

2 posters
Shivani Devayani
Messages : 15
IC Posts : 13
Shivani DevayaniEnhanced Affinity
DevineNobody is coming to safe you.
Get up.
The mountains ended up to be less abandoned then Vani had hoped for. So, she had moved away again, walking further towards the forest, hoping it was big enough for her to stay away from prying eyes.

There had been a little voice inside her mind, wanting her to try and talk to these people - she didn't know them after all, what if they'd react differently!
But truth was, that Shivani had only experienced the negative reactions in the past, and that was what she had learned to believe. Humans didn't like her. Found her dangerous. Scary.


With a sigh, the girl looked around her. There was no-one in sight. Hadn't been for quite some time. Good. With a long exhale, Shivani pulled the scarf from her horns and shoulders. Closing her eyes as she felt the fresh air going through it, a small breeze over her flame-like arms.

She couldn't really blame the people now, could she. If she'd been normal, and saw someone like her, she'd probably turn away too.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vani
Age: 21
Birthday: 21 december
Jason Fletcher
Messages : 39
IC Posts : 36
Jason Fletcher

Sandy loved the forest and so Jay tried to come to Eldergrove as often as he could so the Emolga could visit the place she’d lived before they’d met. Happily, she was flying around from tree to tree while he walked beneath her on the ground. Without her, Jay would probably get lost in the forest, but he trusted her to know the way.

Looking around at the scenery, Jay noticed a girl not that far away from them when he could see in between two bushes. “Wow,” he let out before changing direction and walking towards her.

“Hey!” he announced his presence to her before continuing enthusiastically. “Those look so cool,” he said while gesturing towards her arms. “Did you make them yourself?” Not yet realising how strange it was for someone to walk around dressed up like this in a forest, he didn’t notice the dragonlike flames on her arms and the horns on her head were very much real.

Character sheet
Nickname: Jay
Age: 29
Birthday: 13/12/1994
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Pansexual
Shivani Devayani
Messages : 15
IC Posts : 13
Shivani DevayaniEnhanced Affinity
DevineNobody is coming to safe you.
Get up.
Vani froze when she suddenly heared a voice. For some reason, she hadn't noticed someone closing in. So, when the 'hey' was spoken, the girl tensed as she slowly turned towards the person.
Unsure what to do. Preparing herself for some nasty words - or worse.

'Those look so cool!' What? Shivani's brows furrowed in confusion as the man talked on. Asking her if she made them herself. "I - made them?" What the hell was he talking about? "I - no - they are not -" It would have been a better explaination, she now realised. At least for meeting people the first time - she could just have said that the horns, her arms, were fake.
Why hadn't she thought of that earlier? However, it was too late now, as it was clear that she - or nobody, in fact - had 'made' her horns or arms.

Vani swallowed the lump in her throat, instincts on high alert, waiting for a sign that she would need to run.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vani
Age: 21
Birthday: 21 december
Jason Fletcher
Messages : 39
IC Posts : 36
Jason Fletcher

Jay’s enthusiasm was curbed by the girl’s confusion. She didn’t seem to understand what he was talking about and so he gestured towards the horns on her head. “Someone else did?” he asked to clarify what she meant after she stammered that they weren’t, now confused himself.

“I’m sorry if I startled you. Didn’t mean to come out of nowhere and scare you. I’m Jay,” he tried to start the meeting that was going horribly so far again, not sure what else to do.

Then the meaning of her words downed on him and he looked her over properly this time. “They’re real?” he asked hesitantly, not entirely sure he’d interpreted her correctly since that couldn’t be what she’d meant, right?

Character sheet
Nickname: Jay
Age: 29
Birthday: 13/12/1994
Occupation: Mechanic
Sexuality: Pansexual
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