
Living it up

2 posters
Christian McDaniels
Messages : 3
IC Posts : 1
Christian McDaniels
Hardwood flooring was but the only thing that slightly upscaled the dump they were staying at. However, one would argue it would not raise the scale drastically with how it rumbled and swayed whenever a train passed the old hostel.  The first few times it had not ruffled many feathers on the guy sleeping close to them- but the more consistent the train came by the more it started to agite him. With a heavy sigh, he turned and tossed on the little blowup mattress he had been sleeping on for the past two months. Ivanka had claimed the single bed in the room before they had even received their Key and her travel partner had paid no mind to continuing to sleep on his trusty camping mattress beside her. After all, He'd rather sleep on the floor than deal with a grumpy princess that hadn't had her pillows fluffed the night before.

"I miss our tent" he groaned when at last sleep had given up on him. He could tell Ivanka had been awake for a little while by the light of her screen.  Tiredly he moved his hand through his messy bed hair "But at least it's dry i suppose- if you ignore the leaks'' Still, he considered it a better situation than at home however, or worse some fancy hotel. This place felt more real, more grounded even with it being a true dump it had the delights of only providing what was needed and nothing more. He preferred it, the train he could live with, but thee constant noise of unnecessary luxury he would not be able to shake off at all.
I’m monarch of all I survey. I own the whole earth.

Character sheet
Nickname: Chris, Eagle
Age: 21
Birthday: December 5th
Occupation: Traveler
Sexuality: Straight
Ivanka Gusev
Messages : 1
IC Posts : 1
Ivanka Gusev
even the people who already have enough of it.
Of course, that's what everybody
wants; just a little
more money

Ivanka scrolled through her phone, her eyes skimming the screen without really taking anything in. She was too tired to focus, even if she didn't want to admit it. With a heavy sigh, she turned over in bed, cocooning herself in the blanket she'd brought from home. There was no way she was using the scratchy, questionable linens that came with the hotel room. She couldn't even bring herself to sleep on the mattress, so she’d laid out her own blow-up mattress on top of it. It helped a little, but not much. The rest of the room was too awful to ignore—the musty, damp smell, mold creeping up the walls, and the relentless leaks. She and Chris had set out buckets to catch the dripping water, but they had to empty them every few hours. They’d been taking turns, a dreadful task in a dreadful room.

But the worst part? The trains. Every once in a while, a train would roar by, shaking the entire foundation of the building and scaring the living daylights out of her. The noise was deafening, rattling her bones and fraying her nerves. No wonder sleep felt impossible, even though she was utterly exhausted. At least scrolling through job ads on her phone was something to do, even if she was barely paying attention. Her brain was too fried to do more than add a few listings to her favorites, promising herself she'd look at them in more detail later.

“I miss our tent,” Chris’s voice cut through the haze in her mind like a knife. Ivanka sighed, rolling onto her back and setting her phone aside, its blue light fading as she turned it off. Chris continued, mumbling that at least this place was somewhat dry, which made her snort softly. “Easier said than done,” she muttered. Ivanka sat up, yawning as she glanced over at Chris, sprawled out on the floor near her. His breathing was deep and steady, already half asleep despite the chaos around them.

“When we go into town tomorrow, we should buy a new tent,” she declared. “Maybe even one each. I don’t really trust you with mine again after you lost the last one.” Chris grumbled something incoherent, but Ivanka pressed on, her mind already planning. “And this time, we need those strong, sturdy hooks to secure the tent properly. I’m not going through another night of chasing after it when the wind picks up.”

Character sheet
Nickname: Badger, Iva, Anka
Age: 21
Birthday: March 17th
Occupation: Traveler
Sexuality: Bisexual