
[open] simple mind

2 posters
Alaric Merz
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 2
Alaric Merz
tag: none
He had left his Pokémon at home. No need to bring your huge dragon when the only thing that you would be doing that evening was getting extremely drunk. Phone in hand he crossed the street toward the festival. Halloween was usually a holiday he enjoyed. Stupid costumes, drinks, parties. But this year had a boring prospect. It seemed that he had next to nothing planned.

A simple beer would do, for now. He was not sure what this evening would bring. The festival seemed fun, enough people around him looked like they had a good time. A few looked like they a bit of a too good time. But who was he to judge? Alaric gave Chatter a quick scroll, wondering if one of his friends was here.

Character sheet
Nickname: Rick
Age: 24 y/o
Birthday: 30/03
Occupation: Full-time failure (student)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

In the chaotic frenzy of Luminaland, Ruìsāng found himself swept away by the overwhelming madness. Too many people, too much noise; it was suffocating. Why on earth had he come here?

Quick, anxious steps propelled him through the frenetic crowd as he aimed to evade the grotesque grins and painted faces. “It will be fun,” they had said. Fun, his ass. His red eyes darted around, desperate to escape the nightmare of clowns that seemed to infest every corner. They were a kind of terror reserved for the darkest corners of his imagination. Ghosts, murderers—those he could handle. But clowns? Hell no.


No way was he going to end up on stage with Dribbles the clown, he decided. There was something unsettling about that painted face. He pushed his way through, the music amplifying his unease. The air was thick with tension, his nerves frayed. Just get out, he thought, just get out and—

Surely the clown wasn’t following him.


He dared to steal a glance over his shoulder, his breath catching in his throat when he saw no painted smile, just the shadowy shapes of the crowd. Relief washed over him, his pace quickening. He was almost out, almost free from this madness.

And then, with an unfortunate collision, his escape plan hit a snag. Headfirst into a taller man, he couldn’t suppress his startled outburst. “Fuck you!” he exclaimed before clamping a hand over his mouth, wide eyes meeting those of the stranger. “I mean…

He’d seen this face before, but where? Oh, that's right—



Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Alaric Merz
Messages : 7
IC Posts : 2
Alaric Merz
tag: none
As his beer was almost gone, Alaric looked a little sad at his cup. Time to get another one, he decided. But where? In the chaos that was the festival, it was in this particular spot a little hard to make out what stand was what. He didn't want to end up fishing for ducks again. Those things he only entertained when Lucie was around, she liked that. Speaking of, he should probably text her if she's here.

Plastic cup clenched between his teeth, fingers quickly flew across his screen to compose the text he was about to send to the blue (or pink, whatever it was now) haired girl and-

his phone fell out of his hand. Liquid spilled over his t-shirt as the cup was squashed by the weight of the person who just crashed into him.

Insults flew before he had any time to react. But that was quickly taken back when the guy calmed down. White hair, red eyes. He had never seen this dude before. "At least take me to dinner first," he smirked as he bent forward to grab his phone from the street. Screen was busted, text sent - half composed. Damn. Lucie would be so confused now and he couldn't explain with a broken screen. 'Charm' was exclaimed by the guy. "Charm? What are you on?" this man was delulu.

Character sheet
Nickname: Rick
Age: 24 y/o
Birthday: 30/03
Occupation: Full-time failure (student)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng had always been a whirlwind, his reactions outracing his thoughts. He couldn't help but curse at the stranger, his words escaping before his brain could intervene.

The stranger suggested that Ruìsāng should have taken him out to dinner first, but the words barely registered before an impulsive “Charm” tumbled out. He had just made an utter fool of himself. Blood rushed to his head, his face reddening with embarrassment. Desperately, he clutched at the first excuse he could grasp.

Charm-uh— Charming meeting you here.

Even for him, that sounded stupider than usual. The realisation of his blunder was etched plainly across his face, his eye twitching with annoyance at his own foolishness.

I mean—

Oh, Arceus.

I’m so sorry; I need a moment.

Smooth, real smooth. Now the attractive guy probably thought he was insane. Good going, Ruìsāng.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
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