her buyer wanting more, she felt her stomach drop. She let the phone buzz as her fingers automatically reached for the bottom drawer, pulling out a bottle of scotch. She pulled the cap off and brought it to her lips to take a quick sip. Staring at the buzzing phone until the noise died down and the lit up screen faded to black.

Viktor is late with his shipment. Very late. He doesn’t answer my calls, either. If I don’t  resolve this soon I am going to have to go back to Kav and beg her for a loan. The thought sounded so offending that she felt her whole face contort. No. She would have to confront him herself. A thought that struck fear inside the hardened woman.

Kaye was completely content with their arrangements. They kept it strictly business and she did not have to confront anything that had happened in their past. Seeing him in person might invite him to start up about it again. Might.

Gods, she hated it. “Fuck this.” she hissed. Putting the bottle back, grabbing her phone and car keys and making her way out. “Divert my calls. I’m off on business.” she said curtly in passing towards her assistant who threw her a questioning look but did not dare ask her at the sight of her expression.

Kaye slid into the driver seat of her newly bought Maserati Quattroporte and started the engine. The car so brand new still that the smell of ‘new car’ enveloped her like a cloak. Only helping a little to calm her nerves as she drove towards Viktor his clinic.

By the time she arrived Kaye had managed to school her face and assume her ‘business’ demeanor. Remembering her that this, too, was just business after all.
+ Vik

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He had done this to himself. It had been his fault that he had done this to the clinic. Yet, the only thing that he had found once he had stepped back into it with a clearer head, was the pokémon sitting trembling in the corner. For a moment Viktor had been confused, this was not a pokémon of his. That was until slowly the pieces got placed together, when he connected the dots that he had seen this pokémon. Only in a flash, only for a short moment after Johnny had stepped into his clinic. This had been his pokémon, and after he had closed the clinic, it had gotten stuck here. Nix and Jackie had taken care of it, so it hadn't gotten anything short, but it was still a fire type pokémon that could've any moment blow up his clinic. So he had to be careful.

It hadn't exactly worked out, the burns on his arms spoke volume about that, but in the end he had some kind of truce with the Quilava. Viktor wondered what he was going to do with it. Maybe he could ask Shaelyn is she wanted to have it. However, it was the pokémon of her ex, maybe not a smart idea. Anyway, a problem for later. He had only been here to see what more useful stuff he could get out before people were getting their last shipments. One last time, then he had to make sure that they won't even come back. He was sure that it wouldn't be easy, to break a deal like the ones that he had. But as long as Shae or his kids weren't harmed, he could deal with the consequences.

Viktor decided to take a break, he had found a seemingly random box tugged away somewhere and wasn't sure what had been inside, but he wanted to carry it upstairs and see what was going on. He lit a cigarette, maybe he should slow down on that. He was smoking an awful lot ever since he had destroyed the clinic. Shaking his head as he sighed deeply, placing his head against the wall. Until he heard heels tapping on the pavement in the alleyway. The Umbreon sitting next to him growling at the woman that came into the light. Viktor opened just one eye to recognize the woman there. "Kaye? For what do I owe the visit?" He spoke casually, as he crossed his arms before his chest.

+ kaye mercer

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Heels clicking on the pavement echoed through the alleyway as Kaye made her way towards the door of Viktor’s clinic. The smell of his cigarette reached her before she reached him. Seeing the smoke pile up from the doorway. He stood at the top of the stairs, leaning against the wall casually with a cigarette between his lips. A shiny Umbreon stood at his side. The creature began to growl at her when he clocked her hovering at the foot of the stairs.

Viktor’s tone of voice was casual. That pleased her. She knew he would not have greeted her any different, but there was still this lingering fear. What if, what if. Either way, she’d be grateful once it was over. “Viktor,” she greeted with a nod. “Business, I’m afraid. Our business.” She continued. Face fixed while she took a few steps towards the stairs.

“Can I come up? I trust you keep that mongrel of yours in line,” Kaye wasn’t looking to get bit today. She gave the Umbreon an icy look. Ugh, how she hated those dog pokémon ..

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
His cyan eyes took a good long look over her. She looked better then the last time they had been here. No visible wounds this time, so that was better. He should not care for the woman in front of him, yet she had been under his care for a long enough time for him to do just that. So as she announced that she was here for business, their business, he only sighed and pushed himself of the wall. He had seen this coming, not so soon however. It wasn't necessarily a problem, he had taken precaution for situations like this.

When she started about his pokémon, he raised a brow. "Depends, if you're going to call him that, probably not. Goro is no fan of strangers, his previous trainer dumped him in the lobby of this building, he's... cautious." Just like its trainer right now, as Viktor was not sure how Kaye would handle the information about him wanting to break the deal that they had.

"I don't think you're going to like the state of the clinic, so let me tell you this. You get your shipment, I have one prepared, it will ship out tomorrow. After that, I'm done. Find another supplier." There was no need to beat around the bush, they both knew that they could not handle that.

+ kaye mercer

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Viktor came to the defense of his Umbreon. Claiming he had been dumped in a lobby by his previous trainer. That made Kaye’s eyebrow raise also, albeit it for a different reason. What complete moron would leave a valuable asset like that in a lobby? The money that thing would fetch on the black market ..

“Fair enough. I’ll keep my distance and give him his space,” she said reluctantly. Beginning to climb the stairs. She was only halfway up when Viktor dropped the bomb. The comment made her stop dead in her tracks as her stomach did a threesixty. Her eyes began to blaze with fury as her hand gripped the handrail tighter than necessary.

“What?!” For a moment she was too stunned to say more than that, but unfortunately for the both of them the moment was short lived as she began to gear up for warfare. The lingering depth she still owed to a cliënt in Belville, the down deposit on her new apartment next to Dawnbrook Lake .. the buyers. The buyers.

“What kind of business do you pretend to be running here? I thought you were a professional. I would not have approached you for less,” she began. Seething with rage. Her worry inside her mind turning up tenfold as the need for a double glass of scotch began to skyrocket. “Your product sells faster than a ten dollar hooker in Rosewood.” The densest populated streets of the city with the most crime. Four blocks of no good vermin. The kind of place Kaye used to occupy as a kid. The one the city council so pointendly decided to avoid in their annual election campaigns. “Why the fuck do you want to pull out now?” Kaye hissed with a bite in her tone.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
The moment he told her where he was standing with this, he could count the seconds down before she would explode. He was used to her temperament, he had tried to get a part of it out. It had been the reason why he had given up on training her in the first place. Even now, he raised a brow while she spoke to him. The words laced with venom as she asked what kind of business he was running. That she though him to be a professional. He let her rage, knowing better then to go against her when she was in this state.

When she was done, he sighed deeply, taking a drag from his cigarette before throwing it in a trash bin. "You done?" He asked casually. He had gotten surprisingly good in keeping his anger in check, even with everything that had happened lately. Now that he had set his mind to closing most of the shady practises that he provided, a lot of weight had fallen of his shoulders. He only had to deal with people like Kaye to cut those deals.

"I am a professional, which means I also know when to call quits. Most of my produce is still being sold around the boxing rings, together with the shipment sent tomorrow, it's the last bits that I have." That was not entirely true, he would always keep a few vials just in case of emergencies, but Kaye didn't have to know that. "I don't 'want out'. I call quits after getting shot and threatened more then enough of late. They are getting close to the people that I care about and I'm not going to let them kill the people that I love most."

"Clinic is closed, Kaye. Go home, don't even think about doing anything reckless here. You know you can't win a fight against me."

+ kaye mercer

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
The response Kaye got from Viktor wasn’t one she expected. His calm and collected demeanor took her aback—a far cry from the intense and demanding Viktor who had trained her when she was younger. The measured way he addressed her made her want to scream in frustration. She had just made it. She had finally crawled back out of the abyss she had fallen into, now bringing in double the amount of money she had before.

Yet here he was, unruffled, as if her triumph meant nothing because her moneycow decided to stop the shipment. Anxiety shot through her like an ice-cold bullet. Desperation gnawed at her like a starved rattata left to fester in a cage, chewing relentlessly at the bars. She would lose everything—the money, the status, the riches—if Viktor did not come through with his usual shipments. She'd be nothing again, she realized, a nobody clawing at the edges of survival. The buyers would pull back. Word would spread. The shit she would find herself in ...

She looked at him then, taking him in with her gaze and for a fleeting moment she felt a pang of longing for the protective man she had once known. The father figure he had been to her. Kaye tore her gaze away. Fingers absentmindedly stroking the rough burn scarring on her left hand as she pushed her need away.

Kaye understood his words all too well. Protecting those that you care about the most. Doing whatever is necessary no matter the cost. Sympathy and understanding bubbled under the surface. Fighting with the defiance and anger simmering beneath. Fighting for dominance as she so desperately wanted to take him up on that challenge despite knowing the end result before the battle had even begun.

“.. You been shot?” She eventually said between clenched teeth. It was simply the only thing she could manage to say without raising her voice.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
It was in these moments that he was glad that he had taken up on Shea's request to keep his anger under control. He had always done it himself, with the training provided to him by his father. Only recently, he had learned that that had not been the right way to fix his problems, that he was only delaying the inevitable. He had once already let his control slip, when he hit Sim by accident. Technically a second time as well, but then he could redirect his anger to the one harassing him and Shae at the boxing match. He didn't want to let that happen again and had agreed with her that he had to figure out all the trauma that he had endured in his youth.

So now he could stand here, with his arms crossed, waiting for her to react to what he had said. Without the anger setting his skin on fire or the emotions going out of control. No, Viktor was calm and collected. He would make his case clear and make sure that she would leave without any of them getting hurt. But still, it surprised him when she asked to him getting shot, to which he slowly nodded. For a moment he wondered how he was going to explain this to her, being honest might have its consequences. "The ex of the one I'm seeing tried to kill me." In the end that would be the best explanation he could muster. She didn't need to know the details, so this broad a story was perfect.

+ kaye mercer

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Viktor’s eyes crossed hers for a moment before he gave a slow nod. His words filtering through her as she tried to collect herself and calm the racing thoughts that threatened to consume her wholly.

She, too, gave a slow nod after a pause. “Yep,” was all she muttered. “It can be like that sometimes.” Kaye swallowed hard as she hovered on the stairs. Her knuckles turned white from the hard grip she was maintaining on the rails. She quietly assed his face. Noting that despite her earlier thoughts that he had not changed physically, she was wrong. He had aged. The lines in his face are more pronounced and a certain calm behind his eyes. She wanted to punch him for it.

“Viktor,” Kaye’s voice was cold. ”I don’t suppose there is anything I can do to change your mind.” I wasn’t a question but a ascertainment.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Viktor Vektor
Messages : 870
IC Posts : 770

Viktor Vektor
He somewhat felt bad for her. But in this instance he was the catalyst for her problems, a role he didn't want to take upon his shoulders. He should have known better then to strike that deal with her, if he had known what the future would bring. It hadn't been an easy decision on his part as well. He was throwing away his livelihood for someone, hoping that everything would come around again. Now he was here, destroying her dream as well. Or if it could really be called a dream, at least. So when she called his name and asked if there really wasn't anything she could do to change his mind, he only shook his head. "There is nothing." He said calmly, before getting up to walk away.

As he turned his back to her, fully aware that if she wanted to do anything to him, this would be the opportune moment. "Kaye." He said her name on a calm manner, before looking over his shoulder. "I'm working on setting up a gym in this building. If you ever feel the need to start training again, do stop by. It probably won't fix your problems, but it is better then destroying yourself from the inside out." He might not like the woman she had become, he once had seen the same hope that he saw in Sang. And as his son was struggling right now, he saw her struggling and if there was any way he could help relieve even the smallest of burdens, he would try to do so.

+ kaye mercer

Character sheet
Nickname: Vik, Viky, Victor, Vicktor
Age: 46 y/o
Birthday: 05-04-1978
Occupation: Ripperdoc / Ex pro-boxer
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Viktor’s answer didn’t come as a surprise. She had already known the answer before the question had left her lips and as he turned his back to her, Kaye felt like some kicked puppy. Bitter disappointment gripping her insides.

What she had not expected came next however. She herself had already turned away slightly, intending to walk away before her name caused her to halt suddenly. Cocking her head as she regarded him.

His words struck her like thunderclap. He was glad he had his back turned to her, because for a moment her entire face contorted to that of unadulterated shock. Spinning around instantly to shield herself from Viktor seeing her guard drop like a stone. The mask she so carefully crafted break and fall.

Bewilderment painted her face .. and perhaps even a little bit of disbelief.

She felt an immediate eagerness to take him up at his offer. At the prospect of someone out there caring enough about her to even offer her such a thing. Disbelief that he meant it while knowing deep down that he did. Only Vik would make her an offer like that. The old Vik that had taken an angry kid in and trained her up until she had gone ahead and spoiled it all by doing what she had always done.

Kaye schooled her face and raced down the stairs with more haste than necessary. Leaving the broad shouldered man behind as she exited the alleyway.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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