
Decisions were made

2 posters
Ghiyath Zarouni
Messages : 17
IC Posts : 11
Ghiyath Zarouni
You haven't learned anything
Until you learn monsters have nightmares too

Arceus his neck hurt and his back. In a failed attempt to lighten the uncomfortable feeling, he turned on his other side. There was little room for movement, which did not help. He grumbled, mumbling something to himself.

At least it was still dark.

Ghiyath pulled his hoodie further over his face, keeping his eyes shut down. No matter what hour, it was too early and his head was ready to explode.

There was noise coming from outside which he could not place. All he knew was that it woke him up further from his already horrible slumber. The backseat of a car that had come in for repairs might not have been the best place for sleeping.

For now his eyes remained closed firmly and he did not move. Maybe he could fall asleep again and ignore whoever was here.


Character sheet
Nickname: Giya
Age: 22 years
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Gay
Jason Fletcher
Messages : 39
IC Posts : 36
Jason Fletcher

The garage had opened for the day and all his employees had arrived on time; only one was still missing. Jason sighed as he looked at the clock. It wouldn’t be the first time Ghiyath was late. There was no point in waiting for him to find his way to the garage and so Jay set off to start his first job of the day. A new car had come in for repairs and this morning he first wanted to assess what exactly needed to be done to it so he could start work on it.

He’d already opened up the front to look under the hood and now walked around the car to assess any other damage when he looked through the back window and he noticed something he hadn’t expected inside.

For a long moment Jay stood frozen, staring at the person inside the car.“Ghiyath?” he finally let out in surprise.

Now Jason was over the shock, he sprung into action and opened the door. “What are you doing here?” he spoke as he looked at the other sternly, but still with a hint of surprise and a bit of amusement he tried to hide in his voice and expression.

Character sheet
Nickname: Jay
Age: 29
Birthday: 13/12/1994
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Pansexual
Ghiyath Zarouni
Messages : 17
IC Posts : 11
Ghiyath Zarouni
You haven't learned anything
Until you learn monsters have nightmares too

There was the soft mumbling of voices from all around him. Familiar voices he knew very well by now. Or should know. Ask him the names of his colleagues and he wouldn’t know. Not that it mattered as long as they let him sleep in peace.

A peace that did not continue for much longer. Vaguely he heard his name, but it might as well have been his imagination. He turned to lay on his stomach, his head completely hidden in his hoodie. Then the car door opened and he grumbled loudly.

It was Jacy. Of course it was him. “What does it look like?” he replied, now his own voice muffled by the way he lay there. A horrible pressure built up in his head for a moment. Great, now he had a headache too.

“Close the door and go do something else.” Lazily he wave his hand towards somewhere, gesturing for the man to go away.

Character sheet
Nickname: Giya
Age: 22 years
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Gay
Jason Fletcher
Messages : 39
IC Posts : 36
Jason Fletcher

Jay couldn’t help but find it funny to discover Ghiyath asleep in the car, but he quickly hid the sparkle of amusement in his eyes. The garage was his now and so it was his job to keep his employees to their responsibilities and deal with them if they didn’t.

The moment Ghiyath told him to close the door and do something else, the amusement disappeared and was replaced with annoyance. Jason could deal with the occasional fuck-up, hell he’d pulled some shit himself when he was younger, but things were really going too far. Still, while Jay was aware that anyone else would’ve been fired long ago he couldn’t get himself to let go of the other.

“Get out of the car, Ghiyath,” he spoke, leaning on the open door as he waited for the other to start listening to him. “Clock’s started. There’s work to do.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Jay
Age: 29
Birthday: 13/12/1994
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Pansexual
Ghiyath Zarouni
Messages : 17
IC Posts : 11
Ghiyath Zarouni
You haven't learned anything
Until you learn monsters have nightmares too

Things from the previous night were slowly coming back to him as he gained more consciousness. Sleeping here had been a masterplan. No one would know. No one would bother him. He did not even have to wake up early to make it to work on time. And even then he managed to oversleep.

Jason was not having any of it. Childishly Ghiyath repeated what the man said, but his words were slugging and not even words. What did a man have to do to get a few hours of much needed sleep? He groaned in protest, turning his back to Jason as much as he could on the small backseat. “Without my morning coffee?” And even after he feared about his usefulness.

“Have someone else do it.” They were loud enough to wake the whole city. Surely they did not need him. Besides, he probably smelled of alcohol and sweat. No one wanted that around. Best thing he could do was stay put. Which was why he made no attempt to get out of that car.

Character sheet
Nickname: Giya
Age: 22 years
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Gay
Jason Fletcher
Messages : 39
IC Posts : 36
Jason Fletcher

Instead of getting out of the car, Ghiyath turned his back to him. Jay ran his hand through his hair. What was he supposed to do with Giya? No matter what he tried, the boy couldn’t find any motivation. “Should’ve thought of that before.” He sighed. “There’s still coffee in the breakroom,” he spoke though he knew it wouldn’t do anything to get the other out of the car.

From where Jay was standing in the door opening he could smell the alcohol on Giya. With the hangover the other was experiencing there was no way he would start work any time soon. Jay paused for a moment as he got an idea. “Last chance, Ghiyath. I’m not asking again, get out of the car,” he asked one last time.

He waited for an answer. If it was negative again, he would reach out and let out some of the electricity generated by his affinity out; a small shock, enough to jolt the other awake but not enough to hurt.

Character sheet
Nickname: Jay
Age: 29
Birthday: 13/12/1994
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Pansexual
Ghiyath Zarouni
Messages : 17
IC Posts : 11
Ghiyath Zarouni
You haven't learned anything
Until you learn monsters have nightmares too

As a parent Jacy was lecturing him but all his attempts were futile. Even if he wanted to get up by now, protect his back and neck that hurt more by the second, he would not. Simply because it was what Jacy wanted from him. Words lay on the tip of his tongue, but he was too tired to even say them out loud.

And then he was told what he wanted to hear. This was the last time Jacy would ask him to get out. While the meaning behind it was completely different, there was still a smile decorating his lips. Finally.

“I’m quite comfortable, thanks,” he told Jacy while he turned on his back to show him just how comfortable he was. “Close the door on your way out.” Maybe, just maybe he would understand that there was no way of motivating him.

Too bad luck was not on his side.

The shock that went through him was not painful, but still he let out a loud yelp. Immediately he jumped up, but as there was only so much space, he first hit his head against the ceiling and next he fell in between the front seat and backseat. “What the fuck man!” he yelled, anger seeping into his voice. Great now he had a hangover and a bad mood.

And he was very much stuck.

Character sheet
Nickname: Giya
Age: 22 years
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Gay
Jason Fletcher
Messages : 39
IC Posts : 36
Jason Fletcher

It was moments like these when Jay didn’t like his new role as owner of the garage. Before his father passed on the torch he could focus on the actual work, but now people looked at him to know what to do and he had to deal with anything going wrong, or anyone not listening to him.

He gave Ghiyath one final chance to get out of the car and when the other didn’t take it and instead told him to close the door on his way out, Jay reached out and let out a jolt of electricity as soon as he touched Giya.

What he’d hoped to accomplish was for Giya to jolt awake enough to get him out of the car and somewhere he wasn’t disrupting his work, but instead the younger man jumped up, hit his head and fell in between the front and back seat.

“I told you I wasn’t asking again,” he replied, annoyance showing in his voice. “Now just get out,” he spoke softer. Even if Giya was testing his patience, Jay felt sorry for making him hit his head and giving him an even worse headache. That had not been his intention.

Character sheet
Nickname: Jay
Age: 29
Birthday: 13/12/1994
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Pansexual
Ghiyath Zarouni
Messages : 17
IC Posts : 11
Ghiyath Zarouni
You haven't learned anything
Until you learn monsters have nightmares too

The shock itself was fine, the fall was something else entirely. His shoulders were in an uncomfortable position, squeezed against the rest of his body. If he truly wanted, he would be able to get out. But that was the problem, wasn’t it?

With anger bright in his eyes he glared up at Jacy towering over him. “No longer a possibility.” An over exaggeration for sure. He was fine, the headache was annoying and he might get a few bruises, but nothing major.

”There is no way I’m in any state to be working right now, thanks to you, Jacy. What I need is to see a doctor.” He held out a hand, needing help if he wanted to get out of this situation, because he was not putting effort in it.

Character sheet
Nickname: Giya
Age: 22 years
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Gay
Jason Fletcher
Messages : 39
IC Posts : 36
Jason Fletcher

Fuck that had not been what he’d intended to happen. Seeing the other fall between the seats made him feel sorry for shocking the other, but the angry glare and words Giya directed at him resulted in his annoyance at the younger man only growing. If the other would just do what he was supposed to do, everything would be so much easier.

After taking a second to calm down a bit, Jay took Giya’s hand with a sigh. “I’ll take you,” he spoke as he helped the other out of the car. “But I can’t keep giving warnings, not if you can’t even do the bare minimum.” Like showing up on time, or not using the cars as a sleeping spot.

Character sheet
Nickname: Jay
Age: 29
Birthday: 13/12/1994
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Pansexual
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