
We get them all

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Shivani Devayani
Messages : 15
IC Posts : 13
Shivani DevayaniEnhanced Affinity
DevineNobody is coming to safe you.
Get up.
Shivani hadn't dared to make her way out of the forest yet. No matter how much she was needing for it, deep down, she simply didn't dare to.
She had noticed the city not far from here, but for now she was fine, spending her days by the water - both her Noivern and the Dragalge quite content with this arrangement, it seemed.

But the whole situation had her conflicted for sure. She was craving for contact with other people - friendly contact. The last couple of months had been shouting and running, and not much else. Vani simply didn't really dare to try anymore. All the reactions turned out to be the same.
Shouting, fear. Even people who really physically tried to get her to leave. Saying she wasn't safe for them to be around. That she was some kind of monster - her horns and flamesleeves were only proof of that.

It was what she'd heared for a long time now, and what she grew to believe. If everyone she encountered said so, it had to have truth in it, right?

Character sheet
Nickname: Vani
Age: 21
Birthday: 21 december
kryos argyron
Messages : 12
IC Posts : 8
kryos argyronEnhanced Affinity
You will rise from the ashes
But the burning comes first

The city was loud and crowded. While it carried beauty with it, it quickly became too much. With a soft headache accompanying him, Kryos had found his way towards the forest. There came a newfound sense of calmth and peace. This was more what he was used to.

Kryos found a spot near a particularly large tree where he sat down, his back leaning against it. He had left the path behind him. At least here he could remove the sweater and expose his skin to the wind.

Everything was almost perfect, until he could hear something. Almost like footsteps coming in closer. For a while he had closed his eyes as he had tried to get some much needed rest. They were open now, but he did not move from where he sat nor did he say anything. Kryos only looked over his shoulder trying to see if there really was someone without revealing his own location.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kari
Age: 24
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Unknown
Shivani Devayani
Messages : 15
IC Posts : 13
Shivani DevayaniEnhanced Affinity
DevineNobody is coming to safe you.
Get up.
There was someone else.

Shivani only realised as she walked in closer, like her gut feeling was telling her. She was not alone. For a moment she halted, contemplating what to do. She could just turn around and find another spot, ofcourse.
But there was moving behind the tree - the leaves gave it away - and Shivani decided to just go and give it a shot.

Slowly, the girl made her way around the tree - leaving enough room to like, be able to flee if this turned out to be a hostile pokémon.
It wasn't.

Oh no, it wasn't at all. Shivani blinked her eyes a few times, looking at the man - the scales on his body.
She didn't understand. Was it normal here? Had she finally found a place where people would maybe... accept her?
"Who are you?"

Character sheet
Nickname: Vani
Age: 21
Birthday: 21 december
kryos argyron
Messages : 12
IC Posts : 8
kryos argyronEnhanced Affinity
You will rise from the ashes
But the burning comes first

The peace and quiet he so longed for was gone before he had even gotten a chance to enjoy it to the fullest. How he tried to disappear into his surroundings, wanting his back to melt into the bark behind him. His lips were a thin line and even his breathing had paused. Perhaps if he stayed perfectly still, no one would notice him.

None of it worked.

A girl first appeared in the corners of his eyes, then right in front of him. Horns decorated her head, an odd occurrence this time of the year. Her arms too were covered in something he could not place. All of it caused him to narrow his eyes slightly.

“None of your concern,” Kryos answered, the tone of his voice as cold as a winter’s night. He saw no reason why he should answer her question.

Yet she piqued his curiosity. In a way she was like him, unlike every other human he has seen so far. “What happened to your arms?” The tone in his voice never changed as his ice colored eyes looked at the strange red coloration.

Character sheet
Nickname: Kari
Age: 24
Occupation: Unemployed
Sexuality: Unknown
Shivani Devayani
Messages : 15
IC Posts : 13
Shivani DevayaniEnhanced Affinity
DevineNobody is coming to safe you.
Get up.
The man regarded her casiously. When she asked who he was, he simply told her it was none of her concern.
Vani raised a brow, crossed her arms in front of her chest. She had half a mind of just turning away, when he asked her what had happened to her arms.

She looked at him, thinking if she should answer him - or return his initial reaction.
"I don't know." She eventually answered. "Was born with it." If he continued to cut her off she could always just turn around and leave, right?
"What about you?" The scales on his skin were almost like her arms. It was no sickness or health condition - this was caused by something else. Maybe he was like her.
Although she still wasn't completely sure what that would be.

Character sheet
Nickname: Vani
Age: 21
Birthday: 21 december
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