
Spring cleaning

2 posters
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
He'd been watching the entrance like a creep for at least an hour now. The day was grim and rainy so not at lot of patrons had entered or left. Somewhere he had expected to see his establishment burned down and destroyed. Was he pleasantly surprised? No, but he was at least a little surprised. Apparently Kaye did have some management skills in her.

As Kaz finally approached, seeing nothing strange or out of the ordinary on the outside, he flicked a cigarette bud into the gutter. Time to see what it looked like on the inside. The Houndoom next to him wagged his tail softly, happy be in familiar surroundings again. Kaz hadn't told anyone where he'd gone, let alone that he would leave for multiple months. Truth be told, it had been on a whim. A risky gamble. It hadn't paid off but he wasn't telling anyone that. In fact, he would simply pretend that he had never left at all.

The rythm of his cane betrayed his presence as the man limped into The Golden Eye. Patrons didn't look up. To them, he was simply another visitor. The woman behind the bar however, did a double take. Kaz didn't recognize her, nor did he recognize one of the enforcers close to the door. It wasn't busy yet, but Kaz very much realised that Kaye did some cleaning around here. Kaz paid no mind to anyone giving him surprised looks. He simply walked over to his office and came to the conclusion that at least Kaye hadn't changed the locks. It was something.

While the establishment had been clean as ever, the same couldn't be said for his office. Dirty dishes, empty cups and bottles of scotch were strewn all around. Kaz stood in the door opening for a moment, letting out a very annoyed sigh. He signaled to one of the employees to get in there and get it cleaned up. He waited outside the door as they rushed in and started stacking. By the time everything was clean, ten minutes had passed.

The man finally entered, moving over to his desk and sitting down. Grymm settled besides him as he always had. As Kaz wanted to lean his cane against the desk, his hand brushed past a now familiar bottle in his pocket. Remembering the doctor's advice, Kaz ignored it and popped one into his mouth to swallow it dry. Instantly after that he lit another cigarette and bowed over the many papers on his desk. Time to do some management.
Voor Kaye <3

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye ran a hand through her still damp hair. The familiar feeling of her tired muscles after an intense workout bringing comfort to her troubled mind. The fog in her brain of never ending, racing thoughts finally calmed and brought down to a soft shimmer. Despite her ever growing worry about Vik’s missed delivery and the clients who were growing impatient.

Her mind was turned on twenty four seven ever since Kaz had left for- Arceus knew where. At first she had been worried, though she would rather shoot herself in the foot than ever admit that to him. Then as the days turned into weeks it had evolved into frustration. Her idiot brother abandoned his post.

Kaye felt that her worries about work once more took center stage. Creeping back once she was in the sanctuary of her brand new sedan. the humm of the engine rolling through her as she drove. The familiar drive back to The Golden Eye. A drive she had taken so many times that she could do it with her eyes closed. Perhaps that's why her mind always wandered when she was en route to the bar.

By the time she had made it inside and was heading for her office, she failed to notice the looks of the staff as she passed them. Heading upstairs and swinging the door open with casualness. It was then that she saw the man sitting in the chair behind the desk. Cane resting beside him, cigarette between his lips as if he had never left.

“Kaz,” She didn’t succeed to keep the look of disappointment from flashing across her face. She hovered in the door opening. Visibly stunned by the unannounced appearance of her brother. “I thought you left us for good.” Kaye said mockingly in an attempt to regain her composure. Stepping inside the office and closing the door with more vigor than needed. Her fingers retrieving a cigarette without registering she did so. Inhaling the nicotine as she approached Kaz at his desk. Unpleasant expression adorning her face.

Isolith slinked from underneath her coat. The shiny Mimette snaking down her arm and curling around her scarred hand and fingers. Its intense gaze focused on Kaz and the pokémon by his side. Curious about them while also remaining cautiousness at the confusing emotions that its master radiated.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
A part of him wondered if perhaps the staff had warned his sister before she had arrived at his office. But by the way she was hovering on the doorstep and clearly wasn't sure what to do for a a moment, it was clear to him they hadn't. How ironic. Kaz didn't spare Kaye a glance, simply putting out his cigarette as his sister lit one for herself. Grymm went to a sitting position, now alert. Conversations between the siblings never really went without a shout or two.

"Kaye," he finally greeted her, finishing his first stack of papers. Kaz looked up, meeting his sisters gaze. He ignored the strange creature with her, neither intimidated nor interested in where she plucked that odd sock puppet from the streets. Her snide didn't really hurt either. "I'm not letting you burn my company to the ground," Kaz calmly replied, leaning back in his chair. "I see we have new staff." He wasn't happy with that, but Kaz was very hard to please anyway. In fact, some might even deem it impossible.
Voor Kaye <3

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
A tension hung between them that neither of them acknowledged as Kaz moved aside his stack of papers and Kaye stared him down with an icy gaze. She regarded him for a few moments. Not sure whether she should chew him out first for leaving her with his shit for months or mock him for the snide comment he followed his greeting up with.

As if she would ever let that happen. She possessed far more skill to run things than he ever could. If it weren’t for her the entire place had gone belly up in the middle of her brother’s little field trip. Ungrateful little ..

“Yes,” she hissed. Pulling the spare chair back with more vigor than needed and settling in it with a huff. Holding onto her Mimette with an iron grip when she felt it trying to get closer to Kaz. No doubt to cause trouble. “With you leaving so suddenly and leaving this place to rot, I saw it as the prime opportunity to clean up and put some people in charge who actually are good for something. Experienced crewmen who keep their mouths shut, do what they are told and aren’t here just on some merit.” And  who are completely devoted to my command.

It would serve her well to be able to keep an eye on things in her absence. Especially now that Kaz had returned and she would have to find a different office more.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
Kaz tried to remain as calm as possible. Doctor's advice, to not get his body into further trouble. But knowing he had taken his medication mere minutes ago and that it would soon kick in, brought him peace enough. As did the fact that Kaye was not happy to see him. Clearly something was up.

Whatever it was though, he needed to find out himself. After all, Kaye would never admit something to him, or share her secrets. Just like he would never with her. "Those were my men. They were trained well enough. Besides, this falls outside of your jurisdiction." He spoke calmly, not letting Kaye's agitated state get to him. He ignored the jabs out his absence, as if he hadn't even heard it in the first place. "Get them back." It wasn't a request, but a very simple command. And one he was pretty sure Kaye would ignore.
Voor Kaye <3

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
Kaye let out a sarcastic sound at his remark. Trained well enough? Oh sure. For the piss poor job that Kaz demanded of them. Their performance was so dissatisfying, that in a way he was right. For the level of skill he demanded of his staff, they had been excellent.

“You lost that jurisdiction when you got up and left on your little holiday,” She took a long drag of her cigarette. Shaking her head in disappointment. The questions fresh in her mind. Why had he left? And to do what? She intended to get an answer to both of those questions tonight.

Kaye leaned slowly back in the chair, placed her heels on his desk and crossed her feet. “No.” She said plainly. Dismissing the entire command with unwavering ease. “If you want them back you need to do it yourself. Sit the chair and do the job. Be my guest and watch the figures in Kavya’s little book drop by 80%.” Not that far, surely. Though it was always the time and place for little exaggeration.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
Ah yes, there it was. The parts of Kaye that made Kaz wonder if he really wasn't the eldest of the two. Her stubbornness could so easily get him just as angry as her. But now... Kaz stayed oddly calm. Instead of meeting her anger or letting out one of his annoyed sighs, he kept looking at her. His one golden eye keeping contact with her as he softly tapped his pen on his desk.

"Hm." he gruffed, as if acknowledging that Kaye had indeed spoken. There was no bone in his body that wanted to tell her where he really had gone. What he really had done. Not that it was quite riveting or life changing. Maybe not for Kaye, but Kaz definitely could feel a change.

Eventually he put down the pen. "I did indeed see that the Golden Eye has made some more profit in my absence." Kaz calmly continued, waving away Kaye's agressive words. "I suppose thanks to you." He hummed, picking up a new stack of papers to work through and picking up his pen. "Speaking of, where is Kavya?" His right hand and bookkeeper had always been so inseperable. Trouble in paradise?

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kaye Mercer
Messages : 298
IC Posts : 201

Kaye Mercer
There was an absence of fire in Kaz’ usual snappy demeanor.  Kaye had fully expected to bite at her remarks first change he got. Instead he seemed .. calm. Collected even. Wherever he had gone when he had vanished, it must have been god damn peaceful if this was his new persona.

And yet .. no .. surely if she poked the bear a bit more she would get the usual response.

“Yes, little brother,” She answered when he continued. “I made sure that we got the best out of the situation. I haven’t been doing nothing while you were away. I’ve .. worked about four jobs at once, really.” Kaye said it with a faux dismissal in her tone, while also hinting at the fact that she was still very bitter about his sudden departure. A thing she wasn’t going to let him get off the hook for the foreseeable future. “Kavya has located her whereabouts to another office for the time being.” Kaye said with a casual hand movement. Not intend on explaining further. She couldn’t stand to look at the other woman for longer than two minutes . The arrangement had been mutual. “Feel free to retrieve her, I’m sure she would be more than happy to go back to working full time back into your employ.” Kaye took another drag, letting her wounded hand wander absentmidendly over the armrest of the chair. Thinking back about that wholly unpleasant time. That little slip up of hers.

How Kavya had cared for her and made her look weak. How much she had yearned for her sweet promises in that dark pit.

Character sheet
Nickname: K, Mercer
Age: 30
Birthday: 25 February 1994
Occupation: Lieutenant (The Syndicate)
Sexuality: Lesbian
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