
[sf] scavenger hunt

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IC Posts : 278

[ summer ]Scavenger hunt

A man is quite distraught that he has lost quite a few of his precious items. They’re scattered all across the beach and he needs your help.

With great delight you enter the Opaline Beach, looking forward to a day spend relaxing in the sunlight, when a strange scene enfolds in front of you. A rather eccentric man, known to the locals as Ol’ Whimsy, approaches you, a look of distress on his face. Before you can even greet him, he bombards you with his story and a desperate plea for help.

OI’ Whimsy, an avid collector of rare artifacts and oddities, had spent the day shopping in the nearby coastal market, amassing a fascinating assortment of treasures. Exhausted from his adventures, he decided to take a nap under a large palm tree, his belongings safely stowed beside him—or so he thought.

When Professor Whimsy awoke, he found his precious collection scattered across the beach, some items missing altogether. A mischievous Pokémon, perhaps a playful Aipom or a sneaky Meowth, had taken advantage of his slumber, turning his belongings into a game of hide-and-seek.

Flustered, you mumble something that Ol’ Whimsy takes as you agreeing to help. He hands you a scroll, its parchment worn and edges frayed, adding to the air of mystery. Unfurling the scroll, you find a riddle inscribed in elegant, looping handwriting.

With this riddle in hand, you set out on your quest to locate Professor Whimsy's scattered treasures. The beach is alive with activity, and you weave through families building sandcastles, surfers catching the last waves of the day, and Pokémon frolicking in the shallows.

Scavenger hunt
Today you decided to head towards Opaline Beach, but the moment you try to set foot on the beach, a man stops you. He tells you that he has lost quite a bit of his precious items all over the beach and that he needs help to look for them. As you watch the beach, you can already see several other people looking around and searching.

If you were to accept and help the man, he would give you an old rolled parchment. As you open the parchment, a riddle is written there. The riddle itself should lead you to a location where some item of the man might be hidden. You can do this alone or you could do it together with someone else. Do your best to help the man find his items once more.

Complete the form below to let us know your character will be participating in the scavenger hunt. Limit of one participation per character, with a maximum of two characters per player.

Once ready you can request a riddle in #service. Once you think you have found the answer, report back.

<div class="signupsh sf">[b]I'm participating in the scavenger hunt![/b]

[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Alone or together with:[/b]
[b]Link to thread:[/b]

You can sign up for this event until September 2nd, 23:59.

Character sheet