
[Journey] Parasite Eve

2 posters
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
journey card

Hi, this is Kaz' first journey. I'm looking for any pokémon fitting him [Gengar? [insert shy emoji]] or an affinity [poison or ghost].

Kaz has a walking impairment and is with his trusty Pokémon companion Grymm (Houndoom) whom he raised from when he was young. He traveled to the Shadowfell in hopes of finding something / someone to help him assert his position within the criminal underworld.

After being back for a week, Kaz already craved the silence and loneliness he had experienced the past few months. Being away from Sanctum City had made him feel both homesick and free, and it had been difficult to deal with those conflicting emotions. And now that he was back, he didn't feel satisfied at all. Why couldn't life be simple sometimes?

What Kaz did know, was that he needed to step up his game. His time away made him realize that the world didn't stop. People continued to do stupid things, events still happened. Now back and firmly in his position as proprietor of the Golden Eye, Kaz knew that he needed to stay here. Or even better, grow. The man knew he could never fully trust his sister, no matter how badly he wanted it. And it was one of the reasons he sough out this desolate place.

He kicked a rock away with his cane, following the path into the ruined city. Grymm was next to him, following every step. His ears were up and his tail swished from left to right, showing Kaz that he was alert. The man felt no fear, at least not yet. He was not someone to quickly believe in ghost stories. Most likely the Shadowfell, what an edgy name too, was simply scary because people had something to gain from it. But they wouldn't scare Kaz. He was here to get what he wanted. Whatever that was.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

Deep in thought, you find yourself wandering through the silent streets of the now forgotten city. Every step you take kicks up a little cloud of dust and debris, a hollow sound in the otherworldly silence that has fallen over this place. You find yourself not scared, yet intrigued by this place, wondering what it is that make others so scared of a place that was once inhabited by a civilisation.

Even in the creeping silence of your surroundings, it is your pokémon that notices different things. His ears following different strings of sounds, one that you are unable to distinguish. A low growl follows from Grymm, as the Houndoom stands still a decrepit building. Still, you're not sure what it is that has agitated your pokémon like this.  

From the corner of your eye, a flash gets your attention. Not even the flash of a light, but a reflection of some sort, coming from what looks like a town hall on the other side of the street. The door is open, broken and hangs in its hinged, but it is a clear way inside. The reflection coming from the second floor, but once you focus on it, it seems to have disappeared.

When setting a step forward, a wave of nausea washes over you, combined with a sharp pain of a starting headache. Your vision goes blurry for a moment and you feel like something is trying to pry into your mind. The feeling disappears when you set a step back.

Which way will you go?

Investigate the building that has Grymm on edge, there is clearly something going on in there, even if you're able to hear it for yourself.
Seek out the reflection, entering the town hall and discover its secrets.
Fight the nausea and the headache and continue on the path.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
After a while Kaz truly began to wonder why everyone was so afraid of this place. It was just desolate and destroyed. The dust that got swept up with every step, just told him that this was abandoned. No spirits lived here.

Kaz was about to continue when Grymm came to a halt. One step further, Kaz did as well. He looked over his shoulder before turning towards the Houndoom. "What is it, Grymm?" he asked, and despite his belief that this place wasn't haunted he kept his voice low. As if somewhere deep down he felt the need to be careful. Usually when Grymm growled at something, it meant trouble or danger. Kaz followed the Pokémon's gaze, trying to find what it was looking at. "Follow." He muttered to the mon, wanting to move forward.

But then a flash from the corner of his eye. Gun? Mirror? Or a simple sunny reflection? Kaz head turned sharply to try and catch a glimpse of it. Yes, a reflection. He narrowed his eyes to try and get a better look at it, but with his one eye he quickly lost track and suddenly it was gone. Weird. Oh well, time to move on.

One step forward and he found himself heavily leaning for support on his cane, nearly buckling over. The bile rising in his throat was hard to keep down and he quickly took a step back. Grymm pressed against his leg, trying to offer him support. Kaz took a deep breath. It had been a very long time she had felt that bad. That wasn't good. Between these three things happening, Kaz felt like his choice was clear. He wasn't going anywhere where Grymm thought danger was ahead, nor was he going to die in this place, let alone vomit.

Kaz straightened himself, dusted off his jacket and turned his attention towards the run down town hall. The only option left. A few careful steps first, to test out if the nausea would return before he quickened his pace as best as he could. Time to find out who- or what- was trying to get his attention.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

As you turn around and walk into the direction of the Town Hall, you can't shake the feeling that you might have missed something in the other, not explored options that had presented themselves to you. But a choice has been made and you have turned your back towards those options. Walking towards the building that once stood proud in the city, big and looming. A sign of power that was found within the Shadowfell.

Your cane taps rhythmically on the stones as you walk towards the building, your pokémon at your side, keeping an eye out for everything that wasn't normal. But a lot of thins aren't normal in this place and you start to feel that jittery feeling deep within you, that something is not right.

The moment you step in the Town Hall, you can see that either a whirlwind or a big fight has once taken place here. With the benches destroyed, doors hanging in their hinges and splinters of wood scattered everywhere.

As you walk towards the centre, your senses pick up a few things. In the far back a door creaks softly as if a gust of wind blows through the town hall. The creaking almost beckoning you to come closer. On your left stands the remain of a bookcase, holding different kinds of books and scrolls. But you also remember that reflection that seem to have come from the second floor.

Where to will you go

Investigate the creaking door, see what mysteries lie behind it.
Examine the bookcase, maybe it can give you some insight about this place.
Move up to the second floor and see if you can find the reflection that caught your attention.
Decide to go somewhere else within the building.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
Going here alone might have been a mistake. Still not scared, but perhaps worried a little for his safety, Kaz approached the town hall. Every so often he looked up to the second floor, trying to gauge if the reflection was still there. Grymm staid at his side, making sure that Kaz set the right steps and didn't tumble over any loose debris. With Grymm, Kaz felt a little stronger.

Moving inside, Kaz made sure to make as little sound as possible. If there was still anything in here, he would at least not disturb it. He was here for power, not for death. The view was big but destroyed. Most likely this had been beautiful and impressive once. Now Kaz was kind of disappointed. It was just the same as it was outside. Somehow he had expected something more. Something... more imposing.

He considered his options. Kaz had gone inside to find out about the reflection, but upon looking around he noticed that that might have been too hasty. The door in the back definitely got his attention, some strange dark invite to come closer. The stairs didn't look too inviting and then there was the bookcase... Kaz definitely wasn't a reader, aside from the usual work things or e-mails, he didn't open a book for leisure. But perhaps it could offer him insight on what was going on here. He never liked going in blind.

With a soft sigh, Kaz made his decision. The reflection would come later, as would anything else in this place. Carefully, the man moved towards the bookcase. Time to see what secrets this place held before he dived in headfirst.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

you've rolled a 17 on a d20 for investigation.

As you walk over to the bookcase, leaving the thought of the mirror and the door creaking as an afterthought, you eyes quickly fall on the scattered scrolls. All of them looking old, thorn and withered, as if they have tried to escape time itself. Some are clearly partially destroyed, probably around the same time as that the building got ransacked. As you take a good look over the scrolls, none of them in particular catches your attention.

However, what you do notice, is the wax seals that some of them have. Eight of these scrolls have these seals, all of them unbroken, however the scrolls are damaged and you can see parts of the written word peak through.

Will you take a look at one of these eight scrolls, find something else of interest within the bookcase, or leave it for now?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
As he approached teh bookcase, he motioned for Grymm to go behind him. Once arrived, the Houndoom took a seat, keeping an eye on the area surrounding them and ready to get into action the moment any potential danger would arrive. In the meantime, Kaz quietly surveyed the bookcase. He wasn't a reader, so nothing immediately sprung out. He didn't know what was really important.

Except.... His eyes fell on the scrolls with seals still unbroken. Strange and yet intriguing. Something was up with them for sure. Kaz didn't know much about scrolls or old messages and whatnot, but he knew a seal meant business. He wanted to take them all, break each seal and read them, but in the back of his head he still remembered he needed to be careful. One more time he looked around to make sure they were alone before Kaz carefully reached out and plucked out a scroll. Perhaps if it was interesting enough, he could go for another one.

Kaz carefully examined it, making sure not to leave any more lasting damage than the scroll already had. After making sure it was safe to open, the man broke the seal, unfolding it to read the contents.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The scrolls with the seals catch your attention, unbroken seals sometimes mean that there is something of worth written within these scrolls. You decide to take a gamble, picking out a scroll at random to break the seal and read what is written inside.

you've rolled a 3 on a d8 for the scroll.

The parchment feels heavy in your hands and with a soft plopping sound, the seal comes off, revealing it's context. The text written inside is vague, some of the words are missing, it is clearly worn out by time and the destruction that took place here. The text reads as followed.

"...residents started reporting unexplained...and strange...Flickering lights, shadows...without a source, and whispers in the...night became common...The council dismissed these accounts as mere..., products of overactive...However, fear quietly spread among the..., growing with each new...An unsettling sense of...settled over the city, casting long shadows of...and suspicion on what was once People began to avoid certain..., and a once-thriving...started to feel like where...was uncertain..."

The information is vague, it doesn't give you a clear picture of what happened within these walls. But you also feel a chill going over your body while reading this scroll.

What will you do next, pick out another scroll or try to make out what this one is telling you?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
Picking it up and making sure he only broke the seal and not the rest of the scroll, Kaz unrolled the parchment. His eyes scanned the page, looking for any signature or point of interest that he might recognize. But after not seeing anything, Kaz went and read through the scroll. He even read it multiple times, trying to make more sense of it each time that his eye went over the words.

So, something suspicious had been going on around here. Flickering lights and shadows, but no mention of reflections. Of course, if authority was not going to take things seriously, then all hell could break loose. People would lose trust in them. Kaz pursed his lips together, committing the words to memory. Somehow, it felt important to remember this. It might just come in handy.

Carefully putting the scroll back, he looked at the ones still left. Perhaps they could offer more clarity. Perhaps the story continued on these other pieces of parchment. After making sure once again that both Grymm and he were safe, Kaz reached out once more. This time he picked up the scroll next to where the other had been, hoping to find some sort of continuation. Something that made it clear what had been going on.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The text on the scroll is only confusing you more, not sketching a full picture, but in stead giving you vague bits of information. Yet, you have the feeling that it is important and you decide to remember what has been written. Meanwhile, wondering if the story continues in the other scrolls. Picking up the scroll next to the one you just read, you once again plop open the wax seal and unroll the parchment. From a first glance, you notice that this scroll also has been worn by time and destruction, but the story does seem to be continuing.

"...council meetings devolved into chaos as accusations of...and...flew. Trust...rapidly among the members, and Mayor Thalmar's...grew. The once...council began to...under the pressure of their conflicting...and mounting fears. Heated arguments...commonplace, with...sides forming, each accusing the other of...The city's leadership...fragile, and the foundations of the...began to crack. Amidst the turmoil, the mysterious...on the upper floor...a focal point of contention. Some believed it their problems, while brought nothing but...The unity that once... was now a...of the past..."

The story is very much still incomplete, but it is giving you a bit more insight in what was going on within this place. The only thing that seem to be missing, is a date and you're still unsure how long ago this all happened. But the story eludes towards chaos and something that happened to the mayor. Will you investigate further?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
This time he was a little quicker when it came to handling the seal. He knew what kind of material they were made of and how the former scroll had survived his touch without crumbling. In hopes of finding out more of what had happened to this area, Kaz unfurled the next scroll.

... And was once again met with a confusing text that had missing words and half a story. Kaz surpressed a sigh but tried to piece things together nonetheless. Were they accusing someone of what was going on? Or was something bigger at play? The mention of the second floor made the man frown. Was this what he had seen as well? The reflection? Kaz hummed softly, scanning over the words, hoping to make more out to get more clarity. But this held so badly to time, that nothing new came of it.

Kaz sighed, slightly annoyed as he once again rolled up the scroll and put it back. Fine. "Grymm, keep watch," he commanded the Houndoom, making sure his Pokémon was not forgetting its task. Needing to know what had befallen this place, Kaz reached out once more to the scrolls, going further down the line to pick one up and read it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

The scrolls are giving you frustratingly little information. This second one making the story even more confusing, without providing any new information. Something has befallen this place, something that spread chaos through the people and somehow ended up with this town hall destroyed.

Giving your pokémon the command to keep the watch, you decide to skip most of the remaining scrolls and go straight to the last one, itching to find out what it is that happened to the town hall. Plopping open the wax seal, you let your gaze fall on the written word.

"...the town hall now lies in..., a silent testament to the events that led to the city's...Echoes of the the desolate...The mirror's presence remains, a haunting...of the...and folly that once brought...and ultimately led to...Survivors speak in hushed...about the final days, when...descended upon the city. The air...heavy with...and the streets...with the memories of those lost. Buildings stand as hollow...of what once was, their...faded and broken. The...that filled the city is now replaced with an...silence, broken only by the occasional...of the wind..."

While you have been looking for what happened to the town hall, you in stead found the aftermath of what it was what had befallen this place. Making you seem that you have missed parts of the story, yet you do figure out that what was on the second floor is the mirror that this scroll had been talking about.

Will you investigate the other scrolls still, or do you think you have enough information to go look somewhere else?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
Kaz suspected that the next scroll wouldn't give him much more information than the last two. They both had been extremely cryptic and with the state of the scrolls and the building, he expected his surroundings to be quite old. Not centuries, but perhaps a few good decades. Alright, maybe a century. The text on the scrolls wasn't written in any old script as far as he could tell.

Carefully, once more Kaz broke the seal and rolled open the scroll to read it. He had been right that they had been put in chronological order. His eyes flew over the words, trying to piece together the knowledge that he had received so far. So the reflection he had seen upstairs had been from a mirror? It seemed more plausible, given that it aligned with the point where he had seen the reflection. And somehow it held properties that gave people what they wanted? Or it was some sort of nightmare fuel. Strange. Perhaps he needed to check it out himself.

"It seems we're going on an adventure, Grymm," he said softly to the Houndoom. Kaz put back the scroll where he had found it and picked up his cane once more. He turned around and gazed the area, looking for the safest way to go to up and to the floor where he had spotted the reflection, before heading that way.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

While reading the last scroll, you figure out that the mirror is indeed the reflection that you have seen from the second floor. Armed with the information that you have gathered, you decide that now is a good moment as ever to move to the second floor and see for yourself what this mirror has been. Calling your pokémon to you, you turn around and take a good moment to look around.

you've rolled a 8 on a d20 for perception. It's a partial success.

Now that you focus on finding something, you can actually see how badly beaten this building is. Whatever happened to it had to be either very powerful or in large quantities. However, what you don't see is a save way to get up to the second floor.

What you can see

A ladder with half the steps broken.
A stone staircase, but the way up is blocked by a lot of different debris.
Large flags and rugs hanging from the ceiling that could work to climb up, but it would be dangerous.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
Looking around he only just now realized how badly this building was looking. It gave him a feeling that any part could collapse at any minute. Figuring out his chances, Kaz quickly realised that things weren't looking great for him. It was either hurting his leg really badly, or back down. Thing was though, Kaz rarely backed down from something. And he really wanted to know what that mirror was all about.

With a deep sigh he nodded to his hound to start moving. There was no way he was actively going to climb up any rags or flags. His grip would slip and the danger of falling and hurting himself was big. Kaz wasn't that strong and he didn't expect himself to get that far. The ladder was option number too, but that too felt unsafe.

What was left was the staircase. It was filled with debris, yes, but kaz could manouver with his slim body. And his cane he could use to hold on or get a grip or something. Grymm was lithe enough to hop over things. So, after a moment of consideration and standing before the staircase, Kaz went to find the easiest path for himself to get up. He was pretty sure it was going to be a long journey.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

As you look over your options, you see that all of them are about equally bad. Maybe for someone with a better working physique it might have worked out, but for you it is almost an impossible task. Yet, unable to give up on the task before you, you decide to take the path that you think might be the best with the limitations that you have.

Calling upon your pokémon, who easily jumps over the debris, while you yourself try to find a path through it.

you've rolled a 8 on a d20 with disadvantage for acrobatics.

Looking over the debris, you can see a small path, just big enough to squeeze yourself through. But with every careful step, you can see the debris underneath you shift and roll. Confident in your own abilities, you continue on, squeezing through and climbing over the debris to scale the stairs that might hold the secrets to the reflection you saw before.

you've rolled a 16 on a d20 for danger.

Confidence can be a silent killer and while you move, you miss one shift in the debris underneath you. And before you know it, you can feel and see a lose rock on your left move. It moves towards you, giving you a few moments to decide to either carry on and hurt yourself, or go back and maybe lose this path.

your journey continues...

Character sheet
Kaz LeBlanc
Messages : 59
IC Posts : 43

Kaz LeBlanc
So far so good. The path was barely there and he could feel his leg protest with every move he made, but yet Kaz carried on. Perseverance was one thing, but it was mostly his pride that made him move forward. Funny, because as far as he knew, no one was here to witness him doing this stupid shit but himself. But it felt like he had to prove himself over and over again. Even when no one was watching.

Kaz continued forward, making sure to see where he was going, as Grymm continued a bit further ahead to make sure the path was still safe. However, with all the crumbling around him and the acrobatics Kaz had to do, his focus on his surroundings faded. Before he knew it, things were going awry. It was mostly Grymm, who made a sudden sound, that made Kaz look up and see the danger approaching him. Of course he was not going out of here unscathed. But he was not going to back down.

Bracing himself and holding steadfast onto his cane, hoping that it would give him the balance he needed to not lose his footing and tumble further, Kaz awaited. This stupid rock wasn't going to knock him down. He had a goal to reach now.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kaz
Age: 26
Birthday: 25-10-1997
Occupation: Business Man
Sexuality: Bisexual
Messages : 188
IC Posts : 186

With the sound made by your Houndoom, you just get enough of a warning to notice that something is wrong. The rock that shifts, making the spot you're standing on feel unstable under your feet. Looking up at the danger coming at you with a surprisingly rapid pace, you decide that going back would be futile, as this is the only way to the second floor that you could find.

Bracing yourself with the help of your cane, you look at the rock coming at you. Your pokémon standing a few feet away, only watching to see what was going to happen, yet not helping unless a command is given. Certain about your own situation and strength, you stand still.

you've rolled a 12 on a d20 for strength.

With your cane safely planted on the ground and your feet steadily on either side, you look the danger in the eyes. As it rolls towards you, it is stopped by your cane, although you feel the vibrations going through the cane and your body, almost making you lose your grip. Stepping aside to make the rock move to the side, the path in front of you is now free of obstacles for you to reach the second floor.

What will you do next?

your journey continues...

Character sheet
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