
[m] Sins falling from your lips

2 posters
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Vince’s mention of his struggle with Pokémon Nature elicited a chuckle from Ruìsāng, who leaned in playfully. “Try a business major; I don’t think I’ve had a full night's sleep since I started,” he mused. Business might have been an unexpected choice, but it was a path he had to tread for his future, and he tackled it with determination.

As Vince recognized the drink, Ruìsāng flashed him a knowing smile. “Correct,” he affirmed, then added with a playful challenge, “Ever mixed drinks before? Want to take over after this one?” His interest piqued, he'd be more than willing to see what concoctions Vince could create.

Ruìsāng's gaze lingered on Vince thoughtfully when the topic shifted to music. “Well, I’m about as broke as one,” he hummed. Wasn’t that what they said about bassists? He had heard a joke or two in his time. ‘What’s the difference between a bass player and a large pizza? The pizza can feed a family.’

When he offered to help Vince secure a gig, the boy stuttered, which only made Ruìsāng chuckle. “Don’t worry,” he simply reassured the other.

“To a good night?” the other asked, cheeky wink included, and Ruìsāng’s grin grew. “To a good night,” he echoed, the clink of their glasses punctuating the toast.

Oh? Was the cocktail starting to hit? Did Mr. Blushes-A-Lot flirt with him? Now, that was interesting. “It could be,” he admitted effortlessly. It could very well be what he was into. The other asked about what kind of music he liked. “I listen to a lot, but a good voice is paramount. Indie rock, some pop, anything with a bit of power,” he continued. A bit of bass, he almost wanted to say, but that was feeding into the bass player stereotype a bit too much. “What about you?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
Vince chuckled when Sāng spoke about trying a business major. "No thanks, I'm not good with all the numbers and all. Phone numbers however, those I can remember." He licked his lips, waiting for yet another cheeky response from the man pouring his drink as he spoke. A smile formed on his lips when he had guessed correctly for the drink. But he shook his head on the question if he wanted to take over. "Oh Arceus no. I drink coffee in the morning, black, that's about the best I can make. The craft interested me, but I wouldn't be good at it." He avoided the gaze of Sāng when he reacted to Vince calling him a bass player. "Aren't we all." The green haired boy sighed softly, sipping from his drink. "They do say that the drummer and the bass players are the lowest in getting the ehhh attention of others, but even as a singer I never got any." Besides this, holy Arceus, he was getting a bit too much attention from this man and he had no clue how to handle it or deal with it. Shifting his position so that he could easier speak to Sāng when the clanged their glasses and toasted to a good night. Of that he could be almost certain, the way this was going. Sipping from the cocktail, the man told him that it could be his way to swoon him over. That could be interesting, as Vince had let go of about every moral that he had. He did however, listen intently when speaking about his taste of music. He could work with that. "Interesting." He purred, taking yet another sip of his drink. "I do listen to whatever comes on my path. But I've been a fan of the New Dynasty band since they started, followed basically everything there is to gather. Together with writing my own lyrics of course." Too much information? Who knows, Vince didn't care. + Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Vince's admission about being bad with numbers, excluding phone numbers, made Ruìsāng chuckle softly, a playful grin tugging at his lips. “Never been good with numbers either,” he confessed. “And that includes phone numbers. Though…”  He paused for a moment, his eyes sparkling with mischief, before continuing, “If it gets me a cute date, I won’t complain.

Vince mentioned drinking black coffee. Ruìsāng hummed softly, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. “It isn’t hard. If you want to learn, we can make some sometime,” he simply said. It was fun, really, to hang out and make some cocktails. An easy way to get drunk and spend some time. The prospect of spending more time with Vince was appealing to him, he’d even call it a date if it’d make him blush.

As the conversation shifted to Vince's love life, Ruìsāng looked genuinely surprised when Vince mentioned not getting any attention. “You don’t?” he exclaimed. “I guess it’s confidence. Straighten your back a little and they’ll be all over your lap, if you want them to be, I’m sure.” His eyes roamed over Vince appreciatively, not bothering to be subtle about it. Ruìsāng was fully aware of Vince's appeal, and he didn't shy away from expressing his thoughts.

When Vince revealed his admiration for the New Dynasty band and his own songwriting efforts, Ruìsāng raised a brow. “Writing your own lyrics? Oh. I’ll have to hear that,” he added with a playful wink. Maybe Vince would let him hear. If he wasn’t ready yet… maybe they could do something to spice it up a little. Truth or dare? He’d love to dare the boy to do some things.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
He let out a giggle. "Can't complain on that. May have been the best random text I got in a while." It was alright to confess that now, right? He was here, so why the fuck not. It had been a gamble, but not one that he was regretting. The company was fine, more than fine actually, and he was indeed having a good time. Checked all the boxes.

Spent another day with him. Just to be taught how to bartend. It was a compelling offer. Vince bit his lip, looking a bit unsure, thinking by himself what the best choice was. "I mean, sure. Can't promise you I will be any good. But I'd enjoy a little more time." Right, maybe not the best words. Maybe a bit too extravagant. Maybe a bit too flirty? He didn't even know at this moment, he was just going with the flow of things.

Vince laughed. "You'd say so right. But no, too shy, too short, I have heard many things. They think I'm cute, but in a brotherly way or something." He was rambling again, and not in a good way. But he looked at the man sitting next to him. "And you?" He had gotten curious to his mystery texter. He knew next to nothing about the man. A bit about his taste in music, a bit about his work. But  that's it.

He felt how his face heat up for a moment when Sāng said that he wanted to hear his own lyrics. "I mean.. I mean, they are not that good." He looked away, staring at his glass, wondering what he was going to do about this all. "I do have them with me." He continued softly. He shyly scratched the back of his neck, still not sure if he could look Sāng in the eyes, or that he would just start laughing at him.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Despite his earlier mistake, it seemed like Vince didn’t regret coming here. Normally, this would matter little to Ruìsāng. But, Vince was sweet, and it was hard not to care about a boy like that. Maybe, had things been a little different, he’d have been more similar to him. He wondered if naivety would suit him as well.

I’m glad you think so,” Ruìsāng grinned. The randomness of that text could hardly be understated. “I’m glad my bad date leads to something more fun,” he added, the words dripping with flirtation.

Vince agreed, although not easily. He expressed uncertainty, so Ruìsāng leaned in, his voice dropping. “Oh, I’m sure you’ll be great,” he smiled, stretching out the words with lingering emphasis on the word great.

Then came the question about cuteness, and Ruìsāng seized the opportunity, his tone lowering, teasing. “And I? I certainly don’t think you’re cute in a brotherly way,” he answered slowly, emphasising the last word. He knew that likely wasn’t the question Vince had meant to ask, but that had never stopped Ruìsāng.

The moment Ruìsāng asked about the lyrics Vince had written, the boy seemed to shy away. They weren’t that good, he assured him, but he did bring them with him. Ruìsāng inched a little closer, nudging the other’s knee with his own. At first, he intended to keep it like that, but his hand seemed to move on its own as he slowly pressed his thumb under the other’s chin, tilting it upward and in his direction.

I’m not that scary, am I?” he asked, his thumb lingering under the other’s chin, as long as he would not push him away, his touch gentle. “If you don’t want to, it’s fine,” he assured him. He felt the sudden urge to punch whoever had ruined the boy’s confidence like this.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
”Was it that bad a date?” He asked, genuinely curious. ”Did anything even happen with that rope?” He laughed, it was such a weird message to get. Still, he had been wondering wha happened with that rope, if it had been used, or that it was just an unlucky find on Sangs part. He did suspect the last, but was never sure. He didn’t know what this man was into, and he tried his best not to think about it too hard.

He looked away shyly when Sang told him that he would be great at it. The emphasis on the word ’great’ was palpable. He felt a shiver down his spine, as if he got tickled in his neck. This was so not how he had suspected this would go. Drinking, singing, having fun, ok. But this was straight up flirting and if there was something he was awkward and bad at, it was flirting. He swallowed hard, trying to keep his thoughts straight.

”Obviously.” He tried to say as nonchalant as possible, and absolutely failing in it in the process. His cheeks burning hotter and feeling his heart beat in his chest. Not a hundred percent sure about what was going on now. In the meantime thinking if he should return the compliment or was that too much, too soon? Arceus, he didn’t know. This date as getting more and more confusing with the moment. But he was also too chicken to just ask to start the karaoke. In the back of his head he was wondering if the karaoke was happening at all.

The conversation shifted to his written lyrics and Sang poked him that he wasn’t that scary, but that he didn’t have to show them if he didn’t want to. Vince swallowed and got his phone from his pocket. He opened the device, closed some apps and looked through his thousand notes to find the one where he was working on. A bit awkward he moved closed to Sang, so that he could show him his written word. ”It’s not that good.” He repeated. ”But this is what I’m working on right now.” And now it was waiting for the harsh criticism.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng’s deep sigh held a touch of exasperation. “That’s the worst part. I had a boring date, went home with him because— well,” he explained, his voice laced with mild annoyance. “He went to get some alcohol to play something. Then I saw a rope on his bed. Asked him about it and…” He paused, shaking his head in disbelief. “Then he started crying. I left and… well. Somewhere between that I apparently texted you,” he chuckled, waving his free hand a little.

Vince seemed to be struggling with Ruìsāng’s flirting, and Ruìsāng couldn’t help but playfully tease. “Obviously,” he echoed softly. “Unless that’s what you want?” he added, his eyes sparkling with playful mischief. He was testing the waters, waiting for Vince to voice his desires. Did he wish for him to stop?

Lowering his hand, Ruìsāng leaned in slightly, his eyes scanning the lyrics on Vince’s phone. It was… “Surprising. Not quite what I expected,” he admitted, his voice genuine. “It’s good, though. That’s as expected.” His compliment was sincere, his eyes focused on Vince as he spoke.

Okay,” he declared, tapping Vince’s knee absentmindedly. “Let’s play a little game, yes? Truth or dare. You pick first,” he suggested, mischief in his tone, his eyes locked onto Vince’s. What did Vince want to know about him, he wondered. Or, better yet, what did he want him to do? He’d play along with whatever was asked of him.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
Vince couldn't help but laugh when Sang explained what had happened on his previous date. "At least you made my night a little less boring. I did enjoy that conversation with you, it was quite entertaining." He giggled. It was way better than listening to his annoying neighbour who was trying to get him to drink with him. He had said 'no' so many times, yet she didn't seem to listen. He shook his head, this wasn't something he wanted to think about at this moment. He had other things to think about. "I didn't think you were that scary. To be able to make someone cry, that's an achievement worthy." He chuckled.

He kept on going, the flirting continued. It had taken him long enough to figure out that he was actually flirting with him and he had to response to it all. He wasn't used to it, he already had an issue when a girl was doing this to him. This... this was worse. And the actual worse part was that he.. enjoyed it. He didn't mind as much, but it got him all flustered and that was annoying him. He took a deep breath. "And what do you think I want?" He decided to slap back at him, trying to match the devious spark in his golden eyes.

He took his phone back, closing the notes app and stuffing it back in his pocket. "Surprising, how? What kind of things did you expect?" He asked, genuinely curious about what Sang was thinking he wrote. These lyrics were for a song that he actually wanted to produce, if he ever had the money to rent a studio or something. Making his own single, it was a dream. Maybe if he had some friends who could sing, or maybe play an instrument... Making it a group effort of some kind.

His gaze fixated on the fingers absentmindedly tapping his knee, he didn't even notice that Sang was talking again. It was the question that made him jolt up. Truth or dare. Oh Arceus, this was going to end badly. He already knew that. He had to be smart about this. "Truth." He blurted. Right, smart. Good job.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Ruìsāng couldn't help but chuckle in response to Vince’s comment about making his night less boring. “I don’t even know what came over me. A drunk itch that needed scratching,” he laughed. Had he just filled in a number, forgetting his friends were added into his phone? It made no sense.

The mention of making someone cry led Ruìsāng to give Vince a knowing, yet tender smile, as he brushed a stray lock of blonde hair from his face. “Oh, sweetheart, if you only knew. But I promise you, I’m not scary,” he quipped. Just chasing the wrong kinds of men.

When Vince posed the question about what he desired, Ruìsāng's gaze locked onto Vince’s. “What you want? That’s the million-dollar question,” he mused. “But if I had to hazard a guess,” he continued, leaning in closer and adding a seductive smile. “I'd say the night is young, and you might just discover what you want.” Ruìsāng couldn't shake the feeling that Vince hadn't quite figured this out for himself. Not just yet.

What kind of lyrics had Ruìsāng expected? “Lyrics? I was expecting something sweet and soulful, like Jake Scott or Matthew Mole. You know, those ‘lights will shine, but I won’t fade’ kind of lyrics,” he chuckled. He didn’t really believe in love, so that sort of music was lost on him.

Truth, Vince picked. “Alright, my dear. Tell me, what's the most adventurous thing you've ever done? I'm all ears,” he inquired, wondering if there would be something. Was this guy as pure as he was sweet?

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
”Glad I was able to scratch it, then.” Vince chuckled softly. He waited, wondering if he would get a cheeky remark back, something he had come to terms with here. Sang didn’t do much else, after all. He had been positive that this entire night would be filled with flirtatious remarks and even if he had no idea how to handle it, he could learn along the way. That was his plan at least.

However, the word Sweetheart, it was something different, it did something different to him. He had some girl friends who had called him that, but it was always in a platonic loving way, nothing serious, just to show some friendship. He had no idea why Sang calling him that, made his cheeks flush. ”I do hope so.” He breathed softly. Suddenly lost for words. Arceus be damned, this night would be long and annoyingly hard for him.

He deserved that, that answer. It wasn’t something that made it better, but Sang had done a pretty good job at guessing what he wanted. He was here basically on a dare, more with himself than with the man next to him. Yet, he had no expectations of what would happen. A good night and some fun, maybe. But he had karaoke in mind with his fun, not… this. But he mind, however? Not really. Maybe with some more drinks it would even get easier, to speak like Sang was speaking to him. ”Good guess.” He replied, swirling his drink in the glass, before taking a sip. That alcohol should be working faster, damnit.

”I’m not one for the sweet and loving lyrics. There are people way better at those than me. I just write that I think is good, no coherent plan or anything.” He explained. ”But I can see where you’re coming from.” Probably his looks, or his personality. People often thought he was the sweet kind, the overly romantic, not the rapper that he tried to be. Maybe he should play some more gigs, working on making a name for himself. That might work out.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. He had screwed up. He never wanted to say truth, but his brain was not braining and he had just blurted it out. And now he was stuck. ”T-the most adventurous thing…” He stammered, trying to think as fast as he possibly could. There was this one night. He felt his ears heat up while he looked at his lap. ”I..” He took a deep breath, had he ever told anyone about this. Probably not. ”I did the lady behind the bar in the basement of a bar after a gig.” If he could disappear in his lap, that would be perfect, but for now his entire head felt like it was on fire. He quickly grabbed his drink and chugged the last few sips of it, hoping that it would make it better. It did not.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Vince said he was glad to have been able to scratch Ruìsāng’s itch. “Scratch? Oh, darling, you practically gave it a massage,” he grinned, his voice dripping with innuendo. Flirting with Vince was far too enjoyable, like teasing an Ursaring with a feather, only hotter. Maybe an Ursaring wasn’t the best comparison either. He didn’t think Vince had the body hair for that, but he decided not to voice that particular thought.

The way Vince turned red when Ruìsāng called him sweetheart was cute. Ruìsāng's gaze travelled from Vince's flushed cheeks to the curve of his neck, wondering how far down that blush spread. He hummed softly as a cheeky grin pulled at his lips. With deliberate slowness, he let his gaze drift back to meet Vince’s.

Vince explained that he wasn’t one for sweet and loving lyrics. He just wrote what he thought was good. Ruìsāng showed him a smile. “That’s good. Always write what you love. It’ll work out eventually,” he assured the other. That was at least what a musician had to believe. Because if they didn’t believe in themselves, how could they convince anyone else to do so?

The conversation transitioned to the game of truth or dare, much to Ruìsāng's delight. He shot Vince a mischievous smile after posing his question, expecting a light-hearted response, perhaps a childhood escapade like stealing candy from the HerbBarrel store. But to his surprise, Vince’s confession was… different. Ruìsāng slowly took another slow sip of his drink, his red eyes fixed intently on Vince.

Behind the bar? Well, aren’t you full of surprises?” he drawled, eyes narrowing in amusement as the other blushed again. “Adds a whole new flavour to your resume, sweetheart”  he teased, his voice dripping with playful insinuation. With a thoughtful hum, he finished his own glass, placing it down on the table, and then leaned back on the couch, his demeanor exuding confidence and intrigue.

Ruìsāng leaned in slightly, his eyes fixed on Vince with a playful glint.  “Let’s go for a truth as well. What do you want to know?” he asked, a teasing tone. He would go for a dare, but he had the idea that Vince might need just a little bit more alcohol for that.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
Arceus, no. What was he doing here. Why was he enjoying this all. The answers that he got from Sang, it was all implying so much more than he had signed up for. There were layers in this... date. And Sang here was trying to strip every single one of them. Vince wasn't entirely sure what he could do to stop it. If he wanted it to stop at all. The attention, the flirtation, he did enjoy it. Even in this awkward 'i don't know what the fuck i'm doing with it' state that he was in. So he remained quiet, not wanting to make a bigger fool of himself. Even if that had been possible at all.

He felt his eyes glide over him, which did not help the burning sensation that had crept on his cheeks and down his shirt all that much. Wondering what the man in front of him was thinking, seeing how his mouth curled up slightly. Vince caught himself lingering his eyes on the lips of the man, before catching his gaze again. The colour on his cheeks growing a shade darker, for as far as that possible.

He only nodded, when Sang told him that that was the best thing to do. He took a deep breath, pushing down all the emotions swirling in his being at this moment. "That's what someone told me before yes." He spoke, fiddling with a cord from his cloths. "He told me that 'Give yourself time. Ideas'll come. Life'll shake you, roll you, maybe embrace you. The music'll find you.'. That's what I've been doing, mostly." He was thinking about that a lot lately. "Not sure about life embracing me though."

A sheepish look on his face when Sang told him that he was full of surprises. Vince was t this moment not entirely sure if it was the continuous flirting or the alcohol warming his cheeks. But he decided that maybe... maybe it was better to just let all kinds of self worth go. Throw it out of the window, just let see what was going to happen. Play into it, play with it. Don't giving a fuck where to end up. Sang was already doing a good job in that, his tone of voice growing increasingly more teasing towards him. Vince had to admire him for that, being so casual about this all.

It had been his turn, he could ask this man any question that he wanted. His mind was racing, what was it that he wanted to know about him. Was it something that he wanted to know? No. No, he should not care. He could just... He took a deep breath, letting all care go out the window. Sure, he could do that. Leaning back into the couch, he caught Sang's gaze. The question stuck in his mind, but getting it over his lips was more difficult. "How do you see this night end?"  
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Vince shared details about a conversation, their conversation still about music—an interest that had Ruìsāng shared, primarily because it held significance for his friend. Nevertheless, he welcomed the exchange with a smile, responding, “I'm sure life will wrap you in its arms soon enough, love.” The words, though reassuring, weren’t exactly believed by Ruìsāng. Life, after all, had never embraced him either.

Then, they moved on to their game, red eyes lingering on the boy. Despite the flirtation being mostly one-sided, he found amusement in the subtle signs of Vince's realisation—flushed skin, rising heat in his cheeks. It was evident that he had the power to play with Vince's emotions, turning the boy around his proverbial finger. Perhaps that’s what he should do. Give him a night he wouldn’t forget and get him the answers he was craving.

“How do you see this night end?”

Ruìsāng's gaze lingered on Vince, a slow smile playing on his lips as he considered the question. Humming thoughtfully, he licked his lips briefly, drawing out the anticipation. “You’re figuring it out, aren’t you?” he teased, his eyes narrowing slightly. “What you truly desire,” he added. Because Vince was asking it again, now, as if he was hoping for an answer. One that Ruìsāng could give.

Tonight? Simple—I’d like to see you on your knees and help you figure it out,”  he confessed, his tone almost casual but infused with a dangerous allure. “Yet…" he continued, pausing shortly. "You’d need to look me in the eyes and tell me it’s what you want," he concluded, the last three words delivered in a low murmur.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
As if the temperature on his face could get any higher, he decided to only smile when Sang told him that life would eventually wrap its arms round him. Who knew, maybe sooner than later. He could use a good hug, it had been ages. He had never been good at making friends and after he dropped out of school, there hadn't been a friend anymore at all. A very soft sigh was heard, while he tried not to drift off on his memories for too long. There was company, he really shouldn't dissociate right now. It would make a wrong impression, however the impression that he was making right now, really wasn't the best either. He was a mess.

The game continued, Sang made some more flirty commands and he tried to keep calm under everything. Did it work out? Not really. But he noticed that the man was having fun and there was nobody to see him like this. Why should he really care about it all. He really should just let it go, have some fun, not worry about tomorrow or the future. His question, the truth he asked of Sang, it hang in the air, quietly, silently. Waiting to be answered. Vince's throat bobbed, while he was in an internal war to be able to look Sang in the eyes. But his eyes got caught by the motion of the mans lips, as if he could see the words that got spoken. A shiver went down his back, he hated how the words sounded. But he couldn't really deny it either. He had no ideas when they started at this, but all these comments, compliments, questions and answers. He had lowered his guard, he was more relaxed than ever before. It felt almost like he was at home here. There was nothing to worry about, but maybe it was the alcohol speaking.

He gulped when he heard the answer, but couldn't help but laugh a little. The answer sounded ridiculous, but he couldn't put it past Sang for it to be actually true. The answer got reflected on him, what he wanted, how he wanted this night to end. It was but a flash decision, not a thought behind it. Maybe a little more than a reflex, when he grabbed the collar of the man before him and pulled him into a kiss.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

While Ruìsāng was typically shameless, words like these didn’t often leave his lips. He'd usually either tone it down a bit or inject a little more class. However, there was something about Vince that made him want to keep pushing boundaries, just to witness more of that blush. By saying what he did—essentially demanding that Vince get on his knees—he anticipated the other's predictable stutter and flush, vehemently denying that it was anything close to what he wanted.

Yet, unexpectedly, a hand reached out, pulling him in. Before he could fully register what was happening, a soft noise of surprise escaped his lips, muffled against the other's as their lips met in a kiss.

Surprise quickly gave way to desire and Ruìsāng adjusted his position, using one hand for support on the couch while the other threaded through the back of Vince's neck and into his hair. His fingers wove through the brightly coloured strands, a gentle pull accompanied by a teasing smile against the other's mouth.

Gods,” he muttered, almost reverently, allowing his hand to glide back down the other's neck, reaching his shoulder, before gently pushing him backward until he was pressed against the couch, affording Ruìsāng a view of Vince on his back.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
He was no medical expert, but if it was possible of dying from a heart that was beating too fast, that would probably happen to him within now and a few seconds. For a moment, finally, the voices in his head were quiet. The moment his pressed his lips on those of the man in front of him, resulting in a soft sound of surprise from the other party. It made him chuckle even so quiet, content with himself that he could surprise Sang at least with something tonight. Furthermore, he had not been thinking further down the line of this whole ordeal. Which let the panic take over, while he frantically thought what was going to happen now. He was kissing another man, help. This wasn't his first kiss, thank Arceus for that, but it was the first from someone of the same gender. And it.. it wasn't that bad. It just gave an error in his head, but fluttered his heart. It confused the hell out of him, yet he melted when he felt a hand in his neck, softly pulling on the pigtail. He hadn't even noticed that his fist clenched on the collar of the others shirt, keeping them firmly in place.
One spoken word, it made Vince look, right in the eyes of the man before him. He let go of Sang's shirt, his hand hurting. His face flushed, his heart beating as if it wanted to escape from his chest. He was pretty certain that Sang could feel it, the moment he placed a hand on his chest and pushed in backwards. Letting himself fall against the back of the couch, wondering what the man had in mind. Licking his lips, he waited.
+ Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Maybe Vince wasn’t ready yet to find out what he liked and perhaps Ruìsāng did not know him well enough to figure it out, but insecurity clung to Vince like a shadow, woven into the fabric of his being. Ruìsāng questioned how much of life Vince had denied himself out of fear, out of the haunting doubt of not measuring up. It was a sentiment that resonated with Ruìsāng, a familiarity with the ache of inadequacy.

Typically, these thoughts would be locked away, banished the moment Ruìsāng let someone into his space, drowned in the intoxication of the present. This time, Vince's pounding heart seemed to drum against Ruìsāng's fingertips in the rhythm of anxiety. Ruìsāng watched as Vince lowered himself onto the couch, his hair splayed against the cushions.

He could ruin this boy.

Ruisang tilted his head slightly to the right, a subtle smirk playing on his lips as he looked down upon Vince, his gaze a blend of appreciation and desire. With deliberate slowness, he let his fingers descend languidly down his chest and abdomen, savouring every inch. His eyes moved up again, while his fingers lingered.

You…” Ruìsāng began, smoothly swinging one leg over Vince to straddle him. His fingertips slipped underneath the fabric of Vince’s shirt, moving to hold on to his waist. Leaning down, he used his other hand to support himself on the couch, capturing Vince’s lips in a slow, deliberate kiss—reverent, almost worshipful.

Breaking the kiss, he murmured, “You are gorgeous.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
There was a combinations of emotions that Vince had been unbeknownst to. The panic had that settled in his mind tried to take over, urging him to run away and leave the man sitting here. On the other hand, there was still small hint of curiosity, wanting to know what would happen. What the man had in mind, what he was willing to let happen. He swallowed hard when he noticed Sang's hand on his chest, letting his fingers linger over his torso. A shivering went down his spine, while he looked up. The gaze that Sang had, that look in his eyes. It intrigued him, but it also scared him to bits. He wasn't used to people looking at him like that, he was never the centre of attention. This wasn't what was suppose to happen. But he had made it that way. He had set the first step and had to life with the consequences. Still, he was afraid, he wanted to run. He wanted to... His thoughts got interrupted when he heard Sang speak, just before their lips met again. Melting, leaning into the kiss, a soft sound rolled over his lips in disapproval when the man broke apart, telling him hat he was gorgeous. He could almost feel the longing in the air, not sure from who it was right now. But his heart was racing and there was a knot in his stomach, of which he wasn't sure if it was anxiety or the alcohol. He wanted to just let it all go, let the alcohol speak for him, let the man in front of him do whatever he pleased with him. Vince felt his ears burn, almost ashamed of his own thoughts. This never happened, this should never have happened. Yet it did. And he didn't know what to do about it. He wanted to lean into it, but he was scared of doing so. Still feeling that hand on his abdomen, he was afraid of what would happen if hands started moving again. "This isn't right." He spoke breathless, going against every feeling in his body. + Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
Ruìsāng Sū
Messages : 1276
IC Posts : 981
Ruìsāng SūBlessed by ????

Vince's apprehension eluded him, as the boy’s exterior revealed nothing that would prompt Ruìsāng to step back. Vince seemed to meld seamlessly into the touch, as if he were destined to be at Ruìsāng’s fingertips. When Ruìsāng leaned back slightly, the boy seemed to disapprove— willingly jumping back into what they’d been doing. And Ruìsāng didn’t mind. He’d never been good with words, but his hands knew how to appreciate.

As he leaned in once more, their lips nearly touching, Vince interjected, asserting that something wasn’t right. Ruìsāng, now halted, furrowed his brow and leaned back again, red eyes seeking Vince’s. “It isn’t?”  he carefully inquired. He didn’t move yet, curious to hear what was wrong.

Nothing had happened yet, so he had to admit he was a little surprised to hear this from the boy who had allegedly been going around fucking people in bars.

Character sheet
Nickname: Sāng
Age: 23
Birthday: 14 / 12
Occupation: Bartender & 4th year bachelor (hospitality management)
Sexuality: Gay
Vince Newman
Messages : 536
IC Posts : 406
Vince Newman
He had called quits, even before registering what was going on. He had stopped the advances that Sang seemingly wanted to do. He had given in to the fear that had gripped his heart. He had made a mistake. Not just now, no. Earlier, when they were just speaking. He had made a mistake and this would be his one and only chance in telling the man before him. The one that was hovering only inches above him. He could feel his breath on his lips. Vince was going over every option, most of them ending badly. Or badly for him at least, for him being alone, getting laughed at. Fuck. He had done this to himself. He should've just shut up and stop thinking, he was doing so well. But he let his insecurity take over and now he was in trouble. Tears burning behind his eyes, he blinked a few time hoping that it would solve it. It didn't. So he averted his gaze, looking to the side, blood pumping in his ears. "I can't do this." He murmured. He placed a hand on Sang's chest, not yet pushing him away, but letting it linger for a moment too long. "I lied." His words barely audible. "I-I never.." he blinked again, but a tear rolled down from the side of his eye, in his ear. "T-this would b-.. this, you, would be t-the first." He breathed in slowly. "M-my first-" No more words, Vince felt how his body started to shake. Arceus, he had fucked this up. He just had to stop thinking, just for a moment, just for the night. But he didn't. + Ruìsāng Sū

Character sheet
Nickname: Vinnie
Age: 21 y/o
Birthday: 01-04-2003
Occupation: Patriarch of Baesin (lowkey singer)
Sexuality: Gay
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